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Someone encourage me that this baby WILL come out eventually!...

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I'm NOT going to whine. We've all (well, almost all...sorry Plaid Dad!) btdt. Last 2 wks, miserable, uncomfortable, can't sleep, hormonal, exhausted from lack of sleep, seems everyone and their sister are having their babies but you, doubting your body, etc. You know the drill. Okay, so...small whine :D I've tried the herbs, all the other "natural" remedies for induction (with my midwifes consent, of course!) and am holding off on the castor oil (YUCK!). At my appt. today, my midwife's assistant said I was about 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. That is encouraging but NOT what I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear...you're at 5 cm and we can break your water and have this baby TODAY! :glare: Not so. I'm not one to "go early". Never have. Midwife suspected I would go early w/ this one...:glare: Anyway, I'm just DONE, KWIM? The only one thing in my favor right now is that dd2 STILL nurses 2x per day so I have that n#pple stimulation thing going for me 2x daily! :D Well, if you've read this far...thanks. Whining over. Thanks for listening and just pray for me. My dh who would never use a curse word in his life would even describe me as a "female dog" right about now and he'd be right. :001_huh:

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*hugs* The end is so hard. I think the worst is just the not knowing. If your midwife could look in her crystal ball and tell you that you have 8 more days, you could cope because you have a light at the end of the tunnel. but waking up every day and wondering if this will be the day is hard. Praying for you.

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The babe'll come out, tomorrow.

Bet yer stretch marked belly that tomorrow,

He'll be born.


Just thinkin' about tomorrow,

Makes me think of pushing, pushing, pushing

til I'm worn.


When you're finally effaced enough to labor

You just stick out your rear

Get in gear

And saaaaaaaay, Ohhhhhh


The babe'll come out tomorrow.

So you've gotta hang on til tomorrow,

It's one more day.

Tomorrow, tomorrow,

You'll labor tomorrow,

It's only a day away.


Tomorrow, tomorrow,



The baby's a day awaaaaaaaay!!!!!

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:D That was just what I needed to hear...even if it doesn't happen! I'll keep singing that tune every day until "tomorrow" actually comes! Thanks and thank to everyone else as well! So you really think tomorrow, huh? :D

Well, we can always hope, right? Yeah, just keep on singing. Eventually it'll come true!! hug004.gif


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I was induced at 36 weeks 2 days though..

The last part can be so stinking hard to get through..

I was so sick of being pregnant.. I had gained so much weight and was miserable....BUT

The when it's all said and done~you will be so happy :D

It's worth every whine and gripe...


I hope you delivery soon, I know it stinks..


Sending some good vibes your way ;)

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Sorry, the baby will never come, it's comfortable, not coming out, and you're going to pregnant forever, just like I was.





I felt this way with my first. He was 7 days overdue. Ugh. With my second, I had been dialated to 3 cm since 37 weeks. Midwives kept telling me that he'd be early. He was born 3 days early. That was a REALLY long 2 1/2 weeks. My third was born on his due date. Fourth was 7 days EARLY!


So, while I do hope you go early, I think it's mean, mean, mean of the midwives to say they think you'll go early. Then, you expect it, so that even if you go until your due date, you feel overdue!! I know I did with my second!


((((hugs)))) Yup - been there, done that. Don't think I'm doin' it again!!!:lol:

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How about we sit on Baby Watch with eachother. Last MW appt I was 2.5cm and 50% effaced. MW is supposed to come sometime today and well see if anything is changed. I want this baby here NOW LOL! Let me tell you, Castor Oil Cocktail is nasty...and didn't work for me last pregnancy.

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Have you ladies who are waiting on babies tried um, well, you know :blush:... I know that's what got you this way, and it's probably the last thing on your mind right now...but it worked three times in a row with my middle three. Having the electricity go out and having no phone service worked with my last baby...panic I guess.

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thanks for the reminder that umm..."relations" might help! My midwife's assistant reminded me, too, that it helps. It's never kicked me into labor, but it certainly doesn't hurt! And, yes, mommaduck...Castor Oil cocktail is nasty (and that's putting it mildly!). Although, it DID work for my w/ my middle 3. I just cannot stomach it anymore...there is a nasty bottle of it sitting on my counter...staring at me, taunting me, laughing at me...I'm just not.going.there.yet! Mrs. H's suggestion is much more appealing right now, esp. since dh is home today! :D

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Relations, well, it worked once for me, but not since (and this will be my 8th birth). And it's just not the most bearable right now.


MW came, she stripped the membranes, and says I'm ready.


Sue, I think I'd throw that bottle out of site...but I can certainly understand the temptation. How about Black Cohosh?

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Sorry, the baby will never come, it's comfortable, not coming out, and you're going to be pregnant forever, just like I was.


Oy! That's how I felt with the first. He came, not so willingly it seemed, at almost 42 weeks.


Then, the second one had his own agenda. Water broke at 38 weeks. Shock! I figured I still had 3-4 weeks. NOT! Still, it took a good bit of pitocin to get my body to do its thing so I could get him out.


I understand! I can't wait for the news that your baby is out and nice and healthy! Good luck Sue!

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I'm really not even *that* tempted to do the castor oil. Memories of it are just too fresh. As for the cohosh...my midwife gave me a tincture called B & B Labor tincture which has black and blue cohosh and some other labor-stimulating herbs as well. She gave that to me with my last birth b/c I was just sort of "hanging out" at 5 cm, bulging water, etc. but no consistent contractions. Worked like a charm. I've been using this formula off and on for a few days and I can say that it has certainly gotten things moving but not enough to trigger full fledged labor. :glare: I only have a few drops of it left. I'm just going to wait. Perhaps I'll be more dilated and more effaced the next time I see my midwife and she can strip my membranes, too! Good luck to you!

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How about you? I've actually just sort of surrendered to the fact that baby will come when baby is ready. My ds6 is sick w/ a fever and I just don't want to deliver in the midst of him being sick, KWIM? God knows. Dh is picking up the birth tub today and if ds is better by tomorrow or Sat. then I'm going to *gulp* try the castor oil. :eek: Keep us posted, mommaduck, about your progress! Been praying for you to deliver soon!

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Okay, birthing tub...I'm jealous. I guess I could ask for one, but I figure I'll most likely not use it or go so fast that the midwife will just barely get here LOL!


So far, not much. Had some stirrings yesterday, went window shopping with hubby, ate lots of cinnamon (on graham crackers), otherwise not much happening.

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