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If you had thousands of people walking past your house ...

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Background: I sell for a home-party company.


We live down the street from the main entrance to our county fair. It's a huge time of year for our neighborhood and literally thousands of people (maybe two thousand?) will be walking on the sidewalk past our house from Sept. 3-7. Now, keep in mind that we are already *busy* with parking cars on our lawn, and operating a lemonade/water/sno-cup stand from the front walk (we make $350-$500 doing this, which the kids love, so I'll be busy with this too). But I don't want to pass up a good opportunity for telling others *who might be interested* about my company either. It's a pretty fun, lighthearted, jovial time for all concerned.


I did try a display table last year, but people are focused on getting to the *fair* you know? Not stopping and looking at a display table half a block from the entrance. And I don't want to get in the way of their cruising to the fun time they're anticipating .... :auto:


Oh! And keep in mind that because of the cars we park on our lawn, there's not a lot of lawn space for a table anyway ....... there is *one* area where I could do a small table on the *other* side of the sidewalk (which is what I tried last year); but people either walk by looking straight ahead (so as not to give eye contact to my kids because they don't want to buy anything from them) OR they notice the kids and smile, or buy something, or make a comment, and don't at all look at the other side of the sidewalk.


If YOU were one of these thousands of people, and might possibly have an interest in UL words actually, but are busy and just want to get to the fair for now, what would you want to have happen? What would catch your attention even if just for a brief moment for now? A business card put in your hand? A flyer? A drawing for a pretty cool product? A small display just in case you'd want to browse around?


I'd love any ideas you might have. It's fun to supplement my dh's income this way, but it's always a constant building mode, so I have to keep thinking of ways to promote, and I don't want to pass this opportunity up.

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We'll look for your lemonade/water/sno cup stand. Who knows maybe we'll park on your lawn this year? I'm still waiting for my free ticket from the school district.


Hmmm. I think a table allows people to pick up information if they want it and ignore it if they don't. Otherwise you could put a brochure on the wndshield of the cars on your lawn but that might backfire and make a lot of people mad.

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We'll look for your lemonade/water/sno cup stand. Who knows maybe we'll park on your lawn this year? I'm still waiting for my free ticket from the school district.


Hmmm. I think a table allows people to pick up information if they want it and ignore it if they don't. Otherwise you could put a brochure on the wndshield of the cars on your lawn but that might backfire and make a lot of people mad.


Oh, Jean, Please DO come see us! We're very easy to find. I'd LOVE to meet a WTM friend.


We're *right* across the street from the rides (south side of the park) on 6th Ave. Just half a block directly west of the main entrance. One story white house in the middle of the block. When are you coming? We'll be IN the fair all day Thursday (well, those of us going); so if you come then, PM me and I'll get my cell number to you. But we'll be here out front all day Friday & Saturday. Natalieclare, who is an IRL friend of mine, is coming Friday!


We'll park cars all the days (knock on my door if we're not out there!), and sell drinks & snacks on Friday & Saturday mostly. (Our stuff is less than half what they charge in the fair!). I hope I get to meet you!


ETA: And *thanks* for your thoughts on the advertising!

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I think you should just put business cards and brochures on the tables where you're selling the lemonade. If you could somehow put them in a vertical display right next to the lemonade stand, it would allow people who were walking by, but not buying, to see them. I think a separate stand or table in another part of your yard would be more likely to be ignored.

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If YOU were one of these thousands of people, and might possibly have an interest in UL words actually, but are busy and just want to get to the fair for now, what would you want to have happen? What would catch your attention even if just for a brief moment for now? A business card put in your hand? A flyer? A drawing for a pretty cool product? A small display just in case you'd want to browse around?


I would rather see a display than you press a card/flyer in my hand. That would have a small chance of making it home with me :)


I looked at your website - you have some very cute items! But as you said, if I were on my way to the fair, that would be the wrong time to try to get my attention on something else.


Is there some way you could set up a display closer to the sidewalk or street? Otherwise maybe tie some balloons to the display to get people's attention.

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could you advertise your product on the lemonade stand some how? decorate the stand really cool, interesting and eye catching with UL so people will ask about it? I really would not stop at a display table when all I could think of is making sure the kids stayed together, meet us a Xtime and getting a funnel cake at the fair but I definately take note that there is a lemonade stand to stop at on the way back to my car.

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I would hand out something fair-related with my business name and phone number on it. Balloons, rulers, pencils, etc. that people expect to get in the vendor area at the fair.

This would be good, if you already have stuff printed up.


I'd hand out whatever it is to people who are returning to their vehicles from the fair. I don't think that most people would be pleased to take something on their way to the fair. I wouldn't.

:iagree: Focus on handing stuff out as people are heading home.

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I'm afraid I'd be a little irritated if someone tried to hand me advertising on the way down the sidewalk. I'd rather there be a brochure to pick up if I were interested. But I agree that a drawing for a free product would be a great idea. You could make up a form that included their contact info and maybe put checkboxes at the bottom for things like, "Please send me a catalog" (if you do that) and "I would love to host an openhouse". Then you'd get contact information for people who are interested in your products, and not just spend a bunch of money on business cards handed out randomly to people who may not even care.

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Thank you so much for all the ideas! I posted this question on my UL dem. discussion board last night, but knew I'd get *real* answers here from the "people on the street." I love the idea of focusing on people heading back to their cars (duh! But I hadn't thought of that), if I'm going to hand something out, and UL just came out with these really cool incentive sheets for demonstrators to use (with four separate design expressions on one sheet) that I can give away. Very cool, again thanks so much!!

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I'd have a drawing for a free something--not necessarily a UL product. In my photography booths at bridal shows, I often gave away a pretty crystal vase or bowl. Although, I often gave away a portrait session and print, too. A cool gift basket or two might be fun.


One of the keys you want is to get an address, phone number, or EMAIL address--as far as they are concerned it's for notifying them of their win. For you, it's fodder for your potential client database. You can follow up with a postcard, phone call, or friendly email in a few weeks.


Have you read any of Jay Conrad Levinson's books...he is the Guerrilla Marketing guy. Awesome stuff.


PM me on FB if you want to chat more...provided you have time, of course. YOu are one busy mama!

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I would NOT do flyers on a windshield. There may be ordinances against that in your town, and personally, they irritate me so much, I crumple them and throw them away, deliberately.


I like the idea of rulers or something with your logo and phone number.


ETA: I got my dd's name in UL and I really like the product. I also have "Just Be Yourself" on my bathroom mirror (again, for dd's sake--she's At That Age), and I have two more for my living room that I've not put up yet.

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I'd do a display, but I'm not sure I'd put anything on or too near the lemonade stand.


If I were on my way to the fair, I'd likely stop and buy lemonade from the kids, but if I saw business-related items next to it, I'd avoid it like the plague because I wouldn't want to take a chance on having to deal with a sales pitch. That's just me, though.



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