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A Life is good message!

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Hey there friends. It has been a while. I just wanted to say publicly how much I appreciate the support you have given me in the past. And I want to share my success to date.


Many of you know my struggles with hormones/depression/anxiety, etc. I was getting better, but just not enough. A friend, whom I will not name but she can do so herself if she chooses, is very much like me in how she has been lately. She found a book called The Mood Cure that uses supplements and food to address 4 types of mood "issues".


She had success immediately so I jumped right on it. I wanted to share that I have had 2 full weeks on the amino acids and vitamins and eating a steady healthy protein diet lower in fats and carbs (just better rounded diet) and I feel umpteen times better!!!


This was the answer to my prayers. I did not even have pms this month and that is huge!


Anyway, I am happy to help and support others in their quest for feeling better and am sharing what I have found to be the way for me.


I feel happy, and good most of the time -- pretty much all the time now. My reactions to things are so much improved. I feel peaceful for the first time in a long time.


I just wanted to share my good instead of sharing my bad. Life is really good!

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Yaaaay, I was just thinking of you today, I am trying to learn to knit. I just keep thinking I will make pretty socks like you one day.


Glad to hear you are feeling better, keep up the good work.:grouphug::grouphug:We missed ya.

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I have missed you!!!! I'm glad I can keep up with you on Facebook, but I sure missed you here!


I just put the book on hold at our library. It has a couple people before me. Can you give the basics here? Or PM me? You and I have a lot of the same struggles, I think.


BTW - FWIW - I always find you to be very upbeat and I'm always happy with I see that you've posted. You always have such an inspirational tone. You've definately been missed!

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Well you know I'm thrilled for ya, girl. :party:




Hey there friends. It has been a while. I just wanted to say publicly how much I appreciate the support you have given me in the past. And I want to share my success to date.


Many of you know my struggles with hormones/depression/anxiety, etc. I was getting better, but just not enough. A friend, whom I will not name but she can do so herself if she chooses, is very much like me in how she has been lately. She found a book called The Mood Cure that uses supplements and food to address 4 types of mood "issues".


She had success immediately so I jumped right on it. I wanted to share that I have had 2 full weeks on the amino acids and vitamins and eating a steady healthy protein diet lower in fats and carbs (just better rounded diet) and I feel umpteen times better!!!


This was the answer to my prayers. I did not even have pms this month and that is huge!


Anyway, I am happy to help and support others in their quest for feeling better and am sharing what I have found to be the way for me.


I feel happy, and good most of the time -- pretty much all the time now. My reactions to things are so much improved. I feel peaceful for the first time in a long time.


I just wanted to share my good instead of sharing my bad. Life is really good!

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I just wanted to share my good instead of sharing my bad. Life is really good!


I just got notice that a copy of this book has arrived for me through ILL today (that's a really bad acronym, isn't it? ;)). Can't wait to see what it has to say.


How good it must feel to have something so exuberant to share! Yay for you!!

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Thank you for sharing. I'm always on the lookout for what more I can do to help my dd. She's been battling depression for over a year and I'm looking for something that will truly make a difference.


Is the author Julia Ross?

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I'm so happy for you to find a solution to your health challenges. It is good to see your posts again...I want to support and encourage you in what you are doing. Blessings to you!


...Many of you know my struggles with hormones/depression/anxiety, etc. I was getting better, but just not enough. A friend, whom I will not name but she can do so herself if she chooses, is very much like me in how she has been lately. She found a book called The Mood Cure that uses supplements and food to address 4 types of mood "issues".


She had success immediately so I jumped right on it. I wanted to share that I have had 2 full weeks on the amino acids and vitamins and eating a steady healthy protein diet lower in fats and carbs (just better rounded diet) and I feel umpteen times better!!!


I have some issues along that line as well and am interested in the vitamin therapy and diet that you are using. Would you mind sharing more about it on this thread or just pm me?


Thanks and God bless you!


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Thanks for the nice words. I really appreciate it.

I will try to give a little snippet of the book's approach and what I am doing.


It is by Julia Ross. There is a Mood-Type questionnaire that helps you to identify which area(s) you may be having trouble in. The 4 most common areas (which are addressed in this book) are:


1) eliminating the depression and anxiety caused by inadequate serotonin

2) rebuilding your energy, motivation, and capacity to focus

3) how to recover from adrenal overload (heavy stress)

4) how to amplify your own comforting endorphins (too sensitive for life's pain)


I am on zoloft and that seemed to help, but clearly not enough. The numbers 1 and 2 are the biggest issue areas for me. THose are the areas that I am addressing with diet and supplements to see how that works.


The book gives nutritional supplements (vitamins and minerals as well as amino acids and such) for whatever areas are an issue for you. And there is more than one option for most areas too. So if one thing doesn't work, you can try others.


I am taking 5-htp every night. And during the day, I am using L-Tyrosine. Those helped me right away. Seriously, I took a 5-htp one night and woke up the next day happy! I was blown away by that.


I am also doing a really good multi-vitamin (NOW brand), B-complex, C, Cal/Mag/zinc. I tried the OMegas but I have issues with fish oil and need to find a substitute for that.


I hope to get off Zoloft sometime this summer. I need to go to my DR first and see about a plan for that. I think that I might be okay on the amino acids without the zoloft which would be great!


I am trying to make sure that I eat protein at every meal too. That makes a huge difference for me. There is a meal plan of ideas and how to eat to help improve your mood too. I lost 5 lbs right away also. If I go with the heavy healthy protein, I stay full, eat less overall, don't want junk or snacks.


So that is it in a nutshell for what I am doing right now.


If you ever want to chat about it, I am happy to help. And if this helps someone else too, even better. It isn't some fad thing, imo. It is real and makes a lot of sense. The book is worth owning, also, imo.


Hope this helps!

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:) Thank you for giving the extra info. It is so encouraging to see that there may an alternative for dd. The # of meds she is on is scaring me and none of it seems to be making a big difference. I'm looking forward to reading the book.

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:) Thank you for giving the extra info. It is so encouraging to see that there may an alternative for dd. The # of meds she is on is scaring me and none of it seems to be making a big difference. I'm looking forward to reading the book.


I hope you can find something to make a difference. Being on a lot of meds is scary. Especially when it is our dc. Let me know what you find out. Good luck!

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