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Rules Mr. Ellie and I have discovered while watching TV...

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  1. Never touch the knife in the dead body.
  2. Always kick the gun away.
  3. Hide under the dead body and shoot the bad guy.


And there's a fourth one we can't remember. Rats.


Guess what kind of movies we've been watching lately?:lol:

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Close, LOL. Our most recent was "Taken," which is where the "hide under the dead body and shoot" rule came from.:D


I was going to ask if that is what it was from LOL. We just watched it the other day too.


I always love movies that have bullets flying in all directions, bodies flying, and the good guy is able to kill all the bad guys without even getting his clothes wrinkled or dirty.

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I was going to ask if that is what it was from LOL. We just watched it the other day too.


I always love movies that have bullets flying in all directions, bodies flying, and the good guy is able to kill all the bad guys without even getting his clothes wrinkled or dirty.



In my heart of hearts, I wanna be Jack Bauer when I grow up.:D

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"Leave the gun, take the cannoli" :tongue_smilie:


:lol::lol::lol: Oh my gosh you are trying to kill me!! I totally choked when I read that I was laughing so hard! hehehehehe I LOVE the Godfather movies! hehehe "Monday, Wednesday, Saturday...." hehehe


I thought of another rule....


Turn the lights on!! The one who walks around in the dark ALWAYS gets killed! hehe

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Ah yes, I've learned much from watching these kinds of movies. Like:


1. if you are being chased through the woods by an undead ax-wielding psycho, do NOT keep turning around and looking behind you, and for goodness sake pick your knees up when you run so you don't trip over your own feet.


2. If you DO trip, don't just stay on the ground trying to scoot backwards on your butt. GET UP AND KEEP RUNNING.


3. If there are rumors that an undead ax-wielding psycho has been killing people, don't walk through the woods. alone. at night.


4. MY personal favorite: if a HOUSE speaks to you and says "GET OUT" then do what it says. immediately.

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I don't watch horror movies now that I'm an adult but my mom was addicted to them. I remember as a kid watching some horror film (something Amityville?) and the people in the movie said, "OMG, it's the gate to h3ll (in our basement)!!!! OK kids, time for bed."


It was something like that. After that I knew I could never watch another horror film.

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Don't stand in front of the window at night when the curtains or blinds are open. :lol:


That's from all the teen horror flicks, lol! I haven't watched any in years & years, but you KNOW the psycho is coming through the window! I can't watch stuff like that anymore (but I still love action & mafia flicks).

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