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Does anyone barter anymore?

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I still do. My kids could not have access to all they have if I didn't. It is how I had them in baseball, gymnastics field trips etc. I trade for volunteer hours mostly, but it means the fees get drastically reduced or completely waived. If I think there is a chance to reduce fees or waive them I simply ask. THe worst that can happen is I get told no, most of the time I am able to make some sort of arrangements to make it affordable enough to let my kids participate.

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I bartered with a friend a few years ago. She got math and science tutoring for her high school dd, and I got an amazing dinner for my family. My dc still talk about Mrs. C's chicken pot pie!


I actually suggested it when she was looking for a tutor. I knew that her finances were tight and that she was an awesome cook.

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My dentist has offered to accept barters from us for payment.


He decided to not be on my insurances preferred provider list, and offered to let me barter the difference (over $400 per year :ack2: on just our cleanings alone). I think I will just change to an office that accepts my insurance but it was a nice suggestion.

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In fact we are currently bartering large format printing for a family vacation at a golf resort in Arizona.


We have also exchanged graphic design work for some of our kitchen remodel work, and we often trade photography services for other services or experiences.

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Does one pay taxes on bartered services?


I don't know what the law it, but I am ethically against collecting/paying taxes on the service portion of a transaction, if it was done outside of an established business.


For the exchange of goods... if the goods were part of tax write off or exemption, taxes should be assessed, but not on the services portion IMHO. It the goods were never part of a tax system, they should not be introduced to the tax system.



IE. If a farmer has a business and deducts the cost of the seeds/equip/land from his business expenses...he should not barter tax-free with those fruits/veg etc.


If he personally buys his own seeds and grows a few veggies to barter with...I don't expect taxes to be assessed.



I don't think a mom bartering daycare with another mom's baking cinnamon rolls should be taxed unless one or the other has claimed a tax deduction due to the effort.

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My dad is a lawyer and has bartered his services frequently over the years. I don't personally know how he handled taxes, but I imagine in his case it would be fairly straightforward to report.


What I'm wondering is how people deal with billing friends. I assume my dad did, but I can remember *many* middle of the night phone calls from friends whose kids were in trouble -- I wonder if my dad billed them for that, how awkward that was, etc.

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