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Any LOST fans here?

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I didn't watch this show when it first came out because I thought the premise of being stuck on an island you can't get off of was just silly for today's day and technology. I noticed commercials for it and realized it has been on several years now so I thought I would check it out on Netflix. After the very first episode I was addicted!!!


I am currently about 6 episodes in on Season 4 and am loving how now the "flashbacks" are now flash forwards to when some of them get home! I want to read up on this show, but I don't want anything spoiled. I am so glad I didn't start watching when it first came out because waiting week after week and season after season would kill me. Since the first week of January I have watched from Season 1 and I think I am obsessed. LOL


Sawyer is my favorite (yummy!) and I am hoping he doesn't die. I think I will probably be caught up with all the episodes long before the end of the final season and I am dreading the wait for it to be over and get the answers. Also, if they wrap it up with some lame ending I will probably fire off an angry letter to ABC. LOL Supposedly the creators planned it to be only six seasons from the very beginning and have had the story all along....so it better be good!!


So, am I alone or are there others of you out there??

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I did the same thing you did: thought the premise of the show was dumb (Gilligan's Island anyone?) so I ignored it.

Then I checked it out on Netflix and was instantly hooked.

We don't have cable so I guess I'll have to wait until the new season is over and check it out on netflix again.

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I love Lost...and Sawyer. I mentioned on the celebrity thread that I saw Ben at Whole Foods!


One of our friends is a pastor and was interviewing for a church in Florida. Flying back he got bumped up to first class and was seated in row with Ben in front of him and Sawyer behind him!

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I did the same thing you did: thought the premise of the show was dumb (Gilligan's Island anyone?) so I ignored it.

Then I checked it out on Netflix and was instantly hooked.

We don't have cable so I guess I'll have to wait until the new season is over and check it out on netflix again.


I watch it the day after on hulu.com.

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Aha! Fellow Losties!


Hey, you've got to check out this woman's absolutely delightful blog. She recaps the episodes and is absolutely hysterical. Here's the link to 5.01, "Because You Left," but there are others:


NOTE: THESE LINKS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTABLE TO A GENERAL AUDIENCE. The video is best seen at home, not work.




Here's a helpful video for somoene who has never seen Lost before and needs a (literal) five-minute recap:


Lost in Five Minutes:



Edited by Charles Wallace
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We're Losties here too! :) My dh and I are planning a little watch party. Don't have it all planned out but we'll for sure be having Hawaiian Cocktail Sausages and Pineapple Juice/Coconut Rum (only one little sip for me though...I'm on-call).


No Dharma beer? No fish biscuits? :lol:

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We're Losties here too! :) My dh and I are planning a little watch party. Don't have it all planned out but we'll for sure be having Hawaiian Cocktail Sausages and Pineapple Juice/Coconut Rum (only one little sip for me though...I'm on-call).


No Dharma beer? No fish biscuits? :lol:


No Dharma peanut butter or chocolate?

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Aha! Fellow Losties!


Hey, you've got to check out this woman's absolutely delightful blog. She recaps the episodes and is absolutely hysterical. Here's the link to 5.01, "Because You Left," but there are others:


NOTE: THESE LINKS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTABLE TO A GENERAL AUDIENCE. The video is best seen at home, not work.




My favorite line:

"Lucky for us, Sawyer left his shirt in 2004! Unfortunately his pants did not suffer the same fate." :lol:

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Count us as another family that saw the Lost commercials and thought "How lame. Do we need another 'trapped on an island, fight each other, kill animals, can't get home' kind of show?" At the very beginning of season 2 the board here started talking about smoke monsters and people disappearing and I told my husband "I don't think this is a normal island and we might just like it." We bought season 1 on DVD, watched it and caught up with season 2 on iTunes. We've been addicted since. We've bought all the seasons on DVD and have infected/addicted all of our family and friends by loaning out our Lost Library. :)


So, the sum of this story: it's the WTM boards fault that we are OBSESSED with Lost in the family. We recently rewatched season 5 to be freshed up and ready to go. Tuesday night we are having a Lost party with my daddy, his wife, my mom, me, my husband, our 13 yr old and 11 yr old. We're cooking supper together and Losting for 3 HOURS! Woohoo!

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Aha! Fellow Losties!


Hey, you've got to check out this woman's absolutely delightful blog. She recaps the episodes and is absolutely hysterical. Here's the link to 5.01, "Because You Left," but there are others:


NOTE: THESE LINKS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTABLE TO A GENERAL AUDIENCE. The video is best seen at home, not work.






Funny! :lol:

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Total LOST freaks here. I just sucked in the teens last month. We watched all five seasons in Jan. We finished up last night just in time to catch the final episode on TV. I thought the premier was last night when it was actually the last episode of last season. We had to watch five episodes a day for two or three days to finish last night too!


I have been sucked in since the very first episode. I think I saw previews during Grey's Anatomy which I don't even watch anymore. I hardly watch any tv at all but I always watch LOST. The night I had kidney stones, I waited to go to the hospital until LOST was over. :D

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My husband and I love LOST! But my favorite characters have all been killed off or disappeared. :glare: I do like Ben though. He is so perfect for that role. Jealous of the poster who got to meet him! I like the idea of a LOST themed meal for Tues.

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My husband and I love LOST! But my favorite characters have all been killed off or disappeared. :glare: I do like Ben though. He is so perfect for that role. Jealous of the poster who got to meet him! I like the idea of a LOST themed meal for Tues.


Oh, I didn't meet him, I just tried to nonchalantly stare at him while he was getting stuff off of the salad bar at Whole Foods. :D

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Aha! Fellow Losties!


Hey, you've got to check out this woman's absolutely delightful blog. She recaps the episodes and is absolutely hysterical. Here's the link to 5.01, "Because You Left," but there are others:


NOTE: THESE LINKS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTABLE TO A GENERAL AUDIENCE. The video is best seen at home, not work.





:lol::lol::lol: LOVE that site!!!

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Big lost fans here! I have been watching since the beginning. Dd started watching the end of the 4th season. I had to explain so much!!! So... in between the 4th and 5th season, we watched every episode from the very beginning online. (of course there were a few episodes where we had to do a little editing) It was so much fun to watch them all over again. I even picked up a few details I had missed, causing a few AHA moments. :toetap05: Patiently waiting for season 6 to begin. NOT!!! Is it Tuesday yet?!!! :lol:

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Dh and I LOVE this show! It is our absolute favorite. I am so excited about next Tuesday, although I am feeling a little sad that it will soon all be over! I just hope that they don't ruin it with any lame ending; but since they've had the entire story planned since the beginning, maybe that won't happen. I love the idea of a Lost party, so I think I'm going to steal the idea of a themed dinner that night!

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We love LOST here.


But, I cannot wait a week between episodes! I just can't! So, I'm going to sit out season 6, record it every week, and when the whole thing is done, I'm going to watch the episodes back to back.


Think I can hold out for the whole season???

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We love LOST here.


But, I cannot wait a week between episodes! I just can't! So, I'm going to sit out season 6, record it every week, and when the whole thing is done, I'm going to watch the episodes back to back.


Think I can hold out for the whole season???


:eek: I would go crazy having to wait that long! :willy_nilly:

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How funny, TXMary2! My husband and I just finished with Season 4, episode 5 tonight on Netflix. We watched the shows live and are now re-watching. It is SO much better the second time through. There are many, many little things in the background that you catch when you know the story line (books being read, people in the background, what's on TV etc.) and the one liners that Sawyer and Hurley have are HI-larious when you're not having to try to figure out what in the world is going on.


Loving it.


SIGH. Guilty pleasure.

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Wow- I am glad I am not alone. My husband thinks I am crazy because all I have been doing in my free time is watching on Netflix. LOL I joined the social group, but can't read it until I am caught up.....I don't want anything to be spoiled for me. Last night I finished the episode where Sun, Hurley and the baby were at Jin's grave and I cried my eyes out. I am losing it. LOL

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Yay for the social group! I will join in a moment. I saw this yesterday on another messageboard and it totally summed up how I feel about this show.


Lost is America's shifty, conniving boyfriend. We're stuck in an emotionally destructive relationship but we just can't quit this show. We keep thinking, "this time he isn't transparently screwing with my fears and insecurities, there will be a real payoff," or, "he will learn the importance of solid interpersonal communication skills, such as telling your friends before you attempt to cross a lethal sonic fence and steal something from a well-armed gang of sociopaths." That usually doesn't turn out to be the case, but every now and then — just often enough — we're pleasantly surprised.


It is from this article:http://valleywag.gawker.com/5457447/event-of-the-year-showdown-apple-tablet-vs-lost-vs-obama?skyline=true&s=i

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Oh, I didn't meet him, I just tried to nonchalantly stare at him while he was getting stuff off of the salad bar at Whole Foods. :D



We live in an area which has more than the usual number of celebrities, so it's not entirely out of the way to see someone famous once in a while when you're at the gym or shopping.


I have this basic policy that if a celebrity isn't at work, s/he is "off the clock" and deserves the privacy and anonymity accorded to a normal citizen, so I normally don't stare/point/take pictures/ask for autographs...but man, with Michael Emerson, I would really be tempted to at least say, "I really enjoy your work" as he was on his way to getting ranch dressing.

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Ok, if you really want to give yourself a headache spend a couple hours on the internet reading some of the more complex theories about what is going on on th island. It's like reading a brief history of time all over again. Has anyone got a link to a site with some simple theories and maybe known spoilers about what will happen this season? You know, like LOST for dummies? I have watched all five seasons several times and read all the books so I am pretty up to date on what has already happened but some of the stuff I am reading about what will happen seems pretty technical, complex and far-fetched. :confused:

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Ok, if you really want to give yourself a headache spend a couple hours on the internet reading some of the more complex theories about what is going on on th island. It's like reading a brief history of time all over again. Has anyone got a link to a site with some simple theories and maybe known spoilers about what will happen this season? You know, like LOST for dummies? I have watched all five seasons several times and read all the books so I am pretty up to date on what has already happened but some of the stuff I am reading about what will happen seems pretty technical, complex and far-fetched. :confused:


Have you seen Lostpedia? http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Haven't been there in a while, and I don't know if there are any simpler theories on there.

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We love LOST! I saw the end of the first season during the time that Alias came on after it. We had no clue what was happening and we laughed at it! Than BIL brought it over to his parents one night and we all started to watch it and loved it... but I think I am most addicated since I go all over the Internet trying to figure out what everybody else thinks whats going on. Some people have put together some really interesing ideas!


I'm super excited about the last season!


I don't have cable or even public TV either, but its on abc.com and I guess this year its gonna be on hulu.com too, so thats how I've been watching it since season 3!

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Have you seen Lostpedia? http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Haven't been there in a while, and I don't know if there are any simpler theories on there.


Well, at one point I had read every word on that site but I guess that was previous to the last season and now they have so much more that I don't even know where to start. I went to the theory page and that where I started running into these deep physics theories. I read for awhile and while I follow the general concepts, it does tend to make your head hurt after awhile.

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Well, at one point I had read every word on that site but I guess that was previous to the last season and now they have so much more that I don't even know where to start. I went to the theory page and that where I started running into these deep physics theories. I read for awhile and while I follow the general concepts, it does tend to make your head hurt after awhile.


I have a reflexive twitch now whenever I read the phrase "Valenzetti Equation.":ack2:

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Ok, if you really want to give yourself a headache spend a couple hours on the internet reading some of the more complex theories about what is going on on th island. It's like reading a brief history of time all over again. Has anyone got a link to a site with some simple theories and maybe known spoilers about what will happen this season? You know, like LOST for dummies? I have watched all five seasons several times and read all the books so I am pretty up to date on what has already happened but some of the stuff I am reading about what will happen seems pretty technical, complex and far-fetched. :confused:

Maybe this one?http://www.lostisagame.com/

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I didn't watch this show when it first came out because I thought the premise of being stuck on an island you can't get off of was just silly for today's day and technology. I noticed commercials for it and realized it has been on several years now so I thought I would check it out on Netflix. After the very first episode I was addicted!!!


I am currently about 6 episodes in on Season 4 and am loving how now the "flashbacks" are now flash forwards to when some of them get home! I want to read up on this show, but I don't want anything spoiled. I am so glad I didn't start watching when it first came out because waiting week after week and season after season would kill me. Since the first week of January I have watched from Season 1 and I think I am obsessed. LOL


Sawyer is my favorite (yummy!) and I am hoping he doesn't die. I think I will probably be caught up with all the episodes long before the end of the final season and I am dreading the wait for it to be over and get the answers. Also, if they wrap it up with some lame ending I will probably fire off an angry letter to ABC. LOL Supposedly the creators planned it to be only six seasons from the very beginning and have had the story all along....so it better be good!!


So, am I alone or are there others of you out there??


A friend suggested it to us, and this past summer, we started watching the DVDS in order from Season 1. We watched Seasons 1, 2 & 3, then ER went back to college, so then we had to wait until he's home for the weekend so we can watch together. He's home this weekend, so we just finished Season 4 last night. We went to Blockbuster this afternoon to rent Season 5, Disc 1, but they don't have Season 5 DVDs. :( So, we came home and I signed us up for Netflix, and at this very moment, dh is hooking his laptop up to a projector so we can stream it!

Edited by ereks mom
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A friend suggested it to us, and this past summer, we started watching the DVDS in order from Season 1. We watched Seasons 1, 2 & 3, then ER went back to college, so then we had to wait until he's home for the weekend so we can watch together. He's home this weekend, so we just finished Season 4 last night. We went to Blockbuster this afternoon to rent Season 5, Disc 1, but they don't have Season 5 DVDs. :( So, we came home and I signed us up for Netflix, and at this very moment, dh is hooking his laptop up to a projector so we can stream it!


LOL- that is funny! I first started watching them at ABC.com, but after awhile my internet connection wasn't jiveing with the abc website so I switched to Netflix.....but we were already members. If I wasn't I would have signed up just to watch it!

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