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Chocolate Christmas Trees picture and recipe

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I've attached a picture of these little chocolate cake Christmas trees. If you've been on these boards any length of time, you'll remember I've posted about them a few years ago.


Here is the recipe:


You make a chocolate cake, according to the directions on the package…We used Devil’s Food.



You get those little cone shaped paper cups like they use for snow cones, and spray some of that Pam in them that has the flour and the butter….I think ours was called Bakers Joy, but it is right there with the Pam in the store, and it has flour in it also. This ensures that the cake won’t stick to the inside of those cones…



Just fill them with batter a tiny bit over half way…



Now you need someway to hold them up in the oven. The best way we have found is to use one of those disposable lasagna pans. You can cut out 8 small holes in one of those. (4 holes in two rows). Then you turn the lasagna pan upside down in the oven, and insert filled snow cone in each hole.



You could also cut holes in an aluminum pie pan, but then you have to be careful as you are setting it in the oven, so that the cups don’t bump into the oven rack. It takes a little adjusting, but trust me, you’ll get it to fit in there. Don’t burn yourself!! icon_smile.gif



We baked them at 350 (like the box said) for 15 min. That is what our recipe said for how long you should bake cupcakes. You can tell if they are ready when you check…..



Then, when you take them out of the cups (or preferably right before) cut them with a bread knife, so the bottom of the tree will be pretty straight.



Dump them out, let them cool, and then decorate with green icing (I used the kind in the cans, that you just push the nozzle, and the icing comes out easily) and then you can put a dot of red in here and there for ornaments, and tree toppers….and then sift powdered sugar over the top, to make it look like it snowed.



Doing one cake mix makes around 20 trees.



The good part, is that someone needs to eat all those yummy parts that you cut off the bottom of each tree.



If you make these for a party, I guarantee everyone will oooohhhh and aaaahhhhh over them. They look soooo cute.


Merry Christmas! (If you make these, let me know how they turn out!!)


Edited by KLynnTX
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Our Walmart has them. They keep them with the ice chests/igloo coolers. They come in a box. Pretty cheap!! Oh, if your Walmart doesn't have them, try a different Walmart. The bigger ones keep them year round!

Or you could probably search online, for cone paper cups.

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Anyone have an idea of how we could decorate them dairy free? I can make the cake dairy free easy enough but only know how to make chocolate frosting dairy free.


I'd love to be able to make these with the kids.



You could use any frosting recipe......I typed "dairy free frosting recipe" in google and got hundreds of hits.


Then put the frosting into a ziplock baggie (freezer ones work better because they're thicker), clip off a tiny portion of one of the corners to push the frosting out. Hold the cakes in your hand to twirl around as you squeeze the frosting on (much easier than trying to get it to go on at an angle with the tree on the table).


Alternatively you can buy disposable decorating bags at places like Michaels and Joanns, but they are just a fancy schmancy baggie of a bigger size and stronger contenance, lol.


We have made these before but instead of frosting dots we have used the mini m&ms, skittles, even just large sprinkles to make the ornaments. Oh, and a yellow star sprinkle for the top of course!

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These are adorable. I've been looking for sno cone cups for a week here because I want to make these this weekend. Checked all the Walmarts and every else that I could think of and nothing, As I came back to admire your picture once more, I realized you are from Texas, no wonder they have sno cone cups year round. Here we are expecting 9-12 inches of snow tonight. No sno cone holders to be found anywhere. I'm going to try to construct something with parchment paper. Hopefully it will work. I really really want to make these.

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try online....




that's just the first one i found when i googled snow cone cups for sale...


good luck!


wonder if a local sporting goods store would have them with coolers/ice chests....


I want to make these for a bake sale fundraiser. I found lots online but by the time I figured in shipping etc, the cost of supplies was more than I figured we could sell them for. I hadn't thought of a sports store. I will have to call since it's getting nasty out now.

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  • 1 year later...

They look AMAZING! Wow!


I'm so going to try making them next year (not this year :lol:), I'll just have to figure out how to find 'paper cups for snow cones', Pam, Bakers Joy and a disposable lasagna pan / alumium pie pan and green frosting, all things I've never seen in my life...... but.....that's not going to stop me :D.

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