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Do you consider the word H*LL to be a bad word?


Is H*ll a bad word?  

  1. 1. Is H*ll a bad word?

    • Yes, if spoken as an expression, but not if the place.
    • Yes, always, as an expression AND the place
    • Yes, always, AND even if it is replaced with other words like "H-E-double-hockey-sticks"
    • other

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Dd came to me and asked a question about H*ll as a place, but she didn't want to say the word H*ll, because she thinks it is a bad word. Since she was using it in reference to the place, not as an expression, so to me it is fine for her to use it. But that got me wondering how others think.



(Incase the computer edits it further, and someone can't guess what I mean, the word I am using is the place opposite of heaven :D)


ETA: Okay just to clarify...I mean as a curse word.

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Where's the option for no?


Yeah, where the h-e-double toothpicks is the "no" option? (Sorry, couldn't resist.:D)


It's all about context. A child asking a sincere question about hell is just that: a sincere question about hell. One person telling another to "Go to hell" is clearly another matter altogether. Definitely not acceptable. By the same token, if the slang "h-e-double hockey sticks" is used as a euphemism in the wrong context, it's still not acceptable (imo). That is, "Go to h-e-double hockey sticks" is still, at heart, telling someon to "Go to hell".


On the other hand, "Where the h-e-double hockey sticks" did I leave the car keys?!" is on par with "Where on earth...?" or some such. And while "hell" as an expression is not humorous, "h-e-double hockey sticks" is. To me, anyway. It makes me think of the part in the Charlie Brown Christmas special when Sally is supposed to say, "Hark!" during the play and instead in a moment of stage fright emits, "Hockey stick!":lol:

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I don't think it's a bad word. Inappropriate sometimes, but no ... not bad.


I tend to think of words in terms of appropriate/inappropriate rather than good/bad, though. And certainly, her question would be an appropriate context in which to use the word :)


Yeah, that. Words are tools: a word can't be bad any more than a pencil or a hammer can be bad, but it is possible to do good or bad things with them, as with any tools. If my child were to shout "Go to Hell!" at me, it's the disrespect and unkindness that would be an issue, not the exact words used. As for appropriateness, I guess that is a matter of taste, opinion and religious beliefs. Coarse language doesn't bother me much, however I do try not to say anything that is going to be offensive to the person I'm talking to.

Edited by Hotdrink
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Guest Virginia Dawn

This reminds me of the time my daughter, at the age of 5, was telling her also 5yo friend about hell and the devil. My daughter had never heard the word used in the context of swearing, and so was perfectly comfortable saying it. The other girl, whose family was not religious, had never heard the word out of the context of swearing. She came running in the house to tell me that my daughter had said "hell." The poor child thought my daughter was doomed to some horrible fate because she had uttered the word. I had a hard time not to laugh.

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We use Hell as "the place." Usually it's in context of what Hell is and how it isn't and can't be what many people think.


It's a "bad word" when used as an exclamation. We don't use it and consider substitutions to be just as icky.


My view of how to decide whether it is okay to say something is whether it would be nice or icky to hear a 7yr old say it (or the like) every other sentence. I decided this when my kids were little and I spent some time with a 7yo that regularly used substitutions. It was NASTY sounding. My kids are actually MORE conservative than I am. Because of a certain kids' movie, one of my children used a substitution for a short time, but otherwise, they've chosen to not do so even as teens and are offended when it is done though they realize most people just don't know better.


But I don't find anything nasty sounding about a 7yo or 77yo saying, "David indicates in Psalms that he knew that God would raise him from hell when he deemed it time." or "Job and Solomon both knew what hell really was as we can see at these scriptures."

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Yeah, where the h-e-double toothpicks is the "no" option? (Sorry, couldn't resist.:D)


It's all about context. A child asking a sincere question about hell is just that: a sincere question about hell. One person telling another to "Go to hell" is clearly another matter altogether. Definitely not acceptable. By the same token, if the slang "h-e-double hockey sticks" is used as a euphemism in the wrong context, it's still not acceptable (imo). That is, "Go to h-e-double hockey sticks" is still, at heart, telling someon to "Go to hell".


On the other hand, "Where the h-e-double hockey sticks" did I leave the car keys?!" is on par with "Where on earth...?" or some such. And while "hell" as an expression is not humorous, "h-e-double hockey sticks" is. To me, anyway. It makes me think of the part in the Charlie Brown Christmas special when Sally is supposed to say, "Hark!" during the play and instead in a moment of stage fright emits, "Hockey stick!":lol:


:iagree: I also do not believe in he double hockey sticks. I do not believe a loving god would condemn imperfect humans whom he created to an eternal he double hockey sticks. Instead I believe that, for those who are particularily evil, it will take them a very long time to reach heaven:)." Doth not god know what he hath created?"


My 2 cents:)

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Your poll choices are "yes,yes,yes,other"


How about NO.


I dont think hell is a bad word.


My son wrote an essay in IEW class about a Flaming Death Bird from Hell.


I flinched bc I knew there would be some parents in the class who would be horrified even though he was clearly talking about the place. I wasnt one of them.

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