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Owlets are HATCHING! Come see Molly's first Owelet "Max"!

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The link says the cameras are off line. Bummer!

Do they do that when she is sleeping?



All's well in Molly world. I can see her now. :)


You may need to refresh your viewing box... bottom left corner you will see two curved arrows that make a circle. click that to refresh. She is awake now and happily eating breakfast.

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I have it on too and just now saw one of the eggs cracked and I can hear chirping I think.


I can't see the comments anymore...I wonder if they disabled it because of the spammers. A shame because I really enjoyed the comments---people sort of kept a running account of what she was doing, so if I missed something I could at least read about it.

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This is awesome! Thank you so much for posting the link!!! :001_smile:


We just saw momma eating something - is that a mouse tail next to her on the left??? :tongue_smilie: And then she walked over to her eggs. I couldn't see which was cracked, but it looks like five or six of them. I was surprised to see so many. Now she's back on them. She's so beautiful! Cool!!!

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And Scarlett, I'm glad you mentioned that the comments were off cuz I thought it was me somehow.


Right below where the eggs are listed you can click on 'subscribe to comments feed' and it will pull up comments. I am sure the spammers were causing problems.

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Question, can you grab a frame every 5 minutes and then do a "time lapse"? My husband quoted this he's been a producer/director for 30 years! He does NOT want to use it, but just so all of us can actually watch all of this unfold in case their is high activity during sleeping hours.





The first egg has a hole, and you can hear some "pipping sounds".


ETA: Sorry about my typo in the title... I'm a little excited :)

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Thaks Babysparkler for sharing this....I just sent link to many people!


How did you get the camera in there w/o Mom Owl attacking?


I think they've had the box all set up for over a year, waiting for a barn owl to choose it and lay eggs in there.

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Yes, they built it 2 years ago with the hope of this happening.


Max has arrived! :001_smile:




I'm sorry I'm just now getting caught up to speed....who are "they" and who is Max. Believe me I feel SILLY asking these.





I think they've had the box all set up for over a year, waiting for a barn owl to choose it and lay eggs in there.


Thanks Saille!!

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OK, I can't get much else done today b/c of this FASCINATING adventure. LOL :lol:


I should have read pg 3....I know who Max is now and that's what I thought but wasn't sure. Babysp...I saw your most recent picture post showing this.


But, who are "they"


This is sooooo incredible!!!


Sheryl <><

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OK, I can't get much else done today b/c of this FASCINATING adventure. LOL :lol:


I should have read pg 3....I know who Max is now and that's what I thought but wasn't sure. Babysp...I saw your most recent picture post showing this.


But, who are "they"


This is sooooo incredible!!!


Sheryl <><


A man named Carlos in California (and some neighbors) built this owl house in his backyard 2 years ago. He spent nearly $5000 on it. He put day & night cameras in it in hopes of "peeking in" on a future resident. On Jan. 21, 2010 the neighbors heard the owls, so they turned on the camera and discovered that Molly (and her mate McGee) moved in and the adventure began. Carlos is a VERY nice man who has been doing Q&A sessions live with elementary schools and online viewers.


My kids and I have been mesmerized for 6 days now, awaiting little Max. "Pattison" should be arriving shortly too. :)

Edited by babysparkler
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I see that Mom or Dad just flew back in with a nighttime snack of a mouse! I haven't seen the baby but I fascinated to see the parent come in with a snack. When I flipped back over I could see Mom or Dad with the mouse but there was a wing partially blocking the screen for a few moments. Was Mom and Dad in there at the same time? Did one bring the snack for the other because 10 minutes before the same one was snuggling in sitting on the eggs.


Too great! Thanks!

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Ok, I am just fascinated by this whole owl thing. They are very active tonight. Papa just brought home a mouse, gave it to mom, mounted her, bit her on the back of the neck (like cat's do), mom jumped around a bit with mouse in mouth and baby baby all a flutter. She finally got the baby calmed down, settled back down on him and began eating. This whole thing happened very quickly, a few minutes at most.

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Ok, was the behavior at 9:30 CST what it looked like? :001_huh: Good grief, not on top of the children! :tongue_smilie:


I was wondering this as well. I think the dad flew back with a mouse and got rewarded (or just took it) before he went back out for more. But then just now (3am EST) it seemed that whoever flew back with the mouse kept it and the other one flew out. I don't know.


Do they take turns sitting and hunting?

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I was wondering this as well. I think the dad flew back with a mouse and got rewarded (or just took it) before he went back out for more. But then just now (3am EST) it seemed that whoever flew back with the mouse kept it and the other one flew out. I don't know.


Do they take turns sitting and hunting?


No, McGee doesn't sit on the eggs. Try to catch the Carlos webcam. He usually says good morning and then last night he did a big question and answer session. SO interesting!!


He said that in the courtship, McGee would bring her 6-8 rodents a night. Then she started laying eggs. At one point, he gently coaxed her off the eggs so that he could see them. There were 3 and at that point, the food went down to one which then in turn caused her stop laying so many eggs. She stopped at six.


Also, the night before Max hatched, Molly went for a fly. McGee came back with a rat. There was no Molly. He just stood there like "Where's my woman?" She came in a few minutes later. But Carlos said that they have an outer mount camera that only they can view. And when she came back, Molly and McGee bumped beaks so to speak. He said it was awesome to see. That had never been documented.


I thought that it was amazing how she kept Max hidden while she preened him. And then she presented him to the camera for a few minutes. Then she repositioned him at the front of the eggs and sat down.

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No, McGee doesn't sit on the eggs. Try to catch the Carlos webcam. He usually says good morning and then last night he did a big question and answer session. SO interesting!!


He said that in the courtship, McGee would bring her 6-8 rodents a night. Then she started laying eggs. At one point, he gently coaxed her off the eggs so that he could see them. There were 3 and at that point, the food went down to one which then in turn caused her stop laying so many eggs. She stopped at six.


Also, the night before Max hatched, Molly went for a fly. McGee came back with a rat. There was no Molly. He just stood there like "Where's my woman?" She came in a few minutes later. But Carlos said that they have an outer mount camera that only they can view. And when she came back, Molly and McGee bumped beaks so to speak. He said it was awesome to see. That had never been documented.


I thought that it was amazing how she kept Max hidden while she preened him. And then she presented him to the camera for a few minutes. Then she repositioned him at the front of the eggs and sat down.



Yes, we sat and watched the Q/A with Carlos and wife....do they do that everynight?

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