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Would someone help me bolster my flagging faith?

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We have a desperately urgent overwhelming financial need - deadlines are looming - and my faith is struggling. Could someone believe with me that God will respond in a timely fashion? Various scriptures keep going through my head - like He owns the cattle on a thousand hills - the earth is His and the fullness thereof - I've been young and now am old and have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread - He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus - and so on ....... But the struggle to BELIEVE is getting harder and harder. I'm trying very hard not to worry - worry isn't faith - and without faith it is impossible to please God ....... I am failing at not worrying and failing at exercising faith -

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Our struggling church has a saying: "God takes care of it 2 minutes to 2 late." It's been true in several instances for us.


You could also remember that we, as humans, do not need to understand why things are happening. We just need to be proactive and make the best of whatever situation we are facing (easier said than done, for sure!)



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God has a plan for each of us, and He won't ever give us a cross that we cannot bear with His help. If bad things happen, it isn't a punishment for your lacking faith. This is where I have a HUGE theological problem with the so-called "prosperity gospel" preachers because the flip side of their message is exactly that. God does not reward us for our faith with material things, but with His grace. The spiritual treasures He offers all of us are what we need to focus on. The struggles we go through in this life are the wages of Original Sin. God gave His only son to save us but Christ warned us that the path to Heaven is not going to be easy.


Keep your chin up, and know that no matter financial difficulties you have now, you have been blessed with a priceless treasure no one can take away from you :001_smile:

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If one's faith is dependent upon circumstances, it will be shaken like a leaf in every wind.


Our faith has to be rooted in the cross of Jesus, in His redemptive work, in God's Sovereignty, in His Glory, regardless of how he works faith out in the circumstances of this temporary life.


I'm reminded of Paul who listed the many hardships he had gone through from beatings, floggings, shipwreck, stoning, etc. and could yet say,

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 Cor 4:16-18


I'll pray for you today. Pray for faith. If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God who gives generously without finding fault. Surely He loves to give us the faith we need to cling to Him.

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I pray and hope things work out for you. :grouphug: But if they don't, God is still God.


We can quite close to disaster this year too. It was something of a shock to realize that there was no guarantee that we wouldn't lose our house, etc.--that might not be the plan for us, and I still had to have faith that God was taking care of us. Just maybe not the way I wanted. We were blessed in many ways during that time, but not with money. :grouphug:

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If one's faith is dependent upon circumstances, it will be shaken like a leaf in every wind.


Our faith has to be rooted in the cross of Jesus, in His redemptive work, in God's Sovereignty, in His Glory, regardless of how he works faith out in the circumstances of this temporary life.


I'm reminded of Paul who listed the many hardships he had gone through from beatings, floggings, shipwreck, stoning, etc. and could yet say,



I'll pray for you today. Pray for faith. If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God who gives generously without finding fault. Surely He loves to give us the faith we need to cling to Him.


:iagree:I think of all the Christians throughout history who were persecuted and martyred and yet trusted in the faithfulness and goodness of God. I think of Corrie and Betsy ten Boom who were sent to Ravensbruck concentration camp for hiding Jews during WWII. Besty was actually the stronger one, spiritually speaking, and she ended up dying there - yet she proclaimed the goodness of God until her last breath. Job said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." (Job 13:15) Shadrach, Meschach and Abednigo said to Nebudchadnezzer when threatened with the fiery furnace, "Our God is able to deliver us, but even if He does not, we will not bow down to your idol." (paraphrased from Daniel 3:17-18)


I'm hoping and praying that whatever financial hardship you are encountering right now will resolve itself in a way that causes you the least pain and inconvenience. However, it may be His plan to direct your life in a different way by not providing what you think you need financially. If you find your situation "worsening," you can still trust Him to be faithful to His main purpose of conforming you to the image of His dear Son. He may try you in a way you think you cannot endure, but, in the end, you will come forth shining as pure gold.


Whatever our circumstances, He never changes. His love and mercy endure forever. He is faithful to the uttermost. He has not lost control of the universe even when it seems as though He has. The best prayer in difficult circumstances is the same one Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gesthemane, "Not my will, but thine be done."


"In acceptance, lieth peace." -Amy Carmichael


I come back to this quote often - especially when I am worrying about the circumstances of my life. When I come to a place in my thinking where I consider what is the worst thing that can happen (when I am a passenger in a car being driven by one of my teenagers, the answer to that question is, "I could die!!"), then, if I am going to have any peace in the situation, I realize I must accept whatever comes as from God's loving hand. No, that is absolutely not easy. But it is the only way to peace.


"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make your requests made known to God, and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7


God gets the most glory when we trust Him during what appear to be the darkest times. The other thing I repeat often in my thoughts is, "God is good all the time; all the time God is good." By running this thought through my head, often in an all out war against my emotions, I concentrate on what I know to be true and not on what appears to be true. It's a spiritual battle - a fierce battle to be sure - and requires me to "gird up the loins of my mind" so that I do not allow Satan the victory. I've been where you are - our electricity has been turned off, collection agencies have called my house so many times I've lost count, I've wrapped up old toys from older siblings to give to my little ones for their birthdays. I fretted and fumed and fussed through all of these times and yet, in spite of my lack of faith, God remained faithful. His faithfulness is not dependent on mine. He is God, I am not.


I will be praying that He will show you His mighty power and His tender love and that you will be able to rest calmly in His perfect will.


Sorry for the ramble - it's just my way.:)



Edited by Kathleen in VA
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Human pain is not directly related to the amount of faith one has in God. Relief from pain is not a reward for the faithful. God's mercy and grace is everlasting though, and He will give you the strength to make it through.


I love the verse "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" Phil 4:13....however Phil 4:12 really drives home the meaning of it all. "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."

(emphasis mine)


Being content that Jesus is enough for me....I have the strength to make it through this time in my life b/c Jesus is enough for me.

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Guest janainaz

I think we are coming upon this season again and my faith is weak because all has been taken care of for a few years. The only few years of my life where the edge of disaster was not the norm. I see how all those financial needs being met has weakened my faith.


My prayer for you is what it is for me - surrender and letting go. The ability to do that is through trust in who God is. If I look back on most of my life, I can see that it's been blessed and all has worked out. I have no reason to doubt. But, it's so hard when you are in the muck and mire of REALITY. The only thing that keeps me sane is living in the moment and recognizing you can't get it back. Worry won't change the outcome and so often we find out we stressed ourselves out for nothing.


Whatever the case - God is faithful. I pray for your peace - however it comes and through whatever means.



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All things are done in HIS timing. Once when we were really struggling, I said we needed a miracle by such and such a date in order to be able to pay our mortgage on time. Well the date came and went and the money didn't materialize. Several days passed and I had no idea how to pay the bill. It was now late in my book. Then the money arrived and I mailed it off. Somehow it still arrived at the mortgage company in time despite all logical reasoning that said it should be late. God's never late he is always right on time, but it's his timetable not ours. He will meet your need.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: As long as we listen and follow God's promptings, He will always put us exactly where we need to be--for HIS plan for us. I just had a miscarriage last month, but 1) God prepared me for it so I somehow knew it was happen and it wasn't a shock, 2) He gave me great peace about it, and 3) the timing actually really, REALLY helped dh with something very important that he was struggling with. I don't know if I'm comfortable being less vague on a public forum ;) but the timing of the miscarriage was perfect to help dh move a huge step forward in his own struggle/fight. And that was incredible. I never thought something like a m/c could be a blessing. But God knows what we need more than we do.

(As for the timing, I also had a friend ask almost the same question and be comforted by several friends on this topic--and then the next week, her prayers of many weeks/months were finally answered. They finally were able to find a place to live about one week before they had to leave their house! I'm not saying it will happen like that, but with God it's never too late--just in His perfect time.) And there's the whole miracle-after-the-trial-of-your-faith principle, too. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


And as a side note, we all need to try and listen for any promptings God gives us, as He might need us to be the answer to someone else's prayers! I keep reading that over and over and over this month--be an instrument in His hands, and never suppress a generous thought. I need to work on that one....


ETA: Don't forget, Jesus is one who was born in a stable, visited by shepherds, raised by a carpenter, endured multiple cross-country moves in those times, etc. He knows how it feels to struggle and knows what we truly *need* even if it's not in nearly as a cushy of a place as we would like.

Edited by LittleIzumi
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Such wisdom you have received on this board! I always tell my kids that God never promised us a rose garden - that we will go through difficulties, because we live in this world. It is good to remember all the saints that have gone before us, the hardships they dealt with in their lives...why do we want to accept only good at His hands, and not bad? (just a rhetorical question, mind you :))


It is hard for us to see what God sees, His mind is not ours - so we must be like little children and trust Daddy, that He will see us through no matter what the situation is.


Dear sister in Christ, you are not alone, there is a great crowd of witnesses around us urging us forward in this race, no matter its difficulty! I would love to hear from you in 6 months, in a year...and see how you feel, what you think - there will be something of value gained during this time of stress. God bless you and give you peace and comfort.

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We have been there so many times! God always seemed to come in at the last minute, swooping down so we would know that it was HIM who had answered our prayer!


One time we were out of groceries - literally. I was scared. I had been raised with plenty, this was not the life I wanted, I resented God for putting me through this. But, I didn't realize that it was in that moment that I was growing! My faith was growing. He had a plan. Unexpectedly, a friend who knew a friend told someone else about our need. A local pastor showed up with a car full of groceries. He stopped by the houses of many in his congregation and just asked them for something from their cupboard. I cried...then really lost it when I saw a jar of jelly! Imagine crying over a jar of jelly? But, I saw God's hand in this. God's people were meeting the needs. They were His hands and feet to me!


We are now in full time ministry. As a pastor's family we have had many opportunities to reach out to those in need. We have had to learn to accept help ourselves, which can be humbling.


Last week in my husband's sermon he wanted us to ask God for some gifts this Christmas. So, one of my requests will be for you! I will pray that God will meet your need and reveal Himself in a remarkable way to you this Christmas Season. That it will be a time you when you see God's hand in your life and you will be able to share that with others so that He will be glorified!!!!!



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Praying for ya, here!


We hit the hardest time we've had with urgent needs looming before us a few months ago. I wasn't afraid. I was excited! I knew God was going to take care of it and I was pumped up and ready to see what amazing thing God did! And then....




Months went by and barely anything.


Where was my big miracle???


My oldest was supposed to have braces - nope, the down-payment never came in. Our porch needed fixed so it wouldn't be slick - nope. We have termites and wanted rid of them immediately - nope. Property taxes? No money. They will be paid late with our tax return. Yes, our name will be in the paper. Doctor bills....um, kids, don't answer the phone. We went overdrawn with the most basic bills and no extras spent on anything...every week. Grocery budget being nonexistent, dinner got creative. We drove no where because there wasn't gas money. We had mold in the house and had to move in with my parents while dh fixed it himself. It was slow and careful because there was no money for hiring help or replacing anything. There has been more, but I've gone on too much already and really, I'd rather not dwell on them myself anyway.


But little things....my husband was supposed to be laid off but was asked to stay and train his replacement. He is still working 7 weeks later and his trainee rarely shows up to be trained. At this rate, we'll easily make it into January. Not the big showy miracle I was looking for, but certainly a hand-of-God-thing. Thank you, Lord.


My husband hit a deer and totaled his jeep. His grandma wanted to know if we could take grandpa's old truck. It's been in her way since he passed away. Thank you, Lord.


And this past week, months later than I was hoping for it, money has started falling from the sky. This has never happened to us, but we have received anonymous gifts of cash this last week and I am overwhelmed. $50 here, $50 there, $500 snuck in an envelope at church, $400 given to the preacher with our name on it. I am OVERWHELMED.


My faith was lagging. I couldn't understand why God wasn't coming through. In my book, He was LATE and God isn't supposed to ever be late, right?? But His timetable and mine were quite different. When my definition of late came and went, I was still alive. My family was still alive. We're still eating and we still have someplace to live. We're embarrassed, but fine. We're inconvenienced, but fine. Finally, we got the point of being able to say, "Okay. If the house gets taken away, then so be it. It will be awful, but if God decides it's what's best for us, who are we to argue?"


I was A) looking for the big miracle I wanted rather than looking at the gentle ways God comes through...so subtle I didn't even notice them until they were finished. and B) keeping my eyes on my problems. With my eyes on my problems, there was no chance of me seeing past them.


God will come through. I realize now that it might not at all be the way I want Him to come through. But He does know what's best for me. Sometimes forcing our hands, making us let go of things, helping us grow. It can be a painful process, but it doesn't mean God isn't coming through. It means He loves us enough to never give up on us.


I am stunned with His patience. I am overcome with His gifts. I am humbled by my inability to do anything about it. I know He comes through in a deeper way than I did when I was young in my faith. I can now accept that He comes through not according to "MY" best, but according to what He knows is best for me.

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Think you that if He looks down upon the sparrow and cares for it that He will forsake you? What He has in mind for you may not be something that you can even begin to envision, but He will not leave you ever, not for a moment. You rest in the eye of the eagle, my friend; be at peace there. Ask Him to take away your anxiety and focus you where you need to be, and I will ask for you, too.

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Read this online book by the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, if you have the time. They are Evangelical not Catholic (I don't know if that matters). Their stories of faith are very, very encouraging. It is the last one on the page Realities of Faith (It's free). You can buy the hard copy also, for any amount you choose. They never ask for money, even for their books. The other books are really good also.



I'll be praying for you.:grouphug:

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