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Poll: Happy New Year. How was YOUR 2009?

Choose the one category that BEST describes your 2009.  

  1. 1. Choose the one category that BEST describes your 2009.

    • This was definitely the best year of my life!
    • It was a great year - ONE of the best ones.
    • A few bumps here and there...but mostly a good year.
    • Definitely not great. But definitely more good than bad.
    • About 50/50 good vs. bad.
    • A lot of rough spots. More hard/bad than good but still bearable.
    • I wish I could have improved about 70% of the year.
    • I've had worse times...but not many.
    • This was the worst/hardest/most difficult year of my life.
    • OK if you just CAN'T pick one of the above...go ahead and click here.

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We were without income for most of the year. We learned a lot, we were very blessed, I'm grateful--but I'm sure glad we're back on track. We just barely squeaked through without utter disaster, and we have a long way to go before we're OK. So I voted "A lot of rough spots" because it was bearable and we were so blessed--but "I've had worse times, but not many" would also fit the bill.

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I had to be one of those 'other' votes. Financially it was our toughest year, but everything else I enjoyed. Do I forget about the finances and say it was one of our best years ever or do I put more weight on the finances and say it was a poor year? I'm not sure. Finances are an aspect of our life, but not THE aspect.

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Well, we had a new baby that I never expected my dad to live long enough to see, but he was there for her birth, and with us again on Christmas.


I had a really great 2009, but expect 2010 to be more difficult as dad's cancer progresses, and we need to do more and more to take care of him. I know we will make it all work, but it will be hard.

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I voted that our year wasn't great, but there was more good than bad. I'm basing this on our own situation. Unfortunately, too many of our friends had the worst years of their lives :(. A close friend of dh's lost an eight year battle with breast cancer at the age of 33. My best friend's husband had a stroke at the age of 38 and she was 9 months pregnant with their first child (they spent the month of May at the hospital, she delivered, and they were all released on the same day!). On average, I'd say 60-75% of our friends are unemployed. Financially, things were tougher for us than they have been in a LONG time, but we managed to keep our heads above water and have made a turn for the better.


I'm looking forward to 2010.

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I chose mostly good with a few bumps along the way. For the most part our homeschooling continues to improve because I'm learning to make better choices:) DH likes his job and his hours have become more routine. Extended family....well that's where you'll find the bumps and bruises...:001_huh:

Edited by luvnlattes
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It started off just like the previous years. We were in good financial shape, the boys were doing well and we were continuing to deny that we had a HUGE issue that was threatening our marriage.

That huge issue brought us to our knees in August and I am tempted to say that it made my year one of the worst of my life.

It turns out, however, that finally addressing the problem, attempting counseling, then rejecting it in favor of serious face-to-face work between the two of us could result in a marriage that is better than we could have ever imagined.

I am starting to feel good about 2010. Even the part where I turn 40.

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This has been the worst year I have ever faced.

Every month something bad has happened. From Dh loosing his job in March to three unexpected deaths of close family members in the past 6 months. I woke up tired in January I am going to bed tonight exhausted!

We have had many blessings along the way though for which I am grateful.

2010 might be starting out in a great way though. I will know in a few weeks.

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I realized I hadn't even voted! And I'm not even positive where I fall - but I guess I would have to say mostly good with some bumps along the way. Our firstborn graduated and we took a cruise of a lifetime with all of us. But there were definitely bumps...and stress...and frustrations. My personal prayer life was not as strong as it should have been and that is one of my main goals/resolutions for 2010.

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We were without income for most of the year. We learned a lot, we were very blessed, I'm grateful--but I'm sure glad we're back on track. We just barely squeaked through without utter disaster, and we have a long way to go before we're OK. So I voted "A lot of rough spots" because it was bearable and we were so blessed--but "I've had worse times, but not many" would also fit the bill.


Same situation here. Still waiting for the work situation to improve. Glad you are out of the woods so to speak.

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I answered not great, but more good than bad. In the financial department we were fine. We have even started to dig ourselves out of some debt that I thought would never go away. In the marriage department it was good, but defintely had a few bumps. What really brought the year down was ds9's health. He had surgery in January that was terribly painful for him. He was in casts till the end of Feb, and then still in significant pain till around May. He had another surgery in July, which caused as many problems as it solved. Then he caught a stomach bug in August and landed back in the hospital. I am really hoping for a hospital free 2010. Well, at least for ds. There's a good chance that dh will be having back surgery.

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When 2009 started, I had one son who had just limped to the finish of homeschooled high school (didn't want a graduation, so no party or celebration), one who had just entered treatment that October after running away for 2 weeks, and one little girl who was trying to navigate public school third grade after being homeschooled K-2. I was in a preschool teaching job I did not feel comfortable with, because I wanted to be home. Hubby was just getting used to his new assistant at work--one bright spot, as she and her husband are lovely, Godly, orthodox Episcopalians, rare around here. The rest of our church was falling apart.


Now, as we start 2010, Son #1 has just completed his first semester at VCU with a 3.6 average. Son #2 has been sober for over a year, has gotten nearly straight As in his new school, joined the wrestling team and has been promoted to Varsity (even with no prior experience--either they s>ck or he's pretty good), and has not picked a fight since he's been home. I'm homeschooling dd9 and working part time. One credit card will be settled in Jan, leaving me with a "doable debt," which continues to go down. Hubby is happy at work, and we are just waiting to see if our church crashes and burns--if so, we know pretty much where we'll go.


Thru all the bad, carpy, yucky, HARD things this past year, I gained a lot of insight into myself, my family, and my world. I have far to go, but I'm less controlling, less afraid, and more grown up. The difficult times have brought me to my knees, and have brought me to my Lord. I've found truth in trusting Him, and can honestly say, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him."


This year, I hope to become wiser, stronger, more honest, and closer to my husband. I hope to cultivate more peace and more joy at home, and make my home into a place of beauty, contentment, order, and solace.


Here's to 2010.

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This year was full of JOLTS. But in the difficlties amazing love, grace and mercy have been evident.

We are still married, still laughing, our kids are healthy and growing. We share a faith that is bigger than us, we've had acts of kindness that have floored us, and strangly, through it all, we've had many answered prayers.

Looking forward to all the 2010 holds!

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This was by far the worst year for me, starting back in March with the psycho who came after us and smashed my van windows, to ds's stalker who broke in, our cat being stolen and murdered, conflict with my family hitting an all time high, the fire, child services, and on and on.


I will find out tomorrow how 2010 is going to be in relation to all of the above. I am praying for a much more peaceful year, and looking forward to our move to start fresh.

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I chose a few bumps here and there...but otherwise a good year. We were blessed with my dh getting an awesome promotion in a hard financial year for most. I loved all the blessings of having my two babes home with me all year. We had a wonderful vacation.


There was just nothing over the top this year that pushed it to an excellent year and there was the disturbance of my sister and her family estranging themselves from my family and parents.

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