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Is it normal at 36+ week pregnancy.....

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Is it normal at 36+ week pregnancy to be "ill as a hornet" about everything! I know all pregnancies last about 40 weeks... but this have been the longest pregnancy in the world. I can't sleep over 1.5 hours at a time without something hurting, bladder issues, or awkward sleep position. I can't sleep long without arms being numb. I can't keep my feet from swelling & toes looking like vienna sausages... even with rest. I stay exhausted.


And I just want to throw things, yell at the mailbox or radio..... beg kids to be quiet & patient.... I feel like I am going nuts!


Is this normal? Is this b/c of being prenant in hottest months? Is it b/c I am over 40?


:smash::banghead::willy_nilly: Is it normal?

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I have no medical advice to give you, but I extend a hug in your direction! I am so sorry. I was horribly sick - cough till it hurt sick - the last week of one of my pregnancies and I was completely miserable! I totally empathize and hope your baby does you the favor of coming early! :grouphug:

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i have sooooo been where you are.


ARe you having head aches? Your swelling sounds like mine. I never go into actual pre-eclampsia, but I get VERY sick. Because I gain around 50+ lbs of fluid.


I remember at the end of my last preggy, one morning I just stayed in bed. Everyone got up and pretty soon dh came up to see what was going on. I told him it was his day and thatI would be down for supper. lol


He looked at me funny walked out and then came back a bit later to talk. I felt horrible and was MAD. He checked my bp and it was up a little high for me, called the dr and it was the only time my bp and protein were both high. Otherwise I was not actually having enough symptoms to be pre-e.


Dr did an amnio to check lungs and she wasn't ready. Sent me home for 10 days and now she is 8 mos old. Rough start, but except for the fact that she doesn't sleep we are doing good.


Praying for you

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Well, my second pregnancy was very much how you described near the end. I couldn't wear shoes because my feet were so swollen. I peed my pants everytime I moved. I could barely do anything because my hands and wrists were numb and in pain. I could not find a comfortable position in which to sleep. It is not fun. I understand your frustration, but it will be over soon. Hang in there! :grouphug:

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I'm only 29 weeks pregnant, and I'm pretty miserable. I was never like this with the other 4. I had my iron levels and glucose tolerance test on Friday. I don't know the results yet, but the midwife said, most likely, I just need even more rest than I'm getting.


I'm not swollen at all, but I can't get comfortable-ever. My house is an absolute nightmare. I just told my son that I'd pay him to spend the next 4 days cleaning my bedroom and bathroom and the garage. I can not stand the idea of bringing a baby into this dirty house, but I've given up thinking that I'm going to be able to do it on my own.


After I went to sleep, last night, Dh cleaned Miss Bossy's room with her. I called him at work to tell him how much I appreciate it, so maybe he will do a few more.


I'm sorry that you are feeling bad. It is just no fun!

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I sympathize and share your pain. I am not quite 24 weeks pregnant with twins. I cannot imagine how I am going to make it to 36. I can't find a comfortable sleeping position, wake up 6-8 times a night to go to the bathroom, and I'm just tired all the time. Loading my washer and dryer gives me braxton hicks contractions and my dr is already warning me to slow down because she's afraid I'll go too early.......it's very very hard!

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A 36 weeks with dd10 and the twins (almost 9) I felt like I was coming unhinged -- EVERY little thing bothered me times 100. With dd10, it was when that feeling went away and I felt like getting things accomplished and I could think clearly that I knew labor was coming -- and I was right.


Hang in there --:001_smile:

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At 38 weeks I'm sore and exhausted. The last couple of days I've been lethargic and don't want to lift my arms or legs. My ankles are throbbing (though not swollen), and I can't sleep more than 8 hours (though I want too!) because it hurts my hips too much. When I wake up to pee (every 1.5 hrs), something is numb. Since I'm home alone, I can't speak to the irritability part, but I feel your pain!

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A 36 weeks with dd10 and the twins (almost 9) I felt like I was coming unhinged -- EVERY little thing bothered me times 100. With dd10, it was when that feeling went away and I felt like getting things accomplished and I could think clearly that I knew labor was coming -- and I was right.


Hang in there --:001_smile:


Oh, to think clearly & be able to get a few things done.... would be a blessing... I hope this happens in the same manner.


Cleaning is pitiful as others mentioned. I am so far behind... can't pick up anything... kids even have to help me with my ONE pair of shoes that will sort of fit.


I feel awful for "being grumpy & feeling awful".... I want baby to be healthy & come at the right time... but I am soooo ready for her to be born! Atleast I can get some comfort in knowing I am normal after all... haha.

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Oh friend you are not alone!!! I am 35 weeks and suffering!!!! It seems like if I get something done one day, I can do nothing the next day. AND-we are going to the beach for the wkd for one last family time before we are homebound for awhile, but we have to take clothes, food, linen, paper goods, beach stuff etc and it seems so overwhelming.

Praying here too for a burst of energy to get it all cleaned before baby comes-----------and then enjoy #4 :001_smile:

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My 5th pregnancy, I simply got more and more sick as it progressed. By the time I delivered, it was all I could do to choke down chicken noodle soup! If I tasted anything weird, I'd throw up... if I THOUGHT about the possibility of tasting something weird, I'd throw up. Pretty much, if I ate, I got sick and nothing helped. It was bad. I'm sorry you are feeling this way, but it will be over soon!

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It was normal for me, although I'm rather grouchy in general, even not pregnant. If you're as bad off as I was, just tell everyone to give you a wide berth (if they haven't figured that out yet), and it'll be over soon.


haha... very wide!:lol: Like the interstate lanes going through Houston, Texas... that is the widest road that I have ever seen! Move cause I am coming through.


Thanks Hive!

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Thanks everyone...my periodic cluckiness has been cured listening to your stories :001_smile::001_smile::001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:

I remember getting pretty irritable during pregnancies, myself. I dont know whether I had that pregnancy glow on the outside, but on the inside, I remember it being pretty intense and definitely not always fun. Thanks for the reminder.

But at least you all get to cuddle a gorgeous newborn at the end :)

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:grouphug: I'm 18 weeks right now and just irritable at times. My last pregnancy, at 36 years old, towards the end I felt much like you. It had the feeling that I had always "been" like that. I had no energy and made the decision I was just a lazy person. I was swollen and couldn't sleep and had to make a physical/mental/emotional effort every moment to just. be. kind!! As soon as I had the baby the birds were singing again, I was accomplishing a lot in a small amount of time, and my view on life had made a 180 degree turn. I was able to just face that it was the pregnancy that had made me feel so bad. Remind me of that in, say, 18 weeks. I hope everything gets better soon.

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I am a midwife...and see this with women carrying precious strong and smart little baby boys :) The kind of baby boys that you end up being reallly close to as a Mommmy :)

It is better, when you keep your bloodsugars stablized :) :grouphug:


Ahh, ding ding ding! It all makes sense now!!! My youngest, the one I had such a hard pregnancy with, is a clingy, huggy, kissy little momma's boy! I'm thinking he must kiss my arm or my cheek or my neck at least (this is probably an understatement) 100 times per day. That will give me some encouragement later on in this pregnancy! :lol:

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