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Bill Collector calling multiple times per day....HELP!

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Our mortgage company called yesterday and has called THREE times today. We have asked them to QUIT calling and let them know when the bill would be paid. It was DUE on Sept 1st. Four calls???


The issue seems to be that though we told them when the payment would be made (within the grace period), we are unwilling to have them set it up to be taken from the account at that time or on the 16th (the time they volunteered to do so).


I have looked at harassing bill collector information, but it seems to assume the bill collector is from an agency hired to collect from a company. This seems different though I did tell the man tonight that 1) three calls in one day is ridiculous and 2) that it's common knowledge they can't harass people so I will be reporting it if it happens again. At that point, he did place me on hold but even when he came back, he could not guarantee, except by us giving him the permission to withdraw the money from the account, that we wouldn't get another call!


Is there ANYTHING we can do?

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Yes. The mortgage is up-to-date (well, according to them, as of Sept 2nd was late, but you know what I mean). It was due Sept 1st. They SAY they start calling on the 3rd but we got a call yesterday. Hubby told them when we would pay the first 3 times. He called them back to handle the harassment issue. Obviously didn't work as we got a phone call a little bit ago. Only me threatening further action got him to take notice and even then I didn't get the result I wanted (a guarantee I wasn't going to have ongoing phone calls). But yes, there is a 15 day grace period. There is no late fee til the 16th.

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according to google and another message board, the phone number really is Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. And when hubby called them (but using that number), he did get what he would expect for calling them. Sooo, it probably is them. But just in case, just one more reason for me to dig in my heels that I'm going to pay it MY way when I said we would rather than giving them the acct number when the call.

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I don't understand this treatment of you. We have the same lender, and live in your area. Our payments are due on the 1st of each month. The printed bill specifies that the late fee will be applied on the __th of each month. (and it sure is not the 3rd !)


The only differentiator I can think of is if you ever have been late on a payment (even once). Maybe that triggers the harrassing behaviour ? (if that situation applies to you, that is)

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We recently had an issue with collections and an unpaid medical bill from several years ago that suddenly surfaced.. I was told that gyou can inform them that all further correspondence must occur in writing.. and then send or fax a letter stating this..



The FDCPA (Fair Debt and Colections Protection Act.) It tells you everything you need to know and more about collections. You might want to google it

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I would probably take the phone off the hook. I know that isn't a real fix, but that would drive me bonkers.


It's my hubby's cell. He was laid off June 30th so is hoping each call is a job offer. But he may well have to commit this number to memory so as not to answer. I suggested he could put it on a silent ring tone too. But of course, he'll see that he's missed X number of calls from them each time he uses his phone....


A few months ago, they started with this calling at the beginning of the month. We paid within a week of the due date (WELL within the grace period). The next month was also within the grace period and we got calls daily. A week later, we paid the following month so managed not to get calls last month since it was paid so early. And we thought we were going to be able to pay this month's bill last week but it didn't work out that way. But we're 1) within the grace period and 2) willing to tell them exactly when it will be paid. I asked him to simply note the account. Why can they not make sure I don't get multiple calls per day?!?!?


Anyway, I'll keep researching so if they call tomorrow we can sound knowledgeable about our next steps if they continue calling. I KNOW they can't just keep calling. However, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act governs third party collectors. I can't find any laws when it is the company itself.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I would be suspicious.

We have had the police come to our house because 911 calls were supposedly being made from here...someone had hacked into our phone system, so it's possible someone has done the same thing with WF.

The reason I say that is because I regularly use our full grace period to pay our mortgage and never get phone calls about it (we use WF also.) Harassing you on the 3rd is crazy...I think someone is trying to scam you.

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this doesn't excuse harassment BUT ....


I think in our contract it states that you only get to use the grace period once. If you use it again, they can actually revoke the 'grace period' clause altogether and then you're in default the day you miss payment. So perhaps check your docs to see if that's the case for you? (I'm different country, different bank, different laws so maybe this doesn't apply but it just occurred to me that this may be triggering the calls. And you'd want to know because it would affect credit rating etc.)


Sorry you're having a stressful time with this.

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I wonder if that is a local policy. Our mortgage has been with Wells Fargo for 5-6 years now. In all that time I think I've only ever paid by the 1st maybe 3-4 times. I almost always wait till the 8-10th of the month to mail it. I have never ever been called about when I would be sending my payment. I would definitely be calling them back and complaining go higher up if you need to. It's ridiculous that they would be calling you that many times.

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Yeah, this sounds weird to me too. We have Wells Fargo as well and we have an automatic draft set up to come out on the 3rd even though the due date is the first. They gave us the option to pick any date between the 1st and the 10th so obviously it is stardard practice to accept regular payment between the 1st and the 10th. They have never called us even when we paid by check. To call by the second and be harrasing by the 3rd just seems so extreme. The only thing that I can figure if it isn't a scammer is that they have some big push to get everyone on auto draft because of the economy. :confused:


ETA: I really would be asking the guy if he was out of his ever lovin' mind.

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I'd call the mortgage company and speak to a supervisor. It is ridiculous that they are harassing you like this.



Thanks Hornblower. I'll check, but it's always been that we have 15 days grace, a late fee on the 16th, and it negatively effects the credit after 30 days.

While you have a 15-day grace period, as you've probably figured out by now, legally it's still late on the 2nd. The grace period only means that you aren't charged a late fee even if it is late. (Of course, we found this out because we're in your shoes.) That's still no excuse for the way they're treating you.

Edited by JudyJudyJudy
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Ladies -- I have heard of this happening!

News report about banks being hit by so many foreclosures and are now more strict with "late" payments. Even by one day. One such company that does this dirty trick is EMC.


Is there a way to get the due date for the mortgage set a day or so later -- that way the paycheck gets in the bank ASAP and (I didn't see it, but am guessing) automatic draft gets credited on time? Maybe you can block that phone number from calling so much? But it may be the number needed to talk to them? Dunno. Not much help, am I? :grouphug::grouphug: Hang in there!

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Our mortgage is with Wells Fargo. I always use the grace period because it's more convenient for me to pay all my bills once a month at the same time. I've never gotten a call. I've even asked at WF if this was a problem or if it would affect my credit in any way and was told absolutely not.



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Thanks y'all. I do know that the difference for us is probably that we had a loan modification awhile back. Between that and the economy, I can definitely see them wanting to make sure they get their money. And if it were as simple as them calling and getting a date we'd pay then calling us if we didn't make that date, I'd be cool. But calling Wednesday, getting an answer, then calling Thursday morning and getting the same answer, then calling Thurs afternoon for the same answer....Hubby calls them to ask for phone calls to stop since he didn't mention it to the afternoon person. But they turn around and call again that same evening?


I called back the number last night and the number does not come up the same as if you call the main number. I will have hubby call the number off the bill first thing this morning to try to address it. Then, I think we'll simply treat the people calling from the other number as a scam though my understanding from a search online is that they are not. It's too risky, imo, to continue talking to them. One, they're stressing me out and two, they SEEM like a scam. And I'll tell them that. But to call 3 times in one day is beyond ridiculous. I'm sure if we block their number, they'll just call from another number, but....


And we do have it set up to pay sooner so except for a weird month, we should be paying in the second half of the month before. This is just extra incentive to make sure that happens PERIOD. Unfortunately, we seem to need such things. We were first trying to avoid late fees. Now we can try to avoid harassing phone calls I guess. I'll look at the positive side of this :)

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Thanks y'all. I do know that the difference for us is probably that we had a loan modification awhile back. Between that and the economy, I can definitely see them wanting to make sure they get their money. And if it were as simple as them calling and getting a date we'd pay then calling us if we didn't make that date, I'd be cool. But calling Wednesday, getting an answer, then calling Thursday morning and getting the same answer, then calling Thurs afternoon for the same answer....Hubby calls them to ask for phone calls to stop since he didn't mention it to the afternoon person. But they turn around and call again that same evening?


I called back the number last night and the number does not come up the same as if you call the main number. I will have hubby call the number off the bill first thing this morning to try to address it. Then, I think we'll simply treat the people calling from the other number as a scam though my understanding from a search online is that they are not. It's too risky, imo, to continue talking to them. One, they're stressing me out and two, they SEEM like a scam. And I'll tell them that. But to call 3 times in one day is beyond ridiculous. I'm sure if we block their number, they'll just call from another number, but....


And we do have it set up to pay sooner so except for a weird month, we should be paying in the second half of the month before. This is just extra incentive to make sure that happens PERIOD. Unfortunately, we seem to need such things. We were first trying to avoid late fees. Now we can try to avoid harassing phone calls I guess. I'll look at the positive side of this :)





I'm sorry, Pamela!


About your dh memorizing the number --- in my cell, I can "name" the number. Then when it rings, the name comes up. Maybe dh can do that -- name it "mortgage" so he knows who it is.

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I'm sorry they're being so annoying, Pamela!


If it makes you feel any better, I just got 5 calls in THREE days b/c dh accidentally shorted a cc company $18. $18!!!! He's been working late this week so he keeps forgetting to get online and take care of it, which certainly isn't *good*, but do they really need to harass me this much over $18?!?

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