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Which names do you like?

Which girl and which boy name do you like best?  

  1. 1. Which girl and which boy name do you like best?

    • Teyla Naomi
    • Julia Adin (pronounced Aw-deen)
    • Madelynn Kelsie
    • Emily Madison
    • Sophia Abigail
    • Jonathan David
    • Jacob Michael
    • Christopher Matthew
    • Jonathan Tyler

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We are having the hardest time coming up with names for this baby. I'm only 32 days away from my due date! We've come up with a few options, but none that are really standing out for us. So, could you vote for one girl and one boy name? Please?


Our other kids' names are:


Mikaela Nathene

Samuel Isaac

Joshua Aaron


If you have any other suggestions, please share!



Edited by joannqn
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Well, all of your other kids have Old Testament names (essentially), so I'd probably stick to that and not throw in a modern-spelling name like Madelynne (Magdalen, maybe, even though it's a NT name, or Miriam if you like the sound but want another OT name). So I'd probably go with Abigail (not 'cause it's my name! honest!), Naomi or Sophia (which is at least conceptually related to the other names you have). Or perhaps another OT name like Lydia or Hannah...


I'd skip the name "Tyler" unless it's a family name for the same reason I'd skip Madelynne. It's a very popular, contemporary-sounding name that doesn't fit thematically with the other kids. All of your other boy choices are at least Biblical, if not all OT names. I like all of the ones you've picked as possibilities.

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Okay, I voted before seeing your other kids' names! I would go for a name that starts with a different letter than the other kids. It just helps distinguish things later on if they have different first initials. That would eliminate all that J boy names and you'd end up with Christopher Matthew. That would also eliminate Madelyn (sp?).

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Madalyn/Madalynne/Madeleine/Madeline and Madison (and other spellings) have been *incredibly* popular for the last few years. Very, very trendy.


Ooops, I havent heard them around here. But, I am not around many babies. You are probably right.

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Madalyn/Madalynne/Madeleine/Madeline and Madison (and other spellings) have been *incredibly* popular for the last few years. Very, very trendy.

:iagree: Christopher is very common too.


I voted Sophie and Jonathan Tyler--not because I like Jonathan so much, but because Tyler is a little different. I think Sophie is pretty, and although I know one or two, it doesn't seem like there's many out there. (someone will chime in and say they're all over the place!) Most of the names you listed are fairly common. But maybe that's what you like. :001_smile:

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Julia is one of my favorite names, but I would use Julia Abigail out of the names you listed. Sophia is my second-favorite that you listed. I agree with a PP who said that sticking with a Biblical theme would be nice, since you've gone that direction already. Lydia is a great Biblical girl name, but I am biased because I named my child that. :)

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Most of the names you listed are fairly common. But maybe that's what you like. :001_smile:


Dh doesn't like unusual names or really unusual spellings. I try to get something a tiny bit unique in the spelling in the girls' names, if I can. That's where the Mikaela spelling came from, vs. the more traditional Michaela that is based off of the name's origin. That's also the reason for the Madelynn spelling...plus it eliminates the likelihood of the name being pronounced with a long i at the end like you might get with Madeline.


Personally, I like names to have a decent meaning (usually something Biblical in meaning even if it isn't a name found in the Bible), have five syllables shared between the first and middle names, sound decent with my other kids' names and our last name, and not be something already used by family or close friends. Not all of these names fit all of those criteria; we're having a really hard time choosing so we're loosening the criteria.

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Teyla and Jonathon. I wish I couldn't see the results. They aren't winning!;)


Don't worry; the poll results aren't final.


Teyla is hubby's idea which is funny because he doesn't normally like unusual names. He got it, of course, from Stargate Atlantis.


My biggest beef against Teyla is that it rhymes with Mikaela, my oldest daughter's name.

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Dh doesn't like unusual names or really unusual spellings. I try to get something a tiny bit unique in the spelling in the girls' names, if I can. That's where the Mikaela spelling came from, vs. the more traditional Michaela that is based off of the name's origin. That's also the reason for the Madelynn spelling...plus it eliminates the likelihood of the name being pronounced with a long i at the end like you might get with Madeline.


Personally, I like names to have a decent meaning (usually something Biblical in meaning even if it isn't a name found in the Bible), have five syllables shared between the first and middle names, sound decent with my other kids' names and our last name, and not be something already used by family or close friends. Not all of these names fit all of those criteria; we're having a really hard time choosing so we're loosening the criteria.



I prefer Sophie Abigail over Sophia Abigail. Because Sophia ends with an A and Abigail starts with one, you lose the flow of it.

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I couldn't... just COULDN'T... pick Jonathan Tyler. It reminds me way too much of a song in the heavy metal genre called Ty Jonathan Down. I loved Jacob Michael but didn't feel like it went with your other kids' names. In the end, for a boy, I picked Christopher Matthew. I really liked Emily, too, though I agree with Audrey that if you picked Sophia, I'd go with Sophie so you don't lose the 'A.' Congrats on your incoming wee one!

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I felt like Teyla Naomi fit best with the sounds of the names of your other dc. I also saw that you have Jonathan twice - maybe leaning that way, the other two boys have biblical middle names so I picked Jonathan David. Also each of your other dc have 5 syllable names. Have fun!

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I just had to pick Jonathan David as that is my son's name. I liked Jonathan for his first name, and David is his dad's first name. This was how we avoided the junior thing, but still used his dad's name.


It was a toss up for me between Emily Madison and Madelynn Kelsie. I picked Emily, but it could have gone either way.



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My biggest beef against Teyla is that it rhymes with Mikaela, my oldest daughter's name.

When I was in elementary school, I had the hardest time distinguishing my name from other names when the teacher called out a name out the blue while everyone was doing independent work. I'd be preoccupied with what I was doing, and I'd hear a name ending with the /ee/ sound. Half the time I'd say, "me?" and it wasn't me. :blushing: Same thing happened occasionally at home, because 2 of us had names that ended with /ee/ and one's nickname ended with /ee/. When I'm preoccupied with something, I always miss the first part of the name and only hear the ending.

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I love Stargate Atlantis. I agree about Sophia Abigail... Sophie is much better, the a at the end was why I didn't pick it.


Jonathon David was a name that I had picked out for a long time. But then I ended up with an ex boyfriend named Jonathon, whom I was still dating when I met DH... so I couldn't ever use that name. I have Jakob David instead. :)

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When I was in elementary school, I had the hardest time distinguishing my name from other names when the teacher called out a name out the blue while everyone was doing independent work. I'd be preoccupied with what I was doing, and I'd hear a name ending with the /ee/ sound. Half the time I'd say, "me?" and it wasn't me. :blushing: Same thing happened occasionally at home, because 2 of us had names that ended with /ee/ and one's nickname ended with /ee/. When I'm preoccupied with something, I always miss the first part of the name and only hear the ending.



The Teyla/Mikaela thing...and not knowing who was being called...probably wouldn't be an issue here as my daughter goes by the nickname Mika (pronounced Mee-kah).


I don't see the issue with Sophia and Abigail both having the a sound because they each have a different a sound, so I hear both.



Another update: Some of those names I picked after Dh left to run some errands. He says he likes Teyla, but not necessarily with Naomi, even though it was his idea. He likes Sophia but not Abigail. He's lost interest in Naomi and Madelynn even though they hit the list early on. DD likes Teyla Naomi. DS likes Madelynn Kelsie.


As far as boys goes, Jonathan David is winning with everyone in the family except DS who likes Jacob Michael.


See why we can't decide...especially on the girl name?

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I didn't read the resp so sorry if this is a repeat. This is the only thing I could think of about each name. I like them all.



Teyla Naomi - Rhymes with Mikaela, spelling issues.

Julia Adin (pronounced Aw-deen)- starts with J so you can't use initials to identify items (unless you use color too), middle name looks like Aiden, a US boy name (

Madelynn Kelsie - initial issue again, was really, really common in US a few years ago

Emily Madison - Madison was really common in US a few years ago

Sophia Abigail - initial issues again, If you use nicknames, Sophie and Sammy may get confusing.

Jonathan David - John and Josh sound similar, initial issue

Jacob Michael - initial issue,

Christopher Matthew

Jonathan Tyler - initial issue



Mikaela Nathene

Samuel Isaac

Joshua Aaron

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It was my very favorite, but vetoed by dh and dd. Well, not really, but they liked another name on our list. I wanted a Naomi Christine. I think Naomi is easy to pronounce and spell and the meaning is lovely. "Pleasant."


Jonathan and David are two of my favorite names, too.


Dh and I had trouble with names, but something always arrived in time.

Happy picking! ;)

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