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Help! I need baby girl name ideas from the Bible (CC)

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Since nicknames seem to be important, I thought I'd add that we always called my sister, whose name is Martha, Marti. In fact, I liked to call her Marti-Farti. Cute, right? Well, you know, when we were little. :) My boys still call her Aunt Marti.


And the little girl I know named Hadassah didn't have a nickname. I don't think you can shorten Hadassah. Haddy? That's strange, IMO. :D Cute, but strange.


Oh I love the name Hattie but don't like Harriet - you just gave me an idea, lol!

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Here are some I have seen used for girls' names or that I just think would be pretty as a name:


1. Engedi (Song of Solomon 1:13-15)


My beloved is to me a pouch of myrrh

Which lies all night between my breasts.

"My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms

In the vineyards of Engedi."

"How beautiful you are, my darling,

How beautiful you are!

Your eyes are like doves.


2. Rahab (Joshua 2:1-24; Matthew 1:5)


3. Tekoa (2 Samuel 14)


4. Hadassah (Esther 2:7)

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My dds have a very good friend whose name is Hadassah (Esther 2:7). It is a beautiful name!



Oh I love Haddassah as well!! Beautiful!! :) I gave my kids all Bible names as well. :)


My daughter is named Gabriela Sofia but we were torn between Gabriela and Isabela. Gabriela is the Spanish form of Gabriel (the angel) and means "God is my strength" Sofia is Greek and means "wisdom" Isabel or Isabela is the Spanish form of Elizabeth and means "consecrated to God". :) And then of course there is always Maria or Marie or Mary whichever form you like. I've always liked Ariel as well which means "Jerusalem". :) Ariel is actually my son's middle name. :)


Congratulations on your precious baby girl!!! :hurray: :hurray: :party:

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We have all bible names here too.

Aaron Lee

Hannah Faye

Sarah Grace

Rebekah Anne

Josiah Samuel

Nehemiah Jack

Gideon Scott

Titus Daniel

And Abigail Rose. But when we named our kids we never planned on bible names until #6 and that is only because the rest of them have bible names. I'm due this fall with a little girl we wanted a bible name but we also look at the character. We love esther but her is too grandma 'ish for me so we are naming her Hadassah. We thaught about dessah for short or dessie. Another one we threw around is Asa (Long A- sah) but with our Abigail we have had a lot of people just calling her Abby. I'm always saying "no Abigail". We love Leah but the bible mentions she was ugly so we never picked it. Naomi was cute but not the best character wise. There is always Anna. The 1st person saved in the N.T. Or if you really want to be different there's always Jezabel.(I actually met someone named Jezabel.)

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Oh this brings back memories! My dh is Greek, and it is Greek custom to name your children after his parents first, then her parents. So ya, I would have to have 3 boys before I could name it myself and 3 girls! NO WAY! Not to mention I didn't like the name Olga!!! LOL! Thank God I won that battle because a) I'm not Greek and b) my dh is sweet... he agreed that if we would be the first to break the custom in his line (yikes) then we MUST have biblical names. I agreed and the search began. I ended up choosing a different name, I scoured for a different name lol... I chose Nekoda, from Ezra 2:48. Nekoda was a family name, like the tribe of... and they were temple servants, so when people ask what her name means I say it means "temple servant". Her middle name is JOY, for the acronym of how we ought to live our lives: Jesus first, Others second, then Yourself. Nekoda Joy :001_smile: Others we liked were Naomi, Selah and Bethany. We also fantasized about girl twins: Nekoda and Netanya :D

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My favorite girl name in the Bible is Jemima (one of Job's daughters), but unfortunately, it's not really usable in the US.


:lol::lol::lol: True!! I don't think anyone would be able to hear the name Jemima without thinking of pancakes. hehehe :p

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I haven't looked at the other responses, but somewhat unusual girl names that friends have used are Keziah and Shiloh. I thought they were both really pretty. I also really like Leah, but it may be too common for you.


Hope you find something you like. And congratulations!

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My younger girlie is named


Hosanna Grace, "The Lord saves (by) grace", nickname is Sanna or Nanna :)


I found Hosanna when going through the concordance with a pregnant friend of mine, looking for a girl name for her! Fell in love with the name and hoped she wouldn't take it. She opted for a non-biblical name. Woo-hoo! I wasn't even pregnant at the time, but claimed that name for my own and guarded it with rare vim and vigor (I'm usually a blabber mouth.)




EDIT: but of course, anyone is free to use it now!!!

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My husband's cousin has five children and used Biblical names for all of them. Her two girls are Shiloh and Philadelphia.



Ruth, Naomi, Rachel, Tamara


Here are some Jewish Girls names:


Elisheva (God is my oath; Elisheva was Aaron's wife)

Shira (my song)

Arielle (Lionness of God)

Margalit (Pearl)

Aliya (being called to the commandments)

Mira (Light)

Nesya (Yiddish for Nissan, the month of flowers)

Nitza (Bud)

Natania (Gift of God)

Ranana (Fresh)

Rayna or Reyna (Clean or pure)

Riva (Young Girl)

Gayora (Valley of Light)

Galya (God has redeemed)

Hadara (Splendid)

Hasia (Protected by the Lord)

Hasida (Pious one)

Ahava (Loved, Beloved)

Adra (from Aramaic: Glory, Majesty)

Ranita (Joy or Song)

Tikva (Hope)

Tirza (Cypress)

Yaffa (Beautiful)

Yakira (Precious)

Ziona (Excellent)

Ziva (Radiant)



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Ruth, Naomi, Rachel, Tamara


Here are some Jewish Girls names:


Elisheva (God is my oath; Elisheva was Aaron's wife)

Shira (my song)

Arielle (Lionness of God)

Margalit (Pearl)

Aliya (being called to the commandments)

Mira (Light)

Nesya (Yiddish for Nissan, the month of flowers)

Nitza (Bud)

Natania (Gift of God)

Ranana (Fresh)

Rayna or Reyna (Clean or pure)

Riva (Young Girl)

Gayora (Valley of Light)

Galya (God has redeemed)

Hadara (Splendid)

Hasia (Protected by the Lord)

Hasida (Pious one)

Ahava (Loved, Beloved)

Adra (from Aramaic: Glory, Majesty)

Ranita (Joy or Song)

Tikva (Hope)

Tirza (Cypress)

Yaffa (Beautiful)

Yakira (Precious)

Ziona (Excellent)

Ziva (Radiant)




What a great post! I like Natania with the middle name Grace! Grace is a gift of God, which is what Natania Grace would mean! Cool! Nickname....hmmm, maybe Tani or Ania (Anya) would be cute!



Just my 2 cents. :001_smile:

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Our friends, who have a daughter Hadassah, have nicknamed her Dassi, and I think it's so cute. It also helps that she is just the sweetest girl. :)


My cousin named her dd Zion and while her family flipped (thought it was weird, her dad said he would never call her Zion, but Elizabeth, her middle name) I loved it. I thought it was different from the norm.


But, I still vote for Hadassah. ;)

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My sister plans to name her first girl (she's only had one boy, James, so far) Moriah - after Mt. Moriah.


I also know a child name AnnEden. I really like that.


Selah would be a beautiful name, too.


We have an Abigail and two with the middle name Grace (our youngest is adopted and was already named). We want to use Biblical names from now on. I like the name Asher for a boy. I also like to see the name Mary hyphenated with another name....like a family name.


My great grandmother's maiden name was Chappell - we will use it somehow in our next child's name - possibly as Mary-Chappell.


There are so many beautiful names in the Bible. There must be a website somewhere that lists them all.



My mom wanted to name me Moriah (2 Chronicles 3:1).
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Oooo... I LIKE this one. Could be shortened to Keri for a nickname, too if you are into that. However, I like it just the way it is. Kerith Grace - pretty, pretty :)




Here's another to add to your list:


Kerith (1 Ki 17:5)--the ravine where the ravens fed Elijah. Our pastor's dd has this name.




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