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Another Urgent Prayer Request:

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My friend's little boy (he's 9 months) has been in the hospital all week for a fever and pneumonia. He was airlifted to the Children's Hospital last night with 105* fever and he'd had a seizure.


I just got word the little guy is in critical condition with bacterial meningitis and sepsis.


He has been in and out of the hospital since birth (the nurses at our local hospital are on a first name basis with his mom), has breathing & aspirating problems, and some water on the brain. They haven't been able to find an official dx for all of his problems yet, but he's a frail little boy.


Please pray for him (his name is Seth) and for his parents and siblings (he's got a brother 1 year older and a brother that's about 6 years older).


I'll post any update when I get one.

Edited by JudoMom
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Here is an update from Seth's dad:


"Update on Seth. He is still sedated and unable to respond. Early this morning they took him for another CT scan which revealed that he has some swelling of the brain. His little body is trying to fight off the bacteria. He still has a tube in his throat to help him breathe. We are praying that he will turn the corner a...nd begin his recovery. We know it is all in God's hands."


Please keep praying.

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"Update - the doctors are not optimistic about Seth's chances of survival. We have not given up hope yet. God is mighty and can heal him. Thank you all for your prayers."


From what I understand, Seth's brain is swelling more. His chances are growing dimmer by the hour.


Please continue to pray for Seth, his parents, and his brothers.

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Oh - the poor, poor baby. And, their family. I just can't even imagine . . .


My sister was sick like this as an 8 month old. She had bacterial meningitis and then got a septic arthritic hip and then an infection (I don't remember the name - it was an antibiotic resistant staph infection). She was a VERY sick baby. She was in a hospital over an hour from home. My mom stayed with her. It was considered a miracle when she turned the corner. I'll pray for a miracle for this family too.


I remember that time as very confusing. I knew my sister was sick, and not expected to live. But, I missed my mom! So, that entire family needs our prayers too. The other siblings must be lost right now.

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Oh - the poor, poor baby. And, their family. I just can't even imagine . . .


My sister was sick like this as an 8 month old. She had bacterial meningitis and then got a septic arthritic hip and then an infection (I don't remember the name - it was an antibiotic resistant staph infection). She was a VERY sick baby. She was in a hospital over an hour from home. My mom stayed with her. It was considered a miracle when she turned the corner. I'll pray for a miracle for this family too.


I remember that time as very confusing. I knew my sister was sick, and not expected to live. But, I missed my mom! So, that entire family needs our prayers too. The other siblings must be lost right now.


Thank you, Jennifer. We are praying for a miracle. I do appreciate all the prayers for him and his family. Seth's parents are at a hospital an hour away from home as well, so his brothers are staying with another church family.

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From Seth's Dad: "Update - there has been no real change on Seth. He is having a blood transfusion this morning. His results came back positive for type A flu(H1N1). Just one more thing this little one has to deal with. Meg and I thank you all so much for lifting out family up in prayer at this time. We are putting our hopes in the Lord."


Please, keep praying. The doctors have all but given up hope, but we know that God can heal him if He chooses.

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I can't get this little boy out of my head. I don't know if it's his name (same as my nephew) or if it so parallels my sister's issues or what. But, when I saw that you had posted an update, my heart was in my throat waiting for my computer to load.


I would think that no change would be GOOD news at this point!! He's not going further downhill.


Still praying for his entire family.

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I just got off the phone with Seth's aunt. They have declared Seth brain dead and his parents have decided to remove the respirator and other medical interventions this afternoon.


Please continue to pray for Seth's parents and brothers. They are holding fast to the sovreignty and goodness of God. Tomorrow is Seth's oldest brother's birthday.

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Thank you so much for your prayers, everyone. I just received confirmation that baby Seth passed away about two hours ago. They aren't telling the boys until possibly Tuesday since tomorrow is their oldest son's birthday (he will be 7 or 8, I believe). Please continue to pray for Seth's parents and his brothers.

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"...the God of all compassion, who comforts us in all our troubles..."

2 Cor 1:3-4


Into the arms of Jesus, what a wonderful place to be. I am praying for this family to hold onto the soveriegnty of God and know that this is a temporary separation. That poor family.

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