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We decided to cut our cable and today is our first day cable free.

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Even though I have never been a big t.v. watcher it's kind of unnerving to turn on the t.v. and have a snowy screen. I think this will be a positive change in our family but like all things I know there'll be an adjustment period. Fortunately the weather is awesome so I know we won't miss it this week. (Maybe during the long winter months but hopefully by then we'll have established new entertainment patterns.)


On the bright side we're saving money and probably saving our brains. :001_smile:

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Woo hoo!! A friend of mine goes cable free! They watch DVD's or the netflix view online thing. She said it was hard at first but she loves it now (they've been cable free for a little over a year now).




Even though I have never been a big t.v. watcher it's kind of unnerving to turn on the t.v. and have a snowy screen. I think this will be a positive change in our family but like all things I know there'll be an adjustment period. Fortunately the weather is awesome so I know we won't miss it this week. (Maybe during the long winter months but hopefully by then we'll have established new entertainment patterns.)


On the bright side we're saving money and probably saving our brains. :001_smile:

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We have no TV (no cable in NZ, but we have no TV by choice) We have only a laptop, and we do watch movies on this....there are 4 of us at home, and it get cuddly, but we can all see!


It is great, just take care the kids don't compensate by having more computer game time, it has a habit of creeping up on you!

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We've been cable-free for almost 10 years. We rent/buy DVDs for weekend use, especially during our long winters!


There are a couple of tv shows that dh & I have come to enjoy, but we just wait until the following season then find those on dvd, too. It didn't bother me, in the least, to get rid of it. Well, I do miss the History Channel! Dh took a tad longer to adjust, but I will give him a huge amount of credit, he was very supportive when I asked him if we could get rid of the cable, for budget reasons. Sometimes the kids have complained, but they're pretty good about it, too.


Sheri :)

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We suspended our satellite service about 3 weeks ago. We have a Netflix subscription (they have all kinds of shows/movies you can watch instantly 24/7) and an antenna/digital converter box. I haven't missed it at all. DH is still going through ESPN withdrawal, though. The only thing I am missing is the DVR service. I may have to learn to work the VCR again!

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We are "satellite"-free for 3 months now! It has been both great and difficult (mostly for me). But, we do get some of the local channels via antennae (and a few French Canadian ones! So every once in a while when the kids are getting desperate, I find them watching cartoons in French - which I don't mind at all! ) I think the hardest thing for me is when Project Runway comes back on in the fall....I am so addicted:D.

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Please please please encourage me please! My DH has been asking me to try at least for one month (our cable provider confirmed that we could do it on a trial basis with no re-connect fee b/c we bundle with phone and internet).


It is SOOOO selfish, I know, for me to hold out because I like old Law & Order reruns, Top Chef, Fringe and Lost etc. This is the thing: while he is studying every night I usually hunker down with my crochet and veg (yes, veg) in front of the TV. I know there are better things to do. I love reading, and that does happen. But there is just something relaxing to me about that stupid blue glow... The girls just watch a little bit of TV, and we do mostly videos from the library or Netflix.


I did discover Hulu recently, though...you can watch full length tv episodes for free, so I guess I could catch up on Fringe that way when it comes back in the Fall...


I just need bravery.

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Please please please encourage me please! My DH has been asking me to try at least for one month (our cable provider confirmed that we could do it on a trial basis with no re-connect fee b/c we bundle with phone and internet).


It is SOOOO selfish, I know, for me to hold out because I like old Law & Order reruns, Top Chef, Fringe and Lost etc. This is the thing: while he is studying every night I usually hunker down with my crochet and veg (yes, veg) in front of the TV. I know there are better things to do. I love reading, and that does happen. But there is just something relaxing to me about that stupid blue glow... The girls just watch a little bit of TV, and we do mostly videos from the library or Netflix.


I did discover Hulu recently, though...you can watch full length tv episodes for free, so I guess I could catch up on Fringe that way when it comes back in the Fall...


I just need bravery.



Can you get your local channels with an antenna? I think we bought ours at Lowe's for like $45. We get most of our local channels, 4 different PBS channels, and like 3 channels from Canada from the antenna, and most of them are in HD now, which is nice! Maybe that would be an easier transition for you.:001_smile:

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Please please please encourage me please! My DH has been asking me to try at least for one month (our cable provider confirmed that we could do it on a trial basis with no re-connect fee b/c we bundle with phone and internet).


It is SOOOO selfish, I know, for me to hold out because I like old Law & Order reruns, Top Chef, Fringe and Lost etc. This is the thing: while he is studying every night I usually hunker down with my crochet and veg (yes, veg) in front of the TV. I know there are better things to do. I love reading, and that does happen. But there is just something relaxing to me about that stupid blue glow... The girls just watch a little bit of TV, and we do mostly videos from the library or Netflix.


I did discover Hulu recently, though...you can watch full length tv episodes for free, so I guess I could catch up on Fringe that way when it comes back in the Fall...


I just need bravery.


You can do it!


Check your local video rental stores & libraries to see if they have your favorite tv shows on dvd. That's how we've kept up on the couple we like. It's not so bad waiting until the following season to be able to see the shows.


A word of warning though, we've been known to rent a dvd, which has around 3 episodes on it, watch all 3, then run to the video store and rent the rest. In one weekend, last winter, dh & I watched the :eek: entire season of The Unit. We could only watch it after the kids were in bed, so we didn't get much sleep. Not the wisest thing we've ever done, but it sure was fun. You can't do that when you have cable and have to wait a week to see the next episode!!! :D


Be sure to report back when you shut off the cable. ;) We'll celebrate with you.


Sheri :)

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We have a Netflix subscription (they have all kinds of shows/movies you can watch instantly 24/7) and an antenna/digital converter box.
We've been cable-free since we moved into our new house last May (2008). We're only watching the occasional DVD from the library or bought used. My kids are young and I'm too tired to watch TV so I don't miss it. I veg with The Economist (yes, I'm weird like that).

But we're going to do the digital antenna and Netflix combination later. Don't need more than that.

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We have no TV (no cable in NZ, but we have no TV by choice) We have only a laptop, and we do watch movies on this....there are 4 of us at home, and it get cuddly, but we can all see!


It is great, just take care the kids don't compensate by having more computer game time, it has a habit of creeping up on you!


I could see that easily happening.

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We suspended our satellite service about 3 weeks ago. We have a Netflix subscription (they have all kinds of shows/movies you can watch instantly 24/7) and an antenna/digital converter box. I haven't missed it at all. DH is still going through ESPN withdrawal, though. The only thing I am missing is the DVR service. I may have to learn to work the VCR again!


But he's the one that suggested we cut it and I was all in favour.

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you'll find "old fashioned" joy in board games and books! On the bright side, at least it's summer tv season and there's nothin' on anyways :)


We have gone w/o cable and I actually miss it when we get it back (when money is better, usually) :) Enjoy the quiet!


And you're right, there really was nothing on anymore.

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You can do it!


A word of warning though, we've been known to rent a dvd, which has around 3 episodes on it, watch all 3, then run to the video store and rent the rest. In one weekend, last winter, dh & I watched the :eek: entire season of The Unit. We could only watch it after the kids were in bed, so we didn't get much sleep. Not the wisest thing we've ever done, but it sure was fun. You can't do that when you have cable and have to wait a week to see the next episode!!! :D



Thanks for the encouragement. I KNOW I can do it...there are nights when we turn the TV off and it is just so so so peaceful.


I hear ya on the season-in-a-box warning. My dh and I watched Jericho almost straight through one weekend, and then over Christmas a friend loaned us Firefly, and we did the same thing...well, I did at least. My husband lasted until 1:00 am New Year's Day, but I came to bed at 4:45 am! A first since college. (We are not night owls at all.)

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We've been cable-free for almost 10 years. We rent/buy DVDs for weekend use, especially during our long winters!


There are a couple of tv shows that dh & I have come to enjoy, but we just wait until the following season then find those on dvd, too. It didn't bother me, in the least, to get rid of it. Well, I do miss the History Channel! Dh took a tad longer to adjust, but I will give him a huge amount of credit, he was very supportive when I asked him if we could get rid of the cable, for budget reasons. Sometimes the kids have complained, but they're pretty good about it, too.


Sheri :)


Buy some t.v shows on dvd. And movies via our Canadian equivalent of netflix.

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We've been here on the farm five years now. The first 2 we had no cable. Then we got it as a Christmas present for the kids. We had it 2 years and decided we just didn't have the self discipline to regulate the TV. If we have it, we watch it. So, we shut it off again a year ago and will never get it again until I am too old to care! We do rent movies.

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Please please please encourage me please! My DH has been asking me to try at least for one month (our cable provider confirmed that we could do it on a trial basis with no re-connect fee b/c we bundle with phone and internet).


It is SOOOO selfish, I know, for me to hold out because I like old Law & Order reruns, Top Chef, Fringe and Lost etc. This is the thing: while he is studying every night I usually hunker down with my crochet and veg (yes, veg) in front of the TV. I know there are better things to do. I love reading, and that does happen. But there is just something relaxing to me about that stupid blue glow... The girls just watch a little bit of TV, and we do mostly videos from the library or Netflix.


I did discover Hulu recently, though...you can watch full length tv episodes for free, so I guess I could catch up on Fringe that way when it comes back in the Fall...


I just need bravery.


I just decided (well my dh and I) just decided that we didn't want to let unfiltered junk into our house. Up until now our kids were young enough that we had a lot of control over the t.v. But now that they're older they (okay one kid) would sometimes turn on the t.v. without permission. There is just way too much garbage out there for me to feel comfortable with that (and the commercials are the worst).

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We got rid of our cable in December and it has been great. My Mom bought us an instant Netflix device for our TV for Christmas so we can watch the instant queue items on our TV. Not only is our budget better off but literally my children get along better and I have not missed the commercials at all. When we do watch now, we actually watch more as a family too.

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Caution! Male on deck! I'm coming out of lurk mode for my first post here...

The only thing I am missing is the DVR service. I may have to learn to work the VCR again!
There is now a nice HD DVR for digital off-the-air (OTA) television with NO MONTHLY FEES! Just read this post (on a different forum) for all the details.


Brief list of features:

- Two HD tuners (record two shows while watching a third, if you like)

- Records 37 hours of HD or 150 hours of SD programming (can be increased to over 150 hours of HD with a hard-disk upgrade)

- Full 1 week on-screen program grid


This DVR tends to be a little better than many cable DVRs, a little worse than many satellite DVRs and somewhat lacking compared to TiVo. FREE usage is the main feature!


We were TV-free for many years after moving here, but erected an OTA antenna a couple years ago when digital became available. However, we still didn't watch TV much due to the available programming. Finally last Christmas this free-to-use DVR came to the market. I agree with many that the modern programming is not very attractive for our family, but there are now several different channels broadcast on each station, meaning there are many more choices than there used used to be, including 24-hour weather and sports. It's nice to be able to record things like the Scripps National Spelling Bee in HD (no dc in it this year, though)! I find myself watching old shows like Emergency!, Magnum PI and Rockford files on Retro Television Network.


The DVR is a mixed blessing, IMO. Because it allows for time shifting, it facilitates more TV watching. OTOH, if I feel like sitting down to watch something, I'm not stuck with whatever the networks happen to be showing at the time. The DVR has already recorded the shows which interest me.


I think if more people with cable and satellite knew about this free-to-use HD DVR and the clarity of OTA TV, they would give up their $100/month bills.



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Most of the networks have the shows available on their websites and watching online has the conveniences of the DVR. I watch when I want to and I have the ability to pause the show if I need to step away. I've been pretty happy with how cutting cable has worked so far!

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We signed a 2 year satellite contract. About 3 months into it, we realized that we could easily go without it. But we're stuck with the contract, aren't we?


Maybe I'll look into breaking the contract. Maybe we'd have to pay a fine, but it would probably be cheaper to pay the fine than to pay for the rest of the 2 year's monthly fees.


Can you break those contracts?

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We haven't had cable for 19 years, but as of June 12 when the TV signals change to digital, we'll be without TV. I think seeing the snow on the TV will make it hard for me. It seems like TV has been my lifeline to other people even if there isn't anything good on any more. I do like to veg out in front of the tube after a stressful day. The rest of the family likes to gravitates to the computer or video games. I can see where all electronics need to be regulated more closely.

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We cut our cable and now we can't believe we paid for t.v. for so many years. We did get a good antennae so we still get a lot of channels, including PBS so we can still get our documentary fix without Discovery Channel (though I still miss it and History Channel). Even my dh hasn't missed cable and he LOVES t.v.

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Well, I do miss the History Channel!
We did get a good antennae so we still get a lot of channels, including PBS so we can still get our documentary fix without Discovery Channel (though I still miss it and History Channel).
The Discovery Channel and the History Channel are the two that have occasionally made me consider paying for TV, but it's just not enough to warrant the hastle. My brother called me yesterday and he asked if I wanted a free-to-air satellite dish that he wasn't using. I told him that my setup was already too complicated, but then he told me I could get the History Channel for FREE! So I said sure. We spent a couple of hours installing and pointing the dish (which can sweep EVERY satellite in the sky!) and sure enough, we can now get the History Channel, the Biography Channel, many Christian broadcasts, the NASA channel, news in about 30 different languages and various sporting event broadcasts. There are *literally* hundreds of channels of programming available from this one dish.


Anyway, for those of you craving the History Channel, it can be had for free together with the Biography channel and many Christian broadcasts on the satellite at orbital location 101W. If you just canceled satellite service, then you may be able to get this by repointing your dish and purchasing about $60 worth of equipment.


Since my brother gave me his equipment (worth about $200), I guess we'll try this for a while. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the History and Biography Channels will be "free and clear" forever.





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I'd be more than willing to go without cable again, but I think my dh would shrivel up and die without the ability to get his beloved NHL channel. Or golf. :glare: Or NFL, or CFL. I swear, we married in April. I didn't realize it was this bad, honest! :lol: We didn't have cable until a year ago, and now I think that I'd have to pry the remote out of his cold dead hands before I could cut it off again. Plus, he's become somewhat addicted to a show on the History (?) Channel called, "Deadliest Warrior" I saw one episode which put a ninja vs a Knight.


Hey, I'm no dummy. There are certain aspects to moving to an acreage I simply haven't mentioned :Angel_anim::coolgleamA:


ETA: We married in the month of April (2003) not this past April. My post made it sound...anyways. Yeah. Just wanted to clarify.

Edited by Impish
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I'd be more than willing to go without cable again, but I think my dh would shrivel up and die without the ability to get his beloved NHL channel. Or golf. :glare: Or NFL, or CFL. I swear, we married in April. I didn't realize it was this bad, honest! :lol: We didn't have cable until a year ago, and now I think that I'd have to pry the remote out of his cold dead hands before I could cut it off again. Plus, he's become somewhat addicted to a show on the History (?) Channel called, "Deadliest Warrior" I saw one episode which put a ninja vs a Knight.


Hey, I'm no dummy. There are certain aspects to moving to an acreage I simply haven't mentioned :Angel_anim::coolgleamA:


It took until now for my dh to convince himself he can live with out the NHL or CFL.

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We're at the other end of the process.. We have never had cable or a satellite or even good t.v. reception. Now, my dh would REALLY like to be able to watch sports on t.v. - football, baseball and hockey are his passions. I would like to make that happen for him, but don't know which avenue to pursue - anyone have any suggestions?



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