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Up all night with mosquito bite itching

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Two days ago I weeded the vegetable garden. I sprayed for mosquitoes, but I still managed to get 7 mosquito bites.


I absolutely hate not being able to go outside this time of year!


So, yesterday, the itching got really bad. I was using calamine lotion and hydrocortisone topically.


Last night I was rubbing my ankles for the first four hours of "sleep" when I finally took a non-drowsy antihistamine tablet. I had to take non-drowsy or I would not wake up the next day.


So, now my scalp itches like crazy because I have an allergic response to the stuff, but it's better than the mosquito bite itching.


Oh, and I think I am allergic to strawberries. Just thought I'd complain about that while I'm at it.

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Ugh, that's awful! My DH is horribly, horribly allergic to mosquitoes. Within minutes of being bitten, he has giant welts wherever he was hit. And mosquitoes just love him, too--he's under attack constantly. I have heard, but haven't had to confirm yet, that if you put a hot washcloth--as hot as you can stand it--on the bite, it stops the itching. Supposedly, this also works for poison ivy.


And I'm sorry about the strawberries too! :(

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Two days ago I weeded the vegetable garden. I sprayed for mosquitoes, but I still managed to get 7 mosquito bites.


I absolutely hate not being able to go outside this time of year!


So, yesterday, the itching got really bad. I was using calamine lotion and hydrocortisone topically.


Last night I was rubbing my ankles for the first four hours of "sleep" when I finally took a non-drowsy antihistamine tablet. I had to take non-drowsy or I would not wake up the next day.


So, now my scalp itches like crazy because I have an allergic response to the stuff, but it's better than the mosquito bite itching.


Oh, and I think I am allergic to strawberries. Just thought I'd complain about that while I'm at it.


Did you try Tylenol? That plus and antihistamine and a topical cream helps. I find ammonia rubbed on mosquito bites better than calamine lotion. And I also press my fingernail into the bit making a + sign over it. This keeps the "venom" (LOL!) in the bite from building up in one spot and can make it less itchy.


In the future, try not to scratch at all. Get the meds right away and do the cross on the bite. Sometimes scratching it can make it worse.


I often have bites that take a week to go away. Sigh. DH gets a welt and they are gone in a couple of hours. :confused:


If all else fails, scratch it until it bleeds. Revenge feels good.:lol:



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So, now my scalp itches like crazy because I have an allergic response to the stuff, but it's better than the mosquito bite itching.




Are you having an allergic response to the hydrocortisone? I have never heard of this, but I too lathered on the hydrocortisone yesterday for mosquito bites and my scalp is killing me today.


I couldn't for the life of me figure out why, I never have itchy scalp mostly cause my hair is so oily.

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Thanks ladies.


I didn't actually scratch with my fingernails -- I rubbed.


You know, I used to do that x-thing when I was younger.


Yes, they were mosquito bites because I remember when I got them.


No, I'm not allergic to hydrocortisone. My scalp itches whenever I use this non-drowsy allergy stuff.


I will try your suggested remedies -- right now the antihistamine is working -- I feel weird but I don't itch (well, except for my scalp).


Weird about the strawberries, huh? I get this little area near by left eye that swells up a little and itches.

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It might be to late now, but for the future Apis works well. Apis is homeopathic and usually used for bee stings. I have one daughter who will swell with any bug bites (ironically, she's my bug loving kid). When she used to get into red ants the marks would last up to a month on her, now I give her Apis and they fade immediately. I recently started giving her Apis is she gets to many mosquito bites, or is complaining about them. It clears them up quickly. Here's a link for it at vitacost: http://www.vitacost.com/Hylands-Apis-Mell You could also buy it at a health food store. I've used this with dd since she was about two, it's very safe. I just reordered some from vitacost and I'm buying an extra to keep in my purse so she won't have to wait to get home when she gets bit up. HTH


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It sounds silly, but this weed has been the best anti-itch medicine for mosquito bites that I have ever used.


http://www.gaiagarden.com/products/creams/18113 - I haven't tried this cream, but I'm tempted too, so that I don't have to go out and pick a leaf when I get bit inside at night. (And yes, we even sleep under mosquito netting in the summer because they are so bad around our home.)



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Sting Ease. You find it in the camping department of Walmart. Small yellow bottle.


I live in my garden and endure a number of bites from all kinds of insects. Sting Ease does the best at killing the itch.


I also use a lot of Skintastic mosquito repellant. If I remember to spray it on, I can even avoid chiggers and straw mites--those are nasty bites.

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Get in the shower and spray some warm water on the bites.....they will start to itch like crazy. When they quite itching.....make the water hotter and repeat the same. Keep doing this until it no longer itches.....or you can't take the hot water, LOL. This releases the histamine in your skin.


It works! But only for about 8 hours. When you wake up in the morning....they will start to itch again....and just jump in the shower and do the above again, LOL.


Good luck.



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Vinegar and baking soda paste works for some bites.



When we get mosquito bites, we dab some apple cider vinegar on them, and it takes away the itch -- the sooner we use it after getting the bites, the better it works.


I know this is off-topic a bit, but if you are stung by a bee, the vinegar works like a charm to stop the pain. I was stung by LOTS of yellowjackets a few years ago, and the first thing I did was run into the house and pour apple cider vinegar all over my arm and hand. Within seconds, the pain was completely gone, and I never even got much redness or swelling -- and I was stung at least a dozen times. I was absolutely amazed at how well it worked.



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I feel your pain. :tongue_smilie: We're in SW VA, and just when we think it's warm enough to rock on the porch, the mosquitoes are dive bombing us and driving us back inside. Gardening in the early morning seems to be better than late evening for avoiding mosquitoes. I did purchase this product last month, and have been amazed at it's soothing effectiveness! https://shopping.hacres.com/item/itemKey/1198261

A few days ago I came in with many, many bites around my ankles, and after my shower I sprayed this on the bites. Within minutes they were completely painless. I re-spray several times a day and am not scratching at all. I hope you feel better soon~

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Get in the shower and spray some warm water on the bites.....they will start to itch like crazy. When they quite itching.....make the water hotter and repeat the same. Keep doing this until it no longer itches.....or you can't take the hot water, LOL. This releases the histamine in your skin.


It works! But only for about 8 hours. When you wake up in the morning....they will start to itch again....and just jump in the shower and do the above again, LOL.


Good luck.




How funny. I was waking a shower, and they began itching like crazy. I rinsed my hair with cold water, and when I got out, the itching had ceased. It still hasn't returned.

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Epsom salt water also works on bites. My DD got bit by an ant on her big toe when she was about 2. Her whole foot swelled. Not knowing what bit her, I took her to the Dr. She said to soak it in salt water as long as I could get her to sit there. You can also dip a rag in it and place it over the bite. It draws the "venom" out. She is now 9 and we still have to soak if she gets bit by ants. We've also done it for mosquitos.


Also, I am from the Houston area. My parents still live there, about 5 blocks from the water. After Hurricane Ike, the mosquitos were HORRIBLE! Their neighbor sprayed that Cutter Yard Gaurd and it seemed to help. They tried it, and it worked wonders. Normally, this time of year, they will swarm the doors, or try to carry you away. We were there last week and only saw a handfull. They spray regularly, just to keep the numbers down. And it lasts a while too, maybe a month or 2? Just be careful around the garden, you don't want to get rid of the "good bugs" pollinating your veggies!

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