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Does anyone set up binders the WTM way?

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Is it working for you?


TWM calls for 3 notebooks (these are binders, right?):


Language with 4 sections. Spelling, Grammar, and Reading/Memory and Writing. One binder per grade


History same notebook for grades 1-4


Science One notebook per grade.


My binders are all set up! :w00t: I bought my dd binders because they were on sale. My son has an extra binder because he needs to bring work with him in the afternoons. The white one in the middle is for me. :)



My dd's language binder says "Languge" oops, I'm off to change that. :lol:


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Looks nice!



We didn't set up binders. I didn't like "all that clicking" :lol:

Plus I don't save all the yearly work anyway.


Lots of folks keep binders all year then velobind them at Kinko's to memorialize the year.


But not I



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Yes, we do the binders, and I used my WTM to help me set them up. The difference I did do was that we do one History notebook a year instead of 1 for 4 yrs. I left last year's on the shelf where we can go back through it. But it was too full. It would just be a huge notebook to get 4 yrs in!


Where I am having a little trouble is in our language one. The sections, like you said, are: reading (reading list and narrations of literature), Writing, copies of letters, copywork, handwriting, and grammar assignments), Spelling (spelling and dication), and Memorization.


Well, I put the grammar in w/the writing. I think I should make a separate section for grammar. My dd7 does hers from R&S, so it is all on paper, not in a separate workbook. And in her memorization tab is her history memorization. I guess it will fill up when we start adding poetry, and other lists. But for now, she is working on a history list. Ah well, live and learn..

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
I had a sad face in there that I didn't mean to put in!
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I modified the WTM binder system b/c we have too many littles for that many binders. So far, I've bought each child a 3-inch binder & then use tabs for the different sections. I pretty much follow her ideas for the different sections.


At the end of each year, I take it all out, put a rubber band around it & store it in a box w/ any workbooks they completed. (Saving the binders was expensive & bulky!) I store their work in paper boxes that my hubby gets from his work- perfect size!

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I use binders but I have a few more than WTM recommends.;) I set up a memory work binder like Drew recommends in Living Memory and since 1" binders were on sale I had to split up my LA binder into 2- grammar/writing and reading notebook/comprehension questions. We also notebook for Geography and Latin so those are 2 more binders. Yep, we have a lot of binders on our shelf. :D I like it that way. :)

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I do use binders, but I use a new one for history each year so the kids don't have piles of stuff to flip through to get to the current topic.


I also don't have my Language Arts binder set up the way SWB recommends. I have a WWE section, a Grammar section, and a Booklist page for dd to write in what she's written.



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My ds new favorite activity is opening his binder to add stuff and take stuff out. click. click. click. :glare: This will wear off, right?(right???) lol


Not so much. We've been using binders here for five years and it's still "click, click, click!" every day. :)

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I haven't done notebooks this way YET... I can't wait for my shiny new copy of WTM to get here. :D


We have always done a TOG binder but I'm in the process of "switching things up" around here...we're going to continue with TOG but do the notebooks more like WTM.


BTW, I really like your setup...very polished/neat looking.

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I use binders but I have a few more than WTM recommends.;) I set up a memory work binder like Drew recommends in Living Memory and since 1" binders were on sale I had to split up my LA binder into 2- grammar/writing and reading notebook/comprehension questions. We also notebook for Geography and Latin so those are 2 more binders. Yep, we have a lot of binders on our shelf. :D I like it that way. :)



Same here. I wanted more binders so I could out them in our workboxes. So I have lots of binders Let's see:



History (one each year)


Reading/Memory Work




I think that's it. I'm sure we'll always be tweaking over the years.

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I use binders/notebooks (we called them binders when I was going to school, but now the kids call them notebooks):




Harmony Fine Arts Art & Music Appreciation



So we do our own thing with them, but like the notebooking idea!

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I used a 1in. binder(notebook:)) for 1st grade SOTW1, and it is bursting at the seams. So this year, I got a 2 in. I made all of the copies of the Student book to begin with this year and put them in. The notebook seems so empty that the pages are not staying neat looking. So I am thinking of getting another 1 in. notebook to put the pages into after they are completed. 1 in. did fine for us, until near the end of the year, when it became very full.

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I used a 1in. binder(notebook:)) for 1st grade SOTW1, and it is bursting at the seams. So this year, I got a 2 in. I made all of the copies of the Student book to begin with this year and put them in. The notebook seems so empty that the pages are not staying neat looking. So I am thinking of getting another 1 in. notebook to put the pages into after they are completed. 1 in. did fine for us, until near the end of the year, when it became very full.


I have some 1.5 inch notebooks (like the dark blue one in the picture above) I'm thinking that may be perfect.


From the picture, the white one that says 2009/10 on it is a 3inch. The Dark Red is a 2 inch and the Dark blue is 1.5 inch and the orange one is 1 inch.

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I love the colors of the binders. I have the cheapos that are plain white. My kids drew pictures for the fronts but still I like the more colorful ones.


I like the colors but I really like the feel of the binders. The gray on the binder is actually rubberized and they are so sturdy, the D-rings are nice and they open very easily. My kids drew pictures for their covers too which I really like.


Plus I got the binders on sale but they were still not cheap. After I bought these, I saw binders at my supermarket for $1.00 :glare: I sure could've saved $$. If I saw the cheapos first, I would have bought them! Even if they need replacing every 3 months, it would still come out cheaper. oops.

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I can't stand binders thicker than 2''. We have/will have for each girl: a history notebook (everything for history for 1 year - no tabs just in order by date - latest in the back), a science notebook (we might do dividers, but we will probably go with order by date and latest in the back), and a "general" notebook (Felicia's 2nd Grade Notebook, etc,)that does have dividers for reading, writing, grammar, handwriting and misc. Each of these 3 notebooks is 2'' thick. We also have a "memory book" for all of them with the memory work in page protectors. Spelling and Latin will have their own special notebooks (Spelling Power book and a composition book for Latin).


As far as the clicking...at least your dc aren't just leaving open-ringed binders on the schoolroom floor.

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I can't stand binders thicker than 2''. We have/will have for each girl: a history notebook (everything for history for 1 year - no tabs just in order by date - latest in the back), a science notebook (we might do dividers, but we will probably go with order by date and latest in the back), and a "general" notebook


I'm loving the 1.5" binders the best so far. 2" is as big as I will go for notebooks in the future. I have one 3" and that is my binder and I think it is too big and bulky but it is full! Once I put the history student pages into the kids notebooks, mine really didn't have to be that big.

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