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CC - My DH wants to sing a song @ chruch on Valentine's Day for our daughter

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I tend to agree. I don't believe it to be good form to sing a song to anyone (other than the Lord) while in a church service. If I were sitting in the cngregation, I would be a bit put off at such a thing.




One person singing a song to another person during Sunday service is not something I would be comfortable with.

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I am reading this as her dh will be singing a song about GOD and very privately meaning it to be for his daughter on her birthday. There are a lot of songs about a child growing up in the Lord and how blessed a father (or mother) is to have the child in their lives. I don't find this odd at all. It is a thank you to God for one of the most amazing blessings He will ever give us on this earth (second only to His son, Jesus!). I think it is a beautiful sentiment.

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I am reading this as her dh will be singing a song about GOD and very privately meaning it to be for his daughter on her birthday. There are a lot of songs about a child growing up in the Lord and how blessed a father (or mother) is to have the child in their lives. I don't find this odd at all. It is a thank you to God for one of the most amazing blessings He will ever give us on this earth (second only to His son, Jesus!). I think it is a beautiful sentiment.



I missed that. I thought it was open. I must not know the Cinderella song.

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since her birthday is 2/14. She will be 10. The current song Cinderella came to his mind, but they play it so often on our local Christian radio station that it drives my daughter crazy. Anyone have any other suggestions on Christian father/daughter songs?





I would not choose the Cinderella song. It's a beautiful song, yet because of the circumstances involving Steven Curtis Chapsman's dd I find it is now more of a song of memorial.


Those that don't know it is sung by Steven Curtis Chapman and his young dd was accidentally killed while the song was becoming popular. I can not listen to it without crying and frankly I usually change the channel because it breaks my heart.


IMO you might create unwanted emotions of grief and sadness in the congregation, if someone relates to the song in that way or if they have lost a child. It might override the sense of love for God and family that you are trying to create.


Wish I had an alternative to suggest.

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I'm probably the odd man out here, but personally I would find it uncomfortable to hear a song in church that was sung to someone other than God.


(And, yes, the idea that there is an issue on which I fall on the conservative side on this board has me a bit :001_huh:.)


And if I were a 10 year old girl, I might be really uncomfortable as the center of attention, being sung to in front of the entire congregation. Is your dd on board with this?



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And if I were a 10 year old girl, I might be really uncomfortable as the center of attention, being sung to in front of the entire congregation. Is your dd on board with this?




That occured to me, too. I would have hated this when I was 10. But not everyone is shy, so maybe it's not so bad for her.

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Oh blest the house whate'er befall

Where Jesus Christ is all in all.

For if He were not present there

How dark and poor and void it were!


O Blest that house where faith ye find

And all within have set their mind

To trust their God and serve him still

And do in all His holy will!


Oh blest the parents who give heed

Unto their chidlren's foremost need

And weary not of care or cost!

May none to them and heaven be lost!


Blest such a house, it prospers well,

In peace and joy the parents dwell.

And in their chidlren's lot is shown

How richly God can bless His own.


Then here will I and mine today

A solemn covenant make and say;

Though all the world forsake Thy Word,

I and my house will serve the Lord.



The tune is called "Wo Gott zum Haus". It's fast but not particularly familiar. I like it, though.

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I'm probably the odd man out here, but personally I would find it uncomfortable to hear a song in church that was sung to someone other than God.


(And, yes, the idea that there is an issue on which I fall on the conservative side on this board has me a bit :001_huh:.)


Nope, you are not the odd one out. I completely agree. We are in service to worship and honor God, not anyone else. I would feel very uncomfortable with such a thing happening in our service. It is something that should happen privately IMO.

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Agreeing with not doing an EARTHLY father/daughter song, but how about singing her favorite Christian song?


OR... here's a nice modern hymn that's about our HEAVENLY Father and His perspective on our lives... and His constant love and care...


I Was There To Hear Your Borning Cry

By John Ylvisaker


(Through all the stages of our lives, God is with us, loving us and allowing us freedom to make choices. This song is written from His perspective, reminding us of His constant love.)


Verse 1

"I was there to hear your borning cry,

I'll be there when you are old.

I rejoiced the day you were baptized

to see your life unfold.

I was there when you were but a child,

with a faith to suit you well;

In a blaze of light you wandered off

to find where demons dwell."


Verse 2

"When you heard the wonder of the Word

I was there to cheer you on;

You were raised to praise the living Lord,

to whom you now belong.

If you find someone to share your time

and you join your hearts as one,

I'll be there to make your verses rhyme

from dusk 'til rising sun."



Verse 3

In the middle ages of your life,

not too old, no longer young,

I'll be there to guide you through the night,

complete what I've begun.

When the evening gently closes in,

and you shut your weary eyes,

I'll be there as I have always been

with just one more surprise."


Verse 4

"I was there to hear your borning cry,

I'll be there when you are old.

I rejoiced the day you were baptized,

to see your life unfold."


You can find it in Christian songbooks like The Best of the Best. Here's a rough copy from the internet:



People usually *love* this song.


You would want to include the "blurb" above or make sure they knew it wasn't your dh singing about your dd. I wouldn't even make it public that it was her birthday or he was singing for her. He could write a personal note saying that he loves her so much and will be there for her as God is.


I'd love to hear what he chooses and how it goes. So sweet of him!

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We sing that in our church--it's one of those songs that is about God the Father, but, as fathering in the earthly sense is a reflection of that heavenly relationship, I think it's a great choice to have Dad sing on his dd's birthday!

No getting close to her or walking over to her and singing directly to her, tho. That would be inappropriate in my church, for the pps reasons that it's worship time.

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Agreeing with not doing an EARTHLY father/daughter song, but how about singing her favorite Christian song?

Verse 4

"I was there to hear your borning cry,

I'll be there when you are old.

I rejoiced the day you were baptized,

to see your life unfold."


...You would want to include the "blurb" above or make sure they knew it wasn't your dh singing about your dd. I wouldn't even make it public that it was her birthday or he was singing for her. He could write a personal note saying that he loves her so much and will be there for her as God is.



In my opinion, Sunday service songs are to be songs of worship to God. This is not a song to God, but a song to a daughter. "I" refers to an earthly dad, "you" refers to a daughter." It is about a father being there for his daughter.


If I heard this song in Sunday service I would think the singer thinks too much of himself. I would think he should be singing to the Lord, but instead he is using the congregation as a captive audience in order to draw attention to his daughter and his own good parenting.


If Dad wants to sing to his birthday girl, that is okay, but it should not be confused with worshiping God. How about inviting the congration to join you for cake and song after service? Cake mix is around $2 a box, so if you bake it yourself it isn't too expensive.

Edited by Caribbean Queen
spelling error
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In my opinion, Sunday service songs are to be songs of worship to God. This is not a song to God, but a song to a daughter. "I" refers to an earthly dad, "you" refers to a daughter." It is about a father being there for his daughter.


If I heard this song in Sunday service I would think the singer thinks too much of himself. I would think he should be singing to the Lord, but instead he is using the congragation as a captive audience in order to draw attention to his daughter and his own good parenting.


If Dad wants to sing to his birthday girl, that is okay, but it should not be confused with worshiping God. How about inviting the congration to join you for cake and song after service? Cake mix is around $2 a box, so if you bake it yourself it isn't too expensive.


:iagree:I'm cringing because I think the OP has good intentions. But I've got to agree with this. I would be really put-off by this in church. It isn't appropriate IMO.

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My husband called a radio station and had "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlisle played for our daughter for her 13th birthday. He knew she was listening in her room and she came out in tears so glad that he loved her enough to call "her" radio station and ask them to play "their" favorite song. It came out in 1997, the year after she was born and he'd rock her and listen to it on the radio, and as she got older he'd play it for "them".


I don't know whether all churches do this, but our church has a special time where those with birthdays that week come up to the altar to receive a blessing from the pastor....every claps afterward to wish them happy birthday. On some special birthdays (typically the high numbered ones) someone has recited a poem or something. No one has ever sung that I can recall, but in my church that would seem to be the appropriate time for this....but I'd make sure the child was ok with it since it would be quite obvious who it was for....my daughter loved the radio dedication, and did have one friend hear it, but I'm not sure how she would have felt about it in a larger audience. That's definitely a question for daddy, daughter and the pastor of the church to decide.


I found the lyrics to Butterfly Kisses online:


There's two things I know for sure

She was sent here from heaven

And she's daddy's little girl

As I drop to my knees by her bed at night

She talks to Jesus and I close my eyes

And I thank God for all of the joy in my life

Oh but most of all for..



Butterfly kisses after bed time prayer

Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair

Walk beside the pony daddy; it's my first ride

I know the cake looks funny daddy

But I sure tried

Oh with all that I've done wrong

I must have done something right

To deserve a hug every morning

And butterfly kisses at night



Sweet sixteen today

She's looking like her mother a little more everyday

One part woman; the other part girl

To perfume and make up

From ribbons and curls

Trying her wings out in a great big world

But I remember..


Butterfly kisses after bed time prayer

Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair

You know how much I love you daddy

But if you don't mind

I'm only gonna kiss you on the cheek this time

Oh with all that I've done wrong

I must have done something right

To deserve her love every morning

And butterfly kisses at night



She'll change her name today

She'll make a promise and I'll give her away

Standing in the bride room just staring at her

She asked me what I'm thinking

And I said I'm not sure

I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl

She leaned over - gave me



Butterfly kisses with her mother there

Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair

Walk me down the aisle daddy; it's just about time

Does my wedding gown look pretty daddy?

Daddy don't cry



Oh with all that I've done wrong

I must have dont something right

To deserve her heart every morning

And butterfly kisses

Every hug in the morning

And butterfly kisses at night

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With all due respect, Caribbean Queen, the Borning Cry song is NOT an earthly father speaking to a daughter, but GOD speaking to the people He created.


I agree that songs in church should have God as the focus. That's why I like to see the "blurb" included. Did everyone misunderstand or are they referring to the OP?



In my opinion, Sunday service songs are to be songs of worship to God. This is not a song to God, but a song to a daughter. "I" refers to an earthly dad, "you" refers to a daughter." It is about a father being there for his daughter.


If I heard this song in Sunday service I would think the singer thinks too much of himself. I would think he should be singing to the Lord, but instead he is using the congregation as a captive audience in order to draw attention to his daughter and his own good parenting.


If Dad wants to sing to his birthday girl, that is okay, but it should not be confused with worshiping God. How about inviting the congration to join you for cake and song after service? Cake mix is around $2 a box, so if you bake it yourself it isn't too expensive.

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I'm probably the odd man out here, but personally I would find it uncomfortable to hear a song in church that was sung to someone other than God.


(And, yes, the idea that there is an issue on which I fall on the conservative side on this board has me a bit :001_huh:.)


I agree.... sorry about this. How about a compromise.....Both the dad and the daughter sing together in praise to God??



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With all due respect, Caribbean Queen, the Borning Cry song is NOT an earthly father speaking to a daughter, but GOD speaking to the people He created.


I agree that songs in church should have God as the focus. That's why I like to see the "blurb" included. Did everyone misunderstand or are they referring to the OP?


I did misunderstand, sorry. When I was reading the lyrics, I was imagining the father singing it for or to the daughter for her birthday. The song is really about God.

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I trust that your dh will find something that is both appropriate for service and has special meaning for you daughter.


Sandi Patti's "Love in Any Language" comes to mind, though I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for. I think it's such a lovely thing for him to do, especially since we are our childrens' first example of the relationship we wish for them to have with God as they grow. This is a neat thing for your daughter to be part of. :)


Perhaps he could pick something that is just especially meaningful to him and coincides with the sermon? The bulletin might include a blurb about dedicating the song to your girl, much the same way our altar flowers are often given "in honor of" or "in memory of" some special event within that family.


Can't wait to hear what he chooses.

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