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s/o - Housekeeping Pet Peeves

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This "Must Clean" thread had me thinking about the pet peeves I have when it comes to housekeeping. Now I am not the house keeper some of those wonderful ladies are - they put me to shame, but I do have a few things that absolutely annoy me.


1) I CANNOT fold cold laundry. Laundry must be fresh out of the dryer and warm! I cannot tell you the times I have "fluffed up" laundry again and again.....:lol: Does anybody else do this? My friends think I am nuts!


2) I must load the dishwasher efficiently. DH's method is well....not efficient in my book :tongue_smilie:


3) I must find go through the whole house and find every stitch of clothing, towels, etc. before I can start laundry. I hate finding an extra pair of white socks right after I finish the whites!


So what weird habits do you have that others might roll their eyes at you?

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3) I must find go through the whole house and find every stitch of clothing, towels, etc. before I can start laundry. I hate finding an extra pair of white socks right after I finish the whites!



This is one habit I stopped.

Here'e the story, I was married about 2 years and we were expecting our first. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and I did as you mentioned above, but I went as far as putting in the clothes that I was wearing. So there I am putting all the laundry in , thinking how smart I am to not have 1 item of laundry to do, even after I shower.


A couple of days later, when I am due to go to my OB for my last check-up before a scheduled c-section I have a gross weeping, oozing rash ALL over my very pregnant belly. The Doctor is asking me everything she can think of that would have caused such an anomoly. I get sent to a specialist (Dermatologist) the next day, I am stressed, worried about my unborn baby. She scrapes some skin of my belly and sent the results down to the lab. The next day I meet with my regular OB to go over the results. She says, " It's Poison Ivy, we can't do a c-section without this getting cleared up and we can't give you steroids to clear it up because , that will induce labor". Then she says "How did you get it ALL OVER your belly?"


I cannot even begin to understand how this happened, so my wonderful dh says, " Hey, when you did the laundry, did you wash my work jeans, becuase I had been in tons of pioson ivy and since I am not allergic to it I didn't even think to mention it to you, but how on your entire front side could you get it?"

Turing seven shades of red, " Well, you see, I put ALL the laundry in that day, ALL of it, so I must have picked up the pants and they rubbed on the front of me." My Dr. says," You do laundry in the n*de!"



That was the last time that EVER happened:D

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This is one habit I stopped.

Here'e the story, I was married about 2 years and we were expecting our first. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and I did as you mentioned above, but I went as far as putting in the clothes that I was wearing. So there I am putting all the laundry in , thinking how smart I am to not have 1 item of laundry to do, even after I shower.


A couple of days later, when I am due to go to my OB for my last check-up before a scheduled c-section I have a gross weeping, oozing rash ALL over my very pregnant belly. The Doctor is asking me everything she can think of that would have caused such an anomoly. I get sent to a specialist (Dermatologist) the next day, I am stressed, worried about my unborn baby. She scrapes some skin of my belly and sent the results down to the lab. The next day I meet with my regular OB to go over the results. She says, " It's Poison Ivy, we can't do a c-section without this getting cleared up and we can't give you steroids to clear it up because , that will induce labor". Then she says "How did you get it ALL OVER your belly?"


I cannot even begin to understand how this happened, so my wonderful dh says, " Hey, when you did the laundry, did you wash my work jeans, becuase I had been in tons of pioson ivy and since I am not allergic to it I didn't even think to mention it to you, but how on your entire front side could you get it?"

Turing seven shades of red, " Well, you see, I put ALL the laundry in that day, ALL of it, so I must have picked up the pants and they rubbed on the front of me." My Dr. says," You do laundry in the n*de!"



That was the last time that EVER happened:D



:lol::lol::lol:.....this is hilarious!! I have never gone quite that far, but that is funny. Although at the time, I'm sure you didn't think so.

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I cannot even begin to understand how this happened, so my wonderful dh says, " Hey, when you did the laundry, did you wash my work jeans, becuase I had been in tons of pioson ivy and since I am not allergic to it I didn't even think to mention it to you, but how on your entire front side could you get it?"

Turing seven shades of red, " Well, you see, I put ALL the laundry in that day, ALL of it, so I must have picked up the pants and they rubbed on the front of me." My Dr. says," You do laundry in the n*de!"



That was the last time that EVER happened:D

:lol::lol::lol: That is too funny. There have been times I have taken the clothes off my back to wash them, but usually, it was because I needed my favorite jeans clean for something.


As far as pet peeves ...

I work really hard on thankfulness, but I am THIS close to telling dh not to do laundry. This is a man who will not hug me until after he has hung up his work clothes, but after he is done folding my laundry, it looks like I pulled it out of the hamper. Last night, he thought he was doing me a favor by doing the laundry. He "folded" my dress pants and shirt instead of hanging them up and I have to go re-fluff them. I hate ironing things that really should not need ironing:(!


It also drives me nuts when someone says they cleaned up after dinner, but did not wipe down the counters and clean out the sink. To me, it all goes together. I had someplace I had to be last night and did not get to eat dinner. As I got home, dh informed me that he cleaned up from dinner and did the laundry. The kitchen didn't smell of the fish that they had - it smelled of hours-old cut onions! Gross.


Over the years, dealing with chronic fatiguing illness, I have really lowered my standards. I am just too tired and lazy to sweat the dust bunnies and other stuff. But I can't let go of clean countertops and properly folded laundry:).

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This is one habit I stopped.

Here'e the story, I was married about 2 years and we were expecting our first. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and I did as you mentioned above, but I went as far as putting in the clothes that I was wearing. So there I am putting all the laundry in , thinking how smart I am to not have 1 item of laundry to do, even after I shower.


A couple of days later, when I am due to go to my OB for my last check-up before a scheduled c-section I have a gross weeping, oozing rash ALL over my very pregnant belly. The Doctor is asking me everything she can think of that would have caused such an anomoly. I get sent to a specialist (Dermatologist) the next day, I am stressed, worried about my unborn baby. She scrapes some skin of my belly and sent the results down to the lab. The next day I meet with my regular OB to go over the results. She says, " It's Poison Ivy, we can't do a c-section without this getting cleared up and we can't give you steroids to clear it up because , that will induce labor". Then she says "How did you get it ALL OVER your belly?"


I cannot even begin to understand how this happened, so my wonderful dh says, " Hey, when you did the laundry, did you wash my work jeans, becuase I had been in tons of pioson ivy and since I am not allergic to it I didn't even think to mention it to you, but how on your entire front side could you get it?"

Turing seven shades of red, " Well, you see, I put ALL the laundry in that day, ALL of it, so I must have picked up the pants and they rubbed on the front of me." My Dr. says," You do laundry in the n*de!"



That was the last time that EVER happened:D


YOU ROCK! I love that story! How's that for efficiency?!?!? I may have to cut down on the uh-hum Pongo-style laundry!:lol:

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This is one habit I stopped.

Here'e the story, I was married about 2 years and we were expecting our first. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and I did as you mentioned above, but I went as far as putting in the clothes that I was wearing. So there I am putting all the laundry in , thinking how smart I am to not have 1 item of laundry to do, even after I shower.


A couple of days later, when I am due to go to my OB for my last check-up before a scheduled c-section I have a gross weeping, oozing rash ALL over my very pregnant belly. The Doctor is asking me everything she can think of that would have caused such an anomoly. I get sent to a specialist (Dermatologist) the next day, I am stressed, worried about my unborn baby. She scrapes some skin of my belly and sent the results down to the lab. The next day I meet with my regular OB to go over the results. She says, " It's Poison Ivy, we can't do a c-section without this getting cleared up and we can't give you steroids to clear it up because , that will induce labor". Then she says "How did you get it ALL OVER your belly?"


I cannot even begin to understand how this happened, so my wonderful dh says, " Hey, when you did the laundry, did you wash my work jeans, becuase I had been in tons of pioson ivy and since I am not allergic to it I didn't even think to mention it to you, but how on your entire front side could you get it?"

Turing seven shades of red, " Well, you see, I put ALL the laundry in that day, ALL of it, so I must have picked up the pants and they rubbed on the front of me." My Dr. says," You do laundry in the n*de!"



That was the last time that EVER happened:D


OMG, that's so funny that I'm crying.

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3) I must find go through the whole house and find every stitch of clothing, towels, etc. before I can start laundry. I hate finding an extra pair of white socks right after I finish the whites!




This is totally me! I have the boys throw their clothes in the washing machine at the end of the day, and I always go around asking everyone if there's anything to add.


I also like starting the dishwasher when I go to bed (I'm the last one to bed), because I cannot stand dishes sitting in the sink over night. People will try to help after dinner and run the dishwasher, but there's still plenty of room for more, and I am the one who ends up putting the glasses off the counter into the dishwasher when I go to bed, or I find other things to put in like our toothbrushes, etc.

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This is one habit I stopped.

Here'e the story, I was married about 2 years and we were expecting our first. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and I did as you mentioned above, but I went as far as putting in the clothes that I was wearing. So there I am putting all the laundry in , thinking how smart I am to not have 1 item of laundry to do, even after I shower.


A couple of days later, when I am due to go to my OB for my last check-up before a scheduled c-section I have a gross weeping, oozing rash ALL over my very pregnant belly. The Doctor is asking me everything she can think of that would have caused such an anomoly. I get sent to a specialist (Dermatologist) the next day, I am stressed, worried about my unborn baby. She scrapes some skin of my belly and sent the results down to the lab. The next day I meet with my regular OB to go over the results. She says, " It's Poison Ivy, we can't do a c-section without this getting cleared up and we can't give you steroids to clear it up because , that will induce labor". Then she says "How did you get it ALL OVER your belly?"


I cannot even begin to understand how this happened, so my wonderful dh says, " Hey, when you did the laundry, did you wash my work jeans, becuase I had been in tons of pioson ivy and since I am not allergic to it I didn't even think to mention it to you, but how on your entire front side could you get it?"

Turing seven shades of red, " Well, you see, I put ALL the laundry in that day, ALL of it, so I must have picked up the pants and they rubbed on the front of me." My Dr. says," You do laundry in the n*de!"



That was the last time that EVER happened:D

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This is one habit I stopped.

Here'e the story, I was married about 2 years and we were expecting our first. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and I did as you mentioned above, but I went as far as putting in the clothes that I was wearing. So there I am putting all the laundry in , thinking how smart I am to not have 1 item of laundry to do, even after I shower.


A couple of days later, when I am due to go to my OB for my last check-up before a scheduled c-section I have a gross weeping, oozing rash ALL over my very pregnant belly. The Doctor is asking me everything she can think of that would have caused such an anomoly. I get sent to a specialist (Dermatologist) the next day, I am stressed, worried about my unborn baby. She scrapes some skin of my belly and sent the results down to the lab. The next day I meet with my regular OB to go over the results. She says, " It's Poison Ivy, we can't do a c-section without this getting cleared up and we can't give you steroids to clear it up because , that will induce labor". Then she says "How did you get it ALL OVER your belly?"


I cannot even begin to understand how this happened, so my wonderful dh says, " Hey, when you did the laundry, did you wash my work jeans, becuase I had been in tons of pioson ivy and since I am not allergic to it I didn't even think to mention it to you, but how on your entire front side could you get it?"

Turing seven shades of red, " Well, you see, I put ALL the laundry in that day, ALL of it, so I must have picked up the pants and they rubbed on the front of me." My Dr. says," You do laundry in the n*de!"



That was the last time that EVER happened:D


:lol: Now that's a funny story.

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:lol::lol::lol: That is too funny. There have been times I have taken the clothes off my back to wash them, but usually, it was because I needed my favorite jeans clean for something.


As far as pet peeves ...

I work really hard on thankfulness, but I am THIS close to telling dh not to do laundry. This is a man who will not hug me until after he has hung up his work clothes, but after he is done folding my laundry, it looks like I pulled it out of the hamper. Last night, he thought he was doing me a favor by doing the laundry. He "folded" my dress pants and shirt instead of hanging them up and I have to go re-fluff them. I hate ironing things that really should not need ironing:(!


It also drives me nuts when someone says they cleaned up after dinner, but did not wipe down the counters and clean out the sink. To me, it all goes together. I had someplace I had to be last night and did not get to eat dinner. As I got home, dh informed me that he cleaned up from dinner and did the laundry. The kitchen didn't smell of the fish that they had - it smelled of hours-old cut onions! Gross.


Over the years, dealing with chronic fatiguing illness, I have really lowered my standards. I am just too tired and lazy to sweat the dust bunnies and other stuff. But I can't let go of clean countertops and properly folded laundry:).


Wow, I can just ditto all this. My hubby is red/green color blind so I have forbidden him from doing any laundry and I have reached a point where I just wipe the cabinets before I start working. Finally, chronic pain has taken me from Monk level OCD to well, clean countertops and color coordinated laundry. :001_smile:

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i don't fold cold laundry either. i toss - often repeatedly - sometimes for days in a row. ;)


I have done this and a few times have decided that the wrinkles are not going to come out and just put them back in the washer. My poor hubby has no idea if it is the OCD or the fact that I am just getting senile. :001_smile:

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This is one habit I stopped.

Here'e the story, I was married about 2 years and we were expecting our first. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and I did as you mentioned above, but I went as far as putting in the clothes that I was wearing. So there I am putting all the laundry in , thinking how smart I am to not have 1 item of laundry to do, even after I shower.


A couple of days later, when I am due to go to my OB for my last check-up before a scheduled c-section I have a gross weeping, oozing rash ALL over my very pregnant belly. The Doctor is asking me everything she can think of that would have caused such an anomoly. I get sent to a specialist (Dermatologist) the next day, I am stressed, worried about my unborn baby. She scrapes some skin of my belly and sent the results down to the lab. The next day I meet with my regular OB to go over the results. She says, " It's Poison Ivy, we can't do a c-section without this getting cleared up and we can't give you steroids to clear it up because , that will induce labor". Then she says "How did you get it ALL OVER your belly?"


I cannot even begin to understand how this happened, so my wonderful dh says, " Hey, when you did the laundry, did you wash my work jeans, becuase I had been in tons of pioson ivy and since I am not allergic to it I didn't even think to mention it to you, but how on your entire front side could you get it?"

Turing seven shades of red, " Well, you see, I put ALL the laundry in that day, ALL of it, so I must have picked up the pants and they rubbed on the front of me." My Dr. says," You do laundry in the n*de!"



That was the last time that EVER happened:D



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This is one habit I stopped. ...


Turing seven shades of red, " Well, you see, I put ALL the laundry in that day, ALL of it, so I must have picked up the pants and they rubbed on the front of me." My Dr. says," You do laundry in the n*de!"



That was the last time that EVER happened:D


:lol:LOL -- this is hilarious!


I always thought I was the only person to do this! But to avoid being walked in on, I have a robe that hangs in my laundry room to cover up. :D It is one I don't particularly like, so it is not the one I normally wear (got it for Christmas one year from MIL).

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It also drives me nuts when someone says they cleaned up after dinner, but did not wipe down the counters and clean out the sink. To me, it all goes together.
oh my gosh, yes! It is not helpful at all to think I have one less chore b/c dh says he'll clean up....and then go in the kitchen hours later and realize it's not clean. There are some things that I can handle not being done my way, but some stuff - either do it right or don't do it at all :tongue_smilie:
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The only thing that really irritates me is when dh takes out the trash and doesn't put a trash bag back in....I always end up with a handful of gross trash (or poopy diaper) and then when I open the lid, I realize there's not a bag and I have to find somewhere to set the trash while I get a bag! Arrrgh!

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I think some of my previous pet peeves were keeping me from having a tidy home. I like doing things a certain way and if I couldn't then I wouldn't do it. I think I've finally gotten over most of them. For example, my kids wipe down the bathroom daily. It's certainly not done the way I would do it and I point out what they need to do if it isn't done completely, but I have to accept that it's not my way and it's really okay. I don't like the way my dh sometimes does things. Oh, well. He tries. I can speak up sometimes or just go over the things that annoy me. It's not really the big deal I thought it was and my house is cleaner now that we are all pitching in.

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I hate clean dishes left to dry on the counter. If you WASH the cookie sheet, then put it away. My cookie sheets stand up and don't touch each other, so it will dry just fine. Use the dish towel to DRY the big pot and the put it away, OR put it away upside down in the cabinet instead of on the counter.

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