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Diaper Rash Help!!

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My sweet baby is 5 weeks old today, and he has had a crummy diaper rash since he was about 10 days old. This is my third baby and I have never ever had such a hard time with diaper rash before and I am at my wits end.


We have been to the doc twice and the first time they thought it was yeast. We used Lotramin, Myconozale, and Nystatin, none of which worked. Then the second time we went to the doc they gave us perscription strength Neosporin type stuff, which seemed to help, but the rash is still there. He has open sores on his anus and then where his cheeks touch each other. We have been airing dry for about 6 hours a day, using a blow dryer between changes, cotton balls and RO water to clean his tush, every type of diaper cream known to man (butt paste, triple paste, desitin, regular vasoline, corn starch, A&D) and I really am just not sure what else to do for him. The redness is mostly gone, but those open sores just won't heal.


Please, any help would be much appreciated! Oh, and he is EBF if that makes any difference.


Thank you!!

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My sweet baby is 5 weeks old today, and he has had a crummy diaper rash since he was about 10 days old. This is my third baby and I have never ever had such a hard time with diaper rash before and I am at my wits end.


We have been to the doc twice and the first time they thought it was yeast. We used Lotramin, Myconozale, and Nystatin, none of which worked. Then the second time we went to the doc they gave us perscription strength Neosporin type stuff, which seemed to help, but the rash is still there. He has open sores on his anus and then where his cheeks touch each other. We have been airing dry for about 6 hours a day, using a blow dryer between changes, cotton balls and RO water to clean his tush, every type of diaper cream known to man (butt paste, triple paste, desitin, regular vasoline, corn starch, A&D) and I really am just not sure what else to do for him. The redness is mostly gone, but those open sores just won't heal.


Please, any help would be much appreciated! Oh, and he is EBF if that makes any difference.


Thank you!!


My oldest who had a rash like that had a sensitivity to milk. He outgrew the sensitivity around 2.5 years.


Have you tried Calmoseptine? I had to get it from Walgreens pharmacy--it wasn't an rx, though. It worked the best on his little bum, but he was never totally healed until we cut out milk.

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What type of diapers are you using? We had to be careful with the brand / type of diapers we used on my older dd because she would get those same kind of horrible rashes - don't know why, but if we stuck to a particular brand she was fine. Hope baby heals soon!

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How awful! I hope he feels better soon. I'm sorry I don't have any new ideas; you've tried so many already. I'd try another brand of diapers just for the heck of it. Some diapers seemed to bother my kids more than others. And change often -- but you probably are already doing this.

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We had a similar problem with our 3rd child. Turned out it was the store bought baby wipes (all brands). I treated the rash with Neosporin, aired it out and washed it frequently and began making homemade baby wipes for him.


Cornstarch was also helpful. It helped keep the urine off the baby's bottom.

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I just had a friend recommend to try and eliminate milk from my diet. I am going to give that a go and see if it works. We haven't tried the diapers yet because we were hoping to not have to spend all the extra money changing diapers around (putting it off as long as we can in hopes it is something else!) and it very well could also be wipes. We have stopped using them for a bit, but maybe it could be that too. Thanks for the Maalox idea--haven't done that one either! Oh, the stress if diaper rash!!!

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Bag Balm:



I know it is for cows :tongue_smilie:, but it works great! You can buy it at Walmart in the pet supplies area.


:iagree: We used "Corona Cream"...probably very similar. It was suggested by the local pediatricians to the Base pediatrician in the farm community where we lived. Worked wonders when Rx creams wouldn't! Got it at "Tractor Supply".

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I just had a friend recommend to try and eliminate milk from my diet. I am going to give that a go and see if it works. We haven't tried the diapers yet because we were hoping to not have to spend all the extra money changing diapers around (putting it off as long as we can in hopes it is something else!) and it very well could also be wipes. We have stopped using them for a bit, but maybe it could be that too. Thanks for the Maalox idea--haven't done that one either! Oh, the stress if diaper rash!!!

My babies got terrible diaper rashes from the dairy *I* was consuming. I couldn't even have cold cereal with milk, because even that little bit of milk caused poor baby to spit up.


It will take upwards of a month for the dairy to be completely out of your system. And "no dairy" means yogurt, cheese, sour cream, maybe even butter, in addition to straight cow's milk. I say this because a friend's baby spit up all.the.time. She *knew* that the problem could be dairy, but she was sure that the yogurt she ate every day couldn't be the problem. Guess what...she quit eating yogurt, baby quit spitting up.


Also, orange juice can be a problem, as well. No oranges or juice for you, either. :-)


Hang in there.

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it could be the diapers. What are you using? Cloth from the diaper service is as cheap as disposables. Pure Aloe Vera Jell with no scent.... Or olive oil is what my midwife suggested. I'd also try coconut oil as it's anti whatever. I'd make a witches brew of olive and coconut oil and try that for a few days... and then go on:-)


If you wanna use disposable... try Toys R Us.. they have quite a few... almost natural ones.... If you buy cloth diapers... buy diaper service quality. When my little one had a rash, I had her in my bed, with a cloth diaper... woke up for a couple of nights in a row... each time she ate.... pulled old diaper off.... put new diaper on... (She slept in a little Graco seat... with a little wet pad under neath... Wool works, too:-)


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How did you do this without making a huge mess? I can just see water getting EVERYWHERE!

Held baby over the toilet. Not on a changing table! The peri bottle (or any other spray-type bottle) directs the flow, but any sort of container works. Rather like when you wash an apple, or something -- you don't really need to get wet to do it.


Much easier when the baby is a bit older, though, due to the whole floppy issue.

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Frankly, the diapers would be the FIRST change I'd recommend.


I've had 2 girls who just could NOT wear pampers. At. All. I could use an emergency diaper once, and that was it. Any more than one, and it was a bad rash. No amount of cream, powders, jellies, ANYTHING cleared that up.


New brand of diapers -- it was pretty much smooth sailing.

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I have not read the other replies so sorry if I'm repeating anything.


Balmex and medicated baby powder was what worked for my son.


We tried almost every diaper rash ointment out there.

We have tons of stuff around but I always reach for the Balmex first.

Edited by Kristafish
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My dad is a pharmacist. For the last 30 years he has suggested the same stuff for diaper rash, chaffing, or just discomfort of the skin variety. It is Resinol. Ask your pharmacist for it...it isn't a prescription, but it can be hard to find. The packaging looks ancient and hasn't changed since I was young enough to have diaper rash myself....probably longer, but it works like a charm. Good luck and I hope this gives your little one some relief!:)

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Frankly, the diapers would be the FIRST change I'd recommend.


I've had 2 girls who just could NOT wear pampers. At. All. I could use an emergency diaper once, and that was it. Any more than one, and it was a bad rash. No amount of cream, powders, jellies, ANYTHING cleared that up.


New brand of diapers -- it was pretty much smooth sailing.


:iagree:Except my kids could only wear pampers (or cloth). Any emergency that left them wearing Huggies would cause a blistering rash.


With the oldest I also had to cut out dairy, citrus and tomatoes.

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