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S/O do you carry homeschool stuff with you?

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I am curious to know how many people are as weird as me. WHen you go places, like to your kids extracurrics(provided you stay and not jsut drop them off), or tot he park, or a hotel etc do you bring homeschool books, lesson planners and/or catalogues with you? I always have some combination of that list along with my pencil box and a coil notebook incase I need to jot something down when I go out to places like that. Keeps my hands and mind busy while killing time, and also relaxes me when stressed(My catalogues have seen lots of wear and tear this last month lol). So who else is weird like me and carries this stuff with you?

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I'm weird that way too. I never just sit and wait, and 90% of the time it's something school-related that I'm working on.


ETA: That reminds me of when I was in college. Some classes were sooooo boring, and I'd bring my bills to pay, or I might balance my checkbook, or anything else I could think of so I wouldn't feel like I was wasting my time. I suppose my professors might have been offended, but they never said boo about it.

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For me, I always bring a book to read or notes to write or my writing or something. For my ds6, I often bring a coloring book or word find and some crayons. Any kids not involved in whatever activity we are heading to usually bring a book to read or some schoolwork. I almost always have an audio book or something to listen to in the car.

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I'm weird that way too. I never just sit and wait, and 90% of the time it's something school-related that I'm working on.


ETA: That reminds me of when I was in college. Some classes were sooooo boring, and I'd bring my bills to pay, or I might balance my checkbook, or anything else I could think of so I wouldn't feel like I was wasting my time. I suppose my professors might have been offended, but they never said boo about it.



Me too! Ages and ages ago, I sat in a math class one night (the night before halloween) and during our break, I was stitching pink terry cloth bunny ears for dd (who was 1 yr old at the time) to wear the next day.


I always have school books or my lesson planner or catalogs that have come that I haven't had a moment to look at while at home. Maybe it's not weired, maybe it's multi-tasking. I cannot imagine sitting through basketball practice or guitar lessons without 'something to do.'

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I had the chance for the first overnight in a hotel room in five years, with my hubby.


Believe me when I say, homeschooling materials were the absolute LAST thing (as in, never even considered it!) on my mind. :lol:


Something slinky, however....;)

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I LOVE to hang out with my homeschooling girlfriend, drink tea and go through catalogues! We bring them to the park, classes, and each others houses. I just threw out all of my old ones, now the exciting part...I get to figure out whose catalogues I want this year, I love getting fresh ones in the mail. I can actually hear my girlfriend in my mind saying "oooooo (jumping up and down a little :)) new catalogues!!! Yeah!!"

Hi J., yes I'm talking about you :D. Just admit it, you love um too!


I swear I have a real life...:blush5:

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I am curious to know how many people are as weird as me. WHen you go places, like to your kids extracurrics(provided you stay and not jsut drop them off), or tot he park, or a hotel etc do you bring homeschool books, lesson planners and/or catalogues with you? I always have some combination of that list along with my pencil box and a coil notebook incase I need to jot something down when I go out to places like that. Keeps my hands and mind busy while killing time, and also relaxes me when stressed(My catalogues have seen lots of wear and tear this last month lol). So who else is weird like me and carries this stuff with you?


Yep. I always have something with me hs related.

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I'm weird that way too. I never just sit and wait, and 90% of the time it's something school-related that I'm working on.


ETA: That reminds me of when I was in college. Some classes were sooooo boring, and I'd bring my bills to pay, or I might balance my checkbook, or anything else I could think of so I wouldn't feel like I was wasting my time. I suppose my professors might have been offended, but they never said boo about it.


Ha! I remember sitting in a psych class writing out notes about how I was going to hs my kids someday, planning history cycles & such. Pre-WTM. Pre-dh & dc. :lol: Have I mentioned that I'm a die-hard?

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I used to bring homeschooling stuff with me. Lately I've got it all figured out so I don't have such an obsession about it.


I used to have dd bring work with her if we were traveling. Not any more. I found she gets busy with what ever reason that we are traveling so bringing school work is a waste of vehicle space.

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WHen you go places......do you bring homeschool books, lesson planners and/or catalogues with you? I always have some combination of that list along with my pencil box and a coil notebook incase I need to jot something down when I go out to places like that.


All. the. time.


Sometimes I don't look at any of it, but I get a surprising amount done overall. I always have a tote bag at the ready. :lol:

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Well, I'll be the weird one. While I hate wasting time, then I have been known -and seen- to just sit. Sit and stare into thin air and let my mind wander off......I rarely get a moment to just sit so it's a treat if I can drop someone off and not have a (gorgeous) toddler to race after!!!!


Genereally speaking, though, when I have the capacity to sit and read etc. then no, I usually do not do school-related readings. I do that all the time at home during school and before and after so time alone would be spent on someting else.

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Nope, I don't take hs stuff with me. I almost always have whatever crochet project I'm working on though and usually whatever book I'm reading incase my hands give out on me (carpal tunnel). And I *always* have my iPhone with me...and with the Kindle app for it, you'll never find me at a loss for something to do! :D

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