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Going ack fro retesting next week for gestational diabetes

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Did the 28 week glucose test this week which came back elevated so I am scheduled for the 3 hour test next week. How often do you get a false elevation, would anyone know? And what shoud I worry about if it is gd and what to do to keep it under control?


The last two weeks I have begun feeling bloated and my lower legs have gotten a dark red hue. I did not mention anythng at my visit this week because basically they spend less than five minutes with me and don't check a thing.



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I had a false negative with my 3rd and ended up with a 10 lb. baby! Actually, the midwife who interpreted the results said that they don't treat someone with only one high result of the 4. :glare: The Dr. that delivered said that she could tell that I was diabetic just from looking at DD.


So with #4, I didn't even take the 3 hr. test, they just automatically put me on the diet and had me monitor blood sugar. The diet isn't much fun, but honestly I felt better with #4 than with any of the others because I was eating so much better. I had to poke my finger 4x/day (after each meal and first thing in the morning). I was able to control all of my #s with diet except the 1st thing in the morning reading...so I had to do insulin injections. The injections were no big deal...the finger prick to check blood sugar was worse than the daily shots. I strayed from the diet a bit around Christmas, but did pretty well besides that, and ended up with a healthy baby.


Anyway, I wouldn't just accept a "you're not diabetic". Ask them to explain the results, and if you have any high numbers make sure you go on the diet even if they don't make you. It's a pain, but the blood sugar issues can be really hard on baby if they go untreated.

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I had GD with 3 out of 4 of my pregnancies. I was able to keep it under control through diet, however I was VERY strict and didn't cheat ever. The diet isn't so bad...actually I too felt amazing and was able to keep my weight gain in a very comfortable range. I also had to check my blood sugars 4 times a day. If you are interested in the diet feel free to PM me...or have any questions. I know I was diagnosed with my 2nd but don't remember if I went for the 3 hour test. My 3rd and 4th they just put my on the diet from day 1 and I had to watch my blood sugars..very quickly I realized how important the diet was because if I ate even a bit more carbs than required my sugars spiked. :)

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The percentage of people who pass the 3 hour after failing the 1 hour is really high....I can't remember exactly, but something like 70-80% I think. It's not that the 1 hour is inaccurate really, just that it's a screening test--it's meant to screen out people for whom more testing is indicated. It wouldn't make sense to go straight to the 3 hour for everyone, you know? I failed my one hour with all three of my pregnancies, but only failed the three hour with the first one. And I'm kinda skeptical about my gestational diabetes diagnosis for that one, too, as my sugar was always great when I tested.

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The nice thing about the three hour test is you can sit in the pathology waiting room for three hours and only be interrupted from your cozy novel three times!


Yes, gestational diabetes is a drag. A few pp's said they were given diets to follow. That's a good start, but not being able to keep your blood sugars under control while on that diet doesn't mean you can't. It just means you have to be stricter about what you eat, how much you eat in one sitting, what time of day and how much stress your body is under. Easy peasy once you've done it already ;) They say to exercise, as it helps regulate blood sugar levels, but that doesn't work so well for everyone. If exercise puts strain on your body (and it sounds like it would atm) then be very gentle about it, or don't exercise at all because stress puts your sugars up too.


Rosie- who lived on beans from 24 weeks last time and is NEVER doing it again!

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LOL, OK. I'll try to bring a good book and enjoy my "free-time"!!


So, Heather, you beat my due-date by one week!!!! Congratulations! Do you know what you are having? We are having a girl which I am excited about since my youngest is a real boy who only wants to play ball and run around!

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Honestly, the diet isn't bad. With #1, I was on a low/no sodium diet for swelling. THAT was bad. I remember crying because food had no taste. The worst thing about gd was that I could no longer eat a lot of fruit, and I was eating a ton of it because it tasted good and had no sodium. :)


There are lots of false positives from the 1st test. I wouldn't worry about it until you fail the second test. Even then, it's not so bad, and as soon as the baby's born, you can go back to your regular diet.

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If you do fail the first one (I did on 2 out of 4 pr.), you still need to watch your carb intake- it means you might have what they call "carbohydrate intolerance". When I passed the 3 hour with my 3rd baby, I thought that meant I could go back to eating my regular diet (very high in carbs). My baby was 9 pounds a week early! - I think I only gained about 20-25 pounds with that pregancy also!!! With my fourth baby, I had read that eating cinnamon helps lower blood sugar, so I ate a lot of cinnamon (straight - not mixed with sugar!) sprinkled on different foods with that pr. and sure enough, I actually passed the 1 hour test with that one!! So, ask how high your numbers are with the 3 hour test, and if they're high, but not high enough to have gd, still cut back on carbs (all white breads, sugar, pasta and potatoes), eat more protein also. You might want to also try adding cinnamon to your food. Good luck!

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LOL, OK. I'll try to bring a good book and enjoy my "free-time"!!


So, Heather, you beat my due-date by one week!!!! Congratulations! Do you know what you are having? We are having a girl which I am excited about since my youngest is a real boy who only wants to play ball and run around!


I'll bring a book or two, too. That's a great way to look at it. Much better than focusing on the fasting and being chained to a chair in the lab reception area for hours and hours. :D


We're having ~another~ boy, LOL. I was really hoping for a girl, but alas! It wasn't meant to be for me. :-)

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....although, if you want to pass, they say it's better to get up and walk around as much as possible between blood draws (if they'll let you; some labs won't let you out of their sight!). I walked laps around the building with my last 3 hour (I was planning to keep an eye on my sugars on my own regardless, but I was determined not to be labeled "high risk" and have the doctors at my midwife's practice breathing down my neck my whole pregnancy).

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I'll bring a book or two, too. That's a great way to look at it. Much better than focusing on the fasting and being chained to a chair in the lab reception area for hours and hours. :D


We're having ~another~ boy, LOL. I was really hoping for a girl, but alas! It wasn't meant to be for me. :-)


LOL!!! Well, I can't help you with the gender!! Because I'm not sharing!!


Seriously, though, then boys are easier on the nerves than girls and much less moody and cranky and teary-eyed and emotional once they hit puberty (or pre-puberty).

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My 3-hour test came back high. I have to meet with the diabetic educator on Wednesday and the endocrinologist April 7th. No more sugar for me. :tongue_smilie:


FWIW, the lab would not let me walk between blood draws. The protocol for the test requires that you must remain seated between draws.

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I am sorry to hear that, Heather. But hey, it's only a few more weeks.


I just came back from my test and basically just sat while not trying to fall too much asleep. It wasn't too relaxing with my book after all since I was hungry by then!!


Keep us informed what you are told Wednesday.

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My appt. today actually went pretty okay. I have to check my blood sugars 4X a day (ack!), but the process of checking it was much, much easier than I expected. I thought it would hurt, but it didn't hurt a bit.


I'm limited to 45 carbs a meal, plus two snacks a day of 20 carbs each. This was also better than I expected. I did Atkins in the past where you were limited to 25 carbs A DAY. I was expecting to have to go back to that type of diet, so I can definitely live with 175 carbs a day. :-)


I also have to walk 30 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week.


He said that my numbers aren't horribly awful and he expects that I should be fine once I have the baby. 50% of women who have gd go on to develop type 2 diabetes in the next 10 years. He said that the biggest thing to do is lose the weight after the baby and maintain a healthy diet with moderate exercise.


Have you found out your results yet?

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I went in Monday and haven't received a phone-call so I am assuming my numbers were fine. I am going in for a check next week so I'll confirm it then!!


Sounds like your diet-plan is only going to be good for you and not too restraining. Plus with the change of season then walking should be a breeze. I know that today I was out in the yard working for a few hours and the sun was so lovely (but I am done now!!!!).

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I just recently failed the one hour test TWICE. Once by 2 points and then again by a significant amount. The baby was also measuring large.


I had to go back for the 3 hour test. I passed that one with flying colors.


I did notice that from reading the glucose bottle and the internet that I was not given proper instructions for the tests by the doctor's office, and not just for this current pregnancy but also the previous 3 which were supervised by 2 different offices.


Maybe if the doctors were giving out the correct pre-test information the tests would yield better results.

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I went in Monday and haven't received a phone-call so I am assuming my numbers were fine. I am going in for a check next week so I'll confirm it then!!


Sounds like your diet-plan is only going to be good for you and not too restraining. Plus with the change of season then walking should be a breeze. I know that today I was out in the yard working for a few hours and the sun was so lovely (but I am done now!!!!).


They called me first thing in the am and I had to be at the diabetes educator's office within 48 hours, so I would assume, too, that your numbers came back fine. I'm so happy for you!


Yes, I'm trying to look at it all positively. Life could always be worse! :-)


Congratulations, Dawn! You don't have much farther to go!

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I just recently failed the one hour test TWICE. Once by 2 points and then again by a significant amount. The baby was also measuring large.


I had to go back for the 3 hour test. I passed that one with flying colors.


I did notice that from reading the glucose bottle and the internet that I was not given proper instructions for the tests by the doctor's office, and not just for this current pregnancy but also the previous 3 which were supervised by 2 different offices.


Maybe if the doctors were giving out the correct pre-test information the tests would yield better results.




I find this interesting. Could you please elaborate on what the requirements were for pretesting? I was told to eat as usually and go there. Right before the test I was swalloing down a ricola (laden with sugar) and the nurse saw that and waited for me to swallow it....

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I find this interesting. Could you please elaborate on what the requirements were for pretesting? I was told to eat as usually and go there. Right before the test I was swalloing down a ricola (laden with sugar) and the nurse saw that and waited for me to swallow it....


Well, for the one hour test I was told not to eat "a glazed doughnut or orange juice before the test".


The glucose bottle said something more like do not eat anything for one hour prior to the test. (It's hard to remember word for word now, it's been a few weeks).


The instructions I found on the internet said: "Please follow your normal diet in the days prior to your test. Eat a normal breakfast, lunch, or snack two to three hours prior to your visit. Do not however, eat or drink anything for one hour prior to your appointment".


So before my first test I had both breakfast and coffee too close to the glucose test. I scored a 137. My midwives considered that 2 points over the limit.


The second time I followed the internet directions instead, and for some reason I scored a 150. I do think they drew my blood about 10 minutes too early. I'm not sure if that would make a difference.

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I saw that on the bottle for the 3 hour test, not the 1 hour.

Is it a different solution used in the two tests? This was a Perk scientific GTB: 050 (50 g dextrose per 10 oz). I don't think I've ever been advised to fast for the 1 hour test but that's what the bottle said -- perhaps assuming it would be used for the 3 hr test. Curious and curiouser!

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Is it a different solution used in the two tests? This was a Perk scientific GTB: 050 (50 g dextrose per 10 oz). I don't think I've ever been advised to fast for the 1 hour test but that's what the bottle said -- perhaps assuming it would be used for the 3 hr test. Curious and curiouser!


The 1 hour test involves 50 mg of glucose solution (10 oz) . The 3 hour test involves 100 mg of glucose solution (10 oz). I beleive the brand was Glucola.


I'm *pretty sure* the 1 hour bottle said to wait an hour (maybe 2) between your last meal and testing. Whereas the 3 hour test had you do a 10-12 hour fast. (The midwive's office gave me instructions of 6 hours).

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I thought the same thing, but this bottle (50 g) says to fast for 12 hrs, but no such advice was given by medical staff.


Is it just me, or does it not make sense? I would think the medical staff would be giving the directions on the bottle. I've been through 3 different doctors in 2 states and not one gave the instructions on the bottle or even the same instructions as each other. How do you get an accurate test result that way?

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I've had gestational diabetes 3 times. We didn't even do the 1 hour last time, just went straight to the 3 hours test. If you do "flunk" the 3 hour test, insist on at least a consult with an MFM and a consult with a diabetes educator, and a consult with a nutritionist. GD is nothing to sneeze at. There can be considerable complications for both you and the baby. There is also an increased risk of health problems down the road for you. A regular OB is just not qualified (IMHO) to treat something as complex as gestational diabetes.

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Is it just me, or does it not make sense? I would think the medical staff would be giving the directions on the bottle. I've been through 3 different doctors in 2 states and not one gave the instructions on the bottle or even the same instructions as each other. How do you get an accurate test result that way?

I totally agree. Actually, this bottle says that the patient should stay quiet during the test! I'd never heard that before either! (What difference does that make?)

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