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How many days a week are you able to be home all day?

In a typical week, how many days are you home ALL day?  

  1. 1. In a typical week, how many days are you home ALL day?

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Gosh, I can't remember the last time we were home all day. Seriously- years!!


I grew up that way, sort of over-scheduled, go-go-go, and I get antsy stuck at home. The kids do, too. They want to go, go, go. People ask me how in the world they can handle so many activities (or few activities with massive time requirements) but its just their "normal".

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Iit varies so widely us by week...during 20 weeks of the year we have co-op...so we are only able to definitely be home 4 days per week. If we add in gym that's three days per week. I usually run errands during the day too...I would guess that we're rarely home all day...but there are sometimes when we are home during the day for weeks on end.


One of the reasons I chose to homeschool was so I could have that type of flexibility...to just pick up and go whenever.


ETA: I could have answered differently...somehow I missed the "from morning until night". I am never home all day from morning until night. Never, nada, zip, zilch. I typically go out four or five nights a week just to spend some time alone, and if I'm not doing that I usually have errands or shopping or something like that to do.

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For a few weeks in the summer, I might get a day here or there where I can stay home, but most of the time, I have to be somewhere else at least once a day: church Sundays and Wednesdays, co-op Mondays and Wednesdays, soccer Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, which leaves Fridays for errand-running.

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But, I can get the gist of what's typical.


Including church, we have something every day of the week.


But, that happened as a result of trying to schedule everything between 1:00 and 5:00....between school and dinner.


I guess I can't have everything.



ETA: I did put ALL day, I meant I should have expressely said "not just during school", since I knew that was a potential cause of confusion......I wish we could edit titles. Need to quit using them.

Edited by snickelfritz
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Probably "0"!


My youngest is in public school. We take her to school in the mornings and she rides the bus home in the afternoons. That's 5 days a week.


On the weekends, we have sports and social activities and errands to run....so there are very few days during a typical month when we're home all day long.

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From late August until July (when my daughter leaves for camp) I have no days when I am home all day. My daughter is an ice skater and skates everyday. Or if we happen to have an odd day where she is not skating we take advantage and do something else.


Now that she is at camp we are sneaking in some stay at home days.

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I try really hard to have 2 days a week when we don't have to leave the house. Once activities begin in September, I am lucky to have 1. I am insisting on 4 full, uninterupted school days this year. Due to outside classes/activities/appointments last year, we only had 3 and it did not work for us!

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I almost never drive. The children catch a bus to where they volunteer on Thursdays.


We home church, so we don't leave for that.


I probably run errands once per week, or have dh do them while he's at work.


We have no outside commitments right now, but when school starts back, the older ones will ride their bike to volleyball practice.


I often visit a friend about 2 miles away one night per week, but I don't have to.


We try to be home. We used to run all over the place, but school and home suffered, so we try to be Home. It's where my heart is :)

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I have to work at least once a week, we go to church on Sunday, and I like to visit friends or do something fun sometime during the week. I'm assuming you don't mean things like going to the library or running errands.



OP do we count walks or library?

Edited by LibraryLover
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It varies with the season (kids sports, dance, etc). But I try to not leave the driveway about 2 days per week.... just for sanity. By consolidating errands and getting practice/classes on same days (as I can), I have been able to eliminate some comings & goings.


With school, it is essential that we stay still 1-2 days. The chaos really takes away from getting work done in the books. We can take readers along with us... but not math textbooks, etc. (well we could but try not to be in that situation)


I wonder if your distance from "town" or the "city" strongly influence your days away from home? Growing up, we rarely went to town when we were out of school. Today, seems like folks stay in the road but we live on the edge of town.

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OK, I posted "Other," and here's why.


We stay home many weeks 4-5 days a week. From morning until dinnertime, or after.


But, the boys have swim practice every night. Either at 5:30 or 6:30. So, I'll stay home until then, then leave to drop them off and pick them up.


To me, that *feels* like staying home all day because I'm not running everywhere.


Otherwise, I'd say we stay home 1 day a week- the day there is no swim practice. :)

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So, OP do we count walks or library?



I WAS including library, errands, etc... Because we must drive to those. You have people who can walk to those. And then, does it matter if it's 1 block (or downstairs in some cities) or 10 blocks and they just like the exercise?


I was NOT thinking of walks. Unless, you have to travel somewhere to go on walks.


We do have a neighborhood park, splash pad, nature path, and pool....I wasn't including those for us. My sister has to drive 15 minutes to get to the city pool and tries to go multiple times a week....which I would count as a trip out of the house.


So, I don't guess I literally meant "leave the house". Maybe I meant neighborhood or maybe I meant have to drive/ride to?


I don't know. Too many variables, so I'll let each of you determine what is meant by "leaving the house."

Edited by snickelfritz
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Well I would prefer five but I consider myself grateful for three but often only get one or two. I hate leaving the house. I suspect it will slow down in the fall as I will have two in PS, one in TX and the one that is here doesn't need driven anywhere so I will only have to leave for various dr kinds of appts. Yeah! I planned to study like I was in college and clean like Mr. Clean. We will see how it goes.

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From morning until night, not just school time. You can vote more than once.


I mean, we're able to be home all day on those days, and that's my preference...doesn't mean we don't go see Grandma, or somesuch. :-)


Mondays will be co-op and gymnastics/music lessons, Wednesdays are a second co-op day, for the older kids, in the early morning (1 hr), and Fridays will be volleyball/horseback riding, grocery shopping.


I like to go out on Saturdays, so that's probably not a great day to include, but it would be possible to stay home on that day.

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Typically 4-5 full days at home. We have commitments 3 days per week, which is really too much for me. I have a very hard time being content when we have to either go multiple places in one day or schedule something 3-4 days out of the week.


My kids and dh are much more extroverted than I am, so it works out that there are plenty of things they can do on their own.

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