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Am I weird?

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(or should I even have to ask) LOL


Am I the only one who after finishing a good book that I really get into ... well, I miss the characters from that book and wish it could just go on and on....


Happens to me regularly. After I read a certain book set in a time period prior to World War I, it was hard to yank myself back to the present.

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This is exactly how I felt after reading Karen Kingsbury's Baxter family series. There were about 11 books I think. I felt like I really knew them. So, no it's not just you. I might be just me and you though.lol:D


Oh gosh - that was certainly one of those series that had that effect!

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This is exactly how I felt after reading Karen Kingsbury's Baxter family series. There were about 11 books I think. I felt like I really knew them. So, no it's not just you. I might be just me and you though.lol:D



... another series to get pulled into :lol:

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Do you ever pick up a slight accent from your reading? I am more careful now but my 12 yo self was not as aware and I am sure many adults smiled behind their hands at me.


Yes!! I'm so glad to know that someone else does this too!! :001_smile: If I spend too much time reading Jane Austen, it's all I can do to keep some of the phrases from rolling off my tongue in a British accent. It happens with other books/authors too, if I get really engrossed or spend a long time reading a book or series.


And yes to the OP, too. For me it doesn't always have to be a great book (as far as well-written)--just an intriguing, engrossing story with characters I care about and can identify with.

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(or should I even have to ask) LOL


Am I the only one who after finishing a good book that I really get into ... well, I miss the characters from that book and wish it could just go on and on....




Yes! Barbara Kingsolver does this to me. I keep asking myself, even months later, "I wonder how so-and-so is doing?" Then, I remember, "Agh! It was only a book!" I love that, and I hate it! :)

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I am the same way.

I love to re-read my favorites just to visit the characters I miss.


Of course, the mark of a great book is that you don't want it to end.


I have always read books with my whole heart. One of my favorite childhood memories is crying with the main character at the end of a book and the teacher's aide at school pulling my dad aside when he came to get me to make sure that everything was okay with me at home. No one seemed to understand that it was just sad when the boy's kitty died.


Nice to know I'm not the only one.

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DD and I both get this way about any great story: books, movies, TV. We are both currently a bit depressed over finishing series 4 of Doctor Who.


I have a nephew who would not read the last chapter of a book or series because he didn't want it to end! (I could never handle not knowing how it ended but I understand his feelings!)

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Do you ever pick up a slight accent from your reading?


A good Austen jag can leave me saying words like "shan't" for weeks!


I do miss characters, too, especially if it's a series of books and I've spent a lot of time with 'em.


Sometimes what I really miss is the setting -- the geography, the era -- I really do picture my own self there alongside the characters. Sometimes I have a bit of jet lag after "returning" to my own time and place.

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A good Austen jag can leave me saying words like "shan't" for weeks!


I do miss characters, too, especially if it's a series of books and I've spent a lot of time with 'em.


Sometimes what I really miss is the setting -- the geography, the era -- I really do picture my own self there alongside the characters. Sometimes I have a bit of jet lag after "returning" to my own time and place.


:lol: So true! I don't know about an accent but after reading "Emma" by Jane Austen, my friend and I constantly said jokingly to each other:"Please refrain from the intimacy of whispering." ;)

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Dh had been reading the Daughter/Mistress/Servant of the Empire trilogy over the course of a few months and when she broke up with the fella, I nearly cried myself sick!


A good Austen jag can leave me saying words like "shan't" for weeks!


Ha. I've been playing Jane Austen movies for the past few weeks for this specific purpose!




Edited by Rosie_0801
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Am I the only one who after finishing a good book that I really get into ... well, I miss the characters from that book and wish it could just go on and on....


I have always been like that. I find myself gravitating towards books that are in a series. That way I get a little more time with the characters that have come into my life.

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I'm just as weird as you! I often think about the characters in the books that capture me long after the books are complete. I will also go back and re-read a book or series to "reconnect" with them. Books have always been essential to me, so it's easy for me to lose myself in them.

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