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Twilight Saga: New Moon

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Am I the first to post about the movie? I did a search and didn't find any other posts.


Well, I loved the movie! I saw it today (alone--because I don't know anyone IRL who likes it and would go w/ me) and thoroughly enjoyed myself.


What was best was watching it in a room with other fans. There was just a feeling in the air that everyone was enjoying themselves as much as I was.


Like, when Jacob pulled off his shirt, one of the women in the audience gave a surprised little "Oh!" and made everyone else giggle. The way she did it was just cute and not lecherous or anything. Just funny.


And at the end (which leaves you hanging just a bit--but you know that if you've read the books) Edward said something, the camera did a close-up on Bella.....and then the screen went blank. In that second before the credits someone in the theater said, "Oh no they did NOT!" (meaning--oh no, they did not just leave us with a cliffhanger...) But they did.


It was really fun to watch with other fans.

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Am I the first to post about the movie? I did a search and didn't find any other posts.


Well, I loved the movie! I saw it today (alone--because I don't know anyone IRL who likes it and would go w/ me) and thoroughly enjoyed myself.


What was best was watching it in a room with other fans. There was just a feeling in the air that everyone was enjoying themselves as much as I was.


Like, when Jacob pulled off his shirt, one of the women in the audience gave a surprised little "Oh!" and made everyone else giggle. The way she did it was just cute and not lecherous or anything. Just funny.


And at the end (which leaves you hanging just a bit--but you know that if you've read the books) Edward said something, the camera did a close-up on Bella.....and then the screen went blank. In that second before the credits someone in the theater said, "Oh no they did NOT!" (meaning--oh no, they did not just leave us with a cliffhanger...) But they did.


It was really fun to watch with other fans.


DD and I saw it...


I'd say it was enjoyably hokey. I really loved the werewolves!

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I dragged my dh and ds, as well as dd and her friend to it yesterday. Ahem, I mean, Dd and her friend dragged me, the chauffeur, and I dragged dh and ds...:leaving:


It was infinitely better than the first one! I love a movie that sticks with the actual story. I was worried (and I was right!) about how this director would end it because he also directed The Golden Compass (which did a ridiculously disgusting cliffhanger as well).


Poor Ed, though. They did thier darndest to make him look like he not only dropped the ball big time by leaving, but also made him look terribly wimpy throughout the whole ordeal. At least in the book, I gave him nobility and manly points for "doing the right thing".


(I'm still Team Edward, no matter what dd's t-shirt said :glare:)


ETA the best part! Dh is now a...Twilight Fan. He thought the movie was great! And ds, while he still likes Ed's hair, really wants to know how to add on 30lbs of muscle to his "puney bod" :lol:.

Edited by LauraGB
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For once we were the ones rolling our eyes, rather than our 13YO, LOL!


I was thinking today that I don't remember seeing that much chest ever before in a movie. I mentioned this to DH, and he said that there wasn't any at all, that the heroine did not even have much of one.:glare: I was nonplussed, honestly he has never commented on that before (and we have been married for over 20 years) so I honestly didn't think he noticed. Anyway, when I informed him that I was referring to MALE chests, he was nonplussed in turn. An interesting conversation all around.


FWIW, I am on neither team. But I think the actor who plays Paul is kind of cute, so perhaps I am the one woman Team of Paul. :lol:


This movie has given me a lot to think about and talk about with my DD.

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I am going to see it tomorrow. I can't wait!!!


I didn't love the book New Moon. Honestly, I had to drag myself through it. I was never team Jacob and there was just way too much Jacob in this book. The end helped some, but I found myself feeling sorry for Jacob at the end (which then made me feel like I was cheating on Team Edward). LOL

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Guest Cindie2dds



It was infinitely better than the first one! I love a movie that sticks with the actual story. I was worried (and I was right!) about how this director would end it because he also directed The Golden Compass (which did a ridiculously disgusting cliffhanger as well).


Poor Ed, though. They did thier darndest to make him look like he not only dropped the ball big time by leaving, but also made him look terribly wimpy throughout the whole ordeal. At least in the book, I gave him nobility and manly points for "doing the right thing".


(I'm still Team Edward, no matter what dd's t-shirt said :glare:)




I am so glad to hear you loved it. I got tickets for the 1:15 show this afternoon. I am dragging my mom! :lol: I don't think she has any idea what she's in for.

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I took five teenagers to the 12:01 showing Thursday night. I haven't read the books but I did see the first movie.


We had a great time, every room screening the movie (7 theaters I think) was sold out. We arrived a little after 9:00 pm to get in line so that we could sit together. It was very festive.


The movie was good (as stated I the books did not interest me). The actor that played Jacob was a cutie:001_smile: and by far the best actor of the 'kids'. I thought Edward was too stiff and not as cute, but my sister assures me that is just because I don't know him.:lol:


I had to drop dd's friends at their homes afterward and my dd and I didn't get home until 3:30 am.


I won't see it again but the 'opening night' madness is a hoot.

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I thought it was very good and very faithful to the book. It has been a longer time since my husband last read the books, so it seemed to linger to him. So much accuracy for a movie can lead to things being a bit more "he feels", "she feels". :) Since I just reread it a week before the movie, I enjoyed seeing wha I had just read on the big screen.


I'm 100% on the Edward side but Jacob looked MUCH better than Edward in the movie. He's not ugly but compared to the Jacob actor, he had to be embarrassed... LOL :lol:

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Oh.My.Goodness. I am team Edward all the way for the books, but I think I have just made a new team - TEAM JACOB for the movies. Holy smokes, Batman!


:lol: My friends and I had the same dilemma! And then we felt dirty, since he's such a youngster.




On a related note: Does anyone else get irritated about the "werewolf" thing. It's pretty clearly stated in the books that they were shape shifters, not werewolves (which are also referred to in the books as being nearly extinct). I realize at this point in the movies the characters don't KNOW this tidbit, but it still irks me when they pack is referred to as werewolves in the media. I am sufficiently embarrassed by this fact.

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I'm 100% on the Edward side but Jacob looked MUCH better than Edward in the movie. He's not ugly but compared to the Jacob actor, he had to be embarrassed... LOL :lol:


LOL - as he unbuttoned his shirt for the "reveal" scene, I had to laugh a little. He is cut pretty well for the little waif that he is, but Jacob, oh Lordy! When he hugged Bella in her room and told her to just please try to remember..... YUMMY!


I also fell in love with the character (Jacob) a bit more with Taylor portraying him. When I read the series, I was so all about Edward that I never even gave Jacob a chance. I rushed past the Jacob stuff to land right on the Edward/Volturi part and then I dovoured the rest of the series. I am glad Taylor played Jacob so well - it gave me a new respect for the character. And dang...who doesn't enjoy eye candy like that???:tongue_smilie:

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Shame on me, but did anyone else laugh out loud at what airline she took to Italy? I was the only one in the theater who did. :lol:


I noticed a little branding in the movie (there was also a conspicuously placed Burger King bag), but totally did not make that connection about Virgin Air. That's good stuff!

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I noticed a little branding in the movie (there was also a conspicuously placed Burger King bag), but totally did not make that connection about Virgin Air. That's good stuff!


I missed the BK bag...but I think BK is having some New Moon promo for thier kids meals coming up (which is actually really wierd).


I did catch the matching black Nikes on Jake and Bella, though.

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:iagree: I wouldn't say I am team Jacob now...but definitely Team Taylor. :tongue_smilie:


Taking into account what goes on in the last book, I most certainly don't want him to be with Bella. The creep factor on that would be too much. But I'm with you on the Taylor thing. When you watch all of them in interviews, he is the youngest, but by far the most gracious and conversational.

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Taking into account what goes on in the last book, I most certainly don't want him to be with Bella. The creep factor on that would be too much. But I'm with you on the Taylor thing. When you watch all of them in interviews, he is the youngest, but by far the most gracious and conversational.


Yeah, I agree with the ick factor on the whole imprinting thing. LOL As I read that book, I remember cringing. Of course, I also cringed when it dawned on me that Edward was 109 and Bella was 17.:lol:

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Guest Cindie2dds

There were a couple of parts that made me giggle (the scene where Alice shows Aro that Bella is going to be one of them ~ downright hokey); but overall, it was much, much better than the first movie. It was also much more true to the book. I did like the soundtrack from the first one more. Jacob didn't sway me from team Edward at all. :)

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There were a couple of parts that made me giggle (the scene where Alice shows Aro that Bella is going to be one of them ~ downright hokey)


I kind of assumed a couple of things about that. Not that I disagree about the hokey factor, because it was off the charts. I think it was supposed to be 1-how Alice sees things in her quirky head 2- I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it'll be a scene straight out of Breaking Dawn, which I thought was sort of neat.

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I thought it was fun. I went with my dh and two other friends.


The actor playing Jacob certainly hulked up for the movie. Do you realize he was the kid who played Sharkboy in Sharkboy and Lavagirl a few years ago? He looked great. He seemed to put more feeling into his acting than any others did.


I still can't believe who they cast as Edward. I thought he looked puny right from the beginning. Surely they could have found somebody who looked cute to play that part. And what's the deal with his hair? It looked like birds had been nesting in it.


I liked Edward in the books, but not in the theater.

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:lol: My friends and I had the same dilemma! And then we felt dirty, since he's such a youngster.




On a related note: Does anyone else get irritated about the "werewolf" thing. It's pretty clearly stated in the books that they were shape shifters, not werewolves (which are also referred to in the books as being nearly extinct). I realize at this point in the movies the characters don't KNOW this tidbit, but it still irks me when they pack is referred to as werewolves in the media. I am sufficiently embarrassed by this fact.



I guess I didn't think twice about it since no one is supposed to know that until the end of the series. What puzzles me is it doesn't matter to the story line that they are really shape shifters, so why did the author bother putting that in there?

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I still can't believe who they cast as Edward. I thought he looked puny right from the beginning. Surely they could have found somebody who looked cute to play that part..


I think he's really good looking! I wish he wasn't so stiff with his movements, but I think he's dreamy :blushing:. Even with the sprayed on six-pack.




And what's the deal with his hair? It looked like birds had been nesting in it.



Okay, now that's funny :lol:.

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I kind of assumed a couple of things about that. Not that I disagree about the hokey factor, because it was off the charts. I think it was supposed to be 1-how Alice sees things in her quirky head 2- I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it'll be a scene straight out of Breaking Dawn, which I thought was sort of neat.


Thats the best excuse for that part I've heard yet! I've come up with nothing! It seems they had to have meant it to be that ridiculous...they couldn't have overlooked something so laughable.

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I can't believe that I am going to be saying this with a straight face because I am aware that they are all fictional; but the change from person to werewolf is traditionally linked to the phases of the moon, and the change is completely involuntary, whereas in the Twilght series the change appears to be triggered in those of the tribe who have the latent gene for shifting into a protector that takes the form of a wolf. I know the author took some liberties with vampiric abilities, but the basics are there. IMO one of the editors may have called the author on the whole "werewolf" thing & it was changed to "shape-shifter."


Or as my daughter would say;


"Mom! It's just a book, don't try to figure it all out."


That was dds response when I asked her that given the fact that Edward explains part of his attraction to Bella is that her blood "sings" to him, what is going to happen after she is changed and no longer has that particular blood chemistry? She gave me the hairy eyeball.


I think I'll go ask Leonard Nimoy where the bathrooms were on the Enterprise. ;)


Amber in SJ

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Guest Cindie2dds
I kind of assumed a couple of things about that. Not that I disagree about the hokey factor, because it was off the charts. I think it was supposed to be 1-how Alice sees things in her quirky head 2- I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it'll be a scene straight out of Breaking Dawn, which I thought was sort of neat.


It's just the running like a human in the meadow with a frilly, peasant dress on ~ not Bella. I didn't think it was hokey to show Alice's vision, I thought that part was essential, just the way they chose to do it. I would have been more pleased with something cool like the way Victoria ran in the woods during the film, KWIM?

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It's just the running like a human in the meadow with a frilly, peasant dress on ~ not Bella. I didn't think it was hokey to show Alice's vision, I thought that part was essential, just the way they chose to do it. I would have been more pleased with something cool like the way Victoria ran in the woods during the film, KWIM?


In the book, after Bella is turned, she goes on her first hunt in a dress that Alice picked for her. I assume that's what was going on in that scene. It was her first running as a vampire experience. But yes. It was a little "tiptoe through the tulips" and pretty much made everyone in the theater laugh.

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Guest Cindie2dds
It was a little "tiptoe through the tulips" and pretty much made everyone in the theater laugh.


EXACTLY!! You said it much better than I did. :D


ETA: The dress Alice picked was skin-tight, silk with stilletto heels; not exactly the same. ;) Alice's vision was probably completely different than what actually occurred because people change their minds all the time. Alternate universe thing.

Edited by Cindie2dds
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You all are making me want to read the books again!!! I soo want to go see the movie, but I'm waiting for a few friends to get finished with their Thanksgiving/out-of-town/family stuff. :tongue_smilie:


Speaking of the books, though, I was just watching Regis and Kelly and their trivia question of the day was who is the author of the Twilight books... and the person didn't know the answer!!!! I was SCREAMING at the TV... but they couldn't hear me... :(

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Guest Cindie2dds
You all are making me want to read the books again!!! I soo want to go see the movie, but I'm waiting for a few friends to get finished with their Thanksgiving/out-of-town/family stuff. :tongue_smilie:


I'm sorry for your wait. I really enjoyed it, even though there were parts that weren't exactly what I wanted.


Speaking of the books, though, I was just watching Regis and Kelly and their trivia question of the day was who is the author of the Twilight books... and the person didn't know the answer!!!! I was SCREAMING at the TV... but they couldn't hear me... :(

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For all you WOMEN [LOL] so in love with lil ol 17 yo Taylor Lautner....I have a bit of trivia. Sorta. Kinda. ;)


My son's girlfriend personally knows him! Yep, as in actually knows him well enough to TALK to him! They have attended the same church together for several years. She say's he's a nice guy but apparently catching a bit of the popular actor-i-tis flu bug. I have seen him on several interviews and he seems like a nice kid, but I pray it stays that way and that this fame doesn't totally screw him up for life, KWIM?


I am also told that it is true that he dumped his girlfriend and has dated Taylor Swift. My son's girlfriend's brother knows Taylor's ex-girlfriend and confirmed the stories to be true. At least the he broke up with her part. They attend the same high school. Small, small world.


Anyhow, son's girlfriend tells me she can get his autograph for me...(Anyone willing to pay me some big bucks for it!? LOL JK!! I have no intention of getting his autograph) Oh, and she says he's normally really puny and that he's actually quite unimpressively SHORT! Ha!


All that to say.....shame on you ladies! He's just a lil kid! LOL (said by the 45 yo woman who has yet to see New Moon. ;))

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In the book, after Bella is turned, she goes on her first hunt in a dress that Alice picked for her. I assume that's what was going on in that scene. It was her first running as a vampire experience. But yes. It was a little "tiptoe through the tulips" and pretty much made everyone in the theater laugh.


:iagree: Yep, and she comes back from her first hunt with Edward with the dress ripped to shreds. :lol: I think the vision Alice sees is when they are leaving to go on their first hunt (after she lets him catch up with her, that is! LOL)


The op is right, though. The dress that Alice gives her is skin tight and she is wearing huge heels!

Edited by Tree House Academy
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For all you WOMEN [LOL] so in love with lil ol 17 yo Taylor Lautner....I have a bit of trivia. Sorta. Kinda. ;)


My son's girlfriend personally knows him! Yep, as in actually knows him well enough to TALK to him! They have attended the same church together for several years. She say's he's a nice guy but apparently catching a bit of the popular actor-i-tis flu bug. I have seen him on several interviews and he seems like a nice kid, but I pray it stays that way and that this fame doesn't totally screw him up for life, KWIM?


I am also told that it is true that he dumped his girlfriend and has dated Taylor Swift. My son's girlfriend's brother knows Taylor's ex-girlfriend and confirmed the stories to be true. At least the he broke up with her part. They attend the same high school. Small, small world.


Anyhow, son's girlfriend tells me she can get his autograph for me...(Anyone willing to pay me some big bucks for it!? LOL JK!! I have no intention of getting his autograph) Oh, and she says he's normally really puny and that he's actually quite unimpressively SHORT! Ha!


All that to say.....shame on you ladies! He's just a lil kid! LOL (said by the 45 yo woman who has yet to see New Moon. ;))




I figured he was older than he "played" on the movie (I had no idea - hadn't watched interviews and so on). When I came home and posted that he was Hot, I sort of felt like an old pervert after someone pointed out he was 17. That means he was 7 when I was giving birth to my first child. :leaving:

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In the book, ********, *********in a dress that Alice picked for her. I assume that's what was going on in that scene. It was her *********. But yes. It was a little "tiptoe through the tulips" and pretty much made everyone in the theater laugh.


ACK!! This was a horrible, horrible spoiler for those who have not read the books! Shame on you! :D

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I can't believe that I am going to be saying this with a straight face because I am aware that they are all fictional; but the change from person to werewolf is traditionally linked to the phases of the moon, and the change is completely involuntary, whereas in the Twilght series the change appears to be triggered in those of the tribe who have the latent gene for shifting into a protector that takes the form of a wolf. I know the author took some liberties with vampiric abilities, but the basics are there. IMO one of the editors may have called the author on the whole "werewolf" thing & it was changed to "shape-shifter."


Or as my daughter would say;


"Mom! It's just a book, don't try to figure it all out."


That was dds response when I asked her that given the fact that Edward explains part of his attraction to Bella is that her blood "sings" to him, what is going to happen after she is changed and no longer has that particular blood chemistry? She gave me the hairy eyeball.


I think I'll go ask Leonard Nimoy where the bathrooms were on the Enterprise. ;)


Amber in SJ


I love thinking like this, Amber! I do it, too!

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Dd12 and I got to go last night, finally! We couldn't go to the midnight showing because dh was away, and then they were sold out over the weekend... last night, we went down to see if there were any tickets left for the 7pm show and there were *four* ~ so we snagged 2 of 'em.


She *loved* it :D


Me... okay, I think it's just because this time 'round I've read all the books -- I saw Twilight before reading anything -- but I couldn't help but notice the differences and have this weird feeling of it being way too short. If that makes any sense?


It was still really good & I enjoyed it :)...for the most part. Few comedy bits that I think they could have done without..


And regardless of wolf-boy's new look, I'm still on Team Edward. What can I say...I like the tall, dark, brooding sorts. Always have. ;)

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Okay... went to see it, enjoyed it immensely and have to say... sure, Jacob's chest and muscles were lovely and all... so, I waited to see if I'd feel "eew" when Edward takes off his shirt... But, NO! I happen to really love nice, tight abs... sigh...

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