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Alternative whip cream

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I've seen soy whipped "cream" in cans at a local natural foods store. It's in the refrigerated foods section next to the whipping cream. Not sure if it has corn syrup in it.


Or you could take a Lactaid pill before eating dairy. It provides the enzymes necessary for digesting dairy.

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I seem to have developed lactose intolerance this past year.


Anyone know of a whip cream alternative?




A life without whipped cream? :crying: I'm so sorry.


Two of my children will not eat whipped cream or cheesecake--can't stand the creaminess. Where did I go wrong???



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If you examine the nutritional info on a carton of heavy cream, there are NO sugars in it. That means NO LACTOSE. Whip up your own to be sure they haven't added milk.


Whipping cream DOES have added milk, so be sure it is HEAVY CREAM.


I haven't heard this. I thought lactose was sugar naturally produced in the milk. Milk does not list sugar as ingredient, but it has lactose, as does cheese.

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I suspect I might be allergic to dairy, after thinking I was only lactose intolerant for years...


made me think of the Brian Regan skit where he says that his Dr. said to give up dairy, Brian Regan exclaims, "good- bye happiness!"

I'm all ears, my favorite snack was greek yogurt with fresh fruit and cool whip...I'm eating fresh fruit with soy ice cream now, but it's just not the same without whipped cream, sigh.:lurk5:

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If you examine the nutritional info on a carton of heavy cream, there are NO sugars in it. That means NO LACTOSE. Whip up your own to be sure they haven't added milk.


Whipping cream DOES have added milk, so be sure it is HEAVY CREAM.



Heavy cream is from milk so it does have lactose in it.


My ds just made whipped cream from heavy cream, I ate some, and I had the worst stomach ache.




What are you going to use it for exactly? I don't like the taste of whipped cream, but I do eat coconut milk (the super thicker than butter kind) with blueberries thrown on top as a dessert.


Where do you buy this coconut milk? Is it in a can? Carton? Sounds yummy.



So far the only thing that I'm finding I can eat that is has milk in it is kefir. I can't even eat yogurt anymore. :(

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Is there a Whole Foods Market where you live? Recently, I noticed half-gallon cartons of fresh coconut milk in the refrigerated section (with the dairy milk, soy milk, rice milk, and almond milk).


Heavy cream is from milk so it does have lactose in it.


My ds just made whipped cream from heavy cream, I ate some, and I had the worst stomach ache.






Where do you buy this coconut milk? Is it in a can? Carton? Sounds yummy.



So far the only thing that I'm finding I can eat that is has milk in it is kefir. I can't even eat yogurt anymore. :(

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The one we get is the aroy-D coconut cream in a white can. We live in a very ethnic area so it's everywhere for us, but you probably can find it in the ethnic part of your grocery.





Heavy cream is from milk so it does have lactose in it.


My ds just made whipped cream from heavy cream, I ate some, and I had the worst stomach ache.






Where do you buy this coconut milk? Is it in a can? Carton? Sounds yummy.



So far the only thing that I'm finding I can eat that is has milk in it is kefir. I can't even eat yogurt anymore. :(

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Originally Posted by In The Great White North viewpost.gif

If you examine the nutritional info on a carton of heavy cream, there are NO sugars in it. That means NO LACTOSE. Whip up your own to be sure they haven't added milk.


Whipping cream DOES have added milk, so be sure it is HEAVY CREAM.


I haven't heard this. I thought lactose was sugar naturally produced in the milk. Milk does not list sugar as ingredient, but it has lactose, as does cheese.



Lactose is a sugar that is naturally in milk. When the cream is separated from the milk, the lactose stays in the milk. It is not listed as an ingredient, but in the nutritional info with the grams of protein and fat. My carton of heavy cream says 0 grams sugars per serving, while the milk says 12 grams sugars per serving. A carton of whipping cream I looked at did have sugars in the nutritional info, which means whipping cream has lactose. It is possible that heavy cream has a tiny bit of lactose that doesn't show up per serving, but adds up eventually (sort of like the trans fats in GS cookies.) It is also possible that the heavy cream was not as pure as advertised.


FWIW, hard cheeses do not have lactose either.



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The Soyatoo stuff is pretty good. You could easily be allergic or sensitive to dairy proteins like casein and whey. My husband is allergic to both, but he's not lactose-intolerant...go figure. Of course, he still can't have dairy, but it's just funny to me that the thing one would suspect isn't the culprit at all!

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There is a product called Rich Whip. It is frozen in little cartons (like a school milk carton). You defrost it as a liquid and then whip it. It is totally dairy free. It is not healthy. It is wonderful :001_smile:


Cool whip has milk in it in spite of the non-dairy name. So even if you didn't care about the nutrition, you couldn't eat it. In some areas of the country one of the Wal-Mart brand subs, lite whipped topping is dairy free, but not here, so I've never looked at the awful list of ingredients.


All the health food store soy whipped toppings that are dairy free are gross.

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I have not bought any in a long time so forgive me if the ingredients are not something youdon't want-I don't have a box at home right now and have forgotten what all is in it. I am allergic/intolerant to dairy products as well. Dream Whip is a product I could use with out any problems. It is a box in the pudding aisle of the grocery store. You add your own water and whip it up with a hand mixer. It was much like whipped topping. I would also put it between graham crackers and freeze into an ice cream sandwich for a nice frozen treat.

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Lactose is a sugar that is naturally in milk. When the cream is separated from the milk, the lactose stays in the milk. It is not listed as an ingredient, but in the nutritional info with the grams of protein and fat. My carton of heavy cream says 0 grams sugars per serving, while the milk says 12 grams sugars per serving. A carton of whipping cream I looked at did have sugars in the nutritional info, which means whipping cream has lactose. It is possible that heavy cream has a tiny bit of lactose that doesn't show up per serving, but adds up eventually (sort of like the trans fats in GS cookies.) It is also possible that the heavy cream was not as pure as advertised.


FWIW, hard cheeses do not have lactose either.




Did not know this. Thank you.



The Soyatoo stuff is pretty good. You could easily be allergic or sensitive to dairy proteins like casein and whey. My husband is allergic to both, but he's not lactose-intolerant...go figure. Of course, he still can't have dairy, but it's just funny to me that the thing one would suspect isn't the culprit at all!


Oh, I've considered it. I just don't want to think about it...yet. Cutting out whey and casien is not something I want to have to do!

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Lactose is a sugar that is naturally in milk. When the cream is separated from the milk, the lactose stays in the milk. It is not listed as an ingredient, but in the nutritional info with the grams of protein and fat. My carton of heavy cream says 0 grams sugars per serving, while the milk says 12 grams sugars per serving. A carton of whipping cream I looked at did have sugars in the nutritional info, which means whipping cream has lactose. It is possible that heavy cream has a tiny bit of lactose that doesn't show up per serving, but adds up eventually (sort of like the trans fats in GS cookies.) It is also possible that the heavy cream was not as pure as advertised.


FWIW, hard cheeses do not have lactose either.




So I could have cheddar cheese? I stopped eating eat because I was having problems with dairy. So maybe the cheddar had nothing to do with it. ANd I could have real cream.!!!!I am goiing to try, and hopefully rejoice!:001_smile::001_smile:

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There are vegan recipes for not creams, but I can't recommend any because I haven't tried any yet. Maybe some of the other vegans on board will chime in, or you can try searching google. Don't know how much trouble they are to make. It might depend on your level of desperation, lol.




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Have you tried raw cream?

Some people cannot consume pasteurized milk or cream but have no symptoms when digesting dairy from raw products.

Kefir is actually derived from a grain and lacto-fermented so it makes sense that you don't have any reactions.


I heard it can be hard to find in some states. Here in CA, "Organic Pastures" is a great source for raw dairy products.

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