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Good advice for all of us: Let's take it down a notch.

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We've been "discussing" some pretty complex and emotional topics on this board lately. I, for one, have been discouraged by the anger, ad hominem attacks, and vitriolic language in many of the recent posts.


After reading this article this morning,




I think this forum mirrors what is happening in our country as a whole. So let's take it down a notch. Let's lower the temperature just a bit.




I'm going to go dodge the arrows now, and work at educating my dc.

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Have there been "anger, ad hominem attacks, and vitriolic language" in recent posts? Huh. :001_huh: You know, I just don't feel the need to participate in those threads, or even to read them, for the most part. I figure some people just need to get things off their chests, so I let them. Where else will they get to vent like that? When they're finished venting, they'll feel better, and we'll have warm and fuzzier conversations.:)

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I usually stick close to curriculum topics...However...


I think what is happening is that our country is going through some EXTREMELY stressful :ack2: and everybody is on edge. I've had several occasions recently where I've been talking to a neighbor and they just start crying.


Do we really need a list...war in Irag and Afghanistan, worst economy since the Great Depression, most foreclosures and bankruptcies since the '30's, wackos on every street corner, HUGE political changes going on (good or bad), massive unemployment and job losses, companies going under, gigantic earthquakes, people who are supposed to be good and responsible doing horrific things...geez, the list goes on and on...




Our Peeps are just Edgy. :grouphug:

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:lol: I think the posts where someone takes on the air of being "above it all" and advises the rest of the community to settle down like they're being naughty children (and then sorta walks away) are more offensive than the heartfelt, passionate debating. Sorry, but I do!


OOPS! I think that was a little arrow! ;) Really, though, my point is that most people don't need to be told by a stranger to calm down because it inevitably calms down on its own! It really does, have faith in it. :D There are enough moderators doing a fine job.

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Have there been "anger, ad hominem attacks, and vitriolic language" in recent posts? Huh. :001_huh: You know, I just don't feel the need to participate in those threads, or even to read them, for the most part. I figure some people just need to get things off their chests, so I let them. Where else will they get to vent like that? When they're finished venting, they'll feel better, and we'll have warm and fuzzier conversations.:)


I hate to be contradictory, but recent studies are show that venting doesn't relieve stress or feelings of anger, and actually galvanizes those negative behavior patterns. :001_smile:

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I hate to be contradictory, but recent studies are show that venting doesn't relieve stress or feelings of anger, and actually galvanizes those negative behavior patterns. :001_smile:


Maybe, but in some of the recent threads here I have seen comments such as, "I stand corrected," and "I have learned a lot from you."

Sure, there are some who won't budge from their position, but the rest have participated in some excellent discussion.

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I hate to be contradictory, but recent studies are show that venting doesn't relieve stress or feelings of anger, and actually galvanizes those negative behavior patterns. :001_smile:


Better for their marriages that they vent here (on whatever topic) than tell their mother in law what they really think.




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I usually stick close to curriculum topics...However...


I think what is happening is that our country is going through some EXTREMELY stressful :ack2: and everybody is on edge. I've had several occasions recently where I've been talking to a neighbor and they just start crying.


Do we really need a list...war in Irag and Afghanistan, worst economy since the Great Depression, most foreclosures and bankruptcies since the '30's, wackos on every street corner, HUGE political changes going on (good or bad), massive unemployment and job losses, companies going under, gigantic earthquakes, people who are supposed to be good and responsible doing horrific things...geez, the list goes on and on...




Our Peeps are just Edgy. :grouphug:

You know I thought it was just me that felt this way. Kind of...well, hopeless. Like everything is spinning out of control for some reason. I find peace in researching curriculum and planning next year. I hope that bringing the 2 girls home next year will renew my sense of purpose and keep my mind on the important things in life.

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:lol: I think the posts where someone takes on the air of being "above it all" and advises the rest of the community to settle down like they're being naughty children (and then sorta walks away) are more offensive than the heartfelt, passionate debating. Sorry, but I do!


OOPS! I think that was a little arrow! ;) Really, though, my point is that most people don't need to be told by a stranger to calm down because it inevitably calms down on its own! It really does, have faith in it. :D There are enough moderators doing a fine job.


Just wondering.... Did you happen to read the article I posted? I did not mean to "take the air of being above it all". I was trying to make the point (as I stated) that this forum seems to mirror our country in that we are all on edge, and that it might be a good idea to turn down the heat. As for "walking away", sheesh...... why should I have to defend myself for having to work all day?


I guess I don't belong here. I always feel like I have to defend myself. Thanks a lot. It's not worth it to me.

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Just wondering.... Did you happen to read the article I posted? I did not mean to "take the air of being above it all". I was trying to make the point (as I stated) that this forum seems to mirror our country in that we are all on edge, and that it might be a good idea to turn down the heat. As for "walking away", sheesh...... why should I have to defend myself for having to work all day?


I guess I don't belong here. I always feel like I have to defend myself. Thanks a lot. It's not worth it to me.


Ok, I can't stop thinking about this. I *did* read the article, & I still felt like your thread, esp the title, was...pushy or preachy or something like that.


I don't necessarily think you intended that, though. So here's all you really need to change--


You find an article you like. It speaks to you. You hope it will speak to others, & you post it. That's all fine. The trick is sticking to talking about how it spoke to *you.* Because any time you say "we" people start to feel like old people being imprisoned in a nursing home against their will w/ great big nurses & gigantic needles saying things like, "Now WE're going to have a GOOD day today, aren't WE, Louise, honey?" And you're thinking, "That's not even my name, woman! Have a good day if YOU want, I'm going to stew & cuss, thankyouverymuch."


WE can't help it. WE just react abrasively to the word WE. :D

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Jackie - I didn't take your post as preachy or anything at all, just a very nice thought for everyone. Obviously this type of format will sometimes make someone misunderstood, which is a bummer.


But of course you belong here! How many tons of people are there on here? So there are going to be some people that disagree with you on things and that might feel personal. But I'm guessing that that is pretty rare and that mostly you get a lot out of this forum and hopefully lots of support, as well as providing helpful input to others. Here's hoping you're feeling better by the time you read this!


Mostly I am very surprised and impressed at how careful and considerate people are on this forum for the most part - much more so than others I've visited. Thanks to all of you for that!



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Can someone tell me how to see the whole article that was linked? I can read what looks to be the first paragraph, but can't see any way to get to the rest of it.


I'll admit to being seriously under-caffeinated, so if it's something super obvious that I'm missing please be nice. ;)


(As to the various sentiments expressed about this post...well, I wanted to read the article first. But, I'll just say that I appreciate the OP posting this. I know that I NEED to be reminded sometimes that there is only so much I can do to fix the world. Sometimes I have to just put a lot of stuff out of my mind and remind myself of the little, seemingly inconsequential, things that I CAN do...praying, loving my family, helping people I know in whatever small way I can, voting wisely, sending an occasional email to a representative, etc. And if all I'm able to do is the part that is in my small sphere...well, that's what I'm called to do and I have to leave the rest in God's hands.)

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Can someone tell me how to see the whole article that was linked? I can read what looks to be the first paragraph, but can't see any way to get to the rest of it.


I'll admit to being seriously under-caffeinated, so if it's something super obvious that I'm missing please be nice. ;)


(As to the various sentiments expressed about this post...well, I wanted to read the article first. But, I'll just say that I appreciate the OP posting this. I know that I NEED to be reminded sometimes that there is only so much I can do to fix the world. Sometimes I have to just put a lot of stuff out of my mind and remind myself of the little, seemingly inconsequential, things that I CAN do...praying, loving my family, helping people I know in whatever small way I can, voting wisely, sending an occasional email to a representative, etc. And if all I'm able to do is the part that is in my small sphere...well, that's what I'm called to do and I have to leave the rest in God's hands.)


I'm well caffeinated, and can't figure it out, either.

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Hmmph...after poking around the WSJ site a bit more I found a list of all of Noonan's columns. This one has a little key symbol next to it which seems to indicate that the full article is only available to WSJ subscribers.


Guess I'll just have to "keep calm and carry on" without Ms. Noonan's advice. :)

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