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Positive Birth Control Pill stories?

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I've decided, after talking to my doctor, to give bcps a try for perimenopausal symptoms. I know this is a mixed bag. It might help, it might not, it might make things worse. At least that is what the doc said. But, of course, we are hoping to helps.


I would appreciate hearing actual accounts from you ladies who have tried it. Did it help? Was it worth it? Did you gain a bunch of weight? Have headaches? etc??



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I took BCP for endo and in so many respects it was great. First of all, no pain. That's a big one. Cycles were regular and light. No PMS. BooKs were larger and firmer, no weight gain, it seems to have completely irrandicated any acne problems I had even though I quit taking the well over a year ago.


The only side effect I had at all was total lack of desire. That was a big one and IMO was not worth it. My marriage is one of the most important aspects of my life and I was not willingly do anything at all that might compromise that aspect of it.


And I find that now that I am in the throws of perimenopause. The other systems really aren't that bad anyhow. I expect to totally stop my period soon, definitely within the next year so then I wouldn't be able to take them anyhow. And midlife is hormonally being good to me. Other than the running commentary of, "Owww, sh*t, ****ed that hurts, etc, the fact that I can't see and can't remember anything. My interest has definitely increased and my hubby is not complaining about that.


Now if I was still having problems and we couldn't find a prescription that worked without that one side effect, well then it would be a much harder decision to make. They do have many different formulations, all with their own side eefect profiles so to be sure to talk to your doctor about your specific needs and issues. Good luck, sweetie.

Edited by KidsHappen
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I took BCPs for 4 years before I had my first child. Never any problems. They kept me from getting pregnant, took away my acne, and made my period cramps much less. It worked well for me.


But I have chosen not to go back on them just due to the fact that I am now leery of meds.

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There are risk for women over 35 and taking the pill. I personally would try to find other ways to relieve those perimenopause symptoms if at all possible.


What symptoms are you having? I will be 42 in June and have started some signs of perimenopause myself. My cycles have always been very regular and 31 days. The last couple of months, they have been more like 24 day cycles. Also, about two months ago I developed an extreme sensitivity to caffeine. :001_huh: I eat a very healthy diet and try to exercise. I think both really do help a lot. :)

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There are risk for women over 35 and taking the pill. I personally would try to find other ways to relieve those perimenopause symptoms if at all possible.



I thought that the risk for women over 35 taking the pill are for women who SMOKE? :confused:


I'm not trying to sound argumentative, but that's what I've always read in package inserts and the disclaimer that they make on the TV ads. I ask because I'm over 35 and am considering going on the pill. (well, the Nuvaring, to be honest)

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I thought that the risk for women over 35 taking the pill are for women who SMOKE? :confused:


I'm not trying to sound argumentative, but that's what I've always read in package inserts and the disclaimer that they make on the TV ads. I ask because I'm over 35 and am considering going on the pill. (well, the Nuvaring, to be honest)


Yes, you're right. I'm going to be 50 this year, but since I don't smoke, I'm able to safely take the pill.



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I take Ortho Tri-Lo and I love it!! No PMS, no cramps, great skin, light cycles...it's great. No complaints at all. And, I'm in my mid-forties. If you are otherwise healthy and don't smoke, the pill is a great option for you. My OB said it's safe to take up to menopause.




PS. You may have to experiment with several different kinds to find one that works for you. And, I tend to stay with ones that have been on the market for awhile. One other thing to note: Since I'm exceptionally fertile, the OB has recommended that I use the name brand low dose pill. The generic brands are legally allowed to contain a certain percentage (up to 16%, I think) less medication than the name brands. He said that wouldn't be a big deal with a regular strength pill, but with the low dose, it could result in a pregnancy for me.

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I absolutely love the pill. I've been on it now for 3 years with some modifications this year. I only have my cycle 4 times a year and this has increased my happy factor 1000%. No monthly pms, good skin, light cycle..life is good. ;) I wish I had done this 10 years ago. Also--no weight gain for me as I am heavy due to hypothyroidism and trying to manage that. I take my pill at bedtime with no problems at all. Good luck!

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Honestly, I would check into supplements that are known to regulate hormonal imbalance.

I was on the pill before ds was born in my twenties. I had no problems until one fine day I started vomiting and could not tolerate it anymore. This, however, has likely no bearing on your case.


I am postmenopausal (due to surgery) and am happy with Maca - an herbal supplement that acts as an adaptogen and "encourages" the thyroid to vamp up estrogen production a little since I have no ovaries.

If your symptoms are due to low estrogen, it may work for you.

Also, don't forget that you should be balanced with progesterone as well. Prog. is available in bioidentical form as a cream and is super easy to use - no side effects.

Sorry, it's not the positive birth control account for which you were asking.

Edited by Liz CA
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Thanks ladies. I've tried all the "natural" supplements I can think of. I've tried progesterone cream. Some work great for awhile, then stop helping. I eat a great diet, workout 5-7 days/week, take cal/mag supplements, take fish oil, practice relaxation techniques, etc, etc, etc. I guess I'm just done with the OTC solutions and need something different.

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I thought that the risk for women over 35 taking the pill are for women who SMOKE? :confused:
and/or have a genetic predisposition to clot. I had a pulmonary embolism at 19 from taking the pill because of the latter.
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Well, I got pregnant while on the pill and taking it religiously.


My older DD currently takes the mini-pill for recurring ovarian cysts and it has worked wonders for her. No more painful cysts. It has also really helped with her acne. I haven't noticed any significant weight gain, but she is very thin and a few extra pounds wouldn't hurt her at all.

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I took the ancient Ortho Novum 1/80 (the one from the 1960s) from the time I was 15 until I quit a month or so before I conceived kid. Believe it or not, I was actually put on it for cystic acne. I was the only person I knew who was on it in high school who wasn't sexually active, LOL! I was the poster child for the pill.


My dad, who was an OB/GYN, used to say that the pill wasn't 99% effective, it was 100% effective for those for whom it worked, and zero percent effective for those for whom it didn't. I always found that funny. (I'm sure many people don't...)


One thing to remember is that, if the pill is being used for birth control, it is designed (as in, it was tested for efficacy) to be taken at exactly the same time, every single day. eg: If a person takes it at 6 am on Monday, they are to take it at 6 am-ish on Tuesday, and all of the other days. If they take it at 6 one day, 8 another, 10 another, etc., they have essentially blown its effectiveness. If they don't get pregnant, it's luck at that point, not the pill. Hormones are weird like that.




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I had a stroke back in 2004 due to taking BCPs to regulate severely irregular menstrual cycles. I was 38. I discussed my stroke on the old boards, and my 6-month recovery. I still walk with a very slight limp when tired, and now speak with an accent that causes people to ask what country I'm from.


I personally would not advocate BCPs as a means of TX for perimenopause.

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There was a news item yesterday about a study of the bcp's effect on life expectancy. It turns out women who took the older version in the 60s seem to live longer than those who didn't. Here's the link:



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I absolutely love the pill. I've been on it now for 3 years with some modifications this year. I only have my cycle 4 times a year and this has increased my happy factor 1000%. No monthly pms, good skin, light cycle..life is good. ;) I wish I had done this 10 years ago. Also--no weight gain for me as I am heavy due to hypothyroidism and trying to manage that. I take my pill at bedtime with no problems at all. Good luck!



I take the pill with no breaks and I have a cycle every 6 mos. I have severe cramps and bad PMS. This also makes it easier to enjoy vacations :) Being stuck with me in a car while either PMSing or actually on my cycle is NOT a pleasant experience. And well, with homeschooling, we can't really take a week off every 3 weeks.

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