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Bladder Infection, Help!

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I woke up at 130 am with the signs of a bladder infection. Yay me. :glare:Needless to say, it wasn't a bad dream.


Last time I had a bladder infection (my first time, actually) it wasn't caught until I was getting an epidural for Princess. :glare:


I ended up back in the hospital via ambulance less than 48 hrs later with a severe kidney infection that kept me in the hospital for 4 days. Obviously I'd like to avoid that. I'm waiting for my Drs office to open, but chances are, I won't be able to get in til tomorrow (he's always booked to the gills).


I've already switched from my beloved coffee to water. Other than cranberry juice (which I loathe, I always have to get the cranberry/grape mix just to get it down...and can't get that til Wolf is on his way home after work) is there anything else I can do while waiting for antibiotics? The fear of ending up in the hospital again is huge for me...Wolf just had 3 days off last week for a sprained ankle from playing volleyball, if he has to take more time off cause of me, he'll probably lose his job.


Thanks for any help you can give!

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If I *have* to go to a walk in I will...but honestly, the wait there is about equal to the ER, and not something I want to do with kids in tow...I'd wait til Wolf gets home. I'm just wondering if there's something in the meantime.


Another hour til the Drs is open...*sigh*

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Try d-mannose, which is the active ingredient in cranberry juice that helps with UTIs. Basically, it makes the inside of your UT slippery so that bacteria can't adher. (I think that's accurate.) You should be able to get wherever you buy your vitamins, and definitely at a health store.


Also, I like what Louise Hay has to say about looking to our emotional landscape as a mirror for physical ails. UTIs are said to be caused by being "pissed off". You might look inward to see if that's true for you somewhere in your life right now.


Feel better soon!

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Drinking cranberry juice isn't going to help cure a UTI. It's a myth. Also, it's the Vitamin C that helps to prevent UTIs...not specifically cranberries. Lots of fluid, sans caffeine, is good though. :)


Go to the drug store (or Walmart/Target) and pick up Azo or Cystix. Either one of those will help you get through the day(s) until you can get to the doctor.

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Go to the drug store (or Walmart/Target) and pick up Azo or Cystix. Either one of those will help you get through the day(s) until you can get to the doctor.

I second the Azo. Check and see if you can take it while you are pregnant. It works wonders for the pain and pressure.


I tend to get UTI-like symptoms when I'm dehydrated. Could something like that be the case with you?

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I woke up at 130 am with the signs of a bladder infection. Yay me. :glare:Needless to say, it wasn't a bad dream.


Last time I had a bladder infection (my first time, actually) it wasn't caught until I was getting an epidural for Princess. :glare:


I ended up back in the hospital via ambulance less than 48 hrs later with a severe kidney infection that kept me in the hospital for 4 days. Obviously I'd like to avoid that. I'm waiting for my Drs office to open, but chances are, I won't be able to get in til tomorrow (he's always booked to the gills).


I've already switched from my beloved coffee to water. Other than cranberry juice (which I loathe, I always have to get the cranberry/grape mix just to get it down...and can't get that til Wolf is on his way home after work) is there anything else I can do while waiting for antibiotics? The fear of ending up in the hospital again is huge for me...Wolf just had 3 days off last week for a sprained ankle from playing volleyball, if he has to take more time off cause of me, he'll probably lose his job.


Thanks for any help you can give!


Cranberry juice is really sour, and really if you're drinking the mix, you're not getting a lot of it anyway. If you could buy pure cranberry and pure grape, mix till you can stand it, that would work better. There is so little cranberry juice in any of those "juice drinks".


Blueberries work similarly to cranberries, so perhaps you could eat a lot of those or buy blueberry juice (again, not juice drink. Most of those are water and sugar or water and artificial sweetener. You might as well buy pure juice and mix it with water.)

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I second the Azo. Check and see if you can take it while you are pregnant. It works wonders for the pain and pressure.


I tend to get UTI-like symptoms when I'm dehydrated. Could something like that be the case with you?

I'm not pregnant, lol! At least, not that I know of...it would have to have happened in the last week or so :lol:


Its just my first (and last, up til now) UTI was at the end of my pregnancy with Princess, and I didn't realize I had a UTI, since, gee, it was the end of my pregnancy, and everything is uncomfortable, etc :lol:

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Back up a minute on the Azo!!


I had a kidney infection in November. The doctor said if you take Azo, the color change makes it nearly impossible to get a good culture and therefore a good diagnosis.


I have fussed at offices before over this. They cannot tell a woman with a UTI, which is very painful (at least it is to me), to wait another day for an appt but not take Azo! I did go to the Walk in Clinic because mine hit over a weekend. By the way, there are better pain meds for this than Azo now. So, ask for the one that turns blue instead of orange.

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I really feel for you. Like you, I had one that turned into a kidney infection when I was five months pregnant with our first ds. I also had one last year that had me at the walk-in clinic and I was in agony. They are the worst!


You can add fresh lemon to your water as it helps cleanse your urinary tract. Also, avoid sugar. Pro-biotics will also help with the balance of bactiera.


I wouldn't wait to long because they can turn ugly quickly. My best to you!

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Just drink lots. Do you have lemon juice or lime juice in the home? I think drinking acidic things can help by making the bladder more hostile to invading bacteria.


Cranberry juice works because it has something in it which helps prevent the bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. IIRC it's better to take the capsules because you'd have to drink an awful lot of the cranberry juice - which is loaded with sugar ....


btw - do you remember to go pee before and after intercourse? I think it's the leading cause of uti's for women.

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Just wanted to add my experience with d-mannose before you buy as it's fairly pricey. We tried it for my dd who has reflux and multiple UTIs recently. It is claimed that it works only for e-coli infections (which hers always have been) however no success here despite following all the instructions. i don't know if it didn't work because of something specific to her - but just wanted to say don't get your hopes up too much like I did. Hope you feel better soon.

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Thanks everyone.


Soonest I can get in is 1130 tomorrow. :sad: Thinking about it, there's no point in going to a walk in, because they won't do anything til the urine test comes back...which is usually a day later. My GP will write an Rx to fill while waiting for the test results, so that's better than the walk in.




I'm just praying it doesn't get worse in a hurry.

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Ditto what everyone said about the AZO. Don't take it for at least 24 hours before a test. I have found that it doesn't work at all for me anyhow so no big loss. D-Mannose doesn't work for me either. I have found that the best thing to do is drink lots and lots of water and try to hold it in your bladder until you feel like it is going to explode. This does two things, first it waters down your urine which makes it less acidic and therefore less irritating to the skin both in your bladder and on the way out and second it helps wash away the bacteria. It also helps to urinate in a tub of hot water. Of course, it is not practical to spend the whole day in the tub but at points when it is at it's worse it might be worth a bath. Don't take any NSAID because they all contain acids that can irritate the bladder. Take Tylonol instead. There is also a product on the market called Prelief which neutralizes acid making it easier on your bladder.Cranberry is a mixed bag. It does kill the bacteria but is is also acidic. You can try a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water every hours or so (provided that you do not have sodium issues). It taste horrible so having the water very cold helps. This has offered me the most relief when I am having a problem. Good luck. :grouphug:

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You can try a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water every hours or so (provided that you do not have sodium issues). It taste horrible so having the water very cold helps. This has offered me the most relief when I am having a problem. Good luck. :grouphug:


When ds was in the hosp for an infection, I had the beginnings of a UTI. The charge nurse handed me a list of natural cures for every day ailments. One was taking an Alka Seltzer for UTI. Of course, AS is baking soda and aspirin. It worked in less than an hour.

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Our local Urgent care had no wait - and my deductible was the same as a doctor visit (the doctor couldn't of seen my for a full day, and I was NOT going to wait with a UTI building up!). Cheaper than the ER. The sooner you pee in a cup somewhere and get started on antibiotic the better - drag kids along if you must or call on a neighbor to watch 'em.


If a guy had a UTI you bet life would STOP until he got treated and felt better!

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