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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. (hugs) Gently, I did not care for your writing voice, I'm sorry. I assume you want to appeal to us larger ladies, and calling yourself a Chunky Monkey and us Loser Friends is not very kind. Also, it has a very "get fixed quick" and "I have all the answers" kind of infomercial vibe, and weight loss is larger and more complex than that. Something with a more humble, sincere voice would appeal to me more than your current voice.
  2. Y'all... just because Scarlett's xmil is a narcissist doesn't mean that Scarlett is required to play her game. You're being a little hard on her. She behaved like a normal human having normal conversation with a weird, unexpected question.
  3. My last tdap gave me a very very painful soreness (lymph node area?). My doctor gave me a prescription when I emailed her about it. Just three pills or something like that.
  4. This morning. Went to Aqua Zumba at the Y. Hubby and dd are on a touristy boat ride thing in a nearby town. We'll be getting Subway to go for dinner. Church is opening this weekend, with masks and social distancing. We will be going. We are not in a hotspot, although cases are rising a smidge. Single digits daily mainly, but some days zero and some days 11.
  5. Based on what you are planning, I would give him, for high school, 1.0 credit for Algebra 1, 1.0 credit for Algebra 2 (once he completes the Saxon Alg. 2), and 1.0 credit for Geometry (once he completes the brush up on Geometry and the Geometry in the Saxon -- which I am not familiar with and assume you are basically providing a complete Geometry course).
  6. We have had only 3 deaths in our county in Texas due to Covid, and our Infectious Disease guy has made a video discussing how he treats patients. It's very interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HjaGJvDA64 It's called Covid 19 Treatment Simplified. Basically, he uses oxygen support, plasma with antibodies in it from recovered patients, steroids for the inflammation of blood vessel endothel-something, and blood thinners. It's been very successful here.
  7. South Texas here. Cristobal (even from so far away) made our tides go all the way up to the sand dunes. Several (let's call them uninformed) people got vehicles and RVs stuck on the beach in a very bad way. There have been red flags at the beach for days (red means STOP) but people (I'm guessing out-of-towners) are going in the water. A tiny little lifeguard just had to rescue some young lady who was drowning. Why are there people in the water? Do they think they are invincible? Do they have no respect for the ocean? I am always flabbergasted at the sheer disregard for their own safety. There's a tropical storm in the GULF. Our beach is at the GULF. Yes, I'm venting. My midwestern cousin was curious to know how people are supposed to know how dangerous it is. I can't even. Check the local weather? Read the sign that explains what the red flag means? Don't drive around the barricades? People frustrate me. And now it's really terribly hot out because Cristobal is sucking out all the moisture and we are in a high pressure area. So hot. Go away, Cristobal.
  8. My vote would be to use Mathematical Reasoning, and just skip the Brain Puzzler pages for the student that doesn't like them. It keeps things fun, and it's colorful. Mathusee is a bit of a slog, and no color although manipulatives. But I actually was sad that I used MUS in elementary because when we hit a wall (rounding), we switched and placed way way back in another curriculum. I also really liked Singapore Math, just the textbook and workbook and no teacher guide. US edition not Standards. But Mathematical Reasoning is good and colorful and not too cumbersome for assignments. Since you are familiar with it and it mostly worked for one student, I would give it a try for both.
  9. Hammer them on citations now so that their professors won't take off points for citations (or plagiarizing) later. (Note: We used MLA for high school, but my pre-nursing dd is required to use APA in her college classes. However, I don't necessarily think that English majors have to use APA.)
  10. I would look into likely universities and see what they expect. My dd only had two years of French, but in Texas that is all that is required, plus her school is not super-selective. She's very happy there, though.
  11. Thanks, everyone! Some good thoughts here!
  12. Well, sure, we do short trips. But I was trying to "vacation." What do people on vacation at the beach do? We aren't going out of town too much this summer, so I was thinking maybe we should vacation at the beach. How to do this? Am I mistaken about vacationers spending all day at the beach?
  13. No boardwalk. Paved parking lot touching sandy beach. They merge together a little. No roller coasters (that Santa Cruz Boardwalk looked neat!). Also no ice cream or food trucks. Just sand, ocean, some picnic tables, and sand dunes.
  14. Ooh ooh, I know this! There is a book called Baking without Eggs by Rosemarie Enro. It has a "No Cow Brownies" recipe. It is so good! (My dd has milk and egg allergies, and I cannot tell you how long I tried to make decent brownies before I found this book. https://www.amazon.com/Bakin-Without-Eggs-Delicious-Food-Allergic/dp/0312206356/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=baking+without+eggs&qid=1591311211&sr=8-1
  15. Okay, I admit it. I live in a beach town. People literally drive here for vacation. Problem is we are more of a forest family. But... I need to embrace the beach. Help me. I think if I buy enough beach stuff, it will make me enjoy and overlook the sand getting everywhere and the wind making it hard to read my book. Ocean water makes me itch and I hate having seaweed or whatever brush my legs in the water anyway, so no water toys for me. What do I need? I am looking at a beach tent of some sort. Some cute beach towels. I own camping type chairs, but maybe something that sits lower would be more fun? Should I get D batteries for a boom box? Should I buy cool sand play equipment? I saw a neat dragon mold. I don't know. Is there a small beach grill that's easy to use and works in tremendous wind? What about getting my feet and shoes all clean before getting in the car so we don't have to vacuum out the darn car after every trip? I do enjoy staring at the water and people watching. But for hours? What am I supposed to do at the beach for hours? It's hot. I live ten minutes away. The lure of my house and the a/c is so strong. Help me.
  16. Is it a fish smell? Do you live by the ocean? It took me soooo long to figure out that my dd's smell as a child was not b.o. and was in fact what it smells like outside here near the ocean. No answers except change clothes.
  17. So my family of origin did not believe much in dental care, and certainly never had us get our wisdom teeth out. Fast forward to my late 30's, and I needed to get my wisdom teeth removed. Worst pain of my life the next several days. And that includes gall bladder attacks and labor pains (until the epidural). So when my dd turned about 17ish and the dentist recommended getting them removed, I said heck yes. Do it now when the recovery is much easier. So my vote is if the dentist recommends it, do it while you're young.
  18. Dry erase boards, calendar, corkboard, windows. Sometimes a colorful timeline (like from a bulletin board set or something). More dry erase boards. Sorry. I'm not much help.
  19. Yes, a teeny tiny two day vacation. We are driving. It is 3 hours away. We have low numbers in my county (less than 300 cases.) The county we are driving to has even lower numbers, less than 120 cases. We will attend a drive in movie theater, go to Bucee's, and get Krispy Kreme donuts. We are staying in a hotel.
  20. We call it "catch as catch can." It means everybody get yourself whatever you want. No one's cooking for you. We catch as catch can a couple times a week for supper.
  21. Well, at the moment, I do drive my narcissist dm to her doctor appointments. I mostly stay quiet so as not to feed her. I bring a book to read which I open at the earliest opportunity. I do not go into the exam room. However, I have looked into Care.com and did you know they have senior caregivers and drivers and companions? I am keeping that info in my back pocket. Also, Uber and Lyft and taxis exist. If she doesn't behave, I will put them on her phone, show her once how to use them, and bow out. I would have moved if we could. (I am very lucky though in that my db lives with my parents and gets the brunt of things.) Boundaries. Yep.
  22. So it's easy to consolidate history into a three year cycle: Ancient, Medieval, Modern. The third year can actually be US History (but in a global context so you get the modern world history in there). Then throw in a semester of Econ when you can, and throw in a semester of government when you can.
  23. I'm sure others will have better ideas, but... when our cat was not eating, we put chicken broth in a syringe and dispensed it into her cheek. That seemed to jumpstart her appetite and she started eating her food again.
  24. I'm going to go anecdotal again. My relative on the spectrum went to a university that I chose for him (he didn't really have a preference), based on his skills, abilities, and interests. It was also 3 hours from home. I tutored him most summers to keep him from failing some classes. I designed his class schedule every semester and his 4 year plan, and I helped him change his 4 year plan when he decided to change his major (not because I am controlling but because he needed help in these areas). He was visited monthly by family to assist with various things. Once he drove home (3 hours) when he was too tired, and that was dangerous. So then he was always accompanied, which meant someone from home drove up 3 hours and then followed him home 3 hours. In hindsight, he should have gone to school locally. I think he would have been happier, and he would have more easily gotten the support he needed. So my suggestion to you is to keep your son close, because even if he can do the academics, he will likely need other support.
  25. I'm a little bit of the mindset of at some point, you have to live your life. I say that, and then I still stay home almost all the time. We have 250ish cases in my county. We've only had 3 deaths since this whole thing started, and our hospitalizations are in single digits and have been, since this whole thing started. Even with a meat packing plant spike and a couple of halfway house spikes. So we are cautiously venturing out with masks on. We shopped at Kohls. We joined the YMCA (haven't attended yet. Probably next week.). My dd hung out with her bff a few times, unmasked except when they went to the store. Our church is still not open except for online. I don't know the right answers. Best of luck as you navigate this.
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