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Who's willing to share their 8th grade schedule (curriculum)? nt


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MAth Chalkdust Algebra 1

Science - did 6 Science Explorer book and a unit on ecology

History started at late 1500's plan to finish at 1700 using grueber texts, SOTW, and reading lots of living history per Sonlight, Veritas and History through the ages. Most of our reading is based on history.

Spelling Sequential Book 4 and 5 (only because he really needs it)

Grammar Winston Advanced

Vocabulary Wordly Wise 3000 book 6

Writing - Igniting Your Writing and various report writing based on history or science

Outlining exercises

Language Smarts from Critical Thinking press to help with spelling

Music Guitar and Essentials of Music Theory

Art Artistic prusuits but didn't get very far we are art failures :tongue_smilie:

Critical Thinking Logic Puzzles (Logic Safari - this really helped him with math) and various other critical thinking exercies from Critical Thinking, Fallacy Detective, and Critical Thinking Through US History.

We are also doing a number of great crasfts through Colonial Times with a Cd called Colonial Life Time Travelers History Through the Ages that I purchased from Home School in the Woods - this is wonderful and has a lot more than use crafts.

Rosetta Stone Spanish we have now complete our Spanish studies.

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BIBLE = Explorer's Bible Study (Quest level) History of Ancient Israel



MATH = MUS Pre-Algebra; Singapore 6A/B, Keys to Decimals & Percents (supplements)


- Literature (2-4x/week) = Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings

- Great Books study (4x/week) = 6 ancients classics, WTM style, with study guides

- Solo Reading (1 hour/week) = 6-8 books

- Writing (4-5x/week) = Jump In; weekly timed essay writing; other assign.

- Spelling (4x/week) = Megawords; individualized spelling

- Grammar (3/week) = Winston Advanced

- Vocabulary (2x/week) = English from Roots Up; from literature/reading



SCIENCE = Reader's Digest How Science Works; matching TOPS units



HISTORY = Spielvogel's Human Odyssey (ancients); a few other resources

GEOGRAPHY = workbook; online geography games; library books

CRIT. THINK. = Critical Thinking in Images, Patterns, Logic; Word Winks

PE = tennis or swim laps

MISCELLANEOUS = various books; just finished "Money Matters"; will now add to cultural studies aspect of Geography



- LOGIC = Thinking Toolbox (did Fallacy Detective last year)



He also is on homeschool Student Council, which meets once a month to plan, and then carry out, the once a month activites for the homeschooled 6-12th grade students. We also, as a family, try to complete a minimum of 20 hours per person per year of community service.

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Math - Chalkdust Algebra I

Latin - Latin Alive II

History - Tapestry Of Grace Redesigned 3

Lang. Arts:

  1. Literature - Tapestry of Grace
  2. Spelling - Phonetic Zoo
  3. Grammar - Stewarts
  4. Writing - Lost Tools of Writing & Writing Aids
  5. Vocabulary - Wordly Wise 5

Logic - Traditional Logic I

Debate - NCFCA Speech & Debate

Science - BJUP Physical Science

Piano & Drum lessons

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Here's what I'm planning - subject to chance without notice LOL...


Math - finish VideoText Algebra

Grammar - Session 3 of Analytical Grammar

Writing - Writing Strands 6 and 7

History/lit/more writing - HO Modern Level II with 2nd 1/2 of SL Core 7

Logic - next book in Art of Argument

Science - BJU Space and Earth

Latin - either Latin Prep II or the new Latin Alive

Art - Artistic Pursuits


I think that's it. I always forget something on these lists.


Edited to add PE - we don't actually do PE because she does gymnastics 18 hours a week.

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Well, I am still on the fence with homeschooling next year, but if I do here is the plan.


Math- Lial's Introductory Algebra

Literature-Lightning Lit 8

Vocabulary-Wordly Wise Book 8

Latin-Latina Christiana 2 (We should finish this early.)

History-Ack! Don't know

Science-Apologia Physical Science


Maybe Rod and Staff 8. We are about finished with 7 and have learned a lot. I am not sure if we need more.


I think that is it. Maybe a couple of extras like piano and track. :)

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This is 2 years away for us... but here is a tentative plan...


Tapestry of Grace Redesign year 1. Finally we will be using redesign!!



Church History

World view

Light geography


Writing Aids along w/ (Maybe) IEW Ancients.


Analytical grammar 2nd year


Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1


Science (?? no idea yet)


Its still 2 years away... this is subject to change :D

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Spelling: Rod & Staff 8


Math: Jacob's Algebra


Grammar/Writing: Rod & Staff 8


Latin: Henle 1 (not sure how fast this will go)


Science: Apologia Physical most likely - I'm sure he will "sit in" on his younger brother's experiments, too. (I would really like to try Science per WTM, but frankly I'm too scared knowing I've failed that twice!)


Introductory Logic w/DVD's


History: KIHW/SOTW4 -hopefully we'll get to the Geography coloring book =)


Literature: List in WTM for 8th grade - plan on using Reading Strands to cover "Lit Analysis" a bit more formally


I would like to add in Rosetta Stone Spanish, but I'm not sure how much time Introductory Logic is going to take. (We do the Dandylion Logic books now, but that seems very light in comparison!)

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Math ~ Life of Fred finished Decimal & Percent book and started Beginning Algebra

Literature ~ Finishing Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings from last year

Grammar ~ Analytical Grammar

Science ~ Evolution: The Grand Experiment and a video lecture series from HHMI on evolution

History ~ Sonlight 5 (took a little break, but are picking it back up)

Foreign Language ~ learning some basic Spanish, will start Latin in a couple months and will do a combo of Latin and Spanish ala WTM suggestions

Logic ~ Fallacy Detective & Thinking Toolbox and critical thinking exercises from a Daily Spark book

Vocab. ~ Vocabulary Vine word roots program

Writing ~ Teaching the Essay and IEW

PE ~ daily walk and Judo, bowling during league season

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DS will be 13 year-old 8th grader in the Fall...


Bible study

Math: CD Alg 1

Latin: Lingua Latina + _____ for grammar (undecided on which online class)

History/Lit/Theology: Omnibus 1 online class

Writing/Grammar: PTIW, IEW Grammar Fix-Its, Sentence Composing/Middler

Science: Apologia Physical

Geo: Trail Guide

Logic: maybe Nance


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Saxon algebra I w/dive cd

R&S English 7

IEW U.S. History Based Writing Lessons

Henle Latin I

SOTW 3 w/ A History of US 1-5 and Abraham Lincoln's World

Idiot's Guide to Geography

Prentice Hall Science Explorer's Astronomy, Inside Earth & Earth's Changing Surface

CLE reading 8

Literature: Dragon & The Raven, To Kill A Mockingbird, Merlin, and a few others





A Child's History of Art Architecture

Fallacy Detective

Whatever Happened to Penny Candy

Maps, Charts, Globes H

Bulfinch's Mythology (family read aloud)

Tales from Shakespeare (family read aloud)

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University of Chicago Algebra

Apologia Physical Science

R&S English 8th

Literature (co-op)

Writing (co-op, taught by me)

History -still not sure, maybe Notgrass

Building Thinking Skills 3 Figural and Verbal

Vocabulary from the Classical Roots

*maybe a self-paced drawing book like Draw Squad

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the plan for the fall is


Rod & Staff Math 8

Finish Analytical Grammar- session 3

BJU Science 7 (wants to do life science)

Finish up Jump In writing, Figuatively Speaking, and Vocabulary cartoons

Lightning Lit 8

Elementary Greek 2

continue poetry and bible memory work/dication

continue reading through the bible

Guerber Middle Ages & Ren./Ref.

Logic - try to finish Fallacy Detective - once per week

surfing, swimming, and running

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King James Bible/Scripture Memory

Math - Abeka Pre-Algebra

Science - Abeka Science 8

Grammar - Abeka Grammar/Comp

Writing - Writing Strands ( ? )

Literature - Abeka & books not yet chosen (this covers lit, poetry, and fine art study)

History - World (Ancients/Medieval) using living books w/Abeka text as spine

Homeschool Band Group (flute)

Latin - ?

Logic - DVD by Bluedorn boys

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Thank you for starting this thread- I just today started researching for next year, and it really helps to see what others are doing.


So obviously, this is very tentative for next year:

Math: Finish MathUSee Pre-algebra (she will be ready to start this before this year ends)


English/writing:This is one of my major planning areas. CW just isn't working for us right now, as much as I love it. Thinking about Analytical grammar, and Jump in


Literature: Lightning Lit, and/or WTM list for 1600 to 1850.


Latin: Finish Latin Book one, then ?


History: 1600 to 1850. Another area where I am not sure- She has used History Odyssey the last two years, but it is weighing her down.


Science: Finish Holt Biology from this year, and then I have no idea.


Art: Artistic Pursuits, studio time.


Music: Continue with her intense piano program.

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Two years away for us, too. Well no - a year and a half! Our tentative plan includes:


Math - who knows?

Latin - should be finishing up the Latin Prep series, somewhere around So You Really Want to Learn Latin 3.

Greek - should be finishing up Elementary Greek 3

Classical Writing - Diogenes

History - modern period; I'm just going to throw books at him

Literature - same as above

Classical Studies - possibly the Aeneid


Science? Logic? Spanish? Programming? Who knows!

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He turns 13 in June. Much of his 8th grade studies will be a continuation of what he's doing now, in 7th. Here's what I have planned:


Lial's Introductory Algebra (he began this last month)


Spelling Workout H (continuing)


Vocab for Classical Roots B (he did Book A earlier this year)


Jump In (he'll have the last 1/3 or so left after this year)


So You Really Want to Learn English 3 (Galore Park)


Latin Prep 2 (Galore Park)


Rosetta Stone German (just continuing along with this)


Sonlight Core 7 (second half of world history; includes some L.A.)


Apologia Physical Science


Thinking Toolbox


various art & music appreciation resources


I may throw in Analytical Grammar or some other grammar refresher (he used R&S English through Book 6). I'd love to include Lightning Lit 8, but I doubt there's time. I used to think I'd have him start Traditional Logic in 8th, but I've pushed that back a bit. His other activities include soccer, 4-H, chess club, piano, and guitar.

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Math - Lial's Intro. Algebra


Latin - Henle I (currently finishing unit 3), and Cambridge Book 1


Hisory - History Odyssey Ancients, level 2


Writing - Classical Writing Homer


Literature - no formal program ~ She did Lightning Lit 7th grade last year, and asked to have an informal year before high school, so I'm letting her read books approved by me. I was only willing to do this because she is a voracious reader... My dd11 will probably not have this option :tongue_smilie:


Science - Prentice Hall Science Explorer~Physical Science


Logic - we were intending to read The Thinking Toolbox this year, but we haven't started yet...


various and sundry memory work

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Here are my plans, but they are subject to change:


Math: Teaching Textbooks


Literature: Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings or LL 8

Language: Latin II (on-line class if it isn't offered at co-op)

Writing: Home2Teach on-line writing course

Spelling: Apples Spelling 2

Language Arts: Analytical Grammar

Foreign Language: Spanish


History: ??


Science: Apologia (probably biology: I need to see what class is being offered) & Nature Studies


Geography: Finish up Runkles and then use lapbooks or unit studies on different countries (this will also fall into history as well)


Bible: Explorer Bible Study: Quest (not sure which one yet)




Art: Atelier, Harmony Fine Arts, & Mini studies from Heart and Trees

Co-op: Will have to wait to see what is offered

Physical Education: Gymnastics, Swim Team

Health: Total Health


Now I might not do AG, because she is getting grammar from Apples, Latin, On-line Writing class, and her literature studies. But I like the simplicity of it. Apples takes no time at all to do: maybe 10-15 min. I am leaning toward All American History for History. I like notebooking and I think this may suit our needs. And then her brother can do it with her too.


She also does volunteer work at our local area chamber of commerce once a month.

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Math: Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1


Language Arts: Learning Language Arts Through Literature--Gray


Science: Apologia Biology


Literature: Lightning Literature 8


Geography: Trail Guide to World Geography


History: Truthquest Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Exploration


Writing: Writing Strands 4


Music: Composer Studies Ambleside Online


Art: Artist studies Ambleside Online, art lessons


Foreign Language: Spanish 4 hours a week


We also do nature journaling every Friday and PE (swimming).

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Current 8th grade:

Lial's Algebra

Henle switched to Cambridge Latin

BJU Writing & Grammar

Writing Strands

Poetry Study & Walch's Prose & Poetry

Wordly Wise

Reading List & BJU Lit on the side (this semester's books are listed on my blog)

U.S. History survey

Apologia Biology

Outside classes: Speech, Art, & Geometry (intro)

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It's 18 months away for us too, but I'll post my tentative plans:


R&S grammar 8 (unless I do R&S 7 over 2 years)

NT Greek for Beginners by Machen

Wheelock's Latin IB

Omnibus II (covers Bible, history, & Literature)

R&S Spelling 8

CW Diogenes Maxim & Intermediate Poetry

UCSMP Algebra I


We will continue doing PE as a family. We will also read How to Read a Book and do the study guide at the end of 8th grade in preparation for high school.

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Henle Latin (This is changing, unfortunately, since we're dropping Latin as a subject for the olders.)


Foerster's Algebra (supplementing with Rod and Staff math 8)


Apologia General Science


History of US series supplemented with various literature suggestions (Am. History)


Finished Thinking Toolbox and Fallacy Detective, but we'll review them while we wait for Art of Argument (Logic)


We dropped Rod and Staff grammar, and just focused on writing mostly, this year, but I'm considering having them start 8 in a month or so, and continue through the summer (we school year 'round).


One of them also studies piano.

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Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra (my more academic guy was in Algebra I in 8th grade)

VP Omnibus II

Journal Prompt (from me-- I get ideas from google)

Imitation in Writing

Latin’s Not So Tough (he's on book 5, then will decide whether to move on to more challenging Latin or to take up a modern language)


Music Theory

Memory Work


Apologia Science Physical Science

Traditional Logic I


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