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Unite in prayer for Joanne!

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I may be "overstepping" here, but my compassion for this woman and her ordeals lead me to think "outside the box".


Joanne and any other Texans close to you....gulp (this could be awkward....I hope not....forgive me please if it is)....is there anyone of you that could "take in" Joanne and her kids? A roof over their heads.


It seems to me that if the opportunity came along, then maybe Joanne could work part-time or 2 part-time jobs - whatever she decides. Perhaps she and the other Mom could alterate kid sitting, etc. The other Mom may be able to do some light schooling until J can finish up during whatever time she can.


On the other hand, J money would go further to pay someone room/board (rent). She should have a little money left over to start "saving" up.


We're in NC so I'm sorry I can't help, Joanne.


Truly, I do hope this is not taken the wrong way. My cousin and her 2 kids live with her mother after a divorce. She and her 2 toddler kids share the same bedroom which is about an 8 X 11 living quarter.


If you can help, please pm Joanne!


Joanne, I hope this was not offensive. Please know that is *not* my intent. I just believe people need to be creative and work together here.


Prayers for you! Sheryl <><

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What a sweet post! Can I direct the prayer focus more specifically?


1) That the children are served in their best interest during the psychological evaluation and with the professionals involved over the next months.


2) That DH get a job that matches his experience and ability.


3) That I be able to have the focus and energy to continue in my work, mothering, school and homeschool.


4) That I not have to put the kids in school and/or drop my own schooling. We waited 3 years for me to go to school trying to get the "right time". We finally decided that I neeed to just do it so that eventually, I can work for more than minimum wage.


5) That the hours between now and my first appointment with the Psychologist are not terribly draining. I have to prepare our "side", documetation, etc.


6) That we get the money to keep the house!


It seems to me that if the opportunity came along, then maybe Joanne could work part-time or 2 part-time jobs - whatever she decides. Perhaps she and the other Mom could alterate kid sitting, etc. The other Mom may be able to do some light schooling until J can finish up during whatever time she can.


FYI, I have 2 jobs. :) One is homeschooling other children, although one family is dropping in time and payment due to their own finanicial situation. I also run poker tournaments for a free league in the Houston area for $300 a week. I work 28 hours a week on this job. (Fortunately,I can do my school work and plan and grade for the homeschool during parts of it.)

Edited by Joanne
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Praying for peace for you as the mom and wife - that you can be the eye of the storm and get your family through this. You seem like a strong, well grounded person and I am sure you can do this, I just pray that you will receive a sense of calm that everything will work out, that you will be OK and that you will know how to move forward and what to do next.



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Bumping this. I have spent the day preparing a notebook for the evaluator.


Since our next court date isn't until nearly Summer, I had promised myself (for the sake of family, sanity, homeschool clients) that I would not dwell on this issue, let it consume me, etc. I've done quite well with it (really!)


Today was unavoidable, though. I had to slog through emails, history, info on abuse, stuff from the deposition.....it was very difficult.


The testing is tomorrow. The individual appointments start after that. XH has the kids this week, and I am guessing his appointment with the kids is this week. I told them when they talk with the Dr. by themselves to not tell him what I want to hear, or not what their Dad wants to hear but their truth.


Looking through this stuff is unbelievable. It seems so glaringly insane (not on my part :lol:;)).


I've got to trust that one Family Law Professional already evaluated the information in our favor and HE is the one who chose this Dr. (although he didn't think it was necessary).


I still don't have the financial answers to my situation. I should add, however, that the courts insisted that xh pay for the psych eval.

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Back from testing. 4 hours of filling out questiionnaires on the kids are various forms of:


1) I sometimes feel numbness in my hands.

2) Sometimes I get so angry I want to smash something.

3) I have thoughts so bad I can't share them with anyone.

4) I am afraid of open spaces.

5) I usually do not offer my opinion on a topic when asked. :lol:


723 questions; variations on a theme.


No aliens, but yes, I do feel someone is plotting against me. :auto:

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Back from testing. 4 hours of filling out questiionnaires on the kids are various forms of:


1) I sometimes feel numbness in my hands.

2) Sometimes I get so angry I want to smash something.

3) I have thoughts so bad I can't share them with anyone.

4) I am afraid of open spaces.

5) I usually do not offer my opinion on a topic when asked. :lol:


723 questions; variations on a theme.


No aliens, but yes, I do feel someone is plotting against me. :auto:


MMPI - a - rama!


(if it makes you feel any better, the first and last time I ever took one, I answered all of the questions I knew the answer to, rather than just the ones which pertained to me -- I came out looking like Charles Manson... I'm sure you and your kids will come out smelling like roses).




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Thank you for the prayer.


My first individual appt with the psychologist is Monday. I already submitted a very detailed notebook of information and documentation and have knowledegable people writing letters.


I am still working on the money issue.


:grouphug: Let us know how it goes on Monday. I am praying for you--both for the ugly custody battle and for the $$$.



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