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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. The internet says he should be fine. I also saw a baking soda bath as another suggestion for constipation.
  2. I wouldn't think the water would have to be particularly warm. You might want to put Epsom salts in it. I found this on the internet: Epsom salts. "If the constipation is incredibly resistant to change, then we get a little more serious," Dr. Weizer says, noting that soaking in an Epsom salt bath (five cups of salt) for at least 10 minutes can help. When you soak in an Epsom salt bath, magnesium is absorbed into your muscles, which relaxes the gut. That extra magnesium also draws water into your gut to help soften your bowel movement.
  3. Well, when my dd was in hospital after surgery, they finally resorted to an enema. Obviously, that would not be a great idea for your son, but maybe sitting in a bathtub for awhile might help? Does he drink coffee? That might move things along.
  4. Is it the seams? Sometimes I turn my underwear inside out so the seams don't rub me. And lately at night, I turn my pajama capris inside out so the seams don't rub me.
  5. Ply him with prunes? My dd has tried dried prunes and prune juice and wet prunes, and she likes dried prunes the best. Cherry juice is also supposed to be good for speeding things along. Yogurt is often good for intestinal things. Maybe it would help, too?
  6. We went to Piercing Pagoda and were very happy with them. (Our previous experience had been Walmart, and that was not good.)
  7. Here's a doozie. My brother and his wife were going to be moving, so she very carefully went through everything they owned, culling through and deciding what needed to go and what could be thrown out or donated. So only essentials and stuff they really cared about. On about the second day of the trip across the country, the moving truck caught fire and everything burned. Everything.
  8. Do you mean how they don't borrow or carry anymore, they "regroup?" I googled new math phases and got an article hit, but that's all.
  9. I agree that he doesn't sound neuro-typical and most of the advice you got here won't apply. Have you thought of hiring a nanny or a housekeeper or a house manager? Someone who can help you, since dh is who he is and may not be able to change. You still love him? He's a good guy? His brain works how it works. He's not doing things on purpose to tick you off or make your life harder. But it may be up to you to make your life easier. Teach your kids to put on their own shoes and socks (I had a colorful list of pictures for my dd's to-do list to get ready every day. It included every.thing. Going to the toilet. Washing hands. Brushing teeth. Clothes. Socks. Shoes. Every.thing.). Hire that help. ((hugs))
  10. A Reason for Spelling was one of the more fun spelling programs.
  11. Those post-it notes that are sticky on the whole back, rather than just a strip of sticky at the top. And highlighters in every color of the rainbow.
  12. ((hugs)) I think this is an individual decision based on your family situation, and I sympathize. I hate, hate, hate money problems. That said, for me, it would have to be really, really, really, really tight and also for more than just a "season." We made the decision when I was pregnant with dd for me to stay home, and that still is really important to us. However, money is finite, and you can't get blood from a stone. ((hugs)) Best of luck in your decisions.
  13. And... I just bought one. Love a sale! Thank you, Mercy!
  14. Maybe look into Job Corps? I have a different relative who did that, and he did very well. They also helped him learn to drive and a lot of other things.
  15. Gently, it sounds like he's not really happy, ultimately, no matter if he's going to school or working. Since school will provide future benefits that you are aware of, even if he is not, I would have him go to school. This decision does not have to come from him. As an Aspie, in fact, it might not be able to come from him. Wishing that he would make the decision to go to school might be a pipe dream. For his own good, you may have to make that decision for him. If my brother had a choice, he would stay in his room and play video games his entire life. All the time. All. the. time. He wasn't given that choice, even though it would make him really happy. Happiness must be balanced by practicality. Again, ((hugs)). Do what is best for your Aspie. Don't hinder him by hoping he has the ability to make the right decision in this case. You will probably have to make it, but it will ultimately be a very good idea.
  16. Why does it have to come from him? If he is really at the maturity of a 15 year old, he still requires guidance. Yeah, he may not like it, but yeah, Mom knows better. On one hand, you want to treat him like his true age, but on the other hand, you acknowledge that his maturity isn't there. Sometimes you have to push because you know best. I say that as a sister to two Aspies, one of which we really had to push. But he got through college, works full time in IT, and lives with my parents at age 32. Yeah, he wasn't his happiest at college. But yeah, it was't optional. A person needs job training and/or education. If it had come from him, by the way, it never would have happened. Ambition and self-starter are not words in his vocabulary. Is he good with computers? The social communication requirements for IT jobs are not that high, as long as they can get the computers doing what they are supposed to. One last note: My brother originally was going to major in Computer Science, but could not handle the Calculus required, so he ended up minoring in Computer Science and majoring in English (lots of writing and reading). He still easily got a job in the computer industry. (I just mention this because it sounds a bit like your son's interest as far as writing. Maybe he could take a lot of English classes to satisfy his need to write.) ((hugs)) It's not easy.
  17. A couple of things people have tried: Some people wait in the lobby until it's sermon time, and then go in. Often the sound is different depending on where you sit. Pay very close attention to where the speakers are placed and try to sit in a spot that is not directly getting sound waves blared at it. Way off to the side, perhaps.
  18. Math: Mathusee Geometry and Algebra 2 History: Modern World using Human Odyssey Science: Chemistry (Singapore Chemistry Matters) followed by Astronomy. Also Anatomy (Apologia Advanced Biology). English: Sentence Composing for High School, followed by Jensen's Format Writing. Easy Grammar 11. Abeka Vocabulary V. Misc. WTM lit French III: French for Fluency Drama, art, and p.e.
  19. Good morning! Done: Coffee Bagel Woke up dd Currently: Answering math questions while dd is working on her review sheet Then: Shower Load of laundry Get meat loaf fixings together Nag dd about getting together with her friend Brood about when to visit my parents Watch Jurassic Park 3 (I'm doing a Jurassic Park marathon, a movie a day) But first finish watching the Real Housewives of OC reunion
  20. You say she can't answer specific questions, but if you ask her to tell you what she read, will she tell the whole story? If so, she might be a Big Picture Thinker. My dd is one of those. Comprehension questions were awful for her, but she could tell me the whole thing. Or she could give me a summary (but only after we worked on that with Writing with Ease). Is she very visual? Does she need actual examples rather than reading the directions? That's like my dd. If these fit, do some research into Visual Spatial Learners and Right Brain Learners. It will be helpful for you.
  21. Thank you! Kitten pictures are a lovely way to start the day!
  22. Well, I just googled my city because I was thinking we get more sun that Colorado, and I was wrong. 223 days of sun here, although I swear we get very few gray days. Colorado seems lovely!
  23. Well, we just finished 10th grade, but here's what it was: Math: Mathusee Algebra and Geometry English: Abeka Vocab, misc. medieval literature, misc. american literature History: Government (1st semester) with Crash Course videos and Abeka, Medieval World History (2nd semester) with Human Odyssey Science: Paleontology (1st semester), Chemistry (2nd semester) with Singapore Chemistry Matters French: So You Really Want to Learn French 2 plus some Rosetta Stone plus some art, drama, and p.e.
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