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Sugar Withdrawl

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I'm going through sugar withdrawl today. I'm trying hard to cut a lot of the white sugar we eat out of our diet. I'm very cranky today and can't do anything but pace. I use sugar as a way to cope with my life and kids. I'm usually into the sugar ( in one form or another) by about 8am.


If I didn't want to lose 30 pounds I wouldn't even be doing this. I have extra kids at my house today and I'm not sure how I'm going to get through the next 4 hours without my chocolate.

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You may not want to hear this, but dark chocolate really is FINE. Really. You don't have to go completely without anything sweet, no matter how addicted you are. I understand completely. Take the time to look into the health benefits of dark chocolate. I have begun to incorporate dark chocolate into my every day diet - atleast once a day, I have one serving. It has really cured my desire for other sweets. I didn't like dark chocolate when I began to include it in my diet, but I do now and I truly never crave other sweets anymore.


My favorite late afternoon pick me up is no longer coffee, a diet soda, or a candy bar. Instead, I have:


one container of fat free vanilla flavored yogurt

one half cup of low fat milk

one cup of frozen strawberries (you can use peaches, berries, whatever)

one-fourth cup of dark chocolate chips

blended together into a smoothie


Another snack I love:


one half cup of low fat cottage cheese

one-fourth cup of dark chocolate chips

one cup of sliced strawberries


I love strawberries and now I'm enjoying the dark chocolate. You can't do this and continue your old bad habits but adding a treat like that to my day on a regular basis has prevented sugar cravings for me.


I'm reading The Flat Belly Diet and it's full of recipes with dark chocolate and has some info. about the benefits of dark chocolate.

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Hang in there! You're doing great, and it's going to be so worth it. It's hard right now, though, I realize. BTDT! If you have any coconut oil or coconut milk on hand, the healthy fat from coconuts is really easy for your body to burn for quick energy, but you won't crash from it like you do from sugar. So it can help you feel better during this withdrawal phase. A coconut milk smoothie with some berries and stevia is a good choice. Or you can just mix coconut milk with an equal amount of chicken broth, throw in some curry for flavor, and you've got a yummy soup.

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I've never been a fan of dark chocolate but maybe I'll try. I have kicked the sugar habit before but all it took was one desert and I was addicted again.


one container of fat free vanilla flavored yogurt

one half cup of low fat milk

one cup of frozen strawberries (you can use peaches, berries, whatever)

one-fourth cup of dark chocolate chips

blended together into a smoothie


This smoothie sounds really good. I'll have to give it a try.


After my 2nd child I got down to 130 pounds which I hadn't been since high school and then I got pregnant again. I can do it again. I was exercising and eating well. I've gotten into very bad eating habits.


Thanks for all the support. It is very helpful. I find it funny that the first thread under Similar Threads is for Best sugar cookie recipe.


Now I want a cookie :lol:.




Edited by kwiech
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You CAN do it!!! I NEED to do it :) I've been wanting to cut sugar for awhile now, but simply haven't. I believe you may have inspired me to actually do it.





Oh good! Now someone can be crazy with me :tongue_smilie: Last time it took me about 3 weeks to get off of it. In the beginning my dh was slipping me small chocolate bars when I got too out of hand :lol:

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I'm convinced sugar is an addiction. My body craves something that is not good for it.


With that in mind, remind yourself that this isn't about "self-control" or "will power" but kicking a habit. And addiction.


In my case, one thing that really helped was to cut anything that spiked my blood sugar. Which meant carbs, too. I know, I know, you don't want to hear that, I'm sure. But until the breads and pastas went out the door, I never really truly got rid of the sugar addiction.


Another thing that really helped was juicing green. Or taking something like spirulina. When I juiced green (1-2 8oz glasses a day of dark greens like spinach/kale and mixed with cucumber or apples for sweetness) I could kick a sugar craving in three days. Easy peasy. NO CRAVINGS EVER. If I kept off sugar from that point on. If I wanted some chocolate I would get Black and Green's Maya Gold or 60% cocoa. Didn't spike the sugar levels and kept me even keeled and w/out cravings. I think spirulina in a tablet or capsule form would take a bit longer per kicking cravings...but that is a thought if you don't have access to a juicer or can't buy one right now.


I'm struggling w/the same thing right now. It's very difficult. But we'll do it! I've done it before, I'll do it again! Just think, you have the key. You can do it successfully, it's w/in your reach to do so. It's not as if you are struggling against something that just CAN'T be done. KWIM?



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Which meant carbs, too. I know, I know, you don't want to hear that, I'm sure.



I try to eat whole wheat instead of filling myself with white flour. Although, white flour has become a habit lately too except with bread. I'm trying not to make any cakes, cookies, etc... I do love pasta.


What spikes my craving for sugar is salt. I need to eat less salt.


Or natural peanut butter on toast



This is what I had for breakfast this morning. Ok, it was half a 100% whole wheat bagel with banana slices on top. Very yummy and filling. We just had sliced strawberries, cantaloupe and bananas for a snack. I also had a cheese stick. I really need to cut out cheese too but I think I'll quit one vice at a time.



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another sugar addict here, who loves, loves bittersweet chocolate.


my favorite snack is half a cup of greek honey yogurt (it's more tart and tangy then reg. yogurt)


2 tbs cool whip


half a chopped up bananna or a few cut up strawberries or both


a handful of gherideli bittersweet choc. chips


a sprinkle of granola


I think I have figured out that I cannot have dairy..so my treat is going bye, bye...sob.

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I'm convinced sugar is an addiction. My body craves something that is not good for it.


With that in mind, remind yourself that this isn't about "self-control" or "will power" but kicking a habit. And addiction.


In my case, one thing that really helped was to cut anything that spiked my blood sugar. Which meant carbs, too. I know, I know, you don't want to hear that, I'm sure. But until the breads and pastas went out the door, I never really truly got rid of the sugar addiction.


Another thing that really helped was juicing green. Or taking something like spirulina. When I juiced green (1-2 8oz glasses a day of dark greens like spinach/kale and mixed with cucumber or apples for sweetness) I could kick a sugar craving in three days. Easy peasy. NO CRAVINGS EVER. If I kept off sugar from that point on. If I wanted some chocolate I would get Black and Green's Maya Gold or 60% cocoa. Didn't spike the sugar levels and kept me even keeled and w/out cravings. I think spirulina in a tablet or capsule form would take a bit longer per kicking cravings...but that is a thought if you don't have access to a juicer or can't buy one right now.


I'm struggling w/the same thing right now. It's very difficult. But we'll do it! I've done it before, I'll do it again! Just think, you have the key. You can do it successfully, it's w/in your reach to do so. It's not as if you are struggling against something that just CAN'T be done. KWIM?



:iagree:I have read articles that talks about how white sugar turns into alcohol in our blood stream. Just like alcoholics we can become addicted to it and when it gets low in our blood we begin to crave it.

I believe this to be true for me. All it takes is one piece of.............and I am back to craving wanting can't get enough and have to go through the whole withdraw again.

If you are craving chocolate you probably need calcium and magnesium. I have known several that have gone to sup. with these two that have taken care of their need of a consistent chocolate fix.

I have gone for 3 1/2 yrs now without any sweetener except honey. To start it wasn't easy but it can be done.

Keep up the good work.:grouphug:

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I'm convinced sugar is an addiction. My body craves something that is not good for it.


With that in mind, remind yourself that this isn't about "self-control" or "will power" but kicking a habit. And addiction.




Have you read Sugar Blues by William Dufty?

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:iagree:I have read articles that talks about how white sugar turns into alcohol in our blood stream. Just like alcoholics we can become addicted to it and when it gets low in our blood we begin to crave it.



I've never heard this, but it so doesn't surprise me.



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Oh good! Now someone can be crazy with me :tongue_smilie: Last time it took me about 3 weeks to get off of it. In the beginning my dh was slipping me small chocolate bars when I got too out of hand :lol:


I'll be crazy with you :D but not until Tuesday....too much going on between now and then :)



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Another thing that really helped was juicing green. Or taking something like spirulina. When I juiced green (1-2 8oz glasses a day of dark greens like spinach/kale and mixed with cucumber or apples for sweetness) I could kick a sugar craving in three days. Easy peasy. NO CRAVINGS EVER. If I kept off sugar from that point on. If I wanted some chocolate I would get Black and Green's Maya Gold or 60% cocoa. Didn't spike the sugar levels and kept me even keeled and w/out cravings. I think spirulina in a tablet or capsule form would take a bit longer per kicking cravings...but that is a thought if you don't have access to a juicer or can't buy one right now.





Can you tell me more about this green juice. I don't have a juicer, but a vitamix so all the fiber would stay in. Would that work somehow you think?

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one container of fat free vanilla flavored yogurt

one half cup of low fat milk

one cup of frozen strawberries (you can use peaches, berries, whatever)

one-fourth cup of dark chocolate chips

blended together into a smoothie




Don't forget there is a bunch of sugar in flavored yogurt.


I went off all refined carbs recently and my family was ready to have me commited. The worst symptoms lasted about a week, and were gone by 2 weeks. So worth it though. Now I am much more calm and even keeled, even less depressed.



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I made it all day yesterday and most of today. I made vanilla pudding for dessert tonight and put some canned pumpkin in it. Tomorrow we are making homemade ice cream. My dh got my favorite flavor so I feel obligated to eat it. I think it will be yummy. I got in some extra exercise today and maybe I'll do the same tomorrow.


I'm enjoying this thread. It helps to feel accountable to someone.

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I have read articles that talks about how white sugar turns into alcohol in our blood stream. Just like alcoholics we can become addicted to it and when it gets low in our blood we begin to crave it.



I am in no way defending white sugar, but this isn't true. If it were true, you'd get drunk on soda and your kids would pass out, drunk on Halloween. Sugar may be addicting and bad for your body, but it has nothing to do with alcohol.

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I gave up sugar last September- even made it through Christmas. I was allowing myself a small amount of agave syrup in my tea in the mornings- it doesnt trigger sugar cravings and I only used a few drops. Now I am allowing myself about 1/4 tsp honey instead. I only have 2 cups of tea a day. I can drink coffee without sweetener, but not tea, although stevia is ok for a bit.

I had to stop chocolate, and it wasn't so hard after a while. Now I will have some 85% Lindt now and then- just one square.

I feel so much better for not eating sugar, and I didn't do it to lose weight. I did it because I recognise its an unhealthy addiction used to push away emotions I didn't want to feel. Its such a common addiction that its not recognised as such.

Alcoholism and sugar cravings can be related. When alcoholics give up alcohol, they usually crave sugar and eat heaps. My dh wasnt exactly an alcoholic but he did drink too much and the tendency runs in his family- he gave up alcohol but now hs 4 tsps of sugar in his tea, and drinks heaps of sugary drinks.

Hang in there- it needs to become a habit.

When I craved sugar in summer I ate sweet fruit- a mango now and then, and recently, grapes. In a way its still a "sugar hit" so I only do it in moderation, but I have always loved fruit, and it stops me feeling deprived of sugary foods. I will also have unsweetend meusli but with sultanas, or chopped dates. I am not so severe or strict. I just dont want to eat the granulated sugar or large amounts of any concentrated sweetener.

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You can cut the sugar content of flavoured yogurts down by diluting them with natural yogurt. Over time you should be able to manage 50/50. If you pre-mix it as soon as you get it home, it isn't a lot of trouble. If you have to mix it every time you want to eat some, you won't bother ;)



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I'm having an extremely hard time stopping fruit juice. I water it down, but I drink it FREQUENTLY. In the food we cook, very little sugar. But drinks??????? OY!


How much are you watering it down? If you choose juices that can be watered down the most, I don't think it's something to feel guilty over! Apple juice can be watered down 50/50. I have trouble drinking enough too, so I try and drink water in the mornings and save the juice for the afternoons when I can't make myself drink water. Juice is better than dehydrating...



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I do 3/4 water and 1/4 juice. Honestly. (Apple juice mostly, and a berry juice.)


My dh can't stand it watered down so much, but I started doing it when my oldest started table food, and the pediatrician told me to water down her juice. Now my kids can't drink straight juice, and neither can I.

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