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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. I'm a little bit of the mindset of at some point, you have to live your life. I say that, and then I still stay home almost all the time. We have 250ish cases in my county. We've only had 3 deaths since this whole thing started, and our hospitalizations are in single digits and have been, since this whole thing started. Even with a meat packing plant spike and a couple of halfway house spikes. So we are cautiously venturing out with masks on. We shopped at Kohls. We joined the YMCA (haven't attended yet. Probably next week.). My dd hung out with her bff a few times, unmasked except when they went to the store. Our church is still not open except for online. I don't know the right answers. Best of luck as you navigate this.
  2. Well, 12 teaspoons is 4 tablespoons which is 1/4 cup, which doesn't sound so bad for fresh ginger, but I've never used fresh ginger so...
  3. My dh had trouble tying his masks, so we put snaps on one and velcro on the others. (He can't do ear loops due to hearing aids.)
  4. I think it all depends on where you live, for the BA/BS thing. Here is my anecdote. I helped a relative choose Texas State University because they offered both a BA and a BS in Computer Science (because he did not like/do great at math). Pressured by his father, he chose the BS route. When he got a D in Calculus (I forget which Calculus) for the second or third time, he decided to become an English major with a CS minor. He now works in IT in my town. Where he has been (same employer; IT in a couple different departments) since he graduated. So there is my anecdote. For your particular situation for your ds who has been struggling so much with all of this, I have no advice, just Best Wishes!
  5. I am reading this to say that they can't use food allergens to substitute. So I wouldn't think that would be a problem. No? Am I reading this wrong?
  6. Me! Me! Dd started university this year, and I thought I would have soooo much time. Not at all. Life filled in my time. It's been neat, though, seeing her adjust to university life. I'm proud of my student and of myself for preparing her so well.
  7. I hate mother's day. They don't make cards that just say "You are a mother." None of this best mom in the world garbage. She wasn't. She's not. Yes, she could have been worse. But she's kind of a narcissist with moments of humanity. What do you do with that? Can't cut her off because it hasn't been so egregious and now she's old and can't drive and needs weekly drives to her doctor appointments. So you go and walk on eggshells and pray that she's pleasant that day. And it spoils mother's day for you even when you don't have to spend it with her. And you have to get her a gift because you can't get her a card because none fit and something is Expected. Freakin' mother's day. ((hugs)) Slache.
  8. Around here, schools do US History in 8th grade and then again some time in high school. So it would not be unusual to do that. Generally, colleges want to see US History in high school.
  9. ((hugs)) My dd's surgery (at age 16) took about 10 hours, from when they started prepping her to when they wheeled her into her own room. So expect a long wait. It will be fine. They are very good at this kind of surgery these days. Point of note: When they ask about pain levels on a scale of 1 to 10, say nothing lower than 6 or 7 because they won't give you crap if you don't understand the scale and say 4. Pain management the first three days was the hardest part of the whole experience.
  10. At that age, I loved Abeka's Health, Safety and Manners book, plus their Songs We Enjoy CD. I also quite like their Spelling, but I have a very natural speller.
  11. Is James Avery expensive jewelry store stuff? They are sterling silver, in the $40 on up range.
  12. My first guess would be menstrual-related. I've had all sorts of new pains in peri-menopause. Did you know there's a stabby one? I do now. I would perhaps try to define the nature of the pain and google that with menstrual pain. ((hugs)) random pains are so annoying.
  13. In Texas, as of May 31, Youth Sports are allowed. https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/organization/opentexas/OpenTexas-Checklist-Youth-Sports-Operators.pdf https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/organization/opentexas/OpenTexas-Checklist-Youth-Sports-Families.pdf
  14. So our countertop microwave is dying. It was just a Walmart microwave. I would like to buy something that won't die so soon (we've had it a couple of years). I do want it to be a countertop style. Does not have to be big since there are only three of us. I want a popcorn button. Don't care about color. Any suggestions?
  15. My dd had to register in March for fall classes. Thus far, she registered for all classes assuming they would be in person. If they change their minds and go online, she will probably restructure all her classes and drop many and add others. She has, for instances, plans to take Chemistry and Biology in the fall. That will be a fat no if they decide to go online. However, I think they will be in person. (We live in Texas.) I can tell you that her summer class, a drawing class in July, is going to be in person. I suspect they will require masks and 6 ft. between people but it is a small class also. She hated the online stuff.
  16. I didn't like the connections between letters with HWOT, but I just re-wrote them the way I preferred in the book, right next to their version. So I kept using HWOT. You could do the same, and just add slant. (I am a lefty and taught a lefty so we don't care about slant.)
  17. Yes! Not to derail my own thread, but YES! I am still staying home 98 percent of the time, but knowing that I CAN go somewhere just perks up my mood. Our numbers have actually started to go up a little here because of a meat plant hotspot, so we just decided that dh (our grocery shopper) should start ordering groceries online and doing curbside pickup rather than go to the store. But, like today was my dd's last final exam, so we went to Whataburger Drive Thru for lunch and ate in the car. Then we were going to go, masked, to Plato's Closet, but decided against it and went to the bayfront park instead and sat in the car and stared at the water and the birds. But it was nice knowing that we could go somewhere, even if we didn't. And... the YWCA is opening Monday. Yay! We're going to try a couple water classes and see how things go. Masked, even in Aqua Zumba. Should be interesting.
  18. Never any more. At some point, I thought, this is my face. What am I teaching my daughter if it isn't good enough? And also, men don't wear make up, and their faces are good enough. I want to help normalize makeup-less women. And then I just started really enjoying not having makeup slide off my face due to oily skin, and no raccoon look other than what comes naturally. Not that I judge anyone else for their makeup choices.
  19. It's been a couple years since we did Algebra 2, but I want to say that your problem isn't super unusual. I would just throw out problems that I thought were unfair. Or if I felt my student should know how to do something that was on the test, I would allow corrections. I wouldn't make my own tests, but I would just feel free to make judgment calls on this stuff. MUS is great, but does occasionally require modifying. Oh, also sometimes I would put formulas on test or re-word certain problems if I felt it wasn't clear. You don't have to do that 90 percent of the time or anything, but yes, occasionally.
  20. I know they were trying to be funny, but I just kept thinking about alcoholism and that the younger a person starts to drink, the more likely it will be a problem. So I didn't enjoy it a whole lot. To be fair, alcoholism runs in dh's family, so it's a tender topic.
  21. Okay, so I am hearing from you all that choir singing is an absolute no. I take this to mean that congregations singing during church are a no for the same reason? I am wondering about corporate prayer, when we all say the Lord's Prayer, for instance. Is that a no for similar reasons? What will church look like? Just one person in the front speaking? I'm just trying to wrap my head around this. I am sensing that online church will go on much longer than I had thought. Can one person sing up front into a microphone or would that be bad?
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