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Keepin it real.. (CC) realistic expectations

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Great post! Have you read any of Todd Wilson's books? The one I've read is called "Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe" and it is amazing! Sounds like he spoke about the same stuff he wrote about in the book. I just read it at the beginning of the summer, and I am so glad I did!

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Thank you for that blog post! I don't read many hs blogs, because, well, I get sick of how "great and wonderful" their experiences are as compared with mine. You said so clearly what some of my reasons for hs'ing our son are... It's for God and for him. Thanks for being real!

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Oh, my kids sing while doing their chores. To the tune of that song "We will, we will...rock you," they sing,


"We will...stuff you down the toilet and flush you! Flush you!"


And there is a lot of nose picking going on around here, too.

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Thank you for sharing that! I've been feeling like that along lately (my MIL visited this weekend -- 'nough said!). I really need to let a lot of these warped expectations go and look at reality. Is my house clean all the time? Not even close! Are my kids gifted? No, but they're smart. Do I feed them 3 homemade meals/day? LOL!!!!! Am I providing them with the best possible education?




Thanks for giving all of us such an uplifting reminder :001_smile:

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I inflict pressure on myself by looking at other Christian homeschooling moms who I assume have perfect home lives...their children not only sing while they do chores, but they sing Bible verses...oh, and they never fight with their sisters either, but are best friends from the tender preschool years. And they never sass back at their Mama, but lovingly come alongside to receive correction without a frown, crossed arms or sour face.


Thank you for this blog post. I have some thinking, no praying, to do.

Edited by BikeBookBread
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We're just starting our first full year (I started mid-year last year) and so I am filled with doubts and worries. I feel SO pressured that I am to keep a perfect house, have lovely perfect children who are working 2 grades ahead, be a devoted (and sexy) wife.




Your blog post was an excellent reminder that no one is putting these pressures on us, we are doing it. And what a supreme relief I would feel if I really knew my friends IRL felt the same way. I bet they do, but they're also under the self -imposed pressure to create the perfect homeschool life.


I agree with a pp that I rarely read other blogs because they make me feel inadequate. It's nice to hear others keepin' it real! It think that's why I like this forum so much. At any given moment you can sign in and find dozens of moms going "I don't know if I can do this" with dozens replying "Yes, you can!".:D

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I think that's the most fun part about blogging. (see there's some poor grammar for ya) I love being able to be real.


I just posted about my five month old that wasn't sleeping more than four hours a night.


I think it's important for mommies to be real with each other.


Thanks for your post! As Miz Booshay says, Encourage one another!


I have a baby sucking on my sweater right now. And I'm thinking, I don't remember the last time I washed this cardigan...but I'm not making her stop.

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I have been homeschooling for 15 years and I tell you this is true. We all make choices and nobody's perfect. My smiling happy daughter in public is a whiny negativity child with school with me. My unsmiling serious daughter who replies I don't know is actually a very hard working, very smart child who does know but just had her answer taken and is having a bad headache and can't think right. I get so amazed when people mistakenly believe I am very organized. I am about as unorganized as anyone could be- I have ADHD and don't take medicines and right now, can't even drink caffeinated beverages. Some days my children help out readily and quietly, other days it sounds like this place is the shipyards and they are longshoreman brawling.

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It's refreshing to hear some real talk...real talk.


We had evaluations today. My daughters both told their evaluators they didn't like school. :glare: Not changing things (they just want easy and fun all day) but not pleased they outed me!


My boys have been told 4 times to CLEAN THEIR ROOM!


My husband told me if we didn't train our puppy he was gonna need a new home.


I'm feeding them left overs and ham sandwiches for dinner -- not cooking!


I am heading to vacation with a heavy box of things I have yet to lesson plan b/c I've been a slacker.


We Will have an excellent school year and it will be done according to my standards, and no one else's!


Thank you for an honest and kind reminder (I'll be hanging that scripture above my desk) to keep our load in balance and leading toward a peaceful and gentle year, not one that is a burden!

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Great post!:001_smile:


I need to c&p it and staple it to my HS planner.....can I confess I have YET to actually accomplish everything I plan for one day:001_huh::lol:....it makes me feel much better knowing I'm not the only one who can't be 15 places doing 30 things at one time - 25 hours per day.

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What a great post! Thanks for the encouragement.


I think we also make composite homeschooling moms that we compare ourselves to. Person A has a spotless house (I don't though my dh wishes I did ;) ), Person B does a fabulous job with history and science, and Person C's children are very musically educated. Somehow I think I can be all of those people at once and I CAN'T. (But would someone like to explain that to my husband, please?)

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What a great post! Thanks for the encouragement.


I think we also make composite homeschooling moms that we compare ourselves to. Person A has a spotless house (I don't though my dh wishes I did ;) ), Person B does a fabulous job with history and science, and Person C's children are very musically educated. Somehow I think I can be all of those people at once and I CAN'T. (But would someone like to explain that to my husband, please?)


Interesting observation and true for me to:iagree:o.

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