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Where do you find space for a co-op other than a church?

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Where do you find space for your co-op to meet that is not in a church?


We have a secular co-op and we teach evolution, so no Christian church will have us even drive by their parking lot. :( The UU church won't rent classrooms to a group that doesn't have it's own insurance policy. We're just a bunch of moms trying to teach our kids together -- we're not incorporated and we don't have funds to pay thousands a year in insurance in any event.


Has anyone been faced with this dilemma? If so, where did you end up meeting?


We've been allowed to meet at a public park with a small classroom in the past, but it's far from everyone, hot and dusty. Any ideas?

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How large of a group is it? Do you need separate rooms? Can you meet at someone's house?


Yes, we're currently meeting at each others houses, but we've had to scale way back. Last year we had 20-30 kids. This year, we've just had to gather the closest 3 or 4 families and meet with them. Everybody else has had to create small pods close to home or just do without.

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Our city's park and rec department has community centers with classrooms available to reserve, as do the public libraries. Have you checked those avenues? Good luck! I'd join your coop! :)


These were my first thought too. You would have to pay a fee at some locations, but if everyone was willing to pay a few $, it could be covered easily.


Another thought would be in a restaurant. Restaurants often have empty banquet rooms especially during the day, and with the economy they may be willing to lower the rent for a few hours. To negotiate the lower rent, you may also offer to do some of the clean up ie vacuum, wipe tables etc.


There are community programs like Rotary, lodges etc that have rooms too, but then you run the risk/benefit of association.

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We've used the library and a neighborhood meeting room (owned by one members homeowners association). Our library has a completely separate meeting room (different entrance and kitchen/bathroom facilities) for groups to rent out. I think it was $20 a day.

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Our co-op meets in the basement of my huband's office. His office is in an old house which is in an area where the zoning has changed from residential to business. He only uses the front door and the two front rooms, so we go in the backdoor and use the basement and sun-porch. We have the use of 4 rooms and are able to hang posters etc. and leave things there. We also pay him for the use of his copier. In exchange, we clean his office space for him, and take turns bringing him lunch.




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A library meeting room. We've done art class (drawing) and lego club, so it isn't a quiet thing. We just close the door. Our library is a system, though, and there are many options.


We also meet at a community center. This isn't really reserved (I think you have to pay for reservations) and other people can come and go, but in the middle of the afternoon....not many do.

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Apartment complexes often have "community centers" for their residents to get together and have parties, etc. Often during the day these can be rented out for a small fee. You can also check out neighborhood community centers, and as others have mentioned, libraries and local recreation complexes. If you need mulitple rooms our library has a very large room that can be subdivided with partitions.


What about campgrounds like KOA? Some have lounge areas and meeting rooms. State parks often have conference facilities that are inexpensive to use too.


Does your community have retirement centers? This may be an option to use a room if they are open to having the co-op children interact with the residents. You may even find some great sources for guest speakers and class helpers there!


Golf and tennis clubhouses? YMCA? Health Clubs that have exercise rooms not being used at certain times? You may have to have the kids bring their own lap desks if no tables are available.


For insurance, check with HSLDA.


Good luck finding a location that suits your needs! It sounds like a fun co-op.

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I was part of a secular group that met in a church for a co-op. We taught evolution.


The church people loved us, because we cleaned up after ourselves and brought gifts for the church office people every now and then. I think they were also hoping we would absorb some Christianity while we were there.

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I am surprised that there are no Christian churches who will not rent to you since there are many Christian denominations that do not see a conflict between evolution and creation. have you tried Episcopal Churches, Evangelical Lutheran Churches, or United Presbyterian. I am sure that there others as well that would not see a problem with this.

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Our library has conference rooms and if the group is smaller they also have study rooms (about 8 chairs fit around the table). There is no charge to use so long as you are not Our library will only let you book them a month in advance, but we've not had a problem because during work/school day no one uses them. When we've tried to do something evening/weekend we've had a bit more of a challenge getting on the calendar.


You might also check with a local cafe, coffee shop, etc. to see if they have a private dining area that they'd let you use in exchange for a little business. Our local Old Country Buffet hosts a businessperson's meeting once a month....they "request" that all attendees buy breakfast, but they don't require it. I've seen what appear to be simliar meetings in other restaurants with large dining areas that can handle a bit of a separation or have another room. I don't see why a co-op couldn't do the same. I wonder if a local pizza joint might have a private room where you could do your co-op and every throw in a couple dollars to get a few pizzas for lunch.

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Don't members of a secular group have a problem meeting at a church?


I don't. I figure they are not supporting the community through property taxes, and I pay a LOT of property tax. So I might as well take advantage of their offer to support the community by letting us use their space when they are not using it.


I find most churches to be very helpful in this way (offering space to the extended community.) This helps me to support their status as non-profit organizations.


There are people in secular groups that are vehemently anti-church, but they are in the minority.

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I don't. I figure they are not supporting the community through property taxes, and I pay a LOT of property tax. So I might as well take advantage of their offer to support the community by letting us use their space when they are not using it.


I find most churches to be very helpful in this way (offering space to the extended community.) This helps me to support their status as non-profit organizations.


There are people in secular groups that are vehemently anti-church, but they are in the minority.



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