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be careful when returning items to Sonlight!

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So far I have been ignored

Wait a minute, Carolyn. You first came here and vented (understandably; I sympathize with your frustration). You then started to post over at SL but merely said, "Never mind, I'll call instead". You didn't share over there about the situation, so it's not fair to say you posted and have been ignored.


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Wait a minute, Carolyn. You first came here and vented (understandably; I sympathize with your frustration). You then started to post over at SL but merely said, "Never mind, I'll call instead". You didn't share over there about the situation, so it's not fair to say you posted and have been ignored.


I did not want to vent my dirty laundry over at SL, initially. I thought I could handle the situation through phone calls.

It was not till Christi@SL, replied to my thread, stating she hoped I was happy and they are willing to help me.

There is alot more behing the scenes you don't know about.

SL *knows* what is going on, trust me.

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Colleen, I have had nothing but good experiences with SL too, up till now. I have been a customer for three years. Be that as it may, they are not willing at all to help me out. They were/are willing to lose a customer over $140 though.
It seems odd to me that you've used SL for three years but the moment you had a bad experience, you publicly stated (before even speaking with the company) that you'll never buy from them again. Again, I know SL is addressing the issue and I truly hope they resolve it to your satisfaction.


Also, I have not read about anyone trashing SL. We are expressing our disappointments with SL that is all.
I was thinking of comments such as "SL strikes me as very sneaky and sanctimonious" and "I guess it's all about the money". Again, though, I understand that we each have different experiences, and our experiences will affect our opinions.
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It seems odd to me that you've used SL for three years but the moment you had a bad experience, you publicly stated (before even speaking with the company) that you'll never buy from them again. Again, I know SL is addressing the issue and I truly hope they resolve it to your satisfaction.


I was thinking of comments such as "SL strikes me as very sneaky and sanctimonious" and "I guess it's all about the money". Again, though, I understand that we each have different experiences, and our experiences will affect our opinions.

Ummm....now YOU wait a minute. How do you know when I first spoke to SL regarding all this? You don't. And frankly there have been more people coming not only here, but at SL venting similiar experiences. I pay top dollar for SL products, I expect top notch CS, it's not like they messed up an order is all. No, due to their lousy packaging I have damaged items in my home and have to deal with this whole mess. The books returned to me had very minor, minuscule dents or dings on one corner per book and for all I know, since people are now stating they have received books in that condition, they were like that when I got them.

I know you *love* SL, but they are far from perfect and I have worked retail for 15 years, and would never treat a customer the way I have been treated

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I haven't liked this company since around 2000 when they went off on me for reselling my L/A manual 1 year after it came out. They told me my only option was to buy another manual from them at a discount. I wasn't interested in buying anything from them as it wasn't a good fit. Sonlight is more interested in money.

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It seems odd to me that you've used SL for three years but the moment you had a bad experience, you publicly stated (before even speaking with the company) that you'll never buy from them again. Again, I know SL is addressing the issue and I truly hope they resolve it to your satisfaction.


I was thinking of comments such as "SL strikes me as very sneaky and sanctimonious" and "I guess it's all about the money". Again, though, I understand that we each have different experiences, and our experiences will affect our opinions.


Colleen, how do you know that SL is addressing the issue? Do you work for SL? (Just wondering -- not accusing!)


While you may not agree with her opinions, Carolyn has a right to express her dissatisfaction with SL, just as you can post in support of the company (and I do appreciate hearing both positive and negative experiences.)


I don't pretend to have all of the facts here, but it certainly sounds like SL is being petty by not refunding Carolyn's money, or at least giving her a credit toward a future purchase.



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Wait a minute, Carolyn. You first came here and vented (understandably; I sympathize with your frustration). You then started to post over at SL but merely said, "Never mind, I'll call instead". You didn't share over there about the situation, so it's not fair to say you posted and have been ignored.


There is a roughly two hour difference from the time she posted on SL and the time she posted here, here being the later post. I assume (though I don't really know) she called, got the answer no, then vented here later on. Now that the thread has gotten more attention on SL and she sent an e-mail to the General Manager they are reviewing it again.




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While you may not agree with her opinions, Carolyn has a right to express her dissatisfaction with SL, just as you can post in support of the company (and I do appreciate hearing both positive and negative experiences.)


I don't pretend to have all of the facts here, but it certainly sounds like SL is being petty by not refunding Carolyn's money, or at least giving her a credit toward a future purchase.




:iagree: I also have had nothing but good experiences with SL---but between this board and HSR, it sounds like there are quite a few in the wings who have not had positive experiences. Carolyn sounds exasperated at the problem she is having with getting a refund---I would be that and then some over a $200 problem! I think she has a right to vent---and if people come out of the woodwork to trash SL---I guess it shocks me, but like I said in a previous post "You can't please all the people all the time". Between here and HSR---I have honestly never heard SO many complaints about poor CS from SL....never. SL should know that :001_huh:

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It seems odd to me that you've used SL for three years but the moment you had a bad experience, you publicly stated (before even speaking with the company) that you'll never buy from them again. Again, I know SL is addressing the issue and I truly hope they resolve it to your satisfaction.



Ummm....now YOU wait a minute. How do you know when I first spoke to SL regarding all this? You don't.



I don't know about Colleen, but I'm going by the fact that you posted at SL on 6/27 at 5:36 pm saying nothing about the situation, except that nevermind, you would call them. Then you posted here on 6/27 at 5:39 pm warning against buying from SL and saying you would never buy from them again.

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I don't know about Colleen, but I'm going by the fact that you posted at SL on 6/27 at 5:36 pm saying nothing about the situation, except that nevermind, you would call them. Then you posted here on 6/27 at 5:39 pm warning against buying from SL and saying you would never buy from them again.




Actually she posted on SL at 3:36 PM on 6/27 and started this thread at 5:39 pm on 6/27. That is a two hour difference in which she had time to call and get a no answer before she came to vent here.



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Ummm....now YOU wait a minute. How do you know when I first spoke to SL regarding all this? You don't.

I'm sorry, Carolyn. My impression was based on our private conversation and I apparently misunderstood you then.

I know you *love* SL, but they are far from perfect

I never said they were perfect. On the contrary, I specifically said SL frustrated me on occasion and that I'm not claiming they never make mistakes. Believe me, I have taken SL to task over several things over the years.

Colleen, how do you know that SL is addressing the issue?

Because SL has stated that publicly.

While you may not agree with her opinions, Carolyn has a right to express her dissatisfaction with SL, just as you can post in support of the company (and I do appreciate hearing both positive and negative experiences.)

Of course.


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I don't know about Colleen, but I'm going by the fact that you posted at SL on 6/27 at 5:36 pm saying nothing about the situation, except that nevermind, you would call them. Then you posted here on 6/27 at 5:39 pm warning against buying from SL and saying you would never buy from them again.

oh my! you all must be lawyers or something *sweet smiles*...

do you know when my first conversation was with SL, or if I had talked to them other than "6/27 at 5:39 pm"?? No, you don't...


You know I appreciate all the support I have received from you, and this SL seems to be handling it. DO you really think your "accusations" against me is going to affect the outcome??


I really do not understand the effort some of you are putting in to trying to figure out the times and dates I talked to SL from message boards..I find it amusing and rather creepy at the same time.


For the record, I have talked to SL multiple times regarding this, I am hoping for a resolution. Tim has addressed me at SL boards. But one or two of you think you know more than you actually do and feel the need to form an investigation or something on me! YIKES! :eek:

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Actually she posted on SL at 3:36 PM on 6/27 and started this thread at 5:39 pm on 6/27. That is a two hour difference in which she had time to call and get a no answer before she came to vent here.




Hi Heather, thanks for clarifying. On my computer, the times say what I posted, I checked three times after I saw your post about the two hour difference because I "know" you and trust you. So I'm wondering if it shows up differently for me due to my time zone settings? It's strange though that the WTM time says the same as it does for you, but not the SL time. Do time zones show up differently on those two forums?

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Hi Heather, thanks for clarifying. On my computer, the times say what I posted, I checked three times after I saw your post about the two hour difference because I "know" you and trust you. So I'm wondering if it shows up differently for me due to my time zone settings? It's strange though that the WTM time says the same as it does for you, but not the SL time. Do time zones show up differently on those two forums?


Well isn't that a puzzler? I know on The Homeschool Library you have to do one post a day in order to play in their arcade, but that change happens for me at 10:00 PM instead of 12:00, so it seems the time zone difference can do weird things. Off to check what my settings are.




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Hi Heather, thanks for clarifying. On my computer, the times say what I posted, I checked three times after I saw your post about the two hour difference because I "know" you and trust you. So I'm wondering if it shows up differently for me due to my time zone settings? It's strange though that the WTM time says the same as it does for you, but not the SL time. Do time zones show up differently on those two forums?

Oh my goodness! the EFFORT some people will go to!

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oh my! you all must be lawyers or something *sweet smiles*...

do you know when my first conversation was with SL, or if I had talked to them other than "6/27 at 5:39 pm"?? No, you don't...


You know I appreciate all the support I have received from you, and this SL seems to be handling it. DO you really think your "accusations" against me is going to affect the outcome??


I really do not understand the effort some of you are putting in to trying to figure out the times and dates I talked to SL from message boards..I find it amusing and rather creepy at the same time.


For the record, I have talked to SL multiple times regarding this, I am hoping for a resolution. Tim has addressed me at SL boards. But one or two of you think you know more than you actually do and feel the need to form an investigation or something on me! YIKES! :eek:


When you post that you're unhappy with SL right now and then post that you'll call them, it does look like you haven't spoken to them yet. But you're right, there is no way I know who you talked to when for certain. I have every right to comment and it's okay if everyone doesn't agree with you. There has been no "investigation", so don't flatter yourself. It takes 5 minutes to read a thread at SL, see many comments about posts on "another board" and then go read the other post. It's the nature of the internet, don't post publically if you can't own it.


Regardless of that, it looks like pot stirring when you don't post about it at SL but do post about it here. You said you "did not want to vent my dirty laundry over at SL." So what is the difference between SL and here? You also made some comments about the SL forums- "it's all very clicky and catty over there." The forums and the people that post there are a separate issue from the customer service issues you're having with SL and I feel it detracted from your customer service issues, your integrity, and the nature of this thread.


Kind of like your sarcastic comments about sweet smiles and lawyers.


Please point out my accusations against you.

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When you post that you're unhappy with SL right now and then post that you'll call them, it does look like you haven't spoken to them yet. But you're right, there is no way I know who you talked to when for certain. I have every right to comment and it's okay if everyone doesn't agree with you. There has been no "investigation", so don't flatter yourself. It takes 5 minutes to read a thread at SL, see many comments about posts on "another board" and then go read the other post. It's the nature of the internet, don't post publically if you can't own it.


Regardless of that, it looks like pot stirring when you don't post about it at SL but do post about it here. You said you "did not want to vent my dirty laundry over at SL." So what is the difference between SL and here? You also made some comments about the SL forums- "it's all very clicky and catty over there." The forums and the people that post there are a separate issue from the customer service issues you're having with SL and I feel it detracted from your customer service issues, your integrity, and the nature of this thread.


Kind of like your sarcastic comments about sweet smiles and lawyers.


Please point out my accusations against you.

really? are you serious? blah blah blah...some people just have too much time on their hands. I am seeing serious catty *ness*

Do you think I really give a hoot what you think of my integrity yadda yadda yadda? NO! sheesh, seriously...this is between SL and me and if you think anything YOU hav to say will affect the outcome you are kidding yourself.

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Oh my goodness! the EFFORT some people will go to!


I checked three times because if I was mistaken, I wanted to say so. its important to me to be honest and admit when I'm wrong, and I trust Heather, so figured I had it wrong.


Is it possible for you to engage in a conversation without the sarcastic and juvenile comments? By all appearances, it really makes you angry when anyone challenges you. When you post your differing viewpoint or support for your own argument, it would hold more weight if you'd do so in a more direct and mature way.

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really? are you serious? blah blah blah...some people just have too much time on their hands. I am seeing serious catty *ness*

Do you think I really give a hoot what you think of my integrity yadda yadda yadda? NO! sheesh, seriously...this is between SL and me and if you think anything YOU hav to say will affect the outcome you are kidding yourself.




Yes but *you* chose to make it public, and by doing so you have to live with public comment. Just the nature of the beast.




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really? are you serious? blah blah blah...some people just have too much time on their hands. I am seeing serious catty *ness*

Do you think I really give a hoot what you think of my integrity yadda yadda yadda? NO! sheesh, seriously...this is between SL and me and if you think anything YOU hav to say will affect the outcome you are kidding yourself.


Carolyn, the only cattiness I've seen has been on your part. I don't even understand what you posted here, it makes no sense. I think you already answered my question in my second post.

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Yes but *you* chose to make it public, and by doing so you have to live with public comment. Just the nature of the beast.





Heather, I am fine with that, but I feel no need to have to explain who, what, when and how I talked to SL (including possibly giving dates and times, next thing she'll want my phone records LOL)..the fact of the matter is there is a problem, and they were not willing to rectify it, I vented, and I really feel some people are trying to turn this on me when why in the heck would I want to burn any bridges with SL ??

Why would I do that unless there was a real problem.



Honestly..this is WHY I rarely post at SL boards..you know all the stuff that has happened over there!

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I was thinking of comments such as "SL strikes me as very sneaky and sanctimonious"


Yep, that's how they strike me. I seriously looked into using SL. I posted on their boards (before they decided to close them to any but high-end buyers) and had several phone conversations with them in an attempt to figure out whether SL would work for our family. Not only was I raked over the coals for admitting to them that I had already purchased some of their material used from another homeschooler, I was given contradictory information about their return policy and they were COMPLETELY dishonest with me about the content of materials that I had in my home. The impression I got from them is that they wanted my money and didn't care how they got it; they would say whatever they thought I wanted to hear to get it, and they would also make plain to me that if I decided to go with SL, I *owed* it to them to buy everything new from them at premium prices and that I was a less-valued customer if I didn't.


I chose not to use their materials based on my interactions with the company. That does not make my opinion any less valid than someone who has used SL and had a good experience with them. Posting of my negative impression is trashing but posting about positive impressions/experiences is fine?



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Heather, I am fine with that, but I feel no need to have to explain who, what, when and how I talked to SL (including possibly giving dates and times, next thing she'll want my phone records LOL)..the fact of the matter is there is a problem, and they were not willing to rectify it, I vented, and I really feel some people are trying to turn this on me when why in the heck would I want to burn any bridges with SL ??

Why would I do that unless there was a real problem.



Honestly..this is WHY I rarely post at SL boards..you know all the stuff that has happened over there!


I do hear you, and I don't think you need to give times and such. People vent here all the time.


I think what they don't care for is the feeling that you are willing to say stuff here that you wouldn't say on SL, "To their face" so to speak. Just rubs them the wrong way, KWIM?


Though you realize that the WTM forums is completely public and if Tim at SL has any smarts he can probably do a quick Google search and find this thread, if he wanted to. He doesn't have to register to read it.


Hope it works out...




Edited by siloam
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:iagree: I also have had nothing but good experiences with SL---but between this board and HSR, it sounds like there are quite a few in the wings who have not had positive experiences. Carolyn sounds exasperated at the problem she is having with getting a refund---I would be that and then some over a $200 problem! I think she has a right to vent---and if people come out of the woodwork to trash SL---I guess it shocks me, but like I said in a previous post "You can't please all the people all the time". Between here and HSR---I have honestly never heard SO many complaints about poor CS from SL....never. SL should know that :001_huh:


What is HSR?

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I do hear you, and I don't think you need to give times and such. People vent here all the time.


I think what they don't care for is the feeling that you are willing to say stuff here that you wouldn't say on SL, "To their face" so to speak. Just rubs them the wrong way, KWIM?


Though you realize that the WTM forums is completely public and if Tim at SL has any smarts he can probably do a quick Google search and find this thread, if he wanted to. He doesn't have to register to read it.


Hope it works out...





I have said what I needed to say to CS over the phone. I did not feel it necessary to vent about it publically to the extent it has gone over here.

Again, they are aware of the situation. Thank you for your concern.

I post here, because I can get an unbiased *conversation* is all...

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I have said what I needed to say to CS over the phone. I did not feel it necessary to vent about it publically to the extent it has gone over here.

Again, they are aware of the situation. Thank you for your concern.

I post here, because I can get an unbiased *conversation* is all...


Hi Carolyn,


Is SL acting like they are going to clear this up & refund you fairly? Please, let us know what the outcome is. Thanks.

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I have said what I needed to say to CS over the phone. I did not feel it necessary to vent about it publically to the extent it has gone over here.

Again, they are aware of the situation. Thank you for your concern.

I post here, because I can get an unbiased *conversation* is all...

also, I have not badmouthed or trashed SL over here. What I posted here, SL is aware of via our phone conversation. Tim is more than welcome to read this.

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Honestly this is really wearing me out. So, i'm going to stop posting on this thread, it has turned from what I thought was a vent to something far more ugly. I don't have time or the energy to respond to any more posts...

I will update you guys if you want one, but I am unsubbing from this thread..

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Originally Posted by Catwoman viewpost.gif

Colleen, how do you know that SL is addressing the issue?


Because SL has stated that publicly.


Thanks for the clarification, Colleen -- I'm no longer a member of the SL forums, so I wasn't aware of that.



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I chose not to use their materials based on my interactions with the company. That does not make my opinion any less valid than someone who has used SL and had a good experience with them. Posting of my negative impression is trashing but posting about positive impressions/experiences is fine?


I remember calling SL several years ago when I couldn't decide which core to order, and the rep was very helpful, but perhaps things have changed over the past 4 or 5 years, because it sounds like you dealt with more than one rep, Tara, and were treated poorly by all of them.


I was disappointed when SL changed their forum policy (by starting to charge a fee to be a part of it,) because it seemed like such an unfriendly gesture on their part. I honestly think they probably lost customers as a result of what I perceived as greed on their part.



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I remember calling SL several years ago when I couldn't decide which core to order, and the rep was very helpful, but perhaps things have changed over the past 4 or 5 years, because it sounds like you dealt with more than one rep, Tara, and were treated poorly by all of them.


I was disappointed when SL changed their forum policy (by starting to charge a fee to be a part of it,) because it seemed like such an unfriendly gesture on their part. I honestly think they probably lost customers as a result of what I perceived as greed on their part.





I have never had a problem with SL & haven't used them in years. I would however freak out if I was not refunded $200 of my order. I trust SL will work this out, but for people to think that a customer wouldn't react negatively to the first response of not being refunded ($200) isn't reasonable.

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I have never had a problem with SL & haven't used them in years. I would however freak out if I was not refunded $200 of my order. I trust SL will work this out, but for people to think that a customer wouldn't react negatively to the first response of not being refunded ($200) isn't reasonable.





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I would however freak out if I was not refunded $200 of my order. I trust SL will work this out, but for people to think that a customer wouldn't react negatively to the first response of not being refunded ($200) isn't reasonable.

Yes, I can identify with that. On the other hand, to expect a company to instantaneously agree to refund a customer $200 is equally unreasonable.


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Yes, I can identify with that. On the other hand, to expect a company to instantaneously agree to refund a customer $200 is equally unreasonable.


Really? I do it. Without a doubt. Unless the books were used (written in) I give a full refund of purchase price. Even if they're dinged up.


I know that good CS will ALWAYS pay off down the road. Nit-picky refund and resale policies (those crack me up, BTW) are evidence of losing sight of the forest for the trees.

Edited by ekarl2
added the "dinged" part
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She returned the books, did she not? And they know that their packaging error caused damage of some items. (the filings) That alone should be reason enough to give the benefit of doubt about other books in the same box with the filings.


I'll also add that the headache they're giving her over this is crazy even if they do eventually refund her money.

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Wow. This has been quite an interesting thread. I've read the one over at SL, too, fwiw (it's one of the public folders). On the SL forum, other customers were chiming in that they'd had books arrive with minor dings and scratches like what the OP described. So, the books ARRIVE unreturnable. Sounds like a shipping issue and pretty unfair to dump the responsibility for it on the customer.


I have a win-win solution for Sonlight. Refund the money and sell these "scratch and dent" books at a discount. If SL pays $7 for a book and charges $10, then if the sell the damaged book for $8, everyone's happy! The customer who got a bargain is happy, the customer who got their money refunded is happy! SL keeps (and probably gains) customers. A wonderful time is had by all! And they lived happily ever after...


Just a thought. :)

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Well, then it isn't really a money-back guarantee then, is it? More like a credit-to-buy-more-from-us-and-we'll-hang-on-to-your-money-until-you-do guarantee. :glare: I really loathe that kind of practice. Either you give refunds or you don't give refunds. I find the "fine print exceptions" insulting. The accusations levied at the OP are another matter -- poor customer service to say the least.


When I returned something (a partly used IG) I received my credit back on my credit card. Not cash, but really money on my credit card--not credit for SL. Did you buy it with a gift certificate???

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When I returned something (a partly used IG) I received my credit back on my credit card. Not cash, but really money on my credit card--not credit for SL. Did you buy it with a gift certificate???



I was responding to the OP who said that SL would only give her credit for part of the items. It read as if they were saying she would have credit at the SL store, not any money returned to her.

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I read SL's return policy last night. SL says that if items are returned damaged they will not refund your money nor will they return the items to you. They include in the definition of damaged items the term scuffed. What concerns me about this is that I would hope that this means they will not pay to return items to you but will ship them back to you at your cost, but that is not clear from the written policy. If you have to claim damage on them, wouldn't you need to show that? I received some books with my Core purchases last year that were what I would call scuffed. I never notified them of this because it wasn't a big deal to me. If I had taken them up on the 18-week guarantee, would I have ended up losing $ because of scuffs on a few books that I received that way? I hope not.


ETA: I have emailed SL regarding this.



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I haven't responded at all b/c I have no dog in this fight....but

SL says that if items are returned damaged they will not refund your money nor will they return the items to you. They include in the definition of damaged items the term scuffed.
what?!?! You have got to be kidding me! That's crazy. If you return a scuffed book, you're out the money and the book? (I wouldn't return a scuffed book, but that's beside the point). That really makes me never want to buy from SL.
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I haven't responded at all b/c I have no dog in this fight....but what?!?! You have got to be kidding me! That's crazy. If you return a scuffed book, you're out the money and the book?


That would concern me, too, as the "scuffing" may have been there when you got the book due to improper packing at the warehouse, so apparently, you'd have to open your SL package, carefully inspect every item immediately, and then document any minor damage to SL right away, in case you ever wanted to return something. What a pain!


I hope that's not the case.



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That would concern me, too, as the "scuffing" may have been there when you got the book due to improper packing at the warehouse, so apparently, you'd have to open your SL package, carefully inspect every item immediately, and then document any minor damage to SL right away, in case you ever wanted to return something. What a pain!


I hope that's not the case.



stopping by quickly even though I said I was "done"...lol

If I were any of you, if you ordered from SL, I would inspect your books with a fine tooth comb. Note anything that might be considered damaged according to them and call them so they can keep in it your file, if they keeps files like that....

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I've received "scuffed" books from a variety of vendors. I've never complained - but i sure as heck will be documenting it now.


WHile i've only had one experience with CS at Sonlight - they sent me a book i didn't order, and told me to bless another family with it, i don't doubt that there are bad experiences.


But really, they won't refund the money, and they won't return them? That is wrong. They need to eat the media mail shipping them back to you. Are they then destroying that property that they keep if people can't afford to pay to get it back? They better be and NOT ending up in a scratch & dent sell.


Heck, i'm pretty sure then that this would fall under stolen goods if the police were involved. I paid, i returned them to you, you deem them not sellable but won't return them, you now have my books AND money.


HOnestly, this isn't good..... like Erin stated, good customer service ALWAYS pays off.


Anyway, gee Colleen - may i point out i hadn't seen you post recently until you came to SL's defense? Maybe i've just missed it.


Hoping the OP gets it resolved.... this is really kind of not good.

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