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Do you have back issues you think are from epidurals?

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I've had 3 epidurals and I never had issues with the first 2. The last one I got a resident and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. It took him FOREVER to get the right spot. I will never allow a resident near me again.:glare: But it still feels funny and hurts 2 1/2 years later. I can't stand it when my DH gives me a back rub and gets near the epidural site. But it hasn't given me any back pain outside of localized hurting.

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I've had 3 epidurals and I never had issues with the first 2. The last one I got a resident and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. It took him FOREVER to get the right spot. I will never allow a resident near me again.:glare: But it still feels funny and hurts 2 1/2 years later. I can't stand it when my DH gives me a back rub and gets near the epidural site. But it hasn't given me any back pain outside of localized hurting.

All I can say is that the anesthesia person on duty with my last took 11, yes 11 tries to get it in my back!!! I have had epidurals with all 6 and no issues with my back.

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Yes -- with dc#3 - who will be 11 in a couple of weeks -- the doctor stuck me like I was a frog on a dissecting tray -- I was black and blue the next day from all his misses. Prior to that I had three epidurals (one for emergency hernia surgery and two for c-sections) and I had never experienced any back trouble......until dd #3 was born. I've been through physical therapy, etc.......it acts up at time, keeping active and moving alot really helps.

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I was wondering the same thing. I've had back issues that were minor since my first child was born (had an epidural). It got worse after I had a spinal with 2nd for a c-sect. Then I had my 3rd naturally and I was up and out of bed feeling great within 12 hours. Back pain wasn't any worse. Then had to have an epidural for my 4th due to heart issues reacting to labor pains. I have hurt very much with certain movements and have constant back pain and more headaches. I know it's the epidurals, especially this last one b/c he had trouble getting it in and had to push REALLY hard...DH about got sick watching when the doc had to get so forceful and this is DH's future occupation! :lol:

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I have had 5 epidurals and 2 spinal taps in my life and wonder if there is a connection between the epidurals and my current back issues? Anyone else think this is a possibility?


I do know people with back issues stemming from epidurals. One of my close friends has chronic back pain caused by the epidural being slightly misplaced during her first birth.


My issue isn't back problems, but drug sensitivity. I have a family history of allergies to -caine-derivative medications (benzocaine, lidocaine, etc.), but never had a problem with them myself prior to the epidural I had during by first labor (my only non-homebirth). I had an allergic reaction to the epidural and am now sensitive to -caine medications, getting bad itching when they're used on me during minor surgeries.

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epidurals can be a good thing!!


I was in a car accident in 1994 and had severe back pain ever since. Was told I had to live with it. Got married & had my 1st child, a son in 1998.


Of course, I'm young and clueless. Doc said let's induce (even though there really was no need - basically just to fit her schedule) so I ignored the advice of other women (including my own momma) who'd said "Don't do it." and conveniently forgot that if everything is ok in there and the baby's fine then the baby when come when the baby is ready.


I was induced.


But I didn't dilate and had killer contractions. Pitocin is no joke!!


Anyway, they tried to give me an epidural multiple times - like 5 or six



On the last attempt to administer it. I felt a tingle right at place where it had hurt for sooooo long. Guess what...No back pain since!!


I probably could have/ should have sued for the drama they put me through but I was so thankful to be pain free. :lol:


Now if I'd not had back pain, had an epidural, and then had constant back pain... I'd be in a tizzy.

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Hmmmm.....it never crossed my mind to make that connection. I have had one epidural and one spinal and I do have back problems now that I didn't have before. It's also possible the weight of pregnancies or just getting older?? can give one back problems. I had also thought maybe it was due to years of heavy lifting at my job.



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