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At what age/grade did your ds start

Jayne J

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cursive? Ds is heading into 2nd next year and I am trying to decide when to start him on cursive. His handwriting is good when he really pays attention, although usually sloppy. He can write nicely, but doesn't, unless it is copywork and "counts." :glare:


Any advice?

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I have a good friend who is a pediatric occupational therapist. She works with kids who need help in handwriting (among other things). I was just speaking with her this last weekend about when to start my ds. He is 6.5 and will be starting 2nd grade in the fall. I mentioned that he's interested now in cursive, but I felt he wasn't ready due to his printing was not great. She said to go ahead and start him now, or at least definitely next year.


She said that they actually wait too long in public school to start cursive. Because by 3rd grade, a child is writing more and then they have to focus on cursive. She said it is better to start in 2nd grade when writing for other reasons is not required as much.


So that being said - we will be starting cursive as soon as he finishes his current HWOT 1st grade book (skipping grade 2). We will just be going slow and really working on getting the wave 'c' down before really continuing.


Good luck!

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My DD started asking to write cursive right about her 5th birthday, so I jumped from teaching print to teaching cursive. Right now, she tends to go back and forth between the two (probably because she's still in parochial school K), but I suspect that next year, when she's home full time, she'll go to cursive exclusively.


I used HWT, mostly because I'd done the teacher training class for it and therefore have the entire PK-5th grade curriculum on hand.

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I start with cursive. My ds7 was sent to an OT for fm delays at 4. He began cursive instruction at 5yo, and by 6yo his cursive was better than mine and he picked up print on his own (he prints like every other 1st grader LOL). I'm a BIG fan of doing cursive early, if not first!

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My eldest son was 6.5 when he decided he really really wanted to learn. He's done just fine and has nice handwriting. He'll defer to printing if he's tired or working on another skill (like tough spelling words).


Our younger son has no interest and struggles even with print. He'll probably be around 7 or 8. We're playing it by ear.

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Do it mid-2nd, sooner if you expect issues. My mom is an OT and she has kids struggling with print to start cursive in late 1st grade. I should have listened to my mom.


I so wish I had done this! My son always had a hard time with print and was just becoming fluent with it when we switched to cursive. He does so much better with cursive, but it is going to be a while before he is truly fluent so it's kind of like we've started all over again. I had briefly toyed with doing Cursive First in K, but chickened out because it seemed "so different". We were seeing an OT when my son was in 1st, and another in 2nd but unfortunately neither of them recommended we switch to cursive.



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