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census came today

Guest melaniej

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Right, and I agree with counting (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) how many people, but posters are defending all of the other questions (race, income, etc.) they ask with, "Well, they know it anyway." So I am asking, if you think that is true, then why do you believe that they are asking in the census? Why don't they just internally compile the info they have?


But see to do that, you are under the assumption that within the government, the 'right hand' talks to the 'left hand'. And well, that just doesn't usually happen very well it seems.

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I think that if the post office died, either a current service company (UPS or FedX) would offer a whole new line of services to fill that niche, or a brand new private company would do it. Americans are quite resourceful when left to themselves to solve problems. New companies would be forced to offer competitive services, otherwise you just wouldn't ship your materials using them.
Media Mail is not a money maker. Book Rate (the precursor to Media Mail) was initially started as a way to insure affordable access to printed materials regardless of geographic location. This isn't something you're going to see a private company replicate.
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I'd actually prefer the IRS not share information, except under very specific and strictly regulated circumstances.


I wasn't referring to the IRS. I was referring *in general* to the old "right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing", which plagues our government, no matter WHICH party is in power.

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I don't think anyone will show up at your door because of writing human race. I know we did that in 2000 and may have done that in 1990 too but I don't remember clearly. Certainly in 2000 no one came to our house. I am going to write down that again and don't expect anyone to bother me. I will fill out the other questions about home ownership and ages of the people too.

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I think that if the post office died, either a current service company (UPS or FedX) would offer a whole new line of services to fill that niche, or a brand new private company would do it. Americans are quite resourceful when left to themselves to solve problems. New companies would be forced to offer competitive services, otherwise you just wouldn't ship your materials using them.


I completely disagree. Private companies have fought the post office for a long time *because* it is so affordable. There is no way they would replicate the post office's prices. The USPS is designed to break even, it is not supposed to turn a profit. Yes, email and online bill paying are impacting the post office and they are having to adjust but they *will* adjust. The Postmaster General has a salary of $236,575, with bonuses and such had a total compensation package of $800,000 in 2008 (including his security, insurance, everything). Granted, that's a lot of money. The president of FedEx, on the other hand, has a $10 million salary. That's where your money goes in a private company, as I stated earlier.


There would be no more used book sales online. Can you imagine if you had to spend $7-8 to send one book?


I'd hate to have to spend that to send a letter through the mail, too. I rarely send anything by mail, but when I do I would much rather spend 44 cents than $7!


I agree!


We have to have a census. It is in the Constitution. It does not need to ask what our race is, or do we own our house. Those are not mandated by the Constitution but rather by Congress or the Executive Branch.


I agree but some (not you) are acting like these questions are new and were picked out of the air. They aren't and there are reasons for them.


Right, and I agree with counting (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) how many people, but posters are defending all of the other questions (race, income, etc.)


That is not what I said when I posted a link explaining why those questions are on there. It's because there are laws mandating states protect minorities and have fair voting practices. The states cannot fulfill this mandate without having a pretty good idea of minority areas. The census is mostly about voting and protecting people's voting rights in various ways.


they ask with, "Well, they know it anyway." So I am asking, if you think that is true, then why do you believe that they are asking in the census? Why don't they just internally compile the info they have?


Because it is *illegal* due to privacy practices in the government that you take information given for one reason and use it for another. For example, family support groups in the Army *cannot* get phone numbers and such from the unit, it is *illegal*. The soldiers and/or family members must fill out a different form giving the family support group that information. I hear all the time "the unit already has that information." Sure, the unit has it but they can't legally use it to contact your family members unless there is an emergency.


Media Mail is not a money maker. Book Rate (the precursor to Media Mail) was initially started as a way to insure affordable access to printed materials regardless of geographic location. This isn't something you're going to see a private company replicate.


The USPS also handles mail for military members overseas and the blind, two things that would go completely away without the post office.

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the only thing I wish about the census is that it wouldn't come around every time we're contemplating a move. Last census, I had to fill it out knowing we weren't going to be in CA much longer, and this time I wish I could fill it out for the area we'll be moving to at the end of summer.


I think the census people are jinxing me....every time they take a census, we move. By golly, it is a government conspiracy!:tongue_smilie:

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the only thing I wish about the census is that it wouldn't come around every time we're contemplating a move. Last census, I had to fill it out knowing we weren't going to be in CA much longer, and this time I wish I could fill it out for the area we'll be moving to at the end of summer.


I think the census people are jinxing me....every time they take a census, we move. By golly, it is a government conspiracy!:tongue_smilie:


Hehe! Consider yourself lucky it wasn't the long one! I had the misfortune of having to fill in the community survey last year as I was dealing with my husband already gone and me on my own with the kids selling the house there, buying the new house here and managing all of the necessary documents here and there. The long survey was the last thing I needed at that time! It really was horrible timing! So this year I am thrilled we only have to fill the regular census form, easy!

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Media Mail is not a money maker. Book Rate (the precursor to Media Mail) was initially started as a way to insure affordable access to printed materials regardless of geographic location. This isn't something you're going to see a private company replicate.


As someone who uses UPS, FedX, and the nasty old post office on a daily basis, I can't tell you UPS & FedX are often worse then nasty old USPS. Sure the post offices themselves are tan hells, with only one person working them at any one time, but... I can go on and on about the non-stop PITA issues we have had with both UPS and FedX, over the years. Lost shipments, damaged goods, over charging... blah, blah, blah. Both are fair from being cheap, and I somehow doubt you will have tons of mail companies pop up to help drive prices down. Where is Microsoft's real competition? In the end, it always comes down to a small few who control it all.


Many here seem to have a love affair with private industry, while having no actual experience with it to draw from. Humans run both the government and private business, and it's something many seem to forget.

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Many here seem to have a love affair with private industry, while having no actual experience with it to draw from. Humans run both the government and private business, and it's something many seem to forget.

I completely agree. Private businesses do many things such as use cheap labor for regular workers and overpay top executives simply because they can, that are hardly morally impressive. Look at how eager banks are to give you great customer service. The government, on the other hand, has fair compensation and great benefits for all its workers.


I, for example, am so sick of people complaining about Amtrak, suggesting that they are losers because they don't make tons of money. Well, neither does the airline industry! How many millions do they rack up in government bailouts? And how about the sugar/corn syrup industry -- how would they fare without huge subsidies?

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As someone who uses UPS, FedX, and the nasty old post office on a daily basis, I can't tell you UPS & FedX are often worse then nasty old USPS. .


I can tell you that in my personal experience, the po has damaged so many homeschool items it makes me sick. But the items that are shipped via UPS or FedEx actually arrive unscathed. That is my own personal experience.



Many here seem to have a love affair with private industry, while having no actual experience with it to draw from.


That is an odd thing to say, since you don't know me (or anyone else here) IRL. How would you know if I have experience in private industry? I have worked in private industry since I was 15 1/2 and I'm now 40. Private industry has allowed this country to expand and flourish, and many innovations have come from it. I, for one, am grateful for the opportunities it has allowed me to create for myself.

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He must be worth the money.
Certainly to the shareholders. But shareholder satisfaction is not an indicator of the degree to which a company serves the public interest. Unless of course the public are the equivalent of the shareholders, as in the case of USPS.
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That is an odd thing to say, since you don't know me (or anyone else here) IRL. How would you know if I have experience in private industry? I have worked in private industry since I was 15 1/2 and I'm now 40. Private industry has allowed this country to expand and flourish, and many innovations have come from it. I, for one, am grateful for the opportunities it has allowed me to create for myself.


Yes, I agree but private industry is not perfect, hence the love affair comment. Both the public and private sectors are flawed, and neither is the sole answer to all that ails us.

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Many here seem to have a love affair with private industry, while having no actual experience with it to draw from. Humans run both the government and private business, and it's something many seem to forget.




And I am a small business owner (and a human :tongue_smilie:). The only thing that bugs me about the census is that they sent me a letter to let me know they are sending me a letter (they probably had twenty meetings to decide when to send the letter and what kind of paper to print it on, too). There is a lot of government waste, to be sure. But I don't think they are taking our information and using it for evil purposes. I can sort of see some people being against the census because government waste, but it seems like putting false and/or sarcastic answers on the forms is just going to cause more of that.

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I completely agree. Private businesses do many things such as use cheap labor for regular workers and overpay top executives simply because they can, that are hardly morally impressive. Look at how eager banks are to give you great customer service. The government, on the other hand, has fair compensation and great benefits for all its workers.



1. The government encourages corporations to do business overseas and to hire cheap labor by over-regulating large corporations, and over-taxing small business.


2. Corporations that are privately owned are entitled to pay their executives whatever they want. Generally speaking, those that are being paid large amounts are usually the ones who work longer hours, sacrifice more, and are taking the bigger risks. Are you willing to do those things for that paycheck/bonus?


3. The government thinks they have a blank check in the form of tax payers. Thus, it's easier for them to "give" better benefits. If I thought I had a money tree in my backyard, then I would offer better benefits to my employees as well. It's pretty easy to spend other people's money.

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I'm wondering this as well. I received mine last week (or maybe the week before). I read it and understood that I was supposed to fill out the form on April 1, so I set it aside to do then. I can understand filling it out before then so that you don't forget to do it altogether, but why mail it before you should even be filling it out?


I thought so at first as well, but then I read somewhere on the form to fill it out as soon as possible. So unless the number might change before then it is fine to fill it out now and return it.


from http://census2010.ny.gov/faq.htm#top


8. When and how will the census take place?In late March 2010, census questionnaires are mailed or delivered to households. Questionnaires are due by Census Day, April 1, 2010.


16. Why should I send my questionnaire back to the Census Bureau?

Sending your questionnaire back to the Census Bureau soon after you get it means the Census Bureau won’t have to send someone to your house to get the answers to the questions.

HTH :)
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Race is supposed to be your biology, not your nationality.


So, you don't want to write "American." You want to write "human." If you want to sound scientific, you can write Homo Sapien Sapien. That is your race.



Sorry... this really was funny.


BTW, the data collected is locked for 70+ years. Some govt' schmole will type in the data you wrote down for official records. I do geneology for my family tree and the latest Census data records unlocked are in the 1930's. It is interesting to see the comments of occupation, owning a home, race, and so on. However, be aware YOUR descendants may be doing a family tree "lookie-loo" 70+ years from now -- find your "human" or "homo sapiens" comment in the rolls... and DIE LAUGHING. :D OMG.

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I can tell you that in my personal experience, the po has damaged so many homeschool items it makes me sick. But the items that are shipped via UPS or FedEx actually arrive unscathed. That is my own personal experience.



Many here seem to have a love affair with private industry, while having no actual experience with it to draw from.


That is an odd thing to say, since you don't know me (or anyone else here) IRL. How would you know if I have experience in private industry? I have worked in private industry since I was 15 1/2 and I'm now 40. Private industry has allowed this country to expand and flourish, and many innovations have come from it. I, for one, am grateful for the opportunities it has allowed me to create for myself.


Why assume the "many people" meant YOU? Hubris?

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I'm confused by your question. Is there a compelling reason not to fill it out?


Personally If you ask me, they are in to enough of my buisness. They have used these forms in the past to make new laws/regs (fire arms, housing etc) I am filling out the bare minimum info. The name, age and sex of everybody living in my house. No more. They are attacking families left and right.

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So last year (2009), we received the long form. We didn't know why we had received one a year early and so we sat on it for awhile, not sure of what to do. So the Census Bureau began to call. Then someone came to the house and we discussed what I should say if I wasn't comfortable with the questions (like what is our power bill, what are our birthdates, names, income, etc.). I ended up doing the form with the lady at the house and submitted it.


Then, I got another census form in the mail yesterday. Do I fill this one out too? I tried to call the Census department and the Commerce department...I got endless phone recordings twice and then was disconnected while waiting in the queue.


What to do? Any thoughts?

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Because it is *illegal* due to privacy practices in the government that you take information given for one reason and use it for another. For example, family support groups in the Army *cannot* get phone numbers and such from the unit, it is *illegal*. The soldiers and/or family members must fill out a different form giving the family support group that information. I hear all the time "the unit already has that information." Sure, the unit has it but they can't legally use it to contact your family members unless there is an emergency.


My point exactly. ;) Thank you!

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Katie, what you received last year was the American Community Form. It is also done by the Census and is required by law to be filled out. The census that you are getting now is the official census that is required by the US Constitution and you are also required to fill out this form. During the last census (2000), they had two forms, long and short. They did away with that and instead have this American Community Survey they do every year on a much smaller portion of Americans. So yes, you do have to fill it out but it isn't anywhere as long as the ACS>

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