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Wrong side of the world/timezone challenged peeps: Do you do this?

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I'm in Asia. Half the time when I answer a thread, it is in the "wrong" time of day. Then I don't check back for 12-16 hours (sleeping, doing school, etc) and by then the thread is old news. And people may have responded to *my* post, but I feel dumb resurrecting a thread (particularly a "hot" one) just to respond to something that happened (now) pages back.


So I just waver and think which makes me look more pathetic: answering a (at this point) long forgotten, old thread, or completely ignoring whatever was said!


I think we wrong-siders need to all meet up and discuss contentious subjects in the wee small hours of the (North American) night!:D

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Yes. Perhaps that's why I often feel like the thread killer.


Heh - I know the feeling.


I had one woman accuse me of not HSing / paying any attention to my kid because I "was on a forum all day".


Um... no. This place just happens to be a fun evening activity for me... :biggrinjester:




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It never bothers me to see someone resurrect a thread--I don't care how old it is. If a person wants to make a comment about something, I think that's great.


I mean do we do that in RL???? "Stop right there . . . didn't you bring that subject up 3 months ago when we were together????"


Isn't this a DISCUSSION forum????

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Oh, I dont mind resurrecting threads. :001_smile:

When I get on the boards (um, with my morning cuppa), I go to the search function and put in my name. If anyone has responded to me using my name in a thread I have written in, it will come up there. That way I dont miss if someone has asked me something in a thread or made a comment on a post I have written. Otherwise I would just forget what I wrote.

Other than that I check the first three pages of the general, curriculum and highschool boards and leave it at that.

The west coast of the U.S. is a full 18 hours behind me. I love it :) We get Christmas almost a whole day ahead :)

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I don't think anyone minds resurecting threads. Sometimes I start a thread and see it some back a week or evern a month later. I don't think that threads die because people have lost interest but instead because people start so many new threads daily that they move down the board pretty quickly and many people only look at the first two or three pages. If you answer an older thread, it brings it back up to the top of the board and then many time people will get a chance to answer who didn't see it the first time around. So I say just go right ahead and respond. :)

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In addition to the time lag, we also have an unreliable internet connection. It happened recently that I started a thread to ask a question and then could only look at it 4 days later. I felt silly bringing it up again, but then felt that people might think I'm rude for not answering their kind replies... in the end I didn't reply.

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I always feel this way too! That is why I seldom post on this forum, even though I read it often and have learned so much through you all. I usually worry that people will think I am rude for not responding to them until the next day. Maybe we shouldn't worry so much and just respond when we can! :)



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See now, I here I am, responding all late again!:lol:


Glad to hear other people think about this stuff, too! I think I will just respond, a day late and a dollar short, anyway. I'm not really a wealth of knowledge on much though, so ultimately I doubt the board will benefit a whole lot from my (belatd) input!:D I'm mostly here to learn from all of YOU!

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Oh, I dont mind resurrecting threads. :001_smile:

When I get on the boards (um, with my morning cuppa), I go to the search function and put in my name. If anyone has responded to me using my name in a thread I have written in, it will come up there. That way I dont miss if someone has asked me something in a thread or made a comment on a post I have written. Otherwise I would just forget what I wrote.

Other than that I check the first three pages of the general, curriculum and highschool boards and leave it at that.

The west coast of the U.S. is a full 18 hours behind me. I love it :) We get Christmas almost a whole day ahead :)


You could subscribe to threads - whether you've responded or not - and get updates in a daily email. But the time that determines "daily" will probably be one of the US time zones :lol:

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