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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. We bring our dd's food in a lunch bag. She just gets it out and starts eating her stuff. No one minds.
  2. If it's a months-long commitment, then I would expect him to skip one time so he could go to the kids' performance. That's not unreasonable. People have lives.
  3. You do need to refrigerate them. Can you just microwave them tomorrow? That's what I would do.
  4. I would not buy that property. I would never feel like my kids would be safe outside unless that dog was gone.
  5. I think most brides wear white now, whichever wedding it is.
  6. Mathusee Algebra 2 and Geometry (concurrent) Chemistry fall / Astronomy spring Modern World History using Human Odyssey English: Sentence Composing for High School, Jensen's Format Writing, Easy Grammar 11, Abeka Vocab V, misc. literature selections from WTM French 3 using French for Fluency and Rosetta Stone Art Drama Economics (spring) ACT Prep
  7. What about something from setonbooks.com? They are Catholic. They have Our Catholic Legacy: World History for Young Catholics: http://www.setonbooks.com/viewone.php?ToView=P-HI06-17&Zoomin=1
  8. Well, we are mostly done with 10th grade for the year, due to spinal fusion surgery and recovery. This is what we ended up doing spring semester: Algebra and Geometry (Mathusee) (Geometry will be picked back up in the fall. Algebra has a month or so to go. We'll pick that back up when possible, but no hurry.) Chemistry (Singapore Chemistry Matters) (We did Paleontology in the fall for half credit, then switched in the spring to Chem. It will be completed in the fall.) Medieval World History (Human Odyssey) (half credit. We did Government in the fall for half credit). French 2 (Galore Park and Rosetta Stone) English II (Abeka Vocab, Abeka English Lit, misc. composition assignments, Stories from Dante and Siegfried and Roland) Art I (was going to be Art History, but we haven't finished, and we'll pick it back up in fall, probably with drawing books instead of art history) (will be half credit eventually) Physical Education II (all that Physical Therapy is certainly educational!)
  9. I think my best tip was for books. If you have a textbook you're going to use the whole year, look at the total number of pages and divide by 180. That will give you an idea for how many pages a day to shoot for. (I'm not sure I actually do 180 days but anyway, it gives me a really good approximation.) And I love lists. I probably have ten different pieces of paper where I write down what curriculum I plan to use next year. This changes as I change my mind, so new piece of paper! What curriculum are you using? Have you bought it already? Maybe we could help you with scheduling...
  10. My dd16 is candied out, so I have bought a Ghostbusters DVD, some jibbitz for her crocs, a spirograph kit, some spongebob colorforms (okay those are more for me and my nostalgia), and two other things which escape me at the moment. Oh, two Harry Potter related books.
  11. It seems like you are skimping on math. Four days a week for only 30 minutes. Are your kids super-fast at it? I would think you would need to allow an hour (you might not use it every day, but you might need it some days) every day for math. For your "Nap Lessons" block, you might consider spending a Tues-Fri on the same subject that week, rather than switching every day. For instance, do Greek Myths every day for a week. Then the next week, do Astronomy every day that week. The following week, do Geography every day. And so on. Rotate back through. That's what worked better for us, although I only did that with History and Science. Also, that's a really long day.
  12. Ooh, if I had to do that, I would get the Zometools Geometry stuff. Fun!
  13. Maybe we can assume that dh is not having a power trip. Maybe dh just wants to play with his new toy for awhile before his son breaks it. That's not unreasonable. Obviously the 17yo can be trusted. Husbands are allowed to have toys, too. I have toys. I would be upset if my dd, say, shredded all my homeschool books. Let dh have his toy. When he is done with it, he will give it to ds. It's called hand-me-down. No, there's no time frame.
  14. Yes. My husband teaches science to my dd, and he wanted 2 books. I saw how well that worked, and now I do it, too. I do try to get them both used, or at the very least, get the one I read used.
  15. Just throwing this out there... is it possible he doesn't want to go to sleep because he is having nightmares? Around that age, my dd (and at least one of her friends) had nightmares every night for 3 months. Every night. I did some research, and it's all that brain growth. But it was hard, and nothing helped. Then one day, it was over.
  16. Ensure? It's what the doctor wanted me to drink when I was pregnant and nauseated all the time. I think it's the adult version of Pediasure.
  17. You might look at Key to Fractions. Highlight everything, though. Like literally everything. The black and white is not good, but the teaching is good. I also used this quite a bit with my visual learner: Building Fractions Activity Center. http://www.lakeshorelearning.com/product/productDet.jsp?productItemID=1%2C689%2C949%2C371%2C925%2C904&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=1408474395181113&bmUID=1490125658642
  18. I typed in woodless pencil no. 2 and got these. They look like they would work and have good reviews. They appear to be No. 2 and made completely of graphite. https://www.amazon.com/Staedtler-allXWrite-Woodless-Graphite-Pencils/dp/B00SAU8APE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1489950277&sr=8-2&keywords=woodless+pencil+no.+2
  19. I would do this. You can google "dressy shrug" and get a lot of options.
  20. I remember asking my dad (very Irish) about this, and he got a bit upset and mentioned something about the Duke of Orange slaughtering a bunch of people. Hopefully, someone will chime in with the actual facts about this. I suspect a google search would provide the answer, too. But WTM is more fun!
  21. This is all very interesting to me. Usually it's a lack of disinfectant in our water and fear or actual e coli contamination. Something about water not moving through the system quickly enough so the disinfectant evaporates. Of course, they never lift the water restrictions to let us have water flow through the system more quickly, but why would they? That would be logical. Instead, they run several fire hydrants open into the streets many times a month. We can't use the water and neither can anyone else, apparently. It's so frustrating living here. Our water boil orders typically last 2 to 7 days.
  22. I was curious how often people have had to deal with boil water (or worse -- don't even touch it) orders in their areas. I'm thinking continental United States. We had had at least two a year for the last two years. Is this common? I'm in South Texas. Funny story -- I heard about our last water advisory on the national news instead of from local sources. I happened to be up at 3:30 in the morning, and they were talking about my city. It was a Don't drink It, Don't Bathe in It, Don't even touch It order. Every few months, we also get extra doses of chlorine through our water system for several weeks, to further disinfect it. It tastes like swimming pool water during that time. I won't let my pets drink it, although I will boil pasta in it for my family. So... how many boil water or water advisories have you all had in the last couple of years?
  23. We also loved all the Grammar Tales and Parts of Speech Tales and Punctuation Tales by Scholastic. Humpties has been mentioned. Sentence Family is awesome. I Laid an Egg on Aunt Ruth's Head has been mentioned. The Adventures of Genius Boy and Grammar Girl is really fun, but super hard to find anymore. We used it for 7th grade, if I recall correctly. All the Brian Cleary books are great. Capstone Press makes some good books, too, like the ones in the Word Fun Books Set (which you can buy individually) https://www.amazon.com/Word-Fun-Books-Set-10/dp/B00IT0TXWE/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1489671334&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=capstone+press+pronouns
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