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Here is my bookshelf. I actually just added some new things and am in the process of purging books because I own way too many and if I am going to continue with Winter Promise, I need to make room for all of those books.




Thanks! I ordered the Story of Painting from you.

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Here's mine... I hope I'm doing this right...




I had taken a lot of my books off the site in order to sell them, but still have a lot left, so I decided to put them back on. I just started putting them back on my "bookshelf" yesterday and have already had 24 requests!




Wow -- you have some great things. :D

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Here's my link (at leat I hope it is):




Question for you -- I have 10 books posted (lots more to come) and they show up on my private page. However, when I look at the public page, only 9 books are listed. Do you know why this is? The book not shown is another Homeschool book.


Also, what do I do with all the links you are all posting? Do I copy them from these posts and paste them in somewhere on paperback swap?

Thanks for the help!!!


I'm excited about getting started!

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I have a 2 for 1 on my kids readers, younger and chapter books! Pick one and email me your other request... Does not include the Usborne History/Science books.





Email me with questions!


To order from members here who have an account on paperbackswap.com , can I just buddy everyone? If anyone here has something available, I'd love to give the credit to you guys first! I checked out most of these links and there are some great books there!Hopefully later this week I'll have more time to check that out (and I'll have more credits by then!)! I got my first lead to that site from here - so thanks!

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Here's my link (at leat I hope it is):




Question for you -- I have 10 books posted (lots more to come) and they show up on my private page. However, when I look at the public page, only 9 books are listed. Do you know why this is? The book not shown is another Homeschool book.


Also, what do I do with all the links you are all posting? Do I copy them from these posts and paste them in somewhere on paperback swap?

Thanks for the help!!!


I'm excited about getting started!


the one that is not showing up was probably on someone's wish list so it is being held for them. They'll have 48 hours to get a credit and request it. Look at your list (where it shows up) and see if there is a gray circle with an exclamation point in it. If you see that little icon, it is being held for someone.

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