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WWYD? pornography at the library?

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Our public libraries provide internet access with no filters. Men are regularly viewing pornography. The children's computers have filters, but not the huge banks of adult computers.


My boys are old enough that I'd like them to be able to be in the library without mommy following them around. Obviously, however, I won't be doing that since the pornography essentially makes the library an adult venue.


This makes me so angry. I want my kids to be able to use the library independently. I'd like to confront the library, but we're in a very liberal city and the prospect is intimidating.


Have any of you dealt with this? Have you confronted your library about their porn policy? Were you able to change anything? Anyone have any suggestions?

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Why don't you approach the library about locating the unfiltered computers in a way so that it's not easy for passerbys to observe the screens? They might also be willing to locate them in a a separate room.

This would be my suggestion. If you block porn, sometimes you also block legit art, medical, and science sites that have the human body. While I am very opposed to porn, since they are allowing it, I would think they could move the computers or place them in a way that the screens are not easily viewed by young children.


ETA: Our library has the adult internet computers near the check out desk but in a section of the adult library that is not often used by children. They are also situated so that the screens are facing a wall.

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If you live in a "liberal city", you probably shall not succeed with asking for any controls to be implemented.


Filters are a legitimate concern. I had to turn off our filter in order to read this thread !


Your first stop probably should be the library director or assistant director. Your next stop, if no reasonable reply comes from the library administration, probably should be the city council.


Confrontational tactics do not work for this kind of problem. If you can manage it, leave religion out of the discussion. (I don't even know if you are religious, but I think I should note the caveat.) Everybody knee-jerk dismisses religious reasoning. There are plenty of "secular" reasons to restrict porn.


If you feel strongly that this is a community concern, this may become your opportunity to explore the world of activism.


Whatever you do, do NOT hope to receive any support from the American Library Association. (I'm ashamed that I once was a member of that group -- although at the time I did not realize that the ALA is "sister-kin" to the ACLU.)


I hope you will keep us updated on your progress (or obstacles). Thanks ! -- and Best Wishes ! ! !

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I know about this issue in my city (not sure if we're in the same one). I'm not sure how old your kids are, but our librarians are good about this issue. First of all, as you say, in the children's area they do have filters. If they are in the adult area, the librarians do keep an eye on what is going on and will intervene if they see a kid near a person watching something inappropriate. But the problem with filters is they also block (what I would feel are) legitimate uses of the computers to look up health information.


I can get you more specific information about what to do if we're in the same city. Just let me know.

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Thank you for the link !


If software can be disabled by the user, the "protection" evaporates at once. Porn-likers will disable the filter, read their smut (with children walking right by them), and "forget" to re-enable the filter when they leave the terminals.


If the library staff has to "turn on and off" the filter, a modicum of control remains.


If a 7-11 store has to keep the "dirty mags" behind the counter or, as in some communities even, with covers not showing, how much more justifiable is it for a library to insist on filtering software !


Here is a ruling:http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1056139882549
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I understand the concerns about filters. I understand the library not wanting to restrict viewing rights, and to not encourage censorship. I understand that the librarians cannot stand there all day and determine who is looking at porn and who isn't.


I understand their position.


I want them to understand mine. In the name of freedom for the adults, freedom for children has been tossed out.


What parent is going to send their child to the library where men are allowed to view child pornography? We live a few blocks from the library and no parent I know will let their elementary or middle-school kids be there alone. That is a shame.


There's just no balance here. It's all rights for the adults, and the families have to adjust.

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I understand the concerns about filters. I understand the library not wanting to restrict viewing rights, and to not encourage censorship. I understand that the librarians cannot stand there all day and determine who is looking at porn and who isn't.


I understand their position.


I want them to understand mine. In the name of freedom for the adults, freedom for children has been tossed out.


What parent is going to send their child to the library where men are allowed to view child pornography? We live a few blocks from the library and no parent I know will let their elementary or middle-school kids be there alone. That is a shame.


There's just no balance here. It's all rights for the adults, and the families have to adjust.


Are you worried about your kids catching a glimpse of something as they walk past? Maybe the library would agree to put those screen covers on the unfiltered computers. I've seen them advertised for people who use laptops on airplanes and don't want their neighboring travelers to be able to read their screens.

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I'm just curious how one knows men are regularly downloading porn at the library. I'm sure there is the occasional fruited loop out there who does this, but that it happens in epidemic proportions seems unlikely to me.


I would think putting the computers in private areas might encourage more to download porn. I'm not sure if that is the solution.


One needs only walk past the computer section, which is located adjacent to the teen section, so view any variety of porn on the computer screens.

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Our public libraries provide internet access with no filters. Men are regularly viewing pornography. The children's computers have filters, but not the huge banks of adult computers.


My boys are old enough that I'd like them to be able to be in the library without mommy following them around. Obviously, however, I won't be doing that since the pornography essentially makes the library an adult venue.


This makes me so angry. I want my kids to be able to use the library independently. I'd like to confront the library, but we're in a very liberal city and the prospect is intimidating.


Have any of you dealt with this? Have you confronted your library about their porn policy? Were you able to change anything? Anyone have any suggestions?


You can't do anything about the porn, but there has GOT to be a way to make it so simply walking by won't give you more than you want to see!

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If you live in a "liberal city", you probably shall not succeed with asking for any controls to be implemented.



I'm sorry, but really- are you joking? Sometimes I read these posts & am just so taken back. The way the phrase 'liberal' is thrown around here.

NYC public library has some of the most thorough filters in the country- you cannot see this site it is so stringent- I know, I've tried. Would you consider New York liberal?

I really feel like every time the phrase is thrown out there, there is an unspoken implication that sin goes hand-in-hand with liberalism, as if those who consider themselves conservative are free from sin. You can live the best (insert purest, honest, whatever you choose) life you know how- but the judgement is ultimately out of our hands.

There is a huge difference between liberal and sinful- if a library is turning their eyes away from pornography that is in open view for children is that being liberal or sinful?

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have you actually voiced your concerns to the library? why do you think they will be unreceptive to a level-minded concern voiced by a parent?



Our public libraries provide internet access with no filters. Men are regularly viewing pornography. The children's computers have filters, but not the huge banks of adult computers.


My boys are old enough that I'd like them to be able to be in the library without mommy following them around. Obviously, however, I won't be doing that since the pornography essentially makes the library an adult venue.


This makes me so angry. I want my kids to be able to use the library independently. I'd like to confront the library, but we're in a very liberal city and the prospect is intimidating.


Have any of you dealt with this? Have you confronted your library about their porn policy? Were you able to change anything? Anyone have any suggestions?

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Are you worried about your kids catching a glimpse of something as they walk past? Maybe the library would agree to put those screen covers on the unfiltered computers. I've seen them advertised for people who use laptops on airplanes and don't want their neighboring travelers to be able to read their screens.


They've already "caught a glimpse." They do have those screens, but I'm sure they work better when no one is walking around.


What I resent (very much) is that I have to deal with this at the library at all! I don't go to adult bookstores, triple x theaters, or strip clubs. I prefer to avoid men who are engaged in viewing porn. Especially child porn.


My kids can't go in a strip club, a xxx theatre, or an adult bookstore -- for good reason. There are zoning laws (even in my liberal city) about where these types of 'businesses' can operate. But my kids and I can see all this stuff, as we walk between the fiction and non-fiction area of our neighborhood library. Men can view child porn, and view my child walking by to find a book on yo-yo tricks or Lewis and Clark.

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Just happened to me the other night.


I work at a library, I was in the teen section cleaning up shelves, glanced up and got a view from one man's laptop that was way more than I wanted to see.


Very pornographic pictures. His screen was facing the teen section. I never go out of my way to look at what people are doing on the computer, but this was unavoidable.


While I may have only seen this a handful of times since I've worked there, it's not ok. I don't plan on letting my kids walk around without supervision anymore, nor do I plan to have my son's volunteer there like a lot of young people.


The man was told to stop, but this library also refuses to do any more about it. One of their policies is to ask the person to move to a computer that is facing a wall, not ask them to not look. This man was on a personal laptop so they didn't even have a way to get any info about who he was. Our board is always in the news arguing about this issue of people's rights to view porn, but I would like the right to not view it.

Edited by mommybee
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I'm sorry, but really- are you joking? Sometimes I read these posts & am just so taken back. The way the phrase 'liberal' is thrown around here.

NYC public library has some of the most thorough filters in the country- you cannot see this site it is so stringent- I know, I've tried. Would you consider New York liberal?

I really feel like every time the phrase is thrown out there, there is an unspoken implication that sin goes hand-in-hand with liberalism, as if those who consider themselves conservative are free from sin.


Just wanted to say thank you.

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Are you worried about your kids catching a glimpse of something as they walk past? Maybe the library would agree to put those screen covers on the unfiltered computers. I've seen them advertised for people who use laptops on airplanes and don't want their neighboring travelers to be able to read their screens.

No, it is not just the possibility of children catching a glimpse of something inappropriate, however distressful that thought is. At least not for this family. It is the fact that having grown men sitting around viewing perverse material heightens the risk to others. Personally, I would not allow any of my dc to be alone at a library that did not filter its computers. It really is such a sad thing.


Letting common sense and safety for children die in the name of freedom at all costs is chilling and yes, disgraceful.



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I'd do my best to get rid of it. Frankly, I'm not the least bit interested in the rights of perverts who want to look at porn. And who knows what they are doing while they're looking? How many of them are looking at child porn and looking around in the library to see who isn't watching their child?? And who wants their child to be anywhere in the vicinity?


Letters to the editor, get some moms together and march around the library chanting "down with government sponsered porn!!" Get T-shirts for the kids that say "We want our library back!" Stand outside with flyers and hand them to everyone that goes in.

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I was not joking. Until a better "descriptor" comes into common parlance, "liberal" is all that I had to work with. I'm open to using any other word which will convey my intent understandably to other readers.


I used the world "liberal" in the event that the OP lives in a city such as San Francisco or Austin, where it is far less likely that the local political climate would be favorable toward an individual citizen requesting the removal, or heavy restriction, of "public-access porn".


At any rate, I also used the identical wording as did the OP, in order to maintain consistency with her post.


You have overreacted to me. Wildly so.


I'm sorry, but really- are you joking? Sometimes I read these posts & am just so taken back. The way the phrase 'liberal' is thrown around here.

NYC public library has some of the most thorough filters in the country- you cannot see this site it is so stringent- I know, I've tried. Would you consider New York liberal?

I really feel like every time the phrase is thrown out there, there is an unspoken implication that sin goes hand-in-hand with liberalism, as if those who consider themselves conservative are free from sin. You can live the best (insert purest, honest, whatever you choose) life you know how- but the judgement is ultimately out of our hands.

There is a huge difference between liberal and sinful- if a library is turning their eyes away from pornography that is in open view for children is that being liberal or sinful?

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In the main library in the big city near here, it's in the children's library, too. When you log on, you can choose filters or no filters. In order to get to picture books, we have to walk by a bank of 4 rows of about 8 computers per row, and you see ALL sorts of things. Most of the time, it is half-nude music videos that look like porn, but sometimes it's the real thing. At every branch library, the computers are right in the middle of the stacks, and I hate to take the kids in there. It has created a whole different environment in the library, as well as some assault issues in the downtown library.

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First of all, I'm appalled that men would use the library for porn! ewww and :eek:


Secondly, liberal? I don't know, I can't believe that liberals are in favor of porn in local libraries! And I really doubt that it is only liberals that are looking at porn!! Do you know that when google puts out the list of most searched keywords, they leave out s*x and p*rn because google said that ALL of the top slots would be taken by those terms and by a wide margin. :eek: So unless only liberals use google, then I would say it is wrong to assume only liberals are ok with porn.


Lastly, I would confront the library. Many liberals (including myself) would be very understanding. I can't even imagine that going on at my library!! I would speak up, and I would make a pretty big deal of it.


I can't believe you are the only one in your library that is offended... maybe everyone is afraid to speak up?


I would go as far as to NEVER let my kids into the library if that was going on. I really feel for you. I will have a conversation with my son when he is of age about why pornography is wrong but I wouldn't be ready to discuss that with a 6 year old!


Good Luck!

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Well, call me naive, but I never never never imagined that this could or would go on at a public library. People actually view porn at the library? In public? Where anyone and everyone can look over their shoulders? I'm just flabbergasted. Our library's computers are in a separate, circular nook, away from the books, but you can bet I'll still be watching to see what can be seen when passing by on your average library errand.

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A heightened risk of what? Granted it's pretty inconsiderate to view porn in a public place. I would wonder about a person willing to do that. But I think you are equating looking at naked pictures and video with death and gore. It seems like a stretch.


A heightened risk of an adult or child being assaulted sexually.


I don't think she was talking about death and gore.

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I was not joking. Until a better "descriptor" comes into common parlance, "liberal" is all that I had to work with. I'm open to using any other word which will convey my intent understandably to other readers.


I used the world "liberal" in the event that the OP lives in a city such as San Francisco or Austin, where it is far less likely that the local political climate would be favorable toward an individual citizen requesting the removal, or heavy restriction, of "public-access porn".


At any rate, I also used the identical wording as did the OP, in order to maintain consistency with her post.


You have overreacted to me. Wildly so.


I agree.

I'm not making a point about liberal = sinful. Not in any way. Most people on this board would consider ME liberal. My husband is certainly politically liberal. Ugh. That's not the point.


The point is that, in Seattle, my liberal (yup, liberal) city, the idea of pursuing this is intimidating. In small town where most people are conservative, I wouldn't feel intimidated.


And so, I was asking for input. Hoping that someone else had tried to approach this issue in a reasonable way and had some success.


I am concerned about freedom of speech, and appreciate the library's position. I don't want 'thought police.'


I just want the library to be a family venue. In my neighborhood, it has become an adult venue.

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What parent is going to send their child to the library where men are allowed to view child pornography


What I resent (very much) is that I have to deal with this at the library at all! I don't go to adult bookstores, triple x theaters, or strip clubs. I prefer to avoid men who are engaged in viewing porn. Especially child porn.


Men can view child porn, and view my child walking by to find a book on yo-yo tricks or Lewis and Clark.


I'd do my best to get rid of it. Frankly, I'm not the least bit interested in the rights of perverts who want to look at porn. And who knows what they are doing while they're looking? How many of them are looking at child porn and looking around in the library to see who isn't watching their child?? And who wants their child to be anywhere in the vicinity?


CHILD porn? Are you seriously saying that your libraries allow people to view CHILD porn? I find that extremely hard to believe. Child porn is illegal, and subject to very serious prosecution. I don't know the details, and frankly I'm afraid to look them up because I don't want to have to enter the phrase "child porn" on a search engine! Next thing I know a cop could be showing up at my door. Child porn by its very existence is a form of abuse. It is so totally absolutely NOT in the same category as a man going to a strip club. Whether or not you feel a strip club is appropriate, it's perfectly normal and natural for a man to enjoy the sight of the female body. It is NOT normal, natural, or healthy, or in any way defensible or excusable, for someone to be turned on by little children. I'm shocked that people so casually lump the two together.

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I used the world "liberal" in the event that the OP lives in a city such as San Francisco or Austin, where it is far less likely that the local political climate would be favorable toward an individual citizen requesting the removal, or heavy restriction, of "public-access porn".


Just FYI, the Austin library, which I go to every week, has special terminals where the screen is set down low with a barrier around it.

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First of all, I'm appalled that men would use the library for porn! ewww and :eek:


Secondly, liberal? I don't know, I can't believe that liberals are in favor of porn in local libraries!


As a liberal, I can say that I am 100% in support of my local library's "NO PORN and NO CHAT" policy with their computers.


And I really doubt that it is only liberals that are looking at porn!!



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CHILD porn? Are you seriously saying that your libraries allow people to view CHILD porn? I find that extremely hard to believe. Child porn is illegal, and subject to very serious prosecution. I don't know the details, and frankly I'm afraid to look them up because I don't want to have to enter the phrase "child porn" on a search engine! Next thing I know a cop could be showing up at my door. Child porn by its very existence is a form of abuse. It is so totally absolutely NOT in the same category as a man going to a strip club. Whether or not you feel a strip club is appropriate, it's perfectly normal and natural for a man to enjoy the sight of the female body. It is NOT normal, natural, or healthy, or in any way defensible or excusable, for someone to be turned on by little children. I'm shocked that people so casually lump the two together.


No filters. No supervision. No saved history of patron use after users log off.


When asked, the librarian said she was sorry, that the policy is that it "isn't allowed", but they can't stop it.


And I realize it is normal for men to enjoy viewing women's bodies. However, I don't let my boys sit outside strip clubs, xxx movies, or adult book stores. Why do I want them reading in the same area with men viewing the same 'content' at the library? I can't imagine how I would feel if I had girls.

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I'm finding myself getting very worked up and distracted by all of this, and this thread is completely preventing my from getting on with my day.




My plan is to go to the library, ask for all the specific info they have related to this issue, and come up with a plan.


I'll let y'all know what I decide. I certainly do have the nerve to pursue this and believe I can be level-headed enough to perhaps bring about some kind of change. I'm not the type to just sit around and complain without doing something.


I'm just not looking forward to it.

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Is there evidence of that? I ask with all sincerity.



I'm not stating it as a fact, I was just saying what I thought she might have meant by heightened risk.


As for me, don't know if there is any evidence and don't care much.


I found it highly disturbing to be viewing a very nasty sexual situation with another man at 6:00 in the evening. It's creepy! He made me a part of his actions. He didn't care if anyone saw what he was doing as he was right out in the middle of the library and could have sat in many other spots and been more private.

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We live a few blocks from the library and no parent I know will let their elementary or middle-school kids be there alone. That is a shame.




We would all like the library to be a safe haven for learning and enjoyment. It should be, but it's not. A good friend of our family's is a librarian at our our local community library. She told us when our children were younger to never have them out of sight even for a minute or two in the library. It seems that the library is a perfect place for pedophiles. She said the staff worked hard to identify people who were lurking and to keep an eye on them. I guess I'm a little dense. Library-pedophiles? Never put the two together.


This doesn't mean you should be terrified to take your kids to the library, but be vigilant. If you are vigilant, your children should be less likely to see what is on those computer screens:tongue_smilie: Treat the library as you would Target or the mall when it comes to supervising your kids. It's also just a common courtesy to other library users.

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As a liberal, I can say that I am 100% in support of my local library's "NO PORN and NO CHAT" policy with their computers.






For the record, msjones did not state or imply that only liberals are looking at porn in the library.

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Just happened to me the other night.


I work at a library, I was in the teen section cleaning up shelves, glanced up and got a view from one man's laptop that was way more than I wanted to see.




Wow, I can't believe the library won't or can't do anything more about that! That is not appropriate for a library.


Letting common sense and safety for children die in the name of freedom at all costs is chilling and yes, disgraceful.




Letting people watch porn at the library isn't a freedom, is it?


I, personally, don't think it is a safety concern but, to me, it is a concern that young, impressionable children will catch glimpses and want to know more. I don't want to catch glimpses. :glare: I find porn to be deeply offensive.


I'd do my best to get rid of it. Frankly, I'm not the least bit interested in the rights of perverts who want to look at porn. And who knows what they are doing while they're looking? How many of them are looking at child porn and looking around in the library to see who isn't watching their child?? And who wants their child to be anywhere in the vicinity?


Letters to the editor, get some moms together and march around the library chanting "down with government sponsered porn!!" Get T-shirts for the kids that say "We want our library back!" Stand outside with flyers and hand them to everyone that goes in.


Child porn is illegal. If they are viewing child porn, the police should be called, and the patron arrested. That is not a right or a freedom.


I'm still stuck on the fact that people think they have a right to view porn in a public library? :confused: I'm not being snarky, is this really, a right??


I would absolutely do whatever it took... marching, handing out flyers, letters, t-shirts, national publicity. This is a disgrace that this goes on. Has anyone said, they have the right to do it or is just everyone afraid of speaking up?


In the main library in the big city near here, it's in the children's library, too. When you log on, you can choose filters or no filters. In order to get to picture books, we have to walk by a bank of 4 rows of about 8 computers per row, and you see ALL sorts of things. Most of the time, it is half-nude music videos that look like porn, but sometimes it's the real thing. At every branch library, the computers are right in the middle of the stacks, and I hate to take the kids in there. It has created a whole different environment in the library, as well as some assault issues in the downtown library.


I can't believe how common this is! I have never heard of this before this thread! :001_huh:


Well, call me naive, but I never never never imagined that this could or would go on at a public library. People actually view porn at the library? In public? Where anyone and everyone can look over their shoulders? I'm just flabbergasted.


I must be completely naive too. I can't believe that this is going on! How can the other patrons stay quiet about it? I am dumbstruck and flabbergasted.


Has anyone defended the right for porn in a public library?? Are we protecting people who want to view porn in public? I mean, we don't protect people who want to masturbate in public, or people who want to walk around nude or any other sex acts in public so who is protecting "freedom at all costs" to these public library perverts?

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Wow, I can't believe the library won't or can't do anything more about that! That is not appropriate for a library.




The librarian and an asst. did go talk to him and let him know he couldn't do that, but they don't make them leave and he was on his own computer. The policy is something like "we don't allow porn, but we won't specifically make any one stop" If they are on one of the public computers they are asked to move to a less visible one. But strange to me the policy isn't to tell them to stop or to leave. They do get their name and information from the public computers but I think that's just so the librarian's can keep an eye on them the next time they come in.


I don't think our librarians want it to be like this and they do try and keep an eye on things, but it's hard when by the time you get to the person the screen is usually clear and so there is only so much they can do. For some reason our Board of Directors won't put on filters and the kids section only has one internet computer so most of the older kids are in the adult section.

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I'm finding myself getting very worked up and distracted by all of this, and this thread is completely preventing my from getting on with my day.




My plan is to go to the library, ask for all the specific info they have related to this issue, and come up with a plan.


I'll let y'all know what I decide. I certainly do have the nerve to pursue this and believe I can be level-headed enough to perhaps bring about some kind of change. I'm not the type to just sit around and complain without doing something.


I'm just not looking forward to it.


I can imagine you are not looking forward to it, confrontation is not usually easy. :grouphug:


Good luck, and when you get more information, I hope you post it so that if anyone else is going through this, maybe you can brainstorm together and come up with a good plan.


This thread has been enlightening (unfortunately!). My library seems so nice after this thread. :Angel_anim:

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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This thread has been enlightening (unfortunately!). My library seems so nice after this thread. :Angel_anim:


No kidding!!!


Msjones, if I lived in your town, I would totally take this on with you :grouphug: Good for you for doing what you think is right.

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Looks like this has been a debated issue for a while in the greater Seattle area.

This article dates back to 2003.



I've always heard the libraries is Seattle are amazing. That there are even ones in the local malls. That everyone reads!!


We don't have issues like this at our local library, but the computers are right up front, and I'm sure they are filtered. I'd be happy to switch places with the OP, to live in Seattle, even with the porn issue. You can have Atlanta, and its pathetic libraries.

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Looks like this has been a debated issue for a while in the greater Seattle area.

This article dates back to 2003.



I've always heard the libraries is Seattle are amazing. That there are even ones in the local malls. That everyone reads!!


We don't have issues like this at our local library, but the computers are right up front, and I'm sure they are filtered. I'd be happy to switch places with the OP, to live in Seattle, even with the porn issue. You can have Atlanta, and its pathetic libraries.


We do have bad libraries and lacking bookstores, don't we? I wonder if we are the only people who read around here sometimes.


As for the problem in the library, I don't know what I would do. I probably would just keep my children away, but that probably isn't the right answer.

Edited by Caroline
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What parent is going to send their child to the library where men are allowed to view child pornography?


I didn't read all of the replies so let me apologize ahead of time if this has been said already, but if they are viewing child pornography then that is illegal. If illegal activities are going on in your library then maybe police need to be involved. I certainly would have no qualms in talking to the librarian in charge about illegal activities going on.

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I didn't read all of the replies so let me apologize ahead of time if this has been said already, but if they are viewing child pornography then that is illegal. If illegal activities are going on in your library then maybe police need to be involved. I certainly would have no qualms in talking to the librarian in charge about illegal activities going on.


Actually, I would bypass the librarian on that one, and call the police immediately. I wouldn't waste any time. No one has the freedom or the right to view child porn.


But strange to me the policy isn't to tell them to stop or to leave.


:iagree: That is strange. Plus you work there, so it is probably not so easy for you to protest. :banghead:

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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Actually, I would bypass the librarian on that one, and call the police immediately. I wouldn't waste any time. No one has the freedom or the right to view child porn.



Oh I agree. I would notify the police right away. I thought I said that. I was just saying in addition that I would have no qualms about letting the librarian know that the police have been called. :)


In my library we actually have an officer who is there on duty all the time so it would be easy for us.

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I'm still stuck on the fact that people think they have a right to view porn in a public library? :confused: I'm not being snarky, is this really, a right??


Yeah, I'm kinda stuck on that myself. A "right" to view porn at a public library? What in the bright blue blazes...?


What kind of library allows this? I know our old one sure didn't - it never crossed my mind to check at the new one here...I would never even have thought ANY library would allow that.


I mean heck, are they gonna make sure they've got copies of Playboy on the magazine shelf too? Add the latest X-rated vid to the documentary rental section? :blink:

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Oh I agree. I would notify the police right away. I thought I said that. I was just saying in addition that I would have no qualms about letting the librarian know that the police have been called. :)


In my library we actually have an officer who is there on duty all the time so it would be easy for us.


Ahh, I thought you were saying that the police need to be involved so talk to the librarians (who could then call the police) :lol: So, we both agree! Call the police, then tell the librarians.


Wow, cops in the library? Oh my, I live in a sheltered little town!! :tongue_smilie:

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I know child porn is illegal. What I'm saying is that IMO if some pervert is veiwing porn, they could be viewing any type of porn.


It makes my blood boil. I'd be standing behind the viewer harrasing the $h1t out of him. And I wouldn't get in trouble either, the advantage of very small towns is that the rest of the moms and the librarians would join right in with me. Grrrr.

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I know child porn is illegal. What I'm saying is that IMO if some pervert is veiwing porn, they could be viewing any type of porn.


It makes my blood boil. I'd be standing behind the viewer harrasing the $h1t out of him. And I wouldn't get in trouble either, the advantage of very small towns is that the rest of the moms and the librarians would join right in with me. Grrrr.


I'd be with you, bring it on! :boxing_smiley: (Unless I noticed that it was child porn, in which case I would call the police, then be right by him so he didn't leave until his computer could be confiscated)

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Ahh, I thought you were saying that the police need to be involved so talk to the librarians (who could then call the police) :lol: So, we both agree! Call the police, then tell the librarians.


Wow, cops in the library? Oh my, I live in a sheltered little town!! :tongue_smilie:



Yes we are in agreement. hehe I'm apologize. When I'm writing something I know what I am trying to say and I think it makes sense so I assume that it is clear to everyone else as well. Thank you for pointing it out though because I'm sure you were not the only one who was fuzzy on my meaning. :) I'm glad for the opportunity to clarify. :)


Yes we have cops in our library. I"m not exactly sure why to tell you the truth, someone is just always there. :confused::confused: I'm glad for it though because it's really convenient. I live across the street from my library and there have been times when I've been walking in the neighborhood and have seen a car accident or a fight going on or something like that and I can just run right to the library and tell the officer.

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Is there evidence of that? I ask with all sincerity.


I dont think that you need statistics for this one. It is common sense that if someone would look at perverse images of sexuality in a public place, you should have a real concern over your dc (and yes, myself as well) being around such men. Yes, it increases the risk to others. Not a risk that I am willing to take.



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I haven't read this whole thread, but it is really okay with the library for people to be viewing porn on their computers???:confused:


The thought hasn't even crossed my mind that this could happen in our library. I will be finding out their policy.


My dh has business that have customer computers. Any time (there have only been a couple) that someone has tried to view porn, they were kicked out of the store!

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