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Would your d/h watch...

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He has watched it along with a few others like it. He did make fun of some of the things in Pride & Prejudice, but he likes to get us laughing. He's a good sport about it.


To be fair, I've sat through a few too many westerns, war movies and the like that he wanted to watch. We give him a hard time (in fun, of course) because we've sat through Rio Bravo with John Wayne way too often. LOL

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Exactly. My husband said it was a great "character study". :lol: He would never sit and watch dribbly romances with me.


Come to think of it, *I* wouldn't sit and watch dribbly romances. I guess there's a reason God gave me all boys. :tongue_smilie:



Dh enjoys P&P for the intelligent writing and characters, the acting by Firth and Ehle. He likes the BBC adaptations of JA, as well as Emma and S&S movies. He'll watch other period pieces with me, he liked N&S probably because it's strong the way JA is strong. Otherwise, he prefers period pieces a la Master and Commander.




We both love action/adventure. He'll watch some scifi with me. Dc make him watch way more Star Wars than he normally would. He's a good sport.

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I don't think he hates them, but he doesn't ask to watch them and once is enough. Now when I watch them, he'll come in the room and say "You're watching that again?" Of course, he tells everyone what a great husband he is because he has even watched Jane Austen movies with me. I think that is funny.


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Pride and Prejudice with you? Or anything Jane Austen? My dh is pretty good - he has watched Chocolat several time while I drool over Johnny Depp. But he will not watch any Jane Austen with me. :sad: And after all the football games I've watched with him. So do any of you have a dh who watched those feminine type, romantic shows?




Thank goodness I have 5 girls or I'd be all alone.


My husband wouldn't watch that.


He also doesn't like live theatre or live music, which I adore.


After all the hockey games, football games, and baseball games (mostly live) I've watched with him! I try to keep up with current sports events (read sports page, watch SportsCenter) so we're on the same page but he never would reciprocate.




And I have 2 boys & one girl. And one neutered dog.

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