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Another really, really good reason to shed those extra pounds

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OK, this is just beyond imagination - at least my imagination. Obviously, not everyone's. I'm still reeling in disbelief:




Is the world getting to be a very scary place or am I just feeling like it is? Is it just the availability of news through many, many sources or is more bad stuff really happening?

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I don't understand this at all. How can human fat be so high priced on the black market when liposuction can actually be cheaper? Offer free or reduced lipo, and you can really clean up.


P.S. Now I won't be able to buy any cosmetic products without extensive research. :001_huh:


Yeah, I'm confused about this too. And even the article itself expresses confusion. But I don't think you have to worry about the cosmetics you buy, it's allegedly being used in cosmetic procedures.


Human fat is used in modern cosmetic procedures but in most cases it is the patient's own fat that is used and under strict legal guidelines.




Medical authorities have expressed scepticism about a black market for human fat, partly because of the wide availability of fat for use in surgical procedures.

Edited by GretaLynne
Note to self: italics are for emphasis, caps are for shouting. sorry.
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Wow, that was really disturbing.


And for some reason, I can't help but wonder how much my mommy hips are worth, $-wise. :D I mean, like a pp said, why not just offer free liposuction or something? That way, I get rid of my mommy hips, and you get your human fat.


Ugh, that all sounds so disgusting. :tongue_smilie:


Ok, but really, that was a very weird article. I have NEVER heard of that before.


(FTR, I would never have lipo or any other cosmetic procedure done. I'm just sayin'.)

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Is the world getting to be a very scary place or am I just feeling like it is? Is it just the availability of news through many, many sources or is more bad stuff really happening?

The article said they've been doing this for three decades, so I'd say the world was already a very scary place, we just didn't know who was doing what and for what reason. Because of the internet, we "hear" more than we ever did before.

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I don't understand this at all. How can human fat be so high priced on the black market when liposuction can actually be cheaper? Offer free or reduced lipo, and you can really clean up.



I'm guessing it's because these guys are not, y'know, licensed and qualified plastic surgeons! I'm thinking the required skill set is rather less than what living patients require :D.


I don't know what's more bizarre, this story, or the fact that there's an ancient Peruvian legend about killers attacking people on lonely roads for their fat.

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Man. I'm never leavin' the house again. They could make a mint off my butt alone! :001_huh:



I'm trying to figure out how much I could make if I sold my body fat for 15k a liter....I'm thinking somewhere in the hundreds of thousands.... :D

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