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Cyber Saturday Night Party, Anyone?

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I will happily share some Pirates Booty (in an attractive crystal bowl, of course) and a lovely bottle of Italian Toscana wine. Only thing is you have to bring a "Gripe of the Week" with you, and a dish to pass.


My gripe? No matter how hard I try, I still have at least one family member (a child) that will still hold thier spoon like a shovel when they eat in public.


Anyone else want to come over?

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I've got my glass of sangria. Already finished the popcorn before putting the kiddos to bed but I'd gladly pop more if someone wants some. It will be served in a blue plastic bowl because that's how we serve popcorn at my house. For a special treat, I'll sprinkle it with M&Ms.


My gripe.... just one.... hmmmm .... that it takes 10X longer to clean the house than it does to mess it up. And it's not NEARLY as much fun.

Edited by rwjx2khsmj
forgot to pass my dish
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Well, since Happy brought brownies....


I have Persimmon bread. Yeh, not that exciting.


My gripe of the week?


I am sick to death of my long distance parents treating me like a kid on Facebook.


Every single time I post about something I get a lecture. Doesn't matter if it's about diet coke (don't I know that will KILL me) or a favorite author (heretic).


Wow, that felt pretty good. Hey, I'll take a glass of that wine, too. :D

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I have a plate of fudgy brownies straight from the oven and some napkins...


My gripe....dh's job is volatile. Our income for the next six months will be less. I'm tired of always being on the edge of the abyss financially. Sigh.


Oh, Happy! If you imbibe, here's a glass of wine. If not, then take my Pirate's Booty!


Ds just asked me tonight if we could "move to a vacation somewhere". We are fairly broke, but our job is stable...for now.


Ps - Brownies are ALWAYS welcome!:drool5:

Edited by LauraGB
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I brought coffee with ice cream in it!


My gripe of the week is about my friend. She is supposed to be on bedrest. She is 6 months pregnant and has been in the hospital more times than I can count, and they know she will not make it to her due date. She WILL. NOT. STAY. IN. BED! She went to New Moon last night and posted it on Facebook. She said, "shhhh don't tell anyone.":banghead:


There! I feel better!



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Hubby is bringing chocolate ice cream as I type. Kiddo is pretending many frogs are loose downstairs and he is chasing them all over and penning them in various places, so that if one touches something, one is likely to hear "NO, there is a FROG in there". I just got the mail, and an Amazon seller has sent me History of Art by Ariane Ruskin (and I find it was once in a high school library not 10 miles from me). Looks interesting. We are listening to the All Baroque radiostation streaming live, and there are a lot of interesting adaptions: Bach now on two guitars, etc. The kitchen is torn up for a remodel, the old cabinets are being burned up in the woodstove, the bathroom sink is full of dishes, and there are cooking items all over the house. I choose to bury my nose here until the ice cream gets home and eaten, and then, ahhh, some reading.


My gripe: the weekends are too short.


A different kind of party, but some might like it.

Edited by kalanamak
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I am so ready for this party. Made chocolate chip cookies this afternoon to try to keep youngest dd from bothering the others. ugh. I. Hate. Chocolate. Please eat the cookies.


My gripe. Difficult to limit it to just one or 100. Been one of those days. Already have the wine in hand. Anyone want a glass?


Just nice to be w/ others who understand or will at least let me vent. ahhhhhh!!!!!!

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Oh, Happy! If you imbibe, here's a glass of wine. If not, then take my Pirate's Booty!


Ds just asked me tonight if we could "move to a vacation somewhere". We are fairly broke, but our job is stable...for now.


Ps - Brownies are ALWAYS welcome!:drool5:


I'll take that glass and raise a toast to cyber friends! Y'all are great!



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Well, since Happy brought brownies....


I have Persimmon bread. Yeh, not that exciting.


My gripe of the week?


I am sick to death of my long distance parents treating me like a kid on Facebook.


Every single time I post about something I get a lecture. Doesn't matter if it's about diet coke (don't I know that will KILL me) or a favorite author (heretic).


Wow, that felt pretty good. Hey, I'll take a glass of that wine, too. :D


Is it time to unfriend? Would they notice if you just accidentally unfriended them?


Yeah, probably....I hate that they are taking your fun away. Maybe be a tad snarky in your comments about what they say?


Here, have a brownie. It won't help with your parents, but chocolate is never inappropriate.

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I have rum, an apple pie, sugar cookies and reindeer kisses.



Wow...I want some of this... and I like Rum better than wine. May I have some of yours, and I'll buy next time?? I also like sugar cookies, and can imagine that reindeer kisses would be good:-)


My complaint is... I waited my whole life to have children. It's not what I expected. I expected being in love with my husband and my children. My two oldest are here half time... My daughter is affected by her bio dad.... He's a poo-ie.


I've been a lazy tush today and watched tv all day... and my son has played more planet something on his facebook than I care to admit.


My dog wants to go on a run. I think that would kill me.


(could I sneak a sedative in his snack? my dog, that is.)



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My complaint is... I waited my whole life to have children. It's not what I expected.


While I expected it, I don't really think I was prepared for it.


Refilling my Pirates Booty for organic blue chips and salsa. Take some.




Donna, my keys are all yours.

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Well, since Happy brought brownies....


I have Persimmon bread. Yeh, not that exciting.


My gripe of the week?


I am sick to death of my long distance parents treating me like a kid on Facebook.


Every single time I post about something I get a lecture. Doesn't matter if it's about diet coke (don't I know that will KILL me) or a favorite author (heretic).


Wow, that felt pretty good. Hey, I'll take a glass of that wine, too. :D


I'm so full from the neighbors feeding me (again) that I can't breathe much less eat or drink more.


The FB thing is funny....the other night on FB chat my mom said, 'go to bed.' I said, 'Nope.'

She said, 'What?'

I said, 'Staying up as late as I want!'


Ha! I showed her! :tongue_smilie: (perfect daughters unite!)

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Ahhh... a party! But dang it, I already brushed my teeth! I'm happy to pass out some of this chocolate drizzled caramel corn from the Cub Scouts. We also have baked Doritos, but I don't blame you for passing those by. That's my gripe: baked Doritos are just gross. Not as bad as the baked ruffles, though. So much for healthified (it is too a word) junk food.

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I have strawberry twizzlers, 'drumstick ice cream cones' (from the hotel snack center...and they cost 6X more than they would at a normal store :glare:), Edy's Dibs, and ALOT of Coke Zero......


my gripe: I am TIRED.TIRED.TIRED.TIRED of my house being a disaster. DH and I were there today for a few hours.....not one bit of work has been done in four weeks....I am just tired of it. If I mis-managed my job that way when I was a classroom teacher, I would have been fired. DH is meeting with the 'preferred contractor' on Monday at 7:30am and Dh is out for bear. The staff at our hotel are wonderful, but we are all so tired of this teeny, weeny, space and the charm and novelty have worn off. I doubt we will be back home till after the first of the year. No one has come from NJ to help - not my in-laws, no one. One weekend without the kids would give DH and I so much opportunity to make some order out of the disaster. And, my MIL wanted to know from DH if we were going to drive 4 hours to NJ for Thanksgiving. THERE......I've griped about something silly and and I have been ungracious, but I had to say it.



THANKS -- here....there are five ice cream cones left. Someone have one.:)

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I don't have snacks to share and I don't drink wine(but have thought about trying some :D)


My gripe~today my sister was suppose to babysit my youngest at 1:00 so hubby and I could go to lunch and a movie. She made her own plans and I had to rearrange mine to meet her needs. I was not a happy camper.

On a good note~I did get to see The Blind Side :D

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I'm so full from the neighbors feeding me (again) that I can't breathe much less eat or drink more.


The FB thing is funny....the other night on FB chat my mom said, 'go to bed.' I said, 'Nope.'

She said, 'What?'

I said, 'Staying up as late as I want!'


Ha! I showed her! :tongue_smilie: (perfect daughters unite!)


I've started "Hiding" myself on FB so people won't bug me. I HATE it when I'm on late playing a game, and people popup chat me to ask why I'm up! HELLO!!!! WHY are you up??!?!


Good for you Scarlett! Start hiding yourself and watch your Mom go crazy!


Daisy, you too! And hide your Mom, that way you're not unfriending her but you're not "seeing" her as often.


pass the rum!


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I have a 18-pack of Pete's Wicked Winter Brew (beer) and a cranberry upside down cake and.... I can order pizza thin crust bacon pizza is my favorite.


A complaint. My hubby took the kids to the aquarium today then took them around town while I was at work. He called me on his way home (at 6pm) and asked me what was for dinner. Besides the fact that I was still at work, what did he expect? Its 6 o'clock. You can't drive home at 6 and wonder what you will make for dinner with two tired kids. Geez. I told him that he is having leftover beans and rice. It was good enough for my dinner - he can have it for the third straight day. :)


Now, who had those chips? And is there some salsa somewhere here? Who's got music?

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I'm in....


I just brushed my teeth, but I have a half bottle of wine from special time with dh last night... ;)


I'll pass on the brownies... I have GOT to lose 10 lbs ASAP, my winter clothes are not fitting...


and how DO you hide yourself on facebook?? I didn't think it would be too noticeable when I deleted my "relative"s comments that I didn't like... well, she noticed and stopped speaking to me on FB... aye... but, she posted something exactly opposed to my POV, which was on a very controversial topic... WHY? I wouldn't do that to someone else... that's like going against the rules here...


My gripe: my keys are sticky and my typing keeps coming out wierd if I type fast... AND I am MAJOR bummed because I'd like to ask someone over for Thanksgiving, but I would be too embarrassed because my kids are not getting through 5 minutes without some ridiculous argument...

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I'm in....


AND I am MAJOR bummed because I'd like to ask someone over for Thanksgiving, but I would be too embarrassed because my kids are not getting through 5 minutes without some ridiculous argument...


Have a kids table for Thanksgiving...in another room.....they probably won't argue :boxing_smiley: if they cannot see you getting :angry: annoyed....just my .02 :001_smile:


Have a twizzler? :D

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I've got oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and some milk....


Do I have to pick just one gripe?


First thing that comes to mind is how rude the library ladies are when you ask them to help you find something. I guess they think we should all just use the computer catalog thing and leave them alone. :glare:

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Unfriend them. :D


My hubby's brother unfriended him. I asked if that meant if his brother wasn't talking to him anymore.


My hubby is still mad that won't be his friend on FB. (i refuse to be on fb just because my hubby wants me to be his fb friend) I told him I married him for better or worse, not for fb.

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I have a spinach quiche and hot artichoke dip to share...


Gripe is with my 2 estranged sisters who cut off contact with me many years ago. Now they want me to referee their spat over $$$ and who is right in a nasty fight. Both of them called on my birthday (no card or mention of my bday -- just straight to the b#tch session). I prefer to stick in head in the sand and pretend they are not my problem. Wine, anyone? :glare:

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I've got... not much. Cheddar and sweet red onion and pickles. It's an addiction. I'd prefer cookies or a bite of some really good ice cream. (Can we say PMS? Yes we can!)


My gripe: Too much to do, not enough time, and sometimes (whispering) I don't care. Once in awhile, I'd like to watch mindless TV and not just *know* that the whole place will fly right off the rails because I sat down and ignored The Big Responsibilities for an hour.



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my gripe: I am TIRED.TIRED.TIRED.TIRED of my house being a disaster. DH and I were there today for a few hours.....not one bit of work has been done in four weeks....I am just tired of it. If I mis-managed my job that way when I was a classroom teacher, I would have been fired. DH is meeting with the 'preferred contractor' on Monday at 7:30am and Dh is out for bear. The staff at our hotel are wonderful, but we are all so tired of this teeny, weeny, space and the charm and novelty have worn off. I doubt we will be back home till after the first of the year. No one has come from NJ to help - not my in-laws, no one. One weekend without the kids would give DH and I so much opportunity to make some order out of the disaster. And, my MIL wanted to know from DH if we were going to drive 4 hours to NJ for Thanksgiving. THERE......I've griped about something silly and and I have been ungracious, but I had to say it.


I cannot believe the mess this has turned into for you. What a nightmare! :grouphug:



THANKS -- here....there are five ice cream cones left. Someone have one.:)


Ok, it is now 2:30 a.m. and I FINALLY am not so stuffED that aN ice cream cone sounds great! Thank you!

Edited by Scarlett
Sleeped deprived errors. I shouldn't post in the middle of the night!
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I cannot believe the mess this has turned into for you. What a nightmare! :grouphug:


I am actually grateful that this is the trial the Lord has chosen to give us -- it's just that when I get tired, I have to whine. :nopity:




Ok, it is now 2:30 a.m. and I FINALLY am not so stuff that a ice cream cone sounds great! Thank you!


Excellent! Have this one for breakfast!!!!! Thanks again for your kind words, Scarlett! :grouphug: I am on my way to the house and DH and I are going to be putting the boxes packed by the insurance company into a storage unit. :ohmy: WE have to see organization and order in the house although that is apparently not necessary for the contractor -- the contractor deals with it clearly by not showing up to work!:lol::lol:


I told DH that the contractor is going to tell him that it is taking long for them to get started b/c I continue to make changes to the 'scope' of the work order. I've instructed DH to tell the contractor that IF they would GET STARTED, I would stop making changes. The longer they take to start, the longer I have to think of a different way to do things. That's not my fault, is it?


And, just to keep it interesting, we are putting things into a storage unit so that we will be able to more easily 'stage' the house to put it on the market when the work is done - extra pieces of furniture, etc. We are praying for guidance about moving -- we would love and could certainly use extra room/space -- we went from 5900 sq feet to 2500 and it has been a challenge. We are thinking that we would like to go back to a larger/newer home. The repairs that come with an older home are just not for DH and me. So, we are praying for direction -- thanks for listening, Scarlett, I am praying for you and your meeting with the attorney as I am loading up the truck today --goodness, I do need a day at the Spa.

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and how DO you hide yourself on facebook?? I didn't think it would be too noticeable when I deleted my "relative"s comments that I didn't like... well, she noticed and stopped speaking to me on FB... aye... but, she posted something exactly opposed to my POV, which was on a very controversial topic... WHY? I wouldn't do that to someone else... that's like going against the rules here...




If you hover to the left of the person's post, there's a "hide" button that appears. when you click it, it asks if you'd like to hide this person from your newsfeed. They can still comment on your posts, but I think there's a way to hide that too. Not sure how thought?:confused: I've never deleted someone's comments, WOW! I didn't know they could see that! Good to know!



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I'd love to unfriend them, but they would totally know it. I would be in the dog house for sure!


FB is really the ONLY place we all communicate (brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) so it really would be noticed if I dumped my own parents. Just wish they'd find something do with themselves instead of using my status updates for their source of entertainment.


I actually just stopped posting for a few days. Hopefully they'll get a clue. If I can't say anything right, I might as well say nothing at all.

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